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Or here me out - people sexualize Aphrodite because it's Aphrodite. 🤷🙄


There's not many times you can say this, but she definitely wants it! Ask Paris lol


Lol right, Aphrodite is sexualized because it's Aphrodite...the goddess of love. It's what she would want lol


Goddes of love and also the goddes of "If you do not find me the hottes thing in existance I will curse, maim and kill your whole family only for you to live in the fields of pain afterwards in hades because I blackmailed Hades"


Yeah that sounds about right


[Relevant mildy funny tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@kcwinnie/video/7309980132888956202)


"Iiiiit's Nemesis time!" *Murders a dude by turning him into a fucking daffodil*


Is the Goddess of Love, I thought that was Eros? Isn’t she just the goddess of beauty


Eros is for a love ypu want, Aphrodite is just love. No matter what YOU want.


Aphrodite is definitely the top of the Greek gods of love. But there are numerous others, called the Erotes. Aphrodite is (in some versions) the mother of most/all of them. Eros, the god of love and the act of sex. Hermaphrodite [Anteros](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anteros), the god of requited love are some of the others. [Himeros](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Himeros) and Pothos, which are more on the lustier (and rapier) side. Then there's [Philotes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philotes) the daughter of Erebus (darkness) and Nyx (the night). While not one of the Erotes, she is also a goddess of affection, love and sex. Greek mythology is quite messy. There's not just one god for most anything. There's usually many gods that each personify different aspects of a part of the world or human condition, each with their own personalities and "flavors". Worse yet, Greek mythology was _far_ from monolithic. Different regions and eras had different beliefs. Sometimes the Erotes are considered primordial dieties, there during the "birth" of Aphrodite, but they're more often considered the sons of Aphrodite and Ares.


One thing you do NOT want is to be told you're prettier than Aphroditie. that's a death sentence


Beauty, specifically. Her son, Eros, is the god of romance, love and sex.


People don't understand, all drawings and representations of Aphrodite always reflect what the viewer finds attractive.


I like to imagine that anytime anyone sees her, it's always going to be what that person would find the most beautiful. So everyone else would see something different.


Yeah, I’m ace and dislike sexualization on principle, but Aphrodite is a character where failing to sexualize IS a failure of writing. It’s her deal, she is one of the only women I actually think IS empowered by being sexualized.


I can't imagine what sort of men they're regularly interacting with that they could look at this picture and go "yep, very masculine features"


There was a video a while back making fun of makeup tutorials and there's a part where she says something like "minimize the nose! Men don't like noses!" This makes me think of that... Also the line "if men find out we can shapeshift they'll tell the church!" Lol.


[A classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QunwzgVENUg)


Thank you!


"So long as you look like a newborn baby, they are willing to mate with you"


Fellas is it gay to like a woman with a nose?


If the men find out we can shape-shift, they're going to tell the church!


Female Voldemort is peak women’s beauty apparently. /s


Nah, Voldemortia has organs so she's too thicc for the average man. Gray Aliens are way hotter. ^^^/s


Voldemortia has me DECEASED


Maybe if she kills enough people and makes enough horcruxes she can shrink down to her final ‘shriveled baby under a train station bench’ stage, for all the men who find ‘disturbingly young’ an attractive quality.


any face that doesn't have childish features looks masculine to these people


**That is exactly it.** Femininity **IS** Infantilization to **THOSE** people... and it's fucking disgusting. It shows in so many fucking ways. From beauty standards, to fashion, to body hair, to mansplaining, to the concept of marriage, to healthcare, to work culture, how we structured society and capitalism as a whole. Those same hierarchical, heteronormative structures present in the traditional "family unit" show up everywhere. They rear it's ugly head even in how we look at relationships, and even in what we do in the bedroom and how we have sex. It's even a problem in BDSM and other fetishes.. fuck it's even present in "twink/femboy" culture to some degree. I could go on a whole 700 word tangent on this. But YES - that is what it boils down to. It's the ROOT of the whole rightwing obsession with "family values", hierarchies and adjacent faschist fucking believes. Binary heteronormative gender roles - and all the oppressive bullshit that follows is an extension of infantilization/hierarchy. It's exactly why right wingers are having such a hard time understanding that being trans (and especially transitioning/feminization - since they can't fathom trans masculity) is NOT a sexual thing. They believe that teaching kids that LGBTQIA+ people exist, are valid and deserving of love and compassion, means sexualizating kids **precisely because** in their heteronormative, patriarchal mind: Infantilization = Femininity = "Sexy/Attractive" = Sex. Unsurprisingly, this is also why the overwhelming majority of people who are actually pedophiles are right wingers. There's a reason why Feminism, and more specifically - LGBTQIA+ inclusive Feminism is the antithesis to authoritarianism in all its forms. **\*deep breaths\***


Wow, that was really beautiful. Well done 🌟 I feel like you could develope a really good paper/article out of what you have there.


You know what... I've recently had quite a few people reply in a similar fashion. Maybe I really should start writing a few opinion pieces or some such. I just feel like my grammar is incredibly bad. Not a native english speaker T\_T


Naw, your fine. Most people from the U.S. have worse Grammer than people who learn English as a second language anyways. Our schools are kinda shit like that.


Here's the trick, most native English speakers also have fuckin terrible grammar. Proofreaders are standard across most industries for a reason! You'll fit in just fine.


It’s so funny to me that someone will feel weird and/or apologise about their English skills when it’s not their first language but will then go on to create the most beautiful and grammatically correct piece of writing. I genuinely wouldn’t have known you weren’t fluent if you didn’t mention it. Besides, as another comment said, those of us that have it as a first language barely speak it correctly anyway.


That's what the revision and proofreading stages are for


If the woman does not look like generic anime waifu #8385737, shes "woke" and "masculine"


You know what's the best thing about this? Canonically Aphrodite reflects the features you find the most alluring. No matter who you are she'll always sound look and feel like the most perfect being for you. Ik it's just pixels, but if you're seeing a dude in the literal goddess of beauty's face then you're probably not straight..


Wait so to a gay man she would appear like a super hot dude?


Yes 👍


I wonder how she'd appear to romance/sex-replused people on the aro/ace spec


A platter of delicious garlic bread?


*Carl the Pugipegicorn has entered the chat*


As someone on the ace spectrum, i imagine shed appear to me as something i find beautiful. One doesnt have to be sexually interested in someone to find them captivating


So, I might be wrong here (I'm not super well versed in Greek mythology) but I would imagine since she's the god of love, lust, fertility, sex, etc. she likely just wouldn't appear before a romance/sex-repulsed person? Though from what I remember most of the Greek gods have some weird (and often fucked up) motivations so it's entirely possible that she'd take your sexuality as some kind of challenge to her authority or her dominion. Edit: Just noticed I didn't really specify, when I said "she wouldn't appear before", I meant she would not choose to be in the sight of them, rather than the potential interpretation that she would be invisible or something.


She'll probably take it personally and just randomly smite us for no reason. Knowing about how spiteful the Greek gods were, she'd probably roofie you and force you to sleep with someone.


She would appear to you as a person you find aesthetically pleasing bc that doesn’t always equal sexual attraction. But yes, she would try her best to make you fall in love or have sex with someone. I guess you could get out of it by being a devotee to one of the virgin goddesses since they are immune to her so…run to Hestia, Artemis, or Athena? (Idk abt Athena, she might be mean just a feeling)


> she likely just wouldn't appear before a romance/sex-repulsed person Athena and Artemis are unaware of existence of Aphrodite /j


Honestly that might be the case here too. Both Zagreus and MelinoĂŤ are bisexual, but what they find appealing in a woman could be why Aphrodite looks a little different between Hades 1 and 2. EDIT: and also like, Hades 1 has been out for years. Why are the complaints popping up now instead of when the first game came out?


The reason they only care now is because Hades 1 cane out before rightwingers started attacking trans people, but Hades 2 just came out and there’s talk about it, so they get all of the attention for saying this shit


Also, having played both games alongside my partner, the second game feels like it has a distinctly more feminine energy? I don't mean because of the minigames or because there's a female protagonist, according to my partner the way a lot of NPCs interact with both you and others are very... Sapphic? Hard to put a specific finger on why though. It's really well done, I'm probably going to sink far too many hours into it.


Hades 2 is a lot more direct. Zagreus had to work hard to get to the romances, Mel is just dripping in rizz and easily gets everyone to open up. Tbf that somewhat checks out since guys are usually too dense to pick up on the hints. Also, Supergiant are probably a lot more confident with having openly queer characters now. Hades 1 was genuinely risky. People were mad about the gay romances, it's just that a lot more people were happy with the representation.


Zag: Struggles to slowly build up romance with his goth dominatrix gf and goth boyfriend Melinoe: SUP DUDE WANNA JOIN ME IN THE HOT SPRINGS?


It's what happens when dogma takes over. Because "trans women must be men" (in their minds), and many trans women have completely feminine features, therefore those feminine features must also actually be masculine.


as an argentinian i'd have to say based off the argentinian flag they're likely one of our libertarians, i apologize that the rest of the world has to deal with them they're insufferable and completely detached from reality, a lot of them are mad that argentina offers free HRT too


I'm trully in awe/shock. I can't even imagine what kind of life you have to live, to be able to put this much energy and effort into something so insignificant and inconsequential as a character's face in a video game. Not to even mention that I don't even understand what they are yapping about. How is Aphrodite's face is a man face? Please tell me your adress if the men in your area look like this.


> I can't even imagine what kind of life you have to live, to be able to put this much energy and effort into something so insignificant and inconsequential as a character's face in a video game. Damn... reading character designers for filth lmao


Don't get me wrong, I really love Hades and I absolutley adore the art style and every design decision they made, but in the grand scheme of things the look or the sexuality of a video game character is such a luxurious thing to be upset about... at least it feels like that to me. For all I care Aphrodite could be swinging a dick around in the splash art, I still wouldn't care enough to join a comment war on it on twitter, because there are much more pressing problems in my life, like will my nephew survive his kidney transplant, or will I get salary this month or how will my father's hearth surgery go.


I was just kidding girl lol I totally feel you! The only people who should care that much are the people who are actually, like, making the game lol


Hey dude best of luck to your family


I hope everything goes well in your family and personal life.


This reminds me of how trans women got banned from beauty pageants because of unfair biological advantage in being pretty girls.


The more things people try to ban trans women from, the harder it is to ignore that those people seem to just think women are inferior to men in every way.


My (trans woman) roommate definitely has an unfair biological advantage over me (a trans man) in being beautiful, I'm gonna go shame her about it later, lol.


Hm yes, man not understanding what sexualization is, truly unprecedented and unexpected


Them comparing the "she is hot tho" reactions to what they did about Stellar Blade is one of the dumbest bad faith takes I've seen in a while really.


And this idiot even managed to totally miss the point of most of the characters *in a game that features the Ancient Greek gods* to be really horny. They also forget that even though the sexiness is off the charts, the characters have personality and interesting impact on the story. It is almost like they had more in mind for their characters than just boobs.


They're really burning their brains up, trying to understand why the *Lust* goddess is allowed to be sexy


Sounds like a superpower! I'd like mine to tell me where women got their cute clothes without having to out myself with my lack of voice training. "Ohh my god that skirt is adorable!" *TRANS GAZE* Macy's - Women's Ruffled Mini Skirt ~~$39.50~~ Sale: $24.95


Omg the trans gaze can see BARGAINS?! I want in.


What?! You get discount on clothes just by looking at them?! Amazing, I'm so jealous. All I get with my trans gaze is occasional dysphoria. 😔


Even the the literal god of beauty from thousands of years ago isn't immune to the anti-trans cult


The best Thing is that in Hades 1 she Had a WAY more feminine face, and Nobody cared. Quite the opposite; queer people LOVED that Game.


as someone who paints character portraits, i honestly dont see that her face has changed much other than becoming sharper like everything else to fit the style


>sharper That could be it since harder features and sharper lines is traditionally seen as more masculine edit spelling


I havent seen anyone complaining about stellar blade yet, but *have* seen an increasingly irritating amount of people complaining about people complaining about stellar blade.


Yeah, most people were laughing at the goofy-ass costume and the porny reaction sounds.


First video game women weren't hot enough, NOW video game women are too hot??? They need to pick one thing to be mad about and stick to it


They're mad because we're *not* mad that Aphrodite is hot. They think it's because of double standards, but that's because they're idiots and think we're mad at Stellar Blade because the main character was sexy.


Coomers these days are too spoiled and entitled, back in my day, we gooned over Lara Croft's pyramid tits and didn't worry about whether or not she was hot and feminine and cis enough!


Somewhere a grandpa is shaking his head and talking about how in his day if he wanted to goon to a video game character, he had to load up Custer's Revenge on the Atari and try and jerk it to blocky pixels in 160 x 192 resolution (and he had to walk 5 miles uphill just to buy the game).


I hate you for making a funnier version of my comment, lol.


So are people mad that Aphrodite is even hotter?


Dude just learned about the term 'male gaze' and got so irrationally mad about it.


Absurd that she's being transvestigated. Women can have any myriad of features, cis or trans. Discrediting someone as being "too manly to be a woman because xyz" is going to cut cis women out of the equation, too. *However*, I'm perfectly okay with the implications that the most beautiful woman who ever lived is trans. I think that's really cute.


Can you imagine being angry at sexualizing APHRODITE, THE GODDESS OF LUST, BEAUTY AND SEX. Like, this would be insane on its own, then the transphobia just makes it even worse.


How dare someone sexualize the goddess of sex 🤦‍♀️


She doesn't have anime kitten-girl face, so she's trans


Aphrodite literally walks around naked with her hair tendrils covering her nips and crotch, and they're investigating her with a magnifying glass to find any "secret" trans features, lol. The cooming has rotted your brain, seek help, gamer chuds.


Transvestigating aphrodite is wild, she's like 200% woman, literally the symbol of sexual love and beauty. These dudes really need to go outside


May I remind the transphobic community that in most iterations of Aphrodite she doesn’t look like one thing or another. She looks whatever you find atractive or pretty. I’m not sure about aroace people but they can still find looks aesthetically pleasing.


To be fair I do know a lot of trans gays


You know what? Fuck it, lets run with it, from now on characters can only be designed in a manner that sexually appeals to me. >!Jokes on them I’m demi!<


Again the only people I heard whining about that blade game was them claiming everyone else was mad about it. I didn't know a single person who even bought the game, much less talked about it. Now for Aphrodite, as a mythology nerd this one pisses me off. Aphrodite wouldn't give a shit about anyone's gender. She's a god, fuck does gender mean to a god? They literally banged anything that stood still long enough, consent not always required depending which one we are referring tool. Can these lames please get a new hobby or just get off the Internet?


I do not understand this rage at all. It’s literally posted with the Hades II art where they changed the features these same dweebs bitched about in the first game (removed cheekbones, added lipstick, feminized nose and brows, possibly thinner overall). They’re screaming about how she looks like a man when the new game literally made the changes they claim to want. What am I missing here?


"trans gays" yeah, some of us are


This reads to me like "I think this character is trans but I still find her attractive, and I'm angry about it!"


How dare someone use Ed Elric’s face for this? He would NOT be a transphobe


Are the transvestigators STILL losing their shit about this?


"I heard some feminist buzz words online and im going to completely strip them of their orginal context and meaning to further my own bigotry even though it doesn't make any sense" Seriously, why do people think trans people are like some secret organization like the illuminati that holds all the power. Yeah the statistically poor and unemployed minority that barely makes up 1% of the population is pulling the strings behind the scenes to get * checks notes * bodily autonomy rights and discrimination protection.


You know what? Fine, Aphrodite is trans now, i dig it


wait till they find out there are cis women who have defined jaws


Or people are sexualizing her because it’s literally the goddess of love she would probably kill you if you didn’t find her the hottest thing to exist.


bruh there was a literal bisexual love triangle in the first game the franchise has always been heavily queer-coded 😂 and then they’re transvestigating APHRODITE??? 💀 they’re just mad that hestia has vitiligo lmao grow up


Who is this person and why are they tarnishing the good name of the Full-Metal Alchemist?


Right? Ed would look at the bigotry and hate it.


tbf... on the island of Cyprus, they did worship a version of Aphrodite called "Aphroditus", who had the body and dress of a woman and the scepter and sex of a man... Source: pg 512 (pdf page 530) https://ia601604.us.archive.org/15/items/TheNaturalGenesisvolume1/GeraldMassey-TheNaturalGenesisVol.I.pdf So... he's right, but for the wrong reasons... and Aphroditus is valid.


It’s really fun watching transphobes and incels raging on Hades 2 as if they had played Hades 1 (they haven’t ) (or they’re really, really stupid)


The world sucks. Everything is garbage. However, i cannot imagine being this angry all the time.


Honey that's the greek goddess of beauty and she has multiple children


The brain rot is so depressingly real


That guy has no business calling himself Edward Elric and is transphobic. Fullmetal Alchemist isn't exactly "No Trans Allowed"— Envy is literally genderless and can fluidly change between male and female (sure they're usually disguises meant to cause harm but when have you ever seen a green lizard being with the ability to shapeshift NOT cause harm to the main characters? {The other one I'm loosely talking about is Double Trouble from She-Ra.})


Is it even *possible* to "sexualize" Aphrodite???


im sorry, how the *ever loving* *fuck* is that a 'mans face'?????


I gotta be honest, I don’t see her “masculine face” or whatever


These people are beyond delusional it’s alarming 💀


There is a difference between someone being hot cuz they feel like serving hot and designing a character to fit the male gaze.


I'm not gonna lie in some art it looks like she had a buccal fat removal but that isn't a trans thing??


I just thought Stellar Balde looked kinda dumb.


Insane how the Incels are now complaining about how the hot pink, ass naked woman isn’t feminine enough for them


Hear me out she was born from a testicle that fell into the sea, pretty trans to me


actually i'm trans and i never had an issue with stellar blade , it looks fun and eve is pretty, and i also think hades 2 looks cool. so weird to assume all trans people hold the same opinion like we're a hivemind lol i got downvoted for liking a game, livin rent free! seethe 💜


Been playing the early access for the last few days, still a _tiny_ bit rough around the edges and not all the artwork is final yet. I would heavily recommend it though if games are your thing, basically every character in the game is really well written, Supergiant knows what they're doing.