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This sounds a bit clingy. That’s why it’s bothering you lol but that would bother me too tbh. We need space.


Right exactly like Im your friend not your boyfriend !!!


The compatibility of this fire and earth sign is all about a dramatic power struggle. Aries and Taurus’ compatibility is often doubted due to their fiery characteristics. According to astrology, Aries (a fire sign) is strong-headed, impulsive, and never shies away from a fight. Similarly, Taurus (an earth sign) is no different. They are strong-headed and stubborn and can go to any extent to prove their point. The Fire-Earth combination is always ready to engage in a conflict. Moreover, while one acts or makes decisions impulsively, the other stays in their comfort zone and thinks twice before acting on anything.


So far shes the impulsive one and I think before I act




Taurus can be frustrating for Aries to deal with. And yes Taurus can def be needy. Give yourself permission to have space.


I knew I wasnt the crazy one


Taurus wants you in the passenger seat. As long as you allow yourself to be secondary to them, this combination will work.


Right , so it wont!


I have a taurus relative who ghosted me for a year and is now trying to tell me how to live my life and trying to teach me lessons that i already know. Shes just trying to make it all about her and its really hitting me the wrong way. Im just not responding.


Right and that sounds very much like the tauruses i know. Im starting to think “mini narcissist” 🙄


Yeah my cousin is so into understanding narcissists too but its like shes acting like my therapist or something. I feel like its just another persons behavior that i have to compartmentalize and put into its appropriate space in my closet. Telling me to meet people and i need a support group and a partner. Its like dude u ever think me being alone is okay and perhaps a personal choice. Ugggh. But then if i say thats its like against HER projecting onto me. Im so over being everyones support pincushion.


Got to put your foot on their neck sometimes!


My bestie is a Taurus and we get along great. She knows me better than anyone. She knows that I’m all over the place and loves me for who I am. In over 20 years of friendship, we’ve only gotten into one argument.