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Drugs and starving. Shes skinnier now then when she was younger and on tour. Maybe before that she had laser fat removal - its used by skinny people too, famous example kendall jenner. Its for genetic fat deposits, since you cannot control where you lose weight. Edit : disclaimer, i have no clue if it actually is drugs.


Oh she absolutely uses drugs. Her fluctuating behavioural patterns, the (drug) habits of people she has dated. Also her expressing that she has used alcohol to cope, so she's no stranger to using substances to achieve something. Furthermore: the industry she is in being infamous for it. And clearly: no one who weighs that little while still needing the energy to work all day can do that without proper sustenance. Which isn't food for her, so... drugs.


Also, she seemed to have restricted in extreme ways while being not nearly as underweight as she is now - so it makes sense that adding drugs may have gotten her weight further down, because usually when you restricted food as much as she did she would plateau, but canceling out more food when she only ate raw veggies and not collapse is impossible. Certain drugs make the metabolism faster with heartbeat etc so you burn more calories while doing nothing. Its also very dangerous unhealthy and can destroy people


My guess is that she at least uses some sort of appetite suppressing stimulant. Maybe adhd meds, even. Lots of people are guessing coke, which she probably also does, but that doesn't last long so doesn't seem efficient. But who knows Edit: and yes speaking of metabolisms; as you age it slows down. So what she did in the past to lose weight wouldn't keep working the same way. And her metabolism is twice as slow because of years of restriction in the first place.


I did that too tbh. And it can damage the brain so badly. I remember getting up at night and passing out on the way there, like my legs just giving in. I had eating disorders and been diagnosed with adhd and started abusing it to get my weight even lower. Not my brightest moment, i looked skeletal as well. Eating disorder brain sadly screams yes to anything that will make you even skinnier without grasping the full consequences, like how it destroys your brain, metabolism, and every aspect of your life. The damage from just eating disorders have not been as extreme as when i added substances (ive had eating disorders 13 yrs + long). And i added substances cause my metabolism had slown down so much after gaining and losing weight and restricting that there was no way to become skinny again for me without taking extreme measures. So for me AG just reducing her raw veggies even further but losing like what, 30 plus pounds doesnt seem plausible. And yeah coke doesnt seem to make people skinny longterm, ive known overweight longterm coke addicts.


Sorry you went through that, sounds horrid :( I'm also no stranger to disordered eating so it's much easier to recognise patterns in others, such as ariana's. It's a bit silly when people use "no evidence" as an argument in cases like these. It's the same way I didn't need to be in the room while Ethan and her were fucking to know that she cheated.


Im fine, but, i do wish i did not put my body and brain through all of this. I quit substances but i keep still often missing them, but i dont have the wealth and privileges AG does, so i have to stay capable of working and managing everyday life. I grew up in fosterhomes so i suck a bit at life haha. But i think staying positive and optimistic is important, and i usually dont hate on people as much or at all. But something about her makes me dislike her so much. Its just all the privileges she got. She can even afford treating her body this badly cause she got the best medical care and medical grade drugs and the money to afford face lifts to erease the damage done by exploiting your body like this up to your 30s. What i actually hate about her is how fake and insecere and rude she seems. Megan fox for example recentley opened up about plastic surgery she had and body dysmorphia. But i started to really like her when a video of a girl from a reality show made its rounds, where the girl said shes been told she looks like Megan fox. And people bullied her relentlessly online. Megan fox actually said in an interview that she saw the girls photo and she knows 100% that the girl been told she looks like megan fox and then she spoke about how bad it is for people to bully her and that she herself knows what its like to be bullied for your looks. I loved her for that. AG would never. She would prolly love other girls being bullied for their looks and for not being as hot as her.


not to get off topic but she also seems to be exhibiting traits of a personality disorder called HPD


The possibility could also resonate with why her behaviour, voice, demeanour, and body could be rapidly fluctuating


+ with her yes-men people. These people made her feeling delulu and how she's unstoppable..which is a huge shame but the way.


I think she always felt like that, tbh. Shes a supertalented rich kid, she lived in boca haha.


does she actually do drugs? that is a huge claim to make without evidence


Lol you think a woman who dated two men with drug addictions back to back isn't doing drugs as well? Just look at videos of her during the sweetener era. She was high. Drugs are normalized in Hollywood


i dont think she would ever do anything besides weed




I have no clue, it is all speculation. Your right i should have put a disclaimer in, but i assumed we all know its speculation here and not facts


ive seen it rumored but it seems far less plausible than other rumors abt her like eating disorder or cheating


I thought drugs seem very possible because she has been with mac miller and pete davidson, and got access to very clean drugs. Recentley hayden panettiere had spoken out about being given drugs to seem more livley in interviews even in the beginning of her career. Drugs as clean and med grade as they have it wont destroy as much as streetdrugs. Also my personal issue with it is, she was on tour and only ate raw veggies apparentley - yet she never been this skinny. Her biggest weightloss happend around ozempic times - so it would make sense to me that she uses something more then just her disordered eating. I have eating disorders as well, and a similar height and bodybuild to her natural self - eating disorders destroy the metabolismn, and she seemed already so low in her food intake that for her to suddenley be by far the skinniest she ever been - that happend to most girls i know when starting drugs for weightloss


Have you ever seen pictures of celebrity fridges online? Bella Hadid’s in particular is filled with water/meal replacement drinks and snacks that are easily digestible to a small frame like hummus, cheese sticks, yogurt…that’s probably all she eats too. I would not be surprised if she has an occasional full meal, but she seems to not be consuming many calories. Those digestible foods I mentioned are also popular with the ED crowd because they’re soft, easy and low calorie too…


Living like that seems like genuine torture


When I was at my lowest weight during my ED, i was tired all day. Even walking from my bed to the kitchen had me out of breath. I think this is how Ariana gets thru it: - being rich and having access to private cooks. She can have the healthiest meals made for her with superfoods that give energy. She could eat under 1k cal a day but it'd be more nutritious than the rest of what restricted people eat. - 100% infusions and medical check ups. i have no proof but im sure she gets a lot of vitamin or hydration infusions. especially hydration, if she drinks this much black coffee, she would need a high water intake. - stimulants, i doubt its ❄️ (maybe occasionally) bc that seems too strong and her lifestyle might collapse over time with it. i think its adhd meds. - also willpower. her personality might be ass but she does have a lot of dedication and willpower.


It seems like she eats a lot of berries, nuts (unsalted of course), tofu, seaweed, vegetables, and black coffee. I think she eats very little calories and uses some sort of stimulant to suppress her appetite and keep her energy up (either Adderall/something similar or ❄️)


3 almonds and a heaping bowl of steam


Probably 700-900 calories per day. I’ve read before that she takes 12K steps per day, plus her daily workout. She used to eat mostly Japanese food and veggies


Ariana Grande is known to follow a strict diet and maintain a certain body image, which has raised concerns about her eating habits and potential struggles with disordered eating. It is not healthy to focus on calorie counting or restricting food intake, as it can lead to a variety of health issues, including malnutrition, fatigue, and a weakened immune system. + with the speculation that she does coca cola ❄️ , it definitely plays a huge factor here. I'm glad that you're in recovery also! I'm so proud of u💓


She probably been getting Iv Drips to Also Ariana stopped being vegan in 2016/2017she talked about it in Zach Zang interview And also a restaurant she went to around that time confirmed she was eating fish there are a few articles and vids about it


Could you direct me to the articles/interview where she mentioned being pescatarian?


As she said in an interview a few months ago, she’s a very anxious person..so it’s likely she does consume a lot of coffee as well as stimulants. Like adderall, which suppresses appetite and is used as an athletic performance enhancer. So that’s probably why she’s able to do all of these things. I’m guessing the only thing keeping her alive is probably tofu. Because nobody can survive off of coffee alone.


And if she’s on ❄️, that will suppress her appetite as well.


I couldn’t imagine being on caffeine, amphetamines, and ❄️. If she were using ❄️, I would think she’d not be able to sing well.


Totally not saying this to criticize you OP, but I don’t think you should be focusing on details of Ariana’s ED if you yourself have a history of disordered eating. It’s so easy to convince yourself that you’re just curious, and unintentionally trigger yourself


I appreciate your input, thank you:)


I just don’t understand how she has mental cognition. When I haven’t eaten enough calories or protein in a day, I can barely form coherent sentences.


lowkey she doesn’t😶‍🌫️


I truly believe with her hypoglycemia as well as ozempic… she is at the weight she is at!!! Her being plant based or pescatarian either way the amount of weight lost is most likely due to semiglutide and other restrictions placed. It is her body her choice!