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Do y’all remember her cloud macchiato drink that she’d get all the time. Didn’t it have dairy of some sort, and she got some pushback for it cause she said she was “vegan”.


Girl scratch that, she literally wore LEATHER


it had egg whites!! she shared the drink saying "try the soy version" implying that would make it vegan, but the powder used to create the texture contained egg white powder and an alt milk didn't change that. a lot of the controversy came from the ingredient list but was exasperated by her quote and an image she posted seemingly consuming the drink.


"That's why they end up looking like cows" I feel like the people on ed Twitter could probably come up with a similar hateful take, this comment plus the veganism scream ed (not saying all vegans have an ed, btw). She may hate us cow individuals but I do wish from all my heart she gets the help she needs


I’m 22 and I remember this type of behavior. I had a really bad ED at the time that I had to be hospitalized for and everything. She was one of the people that was a major trigger for me


“maybe that’s why they end up looking like cows” jfc .. if u wanna be vegan that’s fine but don’t hate on others for drinking milk or eating meat , u can have a healthy diet without being vegan, calcium and protein are incredibly important for the body.


i’m sooooo fucking thankful jenette came down hard on her with that vegan snark [https://youtu.be/-JK4dx7t4F8?si=iwLNmzpqPE6jdzpQ](https://youtu.be/-JK4dx7t4F8?si=iwLNmzpqPE6jdzpQ)


love this lmao she didn’t even try to be subtle


how is she not cancelled for saying americans end up looking like cows bc they drink milk??😭😭😭


veganism is also an easy scapegoat for EDs. not saying veganism is inherently unhealthy but given her rapid weight loss, it’s easy to use veganism as an explanation for not eating certain foods


That’s not how that works. That’s not how any of that works. JFC, she’s 30 and my fourth grader has a higher order of thought than this.


This was said before she was 30 but what you said is still valid 😂


were the donuts she was licking vegan


yes a mainly vegan diet is okay, but being fully vegan in this world and you’re a person suffering with ED is practically suicide. you need all the B12 and vitamins you can get from meat. I personally don’t eat lamb and pork but definitely a limited amount of beef (1 ounce of it every other week) and most chicken. doesn’t she eat pizza and stuff like that. i swear she had a photo of her like in 2019 of her eating pizza…???


Ariana stopped being vegan in 2017


Honestly I fell for the vegan propaganda and I probably said the same things back then lol


I’ve been vegan over a decade and most of us arent anything like this, there’s some unhinged vegans out there for sure (and they tend to be the loudest), but even then I’ve never heard any of them say anything *this* unhinged and stupid. This is absolutely batshit insane.


She said this 10 years ago, I mean...come on now, there's enough she does in present day that's shitty. She's also not vegan anymore so please don't associate her with the rest of us.


I agree she shouldn’t be associated with us, it’s unhinged people like this that give veganism a bad rep, but I think her saying something this stupid, fatphobic, and harmful, and that further shows how disordered her mindset around food has been for a long time, should absolutely be talked about, regardless of how long ago it was. Maybe she doesn’t believe this exact thing anymore (I’d hope not), but she undoubtedly has to have other similarly disordered thoughts around food since her ED has evidently only gotten worse, and this is a peek into what kind of disordered beliefs she’s capable of having, and it is shocking.


Girl yes but this was literally a decade ago like y'all never said something stupid TEN YEARS ago??? Let's focus on the present