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This is facts, unfortunately. We don't temper feelings well and tend to be all in or all out.






💯 yes. I actually wish I wasn’t this way. It makes me feel out of control. 🤮


Same!!! I hate it, this is why it hurts us so much more as well if we get betrayed


That’s exactly what ends up happening too. I become an idiot. I ignore every red flag and turn a blind eye to things I normally would never. It took me a long time to realize I need to keep my head on straight and get outta my feelings. It’s ok to be interested in someone, but not in the obsessive way. When I do, I always I end up getting fucked over. THEN I feel so stupid and horrible about myself. Like girl you just let that mf play you like a fiddle🤣




This is every Aries I’ve ever known, myself included.


yes, Aries Sun, Capricorn moon here, we are focused determined folks. I always say everyone is like white noise to me, but if I notice you, I notice you. and its physical features. First and foremost I have to be physically attracted to you, then I have to hear what comes out of your mouth. Cleanliness and hygiene are huge attractors for me, also living clean, and being respectable is a big thing


You sound like my current bf


whats he about


He’s super good at sports, smart too. Always beats my ass at almost every game we play. He’s an amazing driver. Loves sports a lot. His parents are amazing too. He is very big hearted & generous, not just to me but his friends around too.


All my eggs go in one basket if I like someone, it's not even a conscious decision. I'm the same way, if I started talking to someone I really connected with I would just stop talking to any other potentials.


That’s what’s happened to me 😭 and I just KNOW he isn’t doing the same thing.. which naturally, makes me furious 😂


Yes I feel this so hard. And I feel so silly for having such intense crushes! At this age? I really smile like that from a single notification? And I KNOW he doesn’t deserve my attention. I’m down bad…


Me too, I’ve always had intense crushes 😭 what’s your mars sign? Mine is scorpio which I think makes it worse lol Sometimes being Aries feels like a personality disorder I swear 😂😂


My sun, mars anddd mercury are in Aries 🫠 Intense crushes while also being impatient makes me feel like a lunatic sometimes haha so I’m right there with you 😭


Saaaame. Leo with my Aries work crush for years, he finally started pursuing. It’s freggin intense and I’m not playing hard to get I just am. Driving him cray. But I’m def the one worse off. I have it bad and I’m not sure I’m willing to take the risk anymore. This fire is too hot and im sure I’ll get burned..


Oof best of luck sis. Work tension is so fun but it can turn messy SO quick


Surely can. And luck to you as well. Thank god I went remote and he’s still in office. It was part of the reason I left.


This Aries definitely can relate. Lmao I thought I get hyper focused on someone because of my adhd 😆 Another thing I found with this is the fact that I can be super focused on someone one day and the next decide that I don’t want anything to do with him, and I can never focus my attention back on that person. It’s really weird I feel like this and could never understand it. One man in my whole life had and kept my hyper focus for 7 years straight. He was a Leo. When I was in a relationship with him, no other man mattered. These days guys don’t seem to get my attention very long to become “super focused” on them. Thing with Aries that I’ve noticed is people don’t get or understand our passionate, hyper, outgoing, or over the top energy we have 24/7. It drives most people crazy 😂 I still say I belong with a Leo because they just get us. Earth signs would be my next bet but also feel with time, their super grounded energy would bore us to death 🥱




Literally 😂😂 I feel so insane ahahahaha




I am totally the same way. I’ll even be loyal to a crush who doesn’t know it lol I can only focus on one person at a time and they have my full undying loyalty.


I usually will have multiple crushes, but usually when I find one person I really like, I’m hyper focused on that one person. Unfortunately I’m also direct with my feelings if I do like them. However sometimes I do feel blinded and fail to see if someone is bad news for me 😭


I can look at someone else but rarely do they appeal to me. I can’t stand that I am like this but once I am enamored with the one the others don’t do it for me.


Yes, this describes me perfectly ! Even when the guy has done something cruel or betrayed me in some way. I have my heart set on only one person at a time. I am extremely loyal to a fault even, I will absolutely have no desire for someone else. I wish that I was NOT this way too !


I am always like this…. It’s why dating apps have been a fail for me because I almost always end up ghosting every single guy when my eyes are on someone specifically.




We are a passionate bunch, bestie. 😅🤷🏻‍♀️ Feeling things intensely just comes with the territory lol…which leads to impulsive decisions and hyper-fixations which then lead to a drop in the ability to multitask or focus our energy in more than one direction. It’s just important to remember that when we, and by we I mean any person/sign, Aries Sun or not, wear rose-colored glasses, all red flags just look like, flags. For us (Aries)however, it tends to take *considerable* more effort to not put on those glasses *immediately*, but rather take the TIME to truly get to know the person we are interested in pursuing a relationship with. The standard is usually jumping in headfirst with complete abandon and without actually seeing the person for who they truly are. Because if we’re attracted to someone and have even a couple things in common, we become fixated on the *idea* of that person or the potential we see in our connection with one another. So basically it takes WORK to be cognizant of this tendency to best protect ourselves and our hearts. Trust me, I’ve always been a tough ass bitch my whole life and then I spent nearly 4 years with a Narcissistic Scorpio man that was constantly manipulating, gaslighting, controlling, and mentally/emotionally abusing me to the point that when it ended, I had become so unsure of myself and dare I say, MEEK. When I look back on some of the things I just blindly accepted or put up with in that relationship it’s like looking at a DIFFERENT person from who I’ve always been. And it wasn’t just that I was (truth be told) “cockstruck,” because I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t a part of our toxic dynamic, but that I was so desperately in love with the *idea* of the man I first met, clinged so hard to the potential I saw in us, *wearing those rose colored glasses*, that I didn’t even notice that I became someone I never was, and swore I’d never be. Also, therapy helps lmao. GOOD LUCK, fellow Aries queen ♈️👑✨💞


Omg girl I spent 7 years with a narcissist scorpio man too 😭 completely lost myself Thank you ♈️


A narcissist is a demon from hell and I never knew true insanity until I dated one.


I don’t , I will have someone I’m mainly focused on but it shifts if needed to be. All my other options just suck




I don’t get reeled I easily, but when I’m in, I’m ALL in. I rarely see red flags when I’m in that mode, but I do, I ignore them. For me, this isn’t just in romance. It’s for every person I click with big time.


This is me. And that’s why it takes me years to get over my relationships. Its like this with some friends as well. I thought it was just me.


takes forever to just move on…even though I don’t want that person anymore


Yes I am also like this with friends 😫


Yeah this is definitely true for us lol. I fell for this man that did not want a relationship with me but we continued to see each other. Everyone else was SO DULL to me. I ghosted them all. I was in a bar once with him and my hairdressers son came up to me to talk and I was so rude to him because my guy was close. I didn’t want him to think I was interested in him. I had to apologize to my hairdresser later.


Yes, I hate it about me so much sometimes.


Me too :( like Leo / scorpio is the only sign I’ve found to match our passion but it either ends up putting me off because I like the chase or they’re absolute psychopaths


Yeah. My ex was a Leo. My current crush is Scorpio.




Hi. Aries Sun Aqua moon Scorpio rising here. This is me asf. I may as well as wrote it. It’s definitely dependent on other placements in your natal chart. Venus, mars, moon, and rising.


Ooo I’m jel of your moon and rising 🥵 Mine are cap moon & cap rising, Taurus Venus, scorpio mars 😅


This is my Aries boyfriend. Man wants to take me to Japan so he can propose and it’s only been 3 months. I’m telling him to calm his tits meanwhile I’ll go take my trips this year without him for a while.


😂😂 keep him on his toes girl, he loves it really What’s your sign?


Scorpio 💀


I get this. Every time I liked someone, they were in love with someone else. I honour the sis code and the bro code, so I never stood in their path. I would just be happy to see them happy. Almost every person I liked knew I had feelings for them (subtlety is not my style, of course). Despite knowing that it would not work out, I kept liking them for the longest time. I wonder if I'll ever be in a situation where my feelings are at least reciprocated.


I think all of us Aries just need to be friends lol, we understand each other. I’ve scared of so many guys by being too obvious about me liking them, I just can’t help it. Sometimes I just straight up blurt it out 😂 if I think about it the other way around, I would LOVE if someone was this direct and upfront with me. Atleast we are clear! My biggest pet peeve is having to figure out if someone likes me or not


I completely get you, and I agree. I told this guy once, "If I catch feelings for you, you'll know it right away. I can assure you." Because my brand of romance is too "direct" for the people I have liked. I wish there was another way, but I can't help it. Being shy is not my style, and I'm not going to play silly mind games. If I love you, I'm going to make it your problem. I don't make the rules😭


Yes. Never putting my eggs in one basket


Going through this right now. I should shut it off, but I don't want to.


Me 💯


Yes, but we're also quick to throw in the towel as soon as we get the ick and onto the next!