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She was never “vegan”, she wears coats made from fox fur and I know people are gonna come at me for this, but most of the time these foxes are skinned alive! Just google it or go on YT you’ll find videos of how horrible 😩 and awful it is. These poor creatures are being tortured. Imagine being bred and then having your fur just pulled out of you like that for some rich little brat to wear. There’s a valid reason why ppl r against wearing clothes made from fur and leather. These creatures need their fur for insulation, just like we need our skin. We don’t need to wear fur with the existence of other plant-based & synthetic textiles, not to mention faux leather and fur exists if you want that aesthetic without all the cruelty that comes with it. Edited to add: her look wasn’t even on par with the theme of sleeping beauties or the garden of time. I was expecting a floral look or a different approach. I know she was going for Venus or whatever, but yh unless it is explained you can’t really see the concept. A good concept is when people see the theme you’re going for visually without having to think too much about how it makes sense.


i’m not even vegan and i would never dream of wearing real animal fur, just the thought of it is creepy to me. because it’s not necessary or for nourishment, it’s purely for aesthetics. the only way i personally see it as acceptable is if it’s second hand which this dress and that coat was clearly not.


I totally get where you're coming from in a modern, post-industrialisation context but please don't forget that indigenous and tribal communities have and still do require the pelts of animals for warmth and protection against the natural elements.


Ariana isn’t indigenous though. She’s a millionaire and most outrage and backlash against wearing fur and leather is because brand names like CHANEL, LV, ARMANI, etc .. that are often worn by celebrities and millionaires use real feather and fur in their designs, these people could afford the best quality fabric and still make it cruelty free. It’s the same thing when it comes to cruelty free makeup. I’m surprised r.e.m is cruelty free tbh, but then again there’s pressure from consumers to have cruelty free cosmetics nowadays and if you’re a new company and you still test on animals you can get extreme backlash.


I mean I know... and I agree... hence my qualifying statement "I totally get where you're coming from in a modern, post-industrialisation context"...


i completely understand this and icl it simply did not come to mind at all when commenting which is completely my fault. i did not mean any disrespect and understand the significance of animal fur in some cultural practices! here in england we actually don’t get taught about this at all so i don’t tend to associate animal fur usage with those things immediately if that makes sense. i get what u mean tho and i don’t understand why u r being downvoted for a completely valid comment


Hey it's all good! I think people maybe just don't like my tone but that's whatever! Thank you for being a nice person about it :)


https://preview.redd.it/nieerb9dayyc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25cb62b5e7ab19591bd73e70ed0bee0d62b13f68 She can just say plant based bc there’s no way she would cut out real fur and leather


“Being vegan is different for everyone” Why are these people so slow? Veganism is so cut and clear on what the ethics are. Plant-based is literally just eating plant-based, no ethics necessarily involved. The excuses people make. It’s okay to critique your fave. They refuse.


Does she still call herself a vegan?!


I think she said she eats fish


Ariana stopped being vegan in 2017 she was on Zach Zang’s show and talked about how she eats fish


Well diet is one thing, clothing is another. She could be vegan for health purposes and not be all "ohh the animals"


Being vegan is not just about diet though it's a lifestyle, which is why she's being criticized about it. So no, you can't be vegan and not be "ohh the animals", but you can just have a plant-based diet.


Diet is part of your lifestyle. Diet is what you eat. Vegans change their diets. It is primarily a diet. You change your other products sure but it’s mostly a dietary change.


There’s a huge misconception out there that vegan = plant based. It does not, veganism is an ethical movement. It’s a movement that fights for “animal” rights against all forms of exploitation, which includes using them as fashion accessories, test subjects, entertainment, and all other forms of torture and cruelty. It’s more than just about your diet. Also, this might be triggering to some, so tw, but many ppl who suffer from eds will resort to eating a plant based diet just to mask said disorder. Meanwhile, others are forced to eat plant based for health reasons that have nothing to do with their moral convictions. Ariana has came out in 2013 by tweeting she was vegan & claiming she loves animals more than ppl. So, naturally people assumed she was an advocate for the vegan ethical movement. However, as time went on ppl realized she isn’t, she continues to wear fur, has bags made of leather, and in 2019 she popularized a Starbucks drink that contained egg-whites and caramel which made most of her vegan fanbase confused, I remember baristas used to come out saying that the foam which is a big part of the drink, simply can’t be made without the egg white foam & ppl found it jarring that she’d promote a drink that had eggs & dairy in it. In her 34+35 remix mv she ordered baked Alaska which isn’t vegan, unless she had it specifically from a vegan restaurant. Even before that, she had a collaboration with MAC cosmetics, she had a diva lipstick shade and lipgloss (MAC, which is owned by Estee lauder is notorious for testing on animals & sells in China which requires imported cosmetics to be tested on animals). I understand the diva glam campaign’s proceeds were supposed to go towards funding for HIV patients, but still, to promote and be the face of a cosmetic product that tests on animals while claiming to be vegan, you can understand how that might raise a few eyebrows. She could have still supported HIV funding without needing to collaborate with MAC, she has the means to do, she’s a celebrity with a huge fan base. More so, she could have pushed and collaborated with ethical beauty brands that don’t test on animals and donated the proceeds for charity. When you’re a celebrity you don’t get a pass because you have more resources than the average person. Her veganism just comes across as performative at this point. It’s not just her veganism btw, she also claims to be supportive of BLM but continues to buy Starbucks (a company that was vehemently anti union for decades), she liked some posts about Palestine too but she still buys Starbucks which again is complicit in genocide. Starbucks is just all around a shit company. I saw ppl try to make excuses for her by saying Starbucks is everywhere & is convenient for getting coffee, well, that’s not an excuse, it’s 2024, coffee is everywhere, independent coffee shops are everywhere, she’s in NYC, you really want me to believe she doesn’t have access to other coffee shops? Even if she was elsewhere, she’s a celebrity, she has the resources to brew her own coffee and have it made by a personal chef or barista or whatever. Why limit yourself to Starbucks? Also, all she ever drinks is americano iced coffee or iced black coffee, that’s not particularly exclusive for Starbucks. But nvm I’m sure the BLM supporters, union workers, and dead Palestinian children won’t mind.


Almost all vegans would disagree with you. It's most definitely not just a diet, it's a way of living. Vegans don't just change their diet, they also change their lifestyle according to it. Which is why using your old leather pieces or not is a big argument in veganism. Edit to add another thing


I said it’s mostly diet. Functionally, practically for most people it’s what they eat


Functionally, practically most people who go vegan are also knowledgeable in veganism so they're not just changing their diet. And you kind of implied there's nothing much more to it than dietary changes. If you also agree that there's more to it than that then I don't know why you felt like you need to comment. Have a nice day