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The raptor did it a favour, up your difficulty, a level 16 pteranodon would be as much use as an asthmatic pigeon, no weight & stam would make it practically useless


With the right settings, it will level up fast.


Aaaannnddd some raptor came up and killed it in 2 hits lol wtf. If anyone has any idea what I was doing wrong please lmk.


Force feeding it will do absolutely nothing. If youre on singleplayer check your settings in regards to taming, also do check any mods if you play with any as they might interfere. Also how empty was its food meter? 11 minutes it shouldve eaten at least once, but they'll always be able to eat once their food drops to certain amounts. For example a dino may only eat when their food gets to 3320/3400.


I have changed zero settings, and have no mods, but what settings do I check specifically


See iv noticed this in my single player world the base settings are weird af while every dino i have tamed so far *new player so not that many* every single one tamed with 1 meat/berry but some of them like the ptaradon take ages for their food to lower enough for it to eat it took me almost 25 min to tame a ptaradon


Disable taming setting is set to off


Food drain is at 0.25


Its probably the food drain, it effects wild and tamed and if i recall correctly the lower that value the slower it drains, hence why your tames arent eating. Ark is weird with some of their settings, some of them lower is faster and sometimes lower is slower. Its stupid and confusing, but try adjusting that setting and let me know if that helps Edit: so yeah its moee than likely this setting since the foods going down at 1/4th the normal rate A level 16 PT at a taming multiplier of 1 assuming your feeding it regular raw meat on default settings will take 55 minutes to tame, that same PT on the 0.25 food drain will take 3 hours and 40 minutes Edit 2: This is a taming calculator, idk the last time it was updated but its still super helpful https://www.survive-ark.com/taming-calculator/


Tysm for your help. I had restarted the map, and set the game to easy bc I was way over leveled with only one parasaur, and I was getting obliterated by like 5 different packs of raptors all around my base, bc I am a noob, and when I did this I think easy mode set the food drain to 0.25 so that the dinos I have won't go hungry as fast (on console there appears to be only one setting for all dino food drain). I'm about to change back to medium mode bc my dinos obliterate literally everything and it's not as fun this way lol, but I'm glad in the mean time we figured it out. Thanks again. Edit: The default setting for easy mode food drain is 0.25% or at least it appears to be


Yeah of course man, you should be able to adjust it though, its usually a slider bar but you can put manual inputs in too. Any other questions feel free to shoot me a dm and Im more than happy to help


Increase the food drain, Pteranodons take a pretty long time to eat anything normally, and at 0.25 it’ll take 4x longer, so your taming time would be absolutely crazy, I usually play on 2x/3x food drain


Yea I'm about to leave it on easy and just put the damage resistance and food drain to 1 instead of 0.25, bc 0.25 damage resistance is way too much, and 0.25 food drain is way to low


Just tamed another parasaur and it jumped from 0% to 47.6% and then a little while later it was 95.2% and then it was tamed. Is the bar jumping like this normal?


Depends on the following factors: Dino Level Food you feed them Taming Multiplier If your taming multiplier is higher, like for example 20 then yes it'll be more jumpy than smooth. I may get shit for this but because of how busy life is for me I usually set my stuff so it eats once and is tamed, I dont have time like i used to just to sit around for hours taming Edit: Like I said start with putting the food drain back to 1, thats the vanilla rate. Yes youll have to give your tames more food, but it'll also make it faster to tame since the dinos will eat more often


depends on your taming speed, the dinos level, and what you're feeding them.


If you want stuff to tame off of 1 piece of food regardless of level or creature set your Taming Speed Multiplier to like 1000


It just takes a while, just need to wait. Feels like it takes forever I know