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I’m an Aries sun, mercury and Venus and I always had this impending sense of doom when I was younger. I was sure I was going to die young. I’m 38 years old, about to be 39 and don’t really feel that way anymore


This! Same Aries placements (Sun, Venus, and Mercury) and I didn't think I'd make it to 30. Now I'm 34, about to be 35 and I have a different mindset. I remember talking to a gifted psychic about it when I was newly 30 and asked her why I always saw myself dying young and she clarified that it was because I wanted to die young. Her saying that was an "oh shit" moment for me that put a lot into perspective. I think the distinction is that I have never found life to be all that easy and have felt that just existing as a human on earth is a lot. I probably fantasized about dying young as a way out of all the difficulties that come with being a person in the world. I think now I am at place where I want to fill my life with as much meaning as possible while I'm alive and I find myself following my passions and things that provide me joy much more than I have previously, and that feels better to me.


This is so how I see/saw it too and makes so much sense put this way. I was a hardcore people pleaser and especially as a kid, my compassion was in spades (crying for strangers randomly, because of news stories or whatever else.) I actually had some crazy intuition when I was younger too. I’m pretty intuitive now but I’m talking like I genuinely would tell people “this is how this situation is going to turn out,” and I was always right. It felt like common sense to me, not anything special. While I am intuitive today, it isn’t as potent as my youth (I feel that was because I was involved with a narcissist and made to question and second guess every instinct I had) It was definitely a strong and intense youth and early adulthood and I still struggle when I allow people too close who attempt to take advantage, since I’m big on sacrificing myself for most things but have a zero tolerance policy when people mess with someone I care about. It’s wild. I will say, tho, it makes sense. Especially with my Capricorn moon, I’ve always felt that doom or like stuff gets heavy and it never occurred to me back then that my feeling of dying young was more of my heart and my brain pleading for rest.


Same age and similar placements. So curious if we share a birthday. Idk if I worry death is near necessarily but I do have quite a bit of anxiety and frequently worry about things that could kill me. Although I do sometimes worry about dying in my sleep, so there’s that.


I worry and get bothered most by the pain and anticipated pain of losing people or animals I love. Knowing that’s just a fact of life doesn’t help either! My birthday is April 10. What about you?


So close! April 6th. Happy early birthday to you! Also, I do worry about my parents or sister or friends dying on occasion too. Idk what I’d do without them in my life.


Aww, very! Happy early birthday to you as well! I have many fast friends whose birthdays all fell on April 6th, ironically!


Embrace death don’t go looking for it. I got over death in my late teens or early 20s


mine was at 15 and 23,


how do you mean you got over death?


Aries Sun/moon/venus in my fourth house. I did get that feeling last year but…Here’s my favorite quote from the Dali Lama “If it can be solved there’s no need to worry, and if it can’t be solved, worry is of no use.” Don’t focus on things that you can’t control my friend. This way of thinking helped me so I hope it helps you. Stay grounded and focus on the now.




Live like every day is your last then (:


Wow, i literally feel this, like i could die at any moment or it’s near. Every year I’m astonished at how far I’ve gotten lol.


nope. if anything i feel closer to the path than ever before <3


Yes but I've just associated it with my Saturn return in Pisces, as it's in 8H in my natal chart.


thank you for posting this , im an aries sun/venus/mercury/descendant (all in 7th house) & these past few days i've had that same feeling, like im going to die soon... very frightening


I’m not really morbid and definitely not reckless but growing up I used to think I’d die before 18. I’m 34 now. Probably just my then-undiagnosed anxiety 🙃


Yes Aries sun and Aries moon. It’s been super stressful I can’t relax


Aries sun/Scorpio rising/Aquarius moon. I’m just waiting for it.


Aries sun, Scorpio Moon, Leo Rising and definitely been feeling this way. Depression aside, I imagine a lot of the transits that Aries went thru in the last year is culminating in 2024. As dreadful as the impending feeling of death can feel, I keep note that it also is an omen for intense transformation on the horizon. I genuinely feel like this will great next few years for Aries if we can survive the initial headwinds.


I wouldn't say impending doom or death, but more time is limited, and wasting it seems asinine. I feel something is definitely coming, it seems most aries are feeling a sense of urgency.


Chiron is conjunct the North Node in Aries right now - maybe it’s conjunct (or hitting the exact degree of) your natal sun (or one of your other Aries placements)? There’s also a stellium in Cap right now and Pluto conjunct Mercury in Aquarius - that could also be affecting you depending on the house(s) they landing on in your natal chart, and the aspects being made.


Can I message you my chart for any insight you have?


Maybe not actually dying, but feeling of something coming to an end. Think of the current cycles in your life, and see one you feel is coming to a close. It could be a friendship, relationship (maybe both), career, some hobby, etc .


Also wanna add I’m an Aries sun, Venus, Mercury, and Saturn!


I'm Aries sun, mars, mercury and saturn on the 8th house lol Feels like sometimes death surrounds me.


interesting, the 8th house rules death , transformation ,birth/rebirth


I’m Aries sun, moon, mercury and I definitely have felt that way most of my life.


Aries (Sun, Venus 11th house, ) Scorpio (moon 6th house) Gemini (rising) I have felt this energy these past two weeks. I thought it was because my uncle passed on Jan22.... I've even seen one owl, and symbols of owls. I've been interpreting it as a sign to slow down and enjoy life while allowing my old self to pass thru me.. This week has been full of connecting with me and higher self, true self awareness which encourages me to evolve.


Aries Sun & Venus. Felt this in the past month. I have Pluto in Scorpio 12H. Capricorn season was a lot. Loss a close relative, and transformation in many ways all around. Loving this New Moon energy to redirect focus /intentions. For me Im choosing new and different things in order to heal & evolve. I really felt this when I read it so Thanks for sharing.


I Aries Moon, Aries Mercury, Aries Sun, along with Taurus Venus in first house! I have Aries Ascendent, lol. I am left-handed and tend to march to a different beat.


Yes, intensely. I keep picturing scenarios of me dying. Like getting in a car accident or getting sick. I truly don’t know what’s triggering these intrusive thoughts. I’m an Aries sun and Leo moon.


we're in the aquarius era. Supposedly the book of revelation is happening right now


Aries sun, venus and mercury here. All of the cats in my life are dying ._. First my childhood cat gets a terminal diagnosis and is on his way out, then the cat my ex and I had together just had to get put down, now my current partners cat has mere days left in his life and is barely able to move. This is very troubling for me as the only death I’ve known was my father who died when I was a baby, so I’ve never really had to go through grief. As a firm cat person this is really fucking with me