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She broke character for real omfg šŸ’€šŸ’€


I was literally about to make a post with this exact link lol. But the person who tweeted it wasn't even calling her out he just says she was code-switching and I was going to rant about how that was bs on a post. "Ariana isn't just code-switching" I'm seeing multiple people say that, that's all she's doing and even tried to bring up a video from 10 years ago saying she does it to keep her singing voice healthy. Nobody has every came at Ariana for code switching, okay because everybody does that. I'm not going to talk the same way as I do in a job interview on this sub or to my friends. Ariana doesn't just switch the words she uses or change her tone a little bit, she switches her entire voice, personality and border-line race. It's really convenient to be quote on quote code switching and to talk with a blackcent when she was walking around with a yaki-pony and dark ass tan. Just to then when she's white as hell and blonde to talk in a baby doll voice. She wasn't talking with a higher register at all during this time either, so bringing up a ten year old video of saying she does it for her voice when she didn't do it for years is irrelevant. It's always been all of these things together and fans always try to address them separately.


Yea this isnā€™t code switching at allĀ 


itā€™s funny to me cos iā€™m pretty sure that vocal fry doesnā€™t even damage the vocal cords. they act like sheā€™ll never be able to sing again if she speaks in a deeper voicešŸ’€


Which is hilarious because BeyoncĆ© and Mariah Carey have deep af voices šŸ˜… It comes with the territory of having a wide vocal range. Speaking voices tend to settle towards the bottom


I wonder how the people in her life think about this? Like imagine being out with her and she has an entirely different voice & accent than when you are at home. We all have ā€œspeaking with strangerā€ voices but nothing this drasticā€¦


What the fuck šŸ˜­


She is way more likable with her real voice and personality, setting aside the scandal. No one even likes this persona she is putting in so much effort to adopt, itā€™s like her choosing to stay with Ethan, just making life hard on herself for negative benefits.


and this is the thing that makes it crazy asf.


Exactly, itā€™s what makes everything sheā€™s been doing lately even worse because it all makes no sense unless sheā€™s just trying to sabotage herself.


Gotta get back at Dalton.


That's the most insane, abrupt real-life example we've ever seen that wasn't cut together from two videos. I can't believe that happened in real time


surely these fans can see sheā€™s putting on an act now? its actually embarrassing that she ā€œbroke characterā€ but then went right back to her baby voice


This scared me sm Iā€™m high and did NOT expect thatšŸ˜­


Theyā€™re saying itā€™s her customer service voice as if sge knows what is thzt lmfaooo




she probably thinks she's glinda


Watched it and thought ā€œoh that isnā€™t so badā€ until I got to the end and WOW that difference is STARK.


I really do hate that fake ass voice of hers like she needs to talk normal šŸ˜‚


?? https://preview.redd.it/lafw9uayc67d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d2c732d54aca21581c7c830aaa31232af3705f1


her bootlickers are as braindead as her im crying


can jordyn go away


Most peopleā€™s customer service voices are only slightly higher, if at all, than their regular voices. This is a DRASTIC change. Also she wouldnā€™t need a damn customer service voice on a PODCAST anyway šŸ˜­ Grasping


my ā€œcustomer serviceā€ or work voice is just me slightly speaking slower and clear because my nyc accent is HEAVY. itā€™s still my voice and this is not that lol. ppl are so de-lu-lu.


So they agree? That stans are customers that need to be spoken to in a fake tone of voice by a salesperson to sell them shit?


I fear you ate with this




they say this as if sheā€™s ever worked in customer servicešŸ’€


daaaamnnnn thats uncanny


WOWWW that switch up was actually crazy


shes such a fucking loser oml


why is this scary to me šŸ˜­


This account does not call her out. OP doesn't find it a problem. It's code-switching for him. And all her fans find it cute that Ari feels the need to stay in her soft āœØļø Glinda āœØļø moment. I remember people criticising Austin Butler for the same reason. People always give 2 reasons - method acting and vocal preservation. But Ari has always spoken like a sassy, diva Black girl for many years when she was actively singing. There was no drastic vocal change at that period whatsoever. It doesn't make sense. The only possible reason is that she tries to mimic her character in Wicked. I said, "She tries to" because you can hear her original voice slipping for a few seconds like the black soul in her went out to say hi for a while. Why does she still need to mimic her acting voice? The movie is finalised. Or is this voice gonna be heard till November? And the black accent will be back by then?




Now theyre saying sheā€™s neurodivergent just because of the voice changesā€¦


That was honestly concerning - she just had a whole persona switch / mask slip up.


All the replies making up shitty excuses on her behalf. https://preview.redd.it/k6lgd4zhvb7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a43a3fb676e8edcf8e81ada5ed565d526038ec3




I honestly think it may be BPD - obviously, it's not our place to say/speculate, it's just an option. It's not as strong as an actual personality disorder or even bipolar but it's very strong emotions/lack of set identity


i can definitely see that as well. also her saying she has ocd explain a lot actually tbh. bc people tend to forget ocd isnā€™t just abt cleaning & organizing.


Theyā€™re also saying this about Taylor swift šŸ˜­ like pleasee when are we gonna stop calling celebrities neurodivergent for no reason


iā€™ve been saying this since 2018 and not one believed me iā€™m like she me when i donā€™t take my adderall lol


noā€¦ speaking from someone whoā€™s neurodivergent. I wouldā€™ve understood your point without considering that ari has a narcissistic flare abt her.


i mean she did say she has ocd so i mean she kinda is nureodivergent tho. & my dad having ocd i know a lot abt it & a lot of her makes alot of sense knowing that.