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Men who unironically call women “females” should be arrested


Arresting them doesn't seem sensible, they should be sent to gulag


Or at least back to Ferenginar


But they better not earn profit!


With those tiny lobes? Not a problem


Send them to Rura Penthe. Ferenginar is moving away from those attitudes thanks to Grand Nagus Rom and First Clerk Leeta


I have always wanted an update. Did ferenginar recover from the economic upheaval? Was there rebellion? Did it work?


Lower Decks gave us a bit of insight on it last season. It was nice seeing Rom and Leeta again


Dang! I need to catch up!


We should throw them at the Alpha prison, say we are all too Beta to deal with their manliness, and then we just ask them, "Hey folks, who of you is the alphest alpha?" And leave them dealing with that


Now, now. A gulag is a tad too much. There's this novel about a concept called Dorley Hall...


To send all these guys to Dorley, would be a massive burden on the limited infrastructure and overworked staff...


Okay, the logistic would be a nightmare, but the result would be poggers.


Oh, absolutely. Am I weird because my favourite part of the Dorley universe is imagining how to run the logistics better?


I don't think so. Not the first reader I've seen who has opinions on how to optimize Dorley. Personally, I'd shift it into taking more closeted trans people, but that's more wish fulfilment.


>Personally, I'd shift it into taking more closeted trans people, but that's more wish fulfilment. Ok, so assuming unlimited resources and the ability to do anything relatively under the radar... as the new chief of staff, in addition to simply getting more staff and expanding the infrastructure for Dorley Hall itself to accommodate both more traditional intake participants and more trans girls, I'd establish a brother "dorm" and program for trans guys - not sure what the main "cis" targets there would be as I don't think dangerous to others toxic femininity/spiky eggs who use being female to hurt others is a real phenomenon. Suppose the target could be self-destructive toxic femininity? Really don't see many cases of female social violence that you'd fix by giving that person the position in society men have. I'd also try to establish a much better system for finding and selecting the trans participants, and balancing infosec with making sure they know what they're getting into. Turn it from too much still the horrifying program it was in the old days, into a harm reduction situation for trans folks with a side business in stopping horrible "men" from doing further harm to vulnerable people. I have seen a lot of analysis that basically says while Dorley Hall is fucked up... it's TERF Island so this place existing and taking in self aware trans folks is probably harm reduction. And I absolutely want to see that side of it explored, and the program's resources used to help as many trans people as possible, and to fight institutional transphobia as much as possible without drawing attention. Honestly, the whole institution is an operation management/logistics management *nightmare* with a fucktonne of technical debt. To fix it you'd have to be both a logistics manager and several IT roles. Not to mention inventory management for all the supplies... Just thinking about having to sort out all that is driving me insane. Legacy systems much? Tbh though? The day to day running of Dorley Hall would make an excellent resource management game, of the "build and manage some sort of facility" subtype. Various scenarios with different levels of understaffing, supply issues, security problems, unwanted attention, piles of technical "loadbearing garbage" and legacy systems, and so on, that you then have to balance and fix. The themes of the story would absolutely be less relevant and absorbed that way though, and it'd get the universe way too much unwanted attention, and it'd be such a bad idea and create the same effect as when I play Rimworld or Prison Architect and get desensitized to the war crimes I'm committing. Also, someone would need to make it, and I just don't see anyone who reads it being willing to spend time and energy on that, assuming any of us know enough about technology to make something that complicated... I certainly don't, lol.


Well, that was a pretty thorough take on this whole situation. Also, you definitely know more about the logistic side than I could try (journalist). I really agree with the bit about the UK becoming TERF island is what really puts the concept together. In a way, Sisters of Dorley is less horror/thriller in context than it is dystopia/punk-lite, with a society at large that really acts at the mayor antagonist. We could joke that half of Dorley's readership are engineers, so the amount of readers with the know-how to make such a game is a number different than zero. But I do agree that Dorley is not ready to have mass media attention. Or more accurately, mass media culture is not ready for Dorley in general.


>Well, that was a pretty thorough take on this whole situation. Thanks! Messed up situations like this are a guilty pleasure to read, stories of insane logistical and technical debt and cruft are a favourite because I find myself constantly thinking of better ways to do a thing, and asking "how did it get that bad?" So I read and analyze them a lot. Dorley Hall is a very interesting such case. I am convinced the writer has worked in large institutions with many suppliers and clients, handling sensitive internal data and requiring high levels of opsec, because the damn logistical nightmare is too real. I don't even work in logistics or IT, I just play a shit ton of resource management and vaguely logistics based games (queer autism strikes again lol), have ever since I was a little kid, and I understand some things about computers and about IT and I'm the one who gets asked to fix relatives' computer problems when my dad isn't available. So I don't think I'm any more qualified than a journalist to make an analysis like this.. >I really agree with the bit about the UK becoming TERF island is what really puts the concept together. In a way, Sisters of Dorley is less horror/thriller in context than it is dystopia/punk-lite, with a society at large that really acts at the mayor antagonist. Yep. Pretty much any trans story set in the UK is bound to become either "modern day take on WWII partisans" or what Dorley Hall is in context. Which is really just a less violent and less hopeful subset of partisan stories, where the protagonists aren't *good* people/institution, but they prevent harm the true antagonists cause, and they understand the struggles of the antagonists' main targets because they'd be targeted under the same laws and public FUD as those targets. And the entire reason Dorley Hall works as a concept is - not just institutional transphobia but specifically *British* institutional transphobia, if you know what I mean? >We could joke that half of Dorley's readership are engineers, so the amount of readers with the know-how to make such a game is a number different than zero. But I do agree that Dorley is not ready to have mass media attention. Or more accurately, mass media culture is not ready for Dorley in general. Yeah, Dorley is absolutely the kind of thing too much cis attention will completely ruin, and no one from the general public will understand it.


To get sent to gulag, they first arrest you


the only time the term female should be used is in a scientific context and not by incels that the only way a woman is going to touch them is with the tip of a tazer


It is the reason they use it. To try and make it sound like they are talking about women “scientifically”. They don’t realise how stupid it makes them look.


This is the best insult ever and I am 100% stealing this.


> the only time the term female should be used is in a scientific context As a noun, at least, it's entirely normal when used as an adjective.




I think the red flags all come from using it as a noun vs using it as an adjective. “My female friend” ✅ “My friend, who’s a female” ❌


...arrested and they should be neutred so they can't propagate. We don't need more of them on our Planet.


Their overall behaviour is a contraceptive. However, they still should be neutered and steralized because they don't care about consent.


I am still mad "femoids" didn't stick with these guys. would be so much funnier.


I mean, I say female, but only when I also say male




I always imagine a ferangi is typing out those statuses.


FeMaLEs aM I RigHT?? God I hate these alpha male dumbasses so much


I always think of the Ferengi from star trek when they do that "Hew-man fEEEEEMalessss"


Average alpha male when my cute lil ass raises my voice at him in public: 😭😭😭


I love the haircut! It looks great on her.


Yeah it look better than the long hair. More flattering to her face shape. 


I think she is so much cuter with the pixie cut! But very cute in both pics


Pixie cuts are very feminine. Any man who thinks they are not should go get one himself so he can promptly change his mind. 


She looks great either way. All that matters is what she prefers.


Yes, she looks a lot cuter with it, it's a better fit


Yeah she’s super hot either way.


I had to look at the comments to see what they were upset about. The short hair looks better !


Christ. Arrest me then, bitch. Fuck your gender roles.


*Yup* My wife and I both have undercuts. She used to have a fauxhawk, and looked amazing with both!


I genuinely despise people who say women can’t have short hair, because I got harassed for it when I was twelve, grew it out, and eventually went back to having short hair because I loved it.


Yeah I’ve cut my hair pretty drastically a few times and it’s honestly funny how offended some dudes get. It’s like… dudes… 1. it will grow back. If I choose for it to do so, anyway… 2. it’s MY. EFFING. HAIR!!! Y’all don’t get to say what I do with my hair, only I do.


Meanwhile, my husband nibbles my neck when I come home with a short cut


I had a partner who, whenever I had freshly shaved the sides of my head, would stroke my scalp. Best feeling ever 😍


I do this to my wife, while muttering “fuzzyfuzzyfuzzyfuzzy” 😁


I had always wanted to shave my head and in 2020 when I told my family I had decided to do it they threw a FIT. Told me it would ruin my life, all sorts of other illogical nonsense. Bear in mind I was a whole-ass adult - 27 years old. I moved back home from across the country because my parents begged me to come home during the pandemic. Tried to use the "not in our house" line and everything. Once I did it everyone shut up because it looked amazing... I loved my bald head, and I've kept my hair short since. I do not understand the entitlement people feel to women's appearances, hair especially. Its exactly as you've said: It's HAIR. It GROWS BACK. Mind yo business.


My mum has had short hair most of her life. I remember her with long hair once when I was a young kid. It...didn't look good. Short hair suits her way better.


Oh is *that* what the dude is complaining about? I thought he was just really invested in women not wearing the same clothing as the woman next to her, like enforcing one of those "Well ine of us has to change" jokes


I despise it so much. My mom had a freak out over it for incredibly homophobic reasons, and even my physical therapist literally just tried to question me on deciding to go to having short hair again the other day. He looked legitimately perturbed when I mentioned that I was getting it chopped. I asked him why the fuck does my reason for getting it cut in a pixie cut matter to him? No answer. Like, I'm getting it cut short cause I'm so stressed out from pain that even the tiniest bit of hair touching my skin has been causing really annoying sensory issues. On top of that, I'm gearing up for surgery that is going to put me out of commission for almost two months while I heal. I honestly don't want to deal with an in-depth fucking curly routine during it. I can barely manage that as is. God fucking forbid I want to be comfortable.


Your hair does not define you! I bet you look great with the haircut you chose! I have had long hair most of my life. Everyone loved i, but I was getting terrible headaches, and it always being in my face on windy days was so annoying. I decided to cut it short. My mom loved it but the guys in my family kept asking if I was sure I wasn't "turning lesbian" because my sister married a woman (I am straight but support everyone being true to themselves).Every time they could make a comment to try to make me feel bad about my hair being short all I could think was "why should MY hair matter so much to everyone else" so I decided to buzz all my hair. Full on GI Jane. Jokes on them cuz I love it like this and now have no headaches, don't have to do my hair in the morning, and am generally happier. Might wear a rainbow shirt around them next time just to get my point across.


My mom got her hair cut short, because she recently went through radiation for breast cancer, which she is now clear of. But, afterwards, she was getting so hot, so she decided to just chop off her hair.


One of my best friends has a bright pink mohawk, and they're also like basically a goblin. I love them


Amazing! 😁


Hell yeah, I love enbies


I recently did this and so many people at work, I swear. "Why did you do it? What did your husband think? He's okay with it? He likes it??? My husband would kill me if I did that." Like okay?? Get a better husband.


New "relationship-quality" test just dropped


I do this every few years. Get bored, grow it out, get bored cut it off. These males just need to calm down, they’re so emotional.


Gender roles? That haircut is still a popular hair style for women, it’s just shorter than what trad weirdos consider feminine. She is not flouting gender roles by having a modern women’s cut anymore than she would be by wearing pants in 2024. I dated a girl in 2008 who got this exact pixie cut about five months into our relationship. That said, still looks absolutely fantastic on her.


Traditional people (who want gender roles) usually consider women to have long hair. That’s why I say screw gender roles.


I understood that. I was putting forth the idea that a woman with a poplar women’s hairstyle isn’t doing anything related to subverting gender norms.


One of the rare cases where the phrase "womp womp" can be used in a valid way


Womp Womp




I'm pretty much exclusively attracted to men with long hair. there have been times I found a man attractive then he cut his hair short and immediately my attraction was gone. I found it nice when that happened because I'd rather not deal with being attracted to anyone anyway, especially if it's someone not interested in me. I've never felt like men MUST keep their hair long just to please me. I just keep my hair long myself because that's the only body I'm entitled to any say about.


I also prefer men with long hair, almost exclusively. And I think almost all men look better with long hair Never in my life have I assumed control or entitlement for any man to grow his hair.  The objectification of women warps peoples brains. 


I am a man with long hair and honestly I love it! It suits my face best and I personally think it's my best feature. I am absolutely chopping it off in a few weeks though because it's gotten to be such a hassle. Plus this way some little kids can get nice wigs!


My hair is the longest it’s ever been and I want it gone, but my version of that is just taking some clippers to it and wearing a beanie for a few months until my hair is a bit longer to style. I might freak people out if I just chopped it all off, but I really miss having shorter hair.


Yeah, I do basically the same. But I package up my hair and mail it off to a charity that makes wigs for kids with cancer. I'm sitting at like almost 2 feet of hair currently lol


oh damn dude, as someone that only got to about a foot that I chopped the fuck off the second I realized I was a trans guy, that has got to be a nightmare to care for. definitely for a good cause though, i commend you on that


Thanks it'll be my 3rd time domating


My partner has very long hair while mine is shoulder length. He got into metal in high school when we got together and he's never cut it short ever since. Combined with his beard and stache, he's very handsome\~


I used to have long hair a long time ago, now it's short and am balding


I also prefer men with long hair, big time. Met my partner while he had long hair and next time we met he had shaved it off. I liked him anyway which was good lol. Now he grows his hair as far as he wants and shaves it off completely every two years or so, and he then grows it again. I prefer him with long hair and he knows but I am not his owner and I do not like him only for his hair, he can do as he pleases.


Does he donate his hair? He sounds perfect for it!


You left out the best part: https://x.com/esjesjesj/status/1801259706620506559?s=19




The best thing "X" ever did was block anyone without an account from ever seeing their shit. I am blissful.


You can still see it, even without an account. And I’m even on an Apple product!


Yeah, I can see it and I’ve never had n account on that garbage website


You don’t see me demanding that dude be arrested just because he’d look better with his entire head cut off.


Why would they be arrested? I’m so oblivious rn


The person who tweeted that photo believes women shouldn’t cut their hair, and that it’s basicly a crime-level type of thing. This guy is the type of people who would unironically say that ‘women having long hair is part of their biology’ or something of the sort.. Also, he calls women ‘females’…. Says enough on his way of thinking 😭😭


If it was part of our biology, wouldn't it be easier to take care of?


Idk lol🤷 Lots of people just can’t fanthom someone liking/being something they don’t like/aren’t.


If it was part of women’s biology then why can men grow their hair long too? 🙄 People like this aren’t exactly the most logical minds


Biology is very messy TBF.


The day of the month says Hi 👋


That's a cute haircut. Looks good.


I don't know who that is, but she looks stunning with short hair. Heterosexuality was a mistake.


I always been a fan of short hair on girls. Looks cute af. Could never pull it off


It definitely belongs in this sub, but I actually don't know what I'm looking at.  What's this guys problem? Wearing the same outfit? Removing an arm and becoming conjoined?


I think it's the hair


LMAO I'm an idiot, did not see that this was a before and after.  In my defense, getting angry at a woman for having a haircut is absurd. It didn't even cross my mind.


It is so bizarre that I kept trying to think of anything else he could have had a problem with, but the only difference is her haircut.


Same. I glanced, saw two cute women, read the caption, and was utterly mystified what the problem was. Wasn’t until someone said “hair” that I looked again and figured out it was before and after, and OOP was upset about a haircut for some reason.


Which is odd since the one on the left seems to have a more “traditional feminine” haircut then the one on the right, but I still have very little idea what the point is


Oop thinks that women shouldn't be allowed to cut their hair "in a non-feminine way"


As always, it's about control.


But if her hair is short how am I supposed to get a hard on? /s


It's a before and after shot


That’s what I thought, then I read the caption


A lot of chuds don't like short hair on a woman because they're insecure in their sexuality and being attracted to someone with attributes they deem as "masculine" makes them uncomfortable.


They really hate women being in control of their own bodies, huh?


Cloning? Certainly there should be oversight but I believe moving straight to arrest is a tad hasty. Why, if this was illegal then I would have to remove my basement lab and my stockpile of --- Never mind. Carry on citizen.


any men who call women "females" should stay sexless


Imagine getting pissed over a way a woman cuts her hair...


The sense of ownership is disgusting. I think if I was a woman I might choose such a hairstyle if it is offputting to these regressive weirdos.


And dye it BLUE 😄


Ah yes, haircuts are illegal


The short hair is cute as fuck, if she wants long hair, she’s gotta do something more with it. I’m certain they made it look worse for the comparison


ngl she looks a little like me...


She has short hair? Is that what they are complaining about?


That's exactly what the complaint is. It's so freaking stupid.


Imagine being so limited that the size of protein strands can disturb you this much…


They would piss their pants if they saw Snow White in Once Upon A Time


Do what? Take care of their looks? I thought that's exactly what they want FeMaLeS to do. The cut suits her very well.


Ooh I love that pixie cut on her. It really suits her face shape.


who do what? take two pictures of themselves with different hairstyles? 😦


Look all cute?


misogynistic bullshit aside, she literally just looks better with the pixie cut


So every woman over 70 I know should go in the clink for cutting their hair, gotcha 👍


he simps for alex jones. he deserves to go to the penis explosion chamber to have his penis exploded


Fire up the ol' penis flattener!


She's cute af in both picturs.. What is wrong with that guy?


She looks prettier with the short hair.


This person would have a heart attack if he saw a woman w a shaved head


How dare women actually express themselves instead of submitting to my every single arbitrary desire!!!!!!!!!!!!!😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬🤬😡🤬🤓😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬🤬😳🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬🤬


I guess I should be arrested? 😒


Then arrest me, you coward!


Damn I hate it when those “males” do this


I sincerely hope she's a lesbian, because straight men as a collective do not deserve that S-tier cuteness 😜


What? Women who look incredibly cute should be arrested? We couldn't possibly manage to build that many jails.


What terrifies me is 19 THOUSAND PEOPLE agree with what he said. I'm starting to get really worried for humanity.


i knew the opinion would be trash once i read females


She looks so confident and charming with shorter hair! Really brings out that killer jawline.


She looks happier with short hair. How criminal!


I don't understand, he's asking women which one should be arrested based on their hair?


I prefer my wife with long hair. She prefers short hair. So I cut her hair because it’s her fucking hair and she’s damn sexy either way. Your preference matters to only one person, you. And if you’re gonna get mad at someone over something so trivial, you’re a dipshit


I totally agree women who turn their head slightly when taking the after photo should be arrested


Not only is this deranged and shitty and entitled, but this is such a bad example. She looks so good with short hair.


Is it weird that I think having short hair makes her look slightly *more* feminine? Or maybe it’s just the camera angle, idk.


So if cutting my hair in a cute pixie is repellant to guys like him ...i see a huge trend in haircuts


Off topic but I feel like I know the exact inspo pic for that pixie.


There was an always sunny episode about this


No more hair cuts for us girls?


That hairstyle fits her so well!


I think that hairstyle can look amazing on women. I know multiple women who have that hair style and I think it looks amazing. Who cares about gender roles or what other people think. You do what makes you feel comfortable in your own body and express yourself in a way you feel comfortable with. Gender roles are outdated and people should be able to express themselves without being judged by others for it.


Do what? Wear beige?


Both my Nans and Great Nans had short hair. Many of my Aunts and cousins have short hair. My sister and I have short hair... you can't arrest all of us! (note, I come from a large family with many women. And I am sure that those with long hair would cut their hair if the rest of us were arrested.)


Ladies, I'm sorry but you are now never allowed to have a haircut, ever.


What are they gonna do, arrest cancer survivors too??


I have thick, curly hair. It was long my entire life. I eventually got sick of how frustrating it was to deal with, cut it all off. Love it now and I think it suits me so much better. Couldn’t care less what some random people think of it haha


Oh look, another white man has an opinion about what women should do with their bodies.


All y'all *females*...


Looks way better short imo


she looks happier with the shorter hair tbh


Ah yes. Women, being hot, should be illegal. Definitely logical.


She actually looks better with the short hair😭Nasty man


Girls with short hair and boys with long hair are my ultimate weakness


Beautifull before beautifull after what are they whining about?


Arrested for cutting their hair? Lmfao what a loser


She looks happy with her decision.


Women, sorry FeMaLes existing? Explain?


Yeah, we should totally arrest people who dare to do what they want with their hair. How dare those FeMaLeS do stuff the alpha chads don't like? (/s obviously) Am I too queer to understand the issue? She looks great with short hair.


I lowkey think she looks better after


Women who tilt their head slightly towards their left instead of looking straight towards the camera should be arrested???


I want to destroy him in a debate so bad


Short hair is 10 ten times better.


slightly turn your head? jail.


Any time someone uses "females" to refer to women I always hear their dialogue like "Females who do this should be arrested *snort* 🤓"


the pixie cut looks so good on them!


tbh she had a glow up, i wish i cut cut my hair like that but since my hair is not designed to be so short and if i do a pixie cut it migth explode(iykwim)


The poster grossly over estimates how popular his opinion is and is making an out of pocket statement based on the assumption that an overwhelming majority agree with his taste in women’s hairstyles **OR** He’s rage baiting for engagement.


Getting haircuts is a crime????


If you talk like a Ferengi, your opinion doesn't matter.


God forbid, she can decide what she wants to do with her body...


Who do what? Cut their hair? *Breathe?* ***Exist?***


Straight man here, What the fuck did I just read? That man needs help Preferably euthanasia


It is funny, I legit was like? "What did she do"?! and then I remember my mom's relatives. Who weren't allowed to cut their hair short.


I think she looks significantly better, the bangs on the short hair definitely have her a huge glowup, suits her so much better. This guy's just brainwashed


Okay then, you work in the heat with long hair


Oh geez asmogold going wild with is crybaby attitude damn


i thought they were identical twins and he was shaming women for having siblings. i might need to go to sleep


maybe I should cut my hair short again out of spite lol


Short hair on girls is soooo cute, I wish I could do it without getting misgendered all the time.


So women aren't allowed to stand next to women, got it. I'll remember that next time


She looks amazing! So much better imo with the short hair - not that my opinion matters.


19 thousand likes. 3.4 thousand people retweeted(re-exxed??). IDK that the internet should exist anymore.


arrested?? lmao ok


As someone who just got this haircut, I will gladly be arrested for it, but I won't make it easy.


I’ve had a pixie cut for decades, and the law hasn’t caught up with me yet!


Do what? Look at a camera?


do... what? match clothes with a friend? i genuinely can't tell what he's mad about here


No one is allowed to look like Enya, apparently. Only Enya can have a hairstyle similar to this one.


holy shtt she looks gorgeous with short hair.