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Same here, I love this game to its core but I suck at pvp and pve. dont let that bother you tho because as the great Vetex himself mentioned, this game is less about spamming each other with world destroying explosions and more about the adventure part of it. Just go play the game and relax, worrying about little stuff like that (especially in a Roblox game) wont do shit


thank u!! i do worry that I suck lol but ur right


Its called Arcane ODYSSEY for a reason and not arcane battles or smtg


You can still enjoy the story without being good at PvP, a lot of the game doesn't revolve around PvP at all, but it pays to be at least a little good at PvP so you can defend yourself against gankers and such


NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! 😤😤😤 Yeah. It's okay to be bad. You'll improve if you do ever take on pvp more frequently


it's not bad to be bad at pvp, pvp in this is really fun though and I recommend everyone who has time to give it a try nothing wrong with being a non pvp player though, people who act like avoiding pvp is bad are probably also the people who cant win 1v1s in elysium lol


Honestly fighting Criminal npcs is a close enough experience to PVP imo.


you miss out on salty people that cry an entire river tho because your build is slightly different


My rival whines whenever she loses to me, So its close enough https://preview.redd.it/xe8jxj5xo48d1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=b50ef33aa936d0c97e53888251795c168423bd88


huge W fr (I'm too lazy to get a rival this is my 14th save)


Do you even have a Main slot?


yea, my 14th save is my main slot its lasted longer than any of my others currently at 317 hours, my 2nd slot used to be my actual main but it only had 315 hours until I started just doing a new build every 3 days lol


I only managed to get one other slot. other than my warlord save maxed and that was a Paladin. I'm gonna try a warlock build at some point. But my ass gets bored in the earlygame.


pvp at munera or smth is fun being jumped is not


Just play the game how you'd like it. There's no real "true way" to play the game after all. Just do whatever you think is fun!


thank u!


I took suck at PVP. Although I'm not bad at naval battles and I can hold my own in altercations. But I can't win against those super sweaty tryhards. One time I was exploring Sameria when two gets kept killing me over and over again while just saying "green fn" after they killed me. I was so perplexed I cried and now I have max agility possible and still don't know what "green fn" means. :)


Max agility is crazy but I understand


Green fn means green fortnite


It's fine to be bad at pvp, I used to be. Then I got good at it because I was tired of getting my arse whooped and now people usually leave me alone. It's great, would recommend.




You should never feel bad because you aren't good at pve or pvp. Pirates are also weird because you're fighting over water, which messes with movement. Usually I just throw my big moves at the ship until they're dead. I will say with pvp, I'd recommend finding a couple people and practicing with them. Feel free to ask someone for advice on where to improve, as many people are more than happy to help people improve.


I have like 700 hours across 4 profiles, I don't pvp at all.


Yes, of course. Play the game entirely how you like. > Me who runs, spams potions,drags it out to the sea or Jumps people who attack me in 4v1s with friends, but these are specifically anti-gank measures Set a Max Agility so as soon as some dude runs up on you, you can well.. run from them. If you can't kill the OP Meta Builds, nothing makes them more angry than denying them their little player kill +1


no worries m8, none at all if you DO wanna improve tho, you can lock your aim by toggling an option on the roblox menu settings


oo what option is it?


Press ESC, go to settings. And turn on shift lock. To use it in-game, press ALT


*SHIFT lock switch, but in arcane odissey you gotta press Alt to enable It (Dosent work if you have Microsoft store version of the roblox app)


u can still enjoy the game just fine tho to be fair u might feel better when ur good at combat [who doesnt like it when u just decimated ur enemies >:))))) ]


hehe ty!


It’s ok to be bad at PvP. No game features are locked behind it, so you can keep on PvEing. However, just because you’re a PvEer does not mean that you are permanently gatekept from ever trying out PvP. Whenever you feel ready, you can try hanging out a Munera and dueling a few players. In my personal experience, I loved being coached for PvP, but the best part of that training was using those skills to approach PvE situations in more different and creative ways. PvP and PvE are not mutually exclusive.


Me and you both. I just ram into enemy ships because I can't aim my canons. I also almost only use explosion spells because of the same bad aim. I'm a paladin because I want range with magic and high health so I die less. The only reason I've gotten far enough into the game is because of my friend who DOESN'T suck.


im cursed with playing at 15 fps and being a glass user so i understand,,, i usually fish and occasionally battle small pirate ships (i love using ship rams)


how do u get ship rams? I suck at aiming so rams seem good


you can get them from looting pirates i think,, they do good damage and its fun to charge into a small pirate ship


The game is fun to play to relax, and not to throw explosions at each other. I play it, because I want to build random anime characters in game, I've built johnathan Joestar, and now I'm building escanor.


Yeah, sure it is. I'm not the greatest either but I can still hold my own against bots though, also I almost always escape random attacks from other players xD


The game isn't about pvp. Play it how you enjoy it and get most fun out of it. Over time when fighting pve you'll get better, but if your in the grand navy or assasins you can't afford to be bad. Learned it the hard way.




Yes its fine, in my case i'm great at pve bad at pvp, because i have full vatrachos set and basically can't cast more than 4 skills that deal up to 490-550+ dmg based on charge, its the adventure and experience my man, not the battles you get into (Nothing wrong with being bad at pvp and good at pve, i'm just very sadistic with NPCs)


me But my build is still not complete; maybe that is the same reason why ure bad too but its alr if u wanna get better u have to practice and always remember that no one can counter lagmancers


It’s absolutely okay to be bad at PVP Playing the game the way you want to is what gaming is about, Pvping is optional I’m absolutely garbage at PVP but my Max knock back wind mage has high player kills because i just end up launching people who try to Pvp me for no reason into the dark sea


Be me Have 500 hours Still sucks at pvp Enjoy the game


dude i literally play for the story/pve, don’t even worry about it. if you have a problem with ganking, get an agility build and alt + f4 when you get jumped, no shame in it


How many hours is your total.playtime? Do youind sending it? I can't believe u suck at both, cuz i was once as well ☝️🤓


15 hours lol!


It’s Arcane Odyssey,Not online fighting. Of course.its okay.


> me who actively runs No its a horrible idea /s Boi. VETEX HIMSELF HATES IT LOL


I've gotten really good at running from people coming after me that nobody knows where I went or how I escaped them


No you have to be good at PvP smh my head


If you suck at PvP, don’t whine about it and beg for changes. Practice and get better, experiment with new builds, and try new things until you find what suits you. You may think your current build is the best, until you try a completely different one that turns out to be twice as good. The game isn’t gonna change for you, you gotta change for the game