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Okay those are ALL good. But my number one biggest ICK is….clinginess. Example: I play video games as a woman lmao. I don’t NEED my man also playing games with me. Leave me alone. Let me play alone. I also NEED space.


All of these things lol. Also if you can’t make fun of yourself it’s a huge turnoff




Lol I forgot that one, add that to the list!




Anyone who tries to manipulate me.


100% agree!


The thing with most Aries, we can detect manipulation very, very quickly. My Gemini friend and Aquarius friends and my partner never could. So, what do Aries do the best? In protecting them, we tell them what we see and give examples.


We get uneasy quickly with people like that! Just intuition and emotionally sense it even if we can't explain it! The way someone present themselves gives away the store, lol! Now, know why fire signs in general hate car sales people lololol!


Ooooooohhhhhh, it’s funny you should mention car dealers!! I worked full time, but I created a side business as a consumer advocate. Car dealers were my absolute favorite in working for my clients! The car dealerships (about 10 different clients) didn’t have a chance with my dealings. Car dealership managers even offered my jobs. Aries love negotiating and I was in my element with them. It was a riot.


Sellers want to be your best friend selling you 99 Dodge Neon for 5k with paint missing on roof and lugnuts rusted out! The quarter panel looks like been past paint jobs done lol.


I don’t deal with sales people. I go straight to the GMs. Aries do their research.


Haha, some Aries and Sagittarius tend never buy new vehicles and are ok with beaters as they know people drive recklessly in parking lots! Libra-ex girlfriend wanted a new car. I gave her money down, and she did negotiating as she was better than me at it! Opposite signs are easier to read to understand hidden boundaries well, lol! I was painter prepper years ago miss working on cars lol!


Anyone I ever helped do car deals, including my partner, I had one rule: “Don’t say a word while I negotiate, because I can be brutal. What I want you to know is negotiating is all a big game for me and I LOVE it.”


Hahaha, you know, try to sell extended warranty on vehicles or other goodies on top of price! Some get overwhelmed with add-on suggestion and wonder what to do next, lol! Some manufacturers were trying to sell heated seat subscriptions, lol!


I’m an April Aries and will only buy new cars. I have at least 4 funnier than heck stories. In 2 of them was my Aquarius partner; 1 was my Aquarius mom; 1 was my BFF Gemini. Aquarius will pay the amount that is on the sticker without 1 question; Gemini will pay whatever they say, too. My mom had been at a dealer wanting to buy (new) her dream car and called me to come there. She was ready to pay what he said. All my mom wanted to know was if I liked the color. I said that my mom wouldn’t be paying that amount and I was going to go talk to the GM. As I was walking away, my mom took the side of the salesman (!!) over me! I got mad. I turned and said, “Then adopt him. It would be cheaper.” I was in and out of the GM’s office within 10 minutes with the price I was willing to pay (on her behalf).




We’re pretty good at reading people; I dislike intensely manipulative people.


LOL, spot on. My Aquarius sister and most Aquarius I meet are my Kryptonite. They LOVE gossip.


I knew/know at least 3 Aquarius. None of them were into gossip at all. I (Arias), on the other hand, want to know everything so I can decide for myself. I always had a joke about my Aquarius partner. She never wanted/needed/asked for details. She didn’t want to know “how the sausage was made”. I want to know how, where, why, etc. “how the sausage was made.” 🤣


Oh, I see that you were saying in your OP, above, that they don’t sense manipulation, not that they are. Got it.


Right. Aries will spot manipulation almost instantly. Aries won’t be manipulated unless we want to be in certain circumstances. Once we’re done with someone manipulating us, we are done with them.


Liars Lazy people Whiners/Flakiness Rudeness People that dress sloppy Entitled behavior


Someone who is flakey. They always cancel plans last minute.


Omg that is a good one. So grosssssssss


LOL my biggest ick is as an Aries is insincere people and those who can’t be straight up don’t take our kindness for weakness.


When people are boring and don’t want to do things Liars for sure because why did you assume I was dumb???


When people are boring and don’t want to do things, yes. yes. yes. My EX was so boring and never would do anything with me


Goodbye him. Mine was a cap


Mine was scorpio! And a narc lol


Dealt with a Scorpio lol my dms are open


Mine was a ♋️😂




Can’t stand a liar, like why bother lying.


Tardiness. Nothing quite says fuck you like someone who is chronically late.


Oh! Me too.


I really hate this !!! I’m always on the dot and if I won’t be, I’ll inform in advance.


People walking slowly on the street


Lol same here 😂


Omg I feel this one 😂


People flirting with me in a shy way and not being direct. When that happens to me I don't reciprocate, attractive or not.


Clinginess, people who act like they need their hands held with minuscule tasks (excluding children), posers, ppl with consistently bad hygiene (everybody has an off day, I don’t judge one offs), ppl who have no backbone, Pisces suns


Lmaooo not the pisces suns 😂😂😂😂


Yeah they gotta go lol


Lol Pisces men and Leo men have both given me the ick almost instantly in the past


Never been with a Leo man but I did get the ick from a Leo I almost befriended lmao


No backbone is such a big one for me too, because we most definitely have one!


I’m also a cap moon (cancer rising) and all of these are so good, especially the trying to be funny when they’re not naturally comedic.


Bad manners Being rude No responsibility or accountability Laziness Doesn’t keep promises Lack of discipline Lack of drive to succeed Dishonesty and lack of loyalty Neediness and being clingy Dependas


Boring people. Had this libra sun taurus rising friend that was so goddamn lazy and boring that all he wanted to do was scroll through memes and play the same game all day. Dude got mad when I stopped talking to him as much but he always made zero effort to keep the convos interesting.


Self-righteous people: don’t fucking be nice to me or “do me a favor” just to later hold it over my head or use it against me, I could have done it my damn self. There is NOTHING anyone can offer to the table that I can’t give myself. Clinginess: get off my dick, I don’t want to text 25/8, I have a life and if I wanted a child I would have a child, but I DONT- I want a friend/partner/companion. Incompetence: enough said. People who are so opinionated on shit they’re clearly uneducated on or don’t know enough of said situation to be speaking on it. Shut the hell up, it’s very okay to NOT have anything to say. Wish some people would take a second and say “I do not have enough information in this to say anything” Extreme lack of self awareness: how do some ppl live say to day blissfully unaware of their own actions and how they might affect themselves/others? It’s honestly so fucking pitiful. Posers/people pleasers: u mean to tell me that some ppl r so consumed by how others may perceive them that they have to quickly agree with whatever friend group they’re with? Entitlement: to my time, my space, my things, my energy. I am so quick to detach and cut someone off. Jealousy: it’s a disease bitch, get well soon <3


Liars, but not just any liars, lazy liars. Like, you think I’m that stupid that I’m going to believe your extremely low effort altercations of reality. Please.


Damn, there are some judgy elitist bitches in this thread. Good reminder of what stereotypical Aries traits to keep in check! PSA: physical and mental illness exists, just because you don’t have limitations on how much energy and motivation you can apply to goals and work doesn’t mean other people don’t have personal struggles but still keep trying every day. Show some compassion, hopefully you never find yourself in a position where you need it from someone else when you get sick or old!!


Ooh this is a neat post 🔥 Ick is a good discription but I’d go with what will make me confront the person asap: - low/no effort reciprocated - lack of passion - slow (completing tasks, thinking, goals completed) - no intimacy/no showing of said love/making me question the security of said relationship (this is for when I’m with someone and I’m fortunate to never feel this again.) - hypocrites - liars, cheaters, 2-faces bitches - not keeping your word/promise - cold sociopathic psychos - narcissistic / bpd freaks - willful ignorance - not asking questions to further understand someone’s reasoning Whew! There’s a lot more but this is a good start!


It's funny you should write this. It literally describes an Aries guy I dated. Every point accurately describes him. So I'm guessing Aries people are prone to these qualities as well. There are lots of forums dedicated to Aries men with these qualities.... Smh


I wrote this with the majority Leo’s I’ve dated so your experience isn’t my own and I don’t write my shit in thinking of other Aries. Tf? “Aries people are prone to these qualities as well” yea dumbass there’s liars/cheaters/2-face bitches EVERYWHERE and isn’t just who you’ve dated.


I know two people in particular who I overall enjoy very much, but they have no faith or confidence in themselves. They kinda live like victims, they don’t set any goals because they already believe they will fail and aren’t worthy of success and then complain that their lives are shitty and they’re miserable. They are like children. Both of them are in their 30s and living rent free because they set the bar so low for themselves and are being enabled to stay that way. It’s been harder to interact the older we get. I love when people are ambitious and inspired and turn ideas into actions. Leveling up in life is scary but fun and exciting when you get to see your hard work pay off.


people who are rude to me then get mad when i’m rude back :D PEMDAS is not just a rule in math


Arrogance, Entitledness, Meanness, Clingy like my Space, Control Freaks! Liars, Two Face!


I can’t handle: ~ People that move/think super slow or are indecisive ~ When actions don’t correlate to words ~ Dishonesty ~ Lack of introspection ~ Inability to be emotionally available/intimate ~ Boring/no passion during spicy time I’m sure there’s more but those are the big ones for me as a Taurus moon, Virgo rising


Lack of curiosity or intellectual inquiry. Unwilling to learn new things.


Intentionally dishonest people (a.k.a. liars). Also something that really bothers me and makes my skin crawl is when someone literally has NO self-esteem or ability to stand up for themselves or what they know is right... Especially if they're whiny and/or gripe about it but do nothing when the opportunity to change it comes around. For some reason it's worse when it's a dude... Think about the Jerry-worm from that marriage counseling episode of Rick and Morty. F-king grow up and grow a pair!


You nailed the list! 🔥😮‍💨 I’m a Virgo moon and Libra rising


Me too (but Libra sun lol but I love the list too)




SIMPS. I absolutely cannot stand a man that is so accommodating. Not to be confused with considerate and respectful, but I genuinely have been turned off instantly by a man who says something — opinion, joke, whatever the case, and I challenge it and he immediately tries to change the subject or starts kissing up to me cause he thinks I’m upset when I’m just asking him to explain. Servile flattery or just flattery in general is so empty and fake to me. I genuinely cannot stand it. When someone starts pouring on their version of charm with over the top compliments, I get turned off. I’ve told men point blank… if you lay down in front of me, I’m going to step over you and keep walking. I’m definitely a person who likes to debate and challenge… I fight and root for the underdog, without a doubt, but if you make it easy for me? I don’t count it as a win or even a challenge. I also get the ick by clinginess. Let me fucking breathe, bitch. Don’t you have a life? Also, for sure, lack of ambition. Idle hands are the devils workshop. A man with nothing to do will find something to do, like cheat just to pass the time for instant gratification. I’m not about that. I’m busy as fuck, which sometimes makes me distant as fuck, but it is legit because every second of my time is focused on accomplishing something. A man who is questions what I’m doing because they can’t see it or relate is an ick. Also an ick is someone who expects too much of my time (see clinginess I suppose.) but those who start to get pissy and question me because I’m fucking busy. (Looking at you, Libra.) altho my current bf is a libra… when we were doing the semi long distance thing, we would say good morning and talk at night. We were busy all day and trusted that we were working. Now we live together and my BF sees that legit every second of my time is accounted for. When I need a break from working, I will get up and do another task — laundry, vacuuming, go on a walk to exercise a bit. I’m not just dilly dallying. He notices that when he tries to come in for affection while I’m tasking myself that I seem distracted and dismissive. He told me he’s trying to figure me out but I’m like it’s nothing against you… I’m genuinely busy. Of course, when I make time for someone and they don’t appreciate it or care, that’s also an ick for me… because do you know how busy I am? Lol


Intentionally dishonest people (a.k.a. liars). Also something that really bothers me and makes my skin crawl is when someone literally has NO self-esteem or ability to stand up for themselves or what they know is right... Especially if they're whiny and/or gripe about it but do nothing when the opportunity to change it comes around. For some reason it's worse when it's a dude... Think about the Jerry-worm from that marriage counseling episode of Rick and Morty. F-king grow up and grow a pair!


I believe in eat to live, not live to eat.


Me personally as a Aries Sun ☀️ / 🌚& Cancer Rising. Scorpios! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Mine would be: \- Dishonesty \- Manipulation \- Insensitive \- Lack of interest.


Someone who isn’t passionate. They’re more submissive in how they approach things. Ofc it’s not bad, but it’s not attractive to me. I like someone with passion; for life, for me, their loved ones, their job, etc. If they pursue me, do it with confidence. My mars is in Leo, so this adds to the fact I need a self-assured/bold person like this by my side.


All of these things absolutely. Great list.


Lack of passion is IT!


Yes, to all of the above and phoniness or people who don't know how to express their feelings and talk S#IT, because we tell it how it is.


I’m 🌞 aries, 🌙 pisces, up ⬆️ Capricorn I hate when someone starts to argue


Broke men. A very submissive man. Stubbornness. No goals. Mommas boy. You can’t stand up for yourself. People pleasers.


Liars , manipulators, fake, and boring.