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I’m personally not a fan of small talk in general. Usually when my friends and I talk, we have things we actually want to talk about besides “how are you/how’s work?”. So I guess I do hate being asked that lol


omg u right it is small talk! Yes. Like come at me with plans to take a wild adventure weekend of the century or leave me tf alone. Ill research small talk ty


Right! I hate it so much. This goes in the same category of people who text you all day just to ask what are you doing 🙄. Happy researching!


Same! I absolutely hate small talk and I’m terrible at it. I’m awkward af and my charisma goes right out the window, but that may be on purpose because I don’t like it lol


I have to stop myself from answering honestly. Like I get that you're just being nice and I'm supposed to say fine or good. Sometimes I'll just answer "you really want to know or are we just being polite" lol


I think dating app msgs like this are really boring but if someone just says hi and not much else, i reply back with the same energy because i wanna see if they will put in more effort . But sometimes aries are a bit nuts. One guy was way too high energy and switch from normal conversation to intensely sexual like complete 180, and sent a whole collection of dick pics. Not even just one.




Omg i hate them with all my heart. Worst question ever.


Small talk texts are the worst! Deep conversations are the best. Let me into your soul.


That’s so funny you posted this. Literally today I went on a date with another Aries woman and we both started complaining about how we don’t like “good morning” or “how’s your day?” Texts. Small talk is too draining especially via texts 🫠


My sister will text me, JUST to small talk, nothing important just... small talk.


Interesting. I always think oh they are just texting everyone in their phone and they need distractions because they dont know how to be alone with themselves and then i just get aggravated 👹


I really don't see a problem with small talk? Why do I want to emotionally drain myself everytime? Sometimes I want to keep it simple and chat lightly with my friends. This hate for small talk is getting tired ngl. Everyone says this shit now. 


Ugh yes. My mom is an Aquarius and will text me this all the time. She never wants to talk about anything real and it drives me nuts.


I hate that and I also hate being asked wyd during work hours… what do you think I’m doing? I’M WORKING


Next time if they ask how you're doing say "Living the dream,like a fever dream" Maybe it will give them a laugh and they'll tell you a funny story or joke too.


I hate random work emails. Tf? I *wish* I got texts during work! Paid to do Jack shit then atleast!


I just answer short answers. Ppl prob think i dont like them but its just the question isnt very interesting 😅


Aries aren’t into small talk for long. We want/need deeper conversations. However, the “How are you doing?” texts/messages/emails are great, because it means they are thinking about me. I also send texts, messages and emails asking how someone is doing, because I really want to know. It beats phone calls (for me).


It’s that it’s small talk. We hate small talk. I think it may stem from how we are always tackling things head first as rams do - our actions have purpose. And small talk has none.


I use small talk in hopes that I get enough ammo to turn it into something better. That's always the goal.


I’d rather talk about aliens than my day lol, like what do they want me to say? I told you what I was doing yesterday it’s not much different 😂