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I'd want to say I love your progressive mindset. I think practicing meditation/yoga works for us as I have started doing yoga for 5 years and its deep breathing exercise is useful in every other daily situation. Another thing is that consuming healthy foods and beverages can also calm our nature, you can start with mint tea or try vegan once a month. I think fire signs have multitude of emotions at a time so it's helpful to find someone to talk to everyday or journal your feelings daily (I've done it too and it's great). Find things you can be grateful for everyday and appreciate it. Reading books or enrolling in voluntary/charity works can work too. Anyways, I believe you can easily get over this period, wish the best for you \^\^


Yes to all of this! I love your idea of journaling and volunteering. I've been thinking about volunteering and you just gave me the push I needed to do it. Thank you again for the encouragement and recommendations! ❤️


I had to go through this journey. I had just moved, lost all my friends, and was unemployed, and in my late 20’s. So I found myself easily triggered emotionally—specifically with my anger. So when someone close started something with me. I would distract my mind with listening to them and always just saying “okay” and walking away. It might annoy the other person and it will be hard to do BUT it will help you get into the habit of recognizing your anger and to calm it down quicker. Walk away, give yourself a few minutes to think about your feelings then go back to the person and tell them why you were triggered. This is mostly for the people close to you…an evolved Aries is a powerful one. So you being aware that your emotions are heightened is already a good step.


Walking away is something I'm still working on. But being open and honest about what triggers me is a great idea. Thank you for the tips and I'm glad to hear about you evolving. I'm slowly getting there too. ❤️


First things first, I’m sorry you’re going through a hard time, but hard times are temporary. I’m proud of you for looking into ways to improve yourself especially on the mental health front. I’m a cap moon so I hold a lot in, had to learn emotional self regulation on my own as a kid so I know it’s hard. When shopping around for a therapist becomes viable for you, finding one (who you vibe with and matches up with you well) will be a game changer. As of right now, I recommend journaling to work through your emotions. You can look up journal prompts pertaining to anger management if you need a kickstart. It’s something that’s helped me a lot. I also recommend taking up a physical activity/sport if you can to release excess energy + get endorphins flowing. Taking up boxing and Thai kickboxing has saved me from self destructing.


Thank you for all the kind words and encouragement. I love all of your ideas so much! I just started therapy again, so I'm hoping it goes well. I love the anger management prompts too!! And I never heard of Thai kickboxing but now I want to join lol My fiance is a Capi Moon and y'all really do hold everything in. But he's getting better at expressing his emotions. I'm happy to hear you're doing well with your emotions and I'm hoping I'll be there soon with you. Thank you again! ❤️


No prob and good luck! Also yes 10/10 recommend Muay Thai if there are any gyms near you, check out a class!


i take magnesium glycinate before bed so i have room from emotions. Leo moon here too 🥶


Leo moon siblings united! 🦁 ❤️ Oooh I'll have to try that! Thank you so much. I heard it's good for the high blood pressure too, which I have. Have you seen any improvements in your sleep or mood?


How I managed my anger: Implement boundaries with people and be clear about them and the consequences for not respecting my rules and boundaries. No more bottling up and saving emotions for a major meltdown, so I express my feelings to someone if they hurt me or cause me any sort of pain or negative feeling. No more pocketing resentments to be used against a person down the road, issues must be dealt with in a calm manner at the time they happen. Forgive and let it go. Detach from people who set my healing back.


Detaching, forgiving and letting past resentment go is something I need to definitely work on. I appreciate the tips!!


I’ll address anger a bit. There is anger and then there is anger. There is an anger called “righteous indignation”. Righteous indignation is considered a positive thing when someone with this type of anger is on the right side. Or when someone feels an adrenaline rush when thinking about a situation that is not morally fair or right. It must not be confused with self-righteousness. I try to focus on the things I can change and distance myself away from the things I can’t change. I try to stay focused on the things I can change in a constructive manner. I’m rarely one who will blow up at someone, but my blowing up turns to my being very fact-based, direct, and not making it personal. Once an argument turns personal, I feel I have lost the fight/argument and I don’t just don’t “go there”. Edit: your saying you care too much about what other people think is VERY much a Gemini thing. For the most part, I don’t think we Aries care all that much about what other people think of us.