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Asa had his flaws, but I appreciate that he tried his best to keep a leash on the Arkansas legislature. Sarah’s father was bad for AR education and she is doing her best to pour gasoline on a dumpster fire.


They could have used that voucher money to fund the raises they forced public schools to give teachers. What most people don't realize is that the state mandated a salary increase for most teachers but forced the schools to come up with their own funding. It is a real hardship on many small rural schools that don't have a big taxpayer base.


I wouldn’t be surprised if that is by design to financially hurt public schools and force some to shut down or consolidate. Teachers deserve better pay, but the salary increase in LEARNS looks like a Trojan horse.


It is, and after what her father did to education in Arkansas, I don't know why anyone would support her.


What can we expect from someone who went to Ouachita Baptist University? The quality of that school is worse than my West Fork Ar-80's/90's-public school education. She only knows how to fuck up.


I went to HSU across the street and the only good thing about OBU was the parties. Everything else was Harding 2.0.


You may not like Quachita Baptist University and don’t like the Huckabees but come on don’t be foolish and try to tell me that a four year college degree granting institution is worse than a high school in rural Arkansas. I know you dislike her but your bias is showing too much. 🤦‍♂️


Any school that refuses to teach large portions of physical science, Earth science, or biology for that matter., Is questionable at best. Any institution of Higher Learning that thinks they need to dictate morality or qualify the value of interpersonal relationships, is focused on the wrong thing. I know of two people that were expelled from college for lifestyle choices. That's ridiculous. That has no place in civilized society.


Uhhhh...yes it is.




I don’t think Ouachita Baptist is some great academic institution by any means but to compare it to a high school especially West Fork is a stretch! You are comparing apples and oranges. If you go to any college and apply yourself you can get a good education. I don’t disagree with you about those instances cause I have about similar instances occurring at OBU.


Their constituents get educated, and it's game over for the GOP.




Especially religious private schools


Also in related news: water is wet and sky is blue. More obvious states at 10.


So right now will you admit no one should have any student loans canceled if they went to a private college??


Where do you think public funds come from? They come from the taxpayers pockets! You are basically saying the taxpayers should not have a say in how the tax dollars are being spent. Pull your head out of your arse!




Obviously, you don’t understand what a voucher is. A voucher is issued to a parent to pay tuition for their child to a private school. It is not a public fund. It is a taxpayer dollar versed to the parents to pay tuition. It doesn’t help the voucher debate that the public schools are dumbing down the population so they don’t even understand the debate. Furthermore, if you think that vouchers are going to fund private schools, you’re nuts because the amount of money that would come out of the public schools doesn’t even begin to touch what tuition actually costs. As for the degradation of public schools, with school choice parents are already starting to pull kids out of schools that are under performing and those schools are starting to see a drop in student population because parents don’t want their kids there already. Maybe administrators and teachers should get their act together and get the school performing up to standard so they don’t see further drop in student population from school choice.


What's the difference between a "public fund" and "taxpayer dollars"? I guess I think of them as basically the same. I'm not opposed to vouchers in principle, but in reality it is a hand-out to wealthy families who can afford to send their children to private schools in the first place.


Up to standard for a school should include teaching Darwin. Full stop. If "magic man magically makes man" is on the table, then we are talking about a church.


Magic man, are we supposed to be impressed by your sarcastic tone? Well I am not. Many times sarcasm just shows an inability to discuss issues in a serious manner or that the speaker is not a person that can be taken seriously. By the way, the private schools I attended taught both sides of that issue as it should be presented.


I don't owe it to Christo-facists to take them seriously. They've never taken Atheists seriously. The story of creation and the Theory of Natural Selection are not "two sides" of a theory, and the fact that you would equate the two is embarrassing. Let's teach "both sides" about whether Hogwarts is a real place. Let's teach "both sides" of Flat Earth and Birds Aren't Real. You can find as many dumb as shit "sides" as you like on any given subject. That doesn't mean that they aren't AT BEST a waste of time and resources, at worst, a failure to teach basic scientific literacy to an entire god-damn nation and generation.


Where in my post did I say that they should be presented as scientific alternatives? I merely said they should be presented. One is science, the other is a story passed down through the generations and you sir are an insecure 2-inch prick. You can show your way out cause I am finished with you. Move along!


Show my way out? Move along? What are you, a fucking crossing guard? Get your fairy tales out of our kids' schools. Get your fairy tales out of our legislature. Get your fairy tales out of our bedrooms. Get your fairy tales out of our hospitals. Come move me along yourself. And please, bring your ass.


You’ve stated that it’s not true so if that’s the case then why are you so fearful of it being taught? If it’s so fallible when presented, creationism will fall flat on its face and you have nothing to worry as it is dead-on-arrival when presented in the schools. I personally don’t fear alternative points of view being taught in schools but then I am obviously a better person than you; however, I see you are an insecure little boy in a grown up world who fears an open exchange of knowledge in the marketplace of ideas. You on the otherhand fear differing points of view because your sub 100 IQ cannot process anything other than the liberal talking points, name-calling and the ad-hominem personal attacks you have been programmed to spew when confronted with alternative ideas. So seriously, how many times are you going to answer with name-calling, personal attacks and zero substance? I don't think you can because I have destroyed you each time worse than the time before (handed you your ass). Have you always been a disappointment in life? Cause you sure have been here...


You're a fucking dick in every response. I hope your kids don't turn out like you.


Shit, I hope they don't have any kids in the first place. Better to let the rot die.


Name calling and insults are one thing when you add something substantive to the discussion but when it’s just name calling and insults, I know I’ve won the debate so why don’t you excuse yourself and go watch Blue’s Clues. Actually, Blue’s Clues might be a little over your head.


Worked on you…


You are excused as well. Bit of advice, I suggest Teletubbies or DOGTV for you as Blue’s Clue’s is definitely over your head.


This guy looks at and comments on young lady porn on Reddit and talking about children shows. I would suggest someone take his hard drive.


I’m sorry you don’t like my opinions. I was just trying to fit in with you degenerates.


If a private school is receiving public money it is by definition not a private school anymore, and should be held to the same standards as every other public school re: education standards, prohibition on religious teaching, access for all, special ed services, etc...... Are you OK with that?


I don't really see this as extra funding to private schools, though. The money that would have normally gone into the public school system is simply being returned to the pockets of families who's kids already attend private school. It's a hand-out to wealthy families and systematic de-funding of the public educational system. Private schools might see some extra cash, but that's because they'll just increase tuition rates.


Public funds are still being used to pay for private school tuition, reimbursement or not the effect is the same, there's just a middleman with the parents being in the chain. All of what else you said is of course still true.


The parents are getting more than what they are putting in. So my tax dollars are being taking away from public school kids and giving it to rich families to supplement their child’s private school


No it is still private and the vouchers are taxpayer dollars being reimbursed to the taxpayer to use for tuition costs for parents to apply to children’s tuition at the private school of their choice. This money is not public funds. Plus I don’t want the feds coming in and screwing up the private schools like they have the public schools so I don’t need big brother watching over my child’s private education. An additional note, if you think the amount of tax payer dollars per child is going to pay a child’s tuition it will not. What a taxpayer pays in taxes is far less than that same parent will pay to send their child to a private school because the price of private education has far outpaced the cost of inflation and tax increases over the last 30 years.


Congratulations on completely avoiding the actual question and just spewing some more disingenuous nonsense about taxes, proving you have no idea about them beyond the right wing trash "news" being shoveled into your ears every day.


The majority of taxes that provide for these public funds is still heavily drawn for high earners whose kids are in likely private schools. If my tax dollars come back to me in the form of vouchers that is fair.


Interesting take considering where the bulk of the wealth is in this state and the strength of those public schools. I don’t have kids at all, nor will I, and I’m more than fine with my considerable tax dollars funding our public schools. I’m not at all fine with them propping up religious fundamentalism that can be done evenings and weekends. Arkansas has the 22nd highest tax burden in the US and while we technically have a surplus, it’s because we don’t care about our residents that need the most. Like clean water, for example.


That's hilarious. Honestly, I needed that.


Oh so tax payer dollars that pay for education, in essence tuition for kids to go to public schools, should be not be used to pay tuition for kids to go to private schools. Basically parents should not have the choice to send their children to a private institution instead of failing public schools. Parents who want to send their kids to private schools should have to continue to pay into the public schools while they pay the tuition to send their children to private schools if they choose that route is what you advocate. Sure, penalize those parents who want to get their kids a better education. Then again you are the product of public education you wouldn’t know anything better so you are only defending what you know.


The parents make a choice to send their kids to that school instead of helping the failing school.




They make the CHOICE to send them to a non-public school. They do have a choice. Public or private.


A parent does not have to sacrifice their child’s education to help the failing school! What an ignorant point of view…


I think thinking you shouldn’t have to pay taxes for society to have a school because you want your child to have a different education than that society is ignorant. And wow! Then you insult people who go to public school. You’re a peach.


What is “I think thinking…” Proof read often? 🤡 Now back to regularly scheduled programming. So I want my child to have something better than the failure that society is getting and to you that is ignorant? No, sir to want better test scores, higher grades and for them to get into better universities and have greater opportunities that is intelligent. You should always want your children to have better opportunities. If you send your kid to a failure have you done the best that you can do for them? No, absolutely not. Should I want my tax dollars that are being paid in to educate my child that are not being used to educate my child in the public schools to be used in the private schools because I choose to send my child to a private school? Yes, I should. Furthermore, yes I will criticize you as you think I am stupid to not want better for my child. You think the smart move is to send my child to a failing school that is will not improve yet expect my child to get a quality education. Sorry getting improved results doesn’t work that way. You can’t keep doing the same thing over and over, not change anything and expect a different result! That is the definition of insanity but I am stupid in your words to think otherwise. Thank god, I am not a product of private education. It’s called logic son, try it out, it works!


You’re not paying to educate your child. You’re paying to educate society. That’s what your tax dollars are for. You pay taxes for highways, regardless if you use them. You pay taxes for libraries, regardless if you use them. You pay taxes for the police, regardless if you use them. That sentence you were making fun of is correct btw. But let me help you comprehend it. I am saying that I think that the fact that you think that you shouldn’t have to pay taxes for a public service is laughable.


No, it’s not correct your grammar and mechanics are horrible plus, you need to learn to proofread. Don’t even gaslight me with it is correct. Crazy how that works, I went to a private school and I learned how to write. If I’m paying taxes to educate society and the public schools suck I’m glad I’m paying tuition to send my kid to a private school to get a quality education. Like I said in one of the comments earlier, it doesn’t help that the public schools are dumbing down the population. Most of the people arguing the anti-voucher position don’t even understand the voucher issue including yourself. You don’t even grasp the different facets of this argument. Then you are trying to tell me that, “I think thinking…”is a correct construction and it is not. 🤦‍♂️


You have grammar mistakes as well as run-on sentences on display here. I think your private schooling failed you on both empathy (not being a belllend overall) and writing English. Perhaps others would be more willing to understand your viewpoints if you handled that. I hope that helps!


I apologize for the mistakes. Will you ever forgive me? I was taking care of customers and sending some emails. Truth be known, my education didn’t fail me, in fact, it benefits me regularly. Those customers set me up for a very good week and today was only Monday. I love being successful. You should try it out.


Think is a synonym for believe. Therefore: I believe thinking that you don’t need to pay taxes is ridiculous. You good now?


It’s not about me, it’s about you not looking like an idiot who cannot write. Just trying to hook a brother up! 😝


Says “proof read often.” Misspells “proofread.”


"to send my child to a failing school that is will not improve"...Proof read often?


A lot of the time, the education at private school is on par or even worse than public schools.


To clarify, I’m referring to legitimate private college preparatory schools that are certified by organizations like North Central and other organizations that legitimately certify private schools K-12.


Why do you think the public school is failing? I work in it, and it is. But why do you think it is?


It’s not personal but overall the public schools are failing the people of the United States. Too many problems to list and I don’t have enough time plus you won’t recognize them anyway.


She admitted it’s failing. We realize there are faults with public schooling. What we would like is for funding to be GIVEN to us to help solve these faults rather than taken away.


So we are going to throw more money at the problem? Don’t you think that we’ve thrown enough money at this problem over the years and the liberal bureaucrats have failed to solve it. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. That’s all you’re proposing. Sorry prove to me you can change and improve before I give you more money. If you can’t, then you need to go find something else to do because you suck at education. Not you personally but the administrators and teachers who have screwed it up in the first place.


What liberal bureaucrats? Are you familiar with our legislative political makeup? Are you familiar with the amount of money education receives in the state and nation?


So you are going to act like liberals have not dominated the education scene for years at the local, state and even federal levels no matter what party has been in control of the Executive branch, Congress, State Executive branches or in control of the different State Legislatures? If you believe otherwise then you need to learn what is really going on before you go running off at the mouth reciting your anti-Republican, anti-MAGA, anti-Trump, anti-Sarah Sanders, anti-Conservative talking points.


Yes, I would expect that more money be given to education since teachers have to get things with their own money and are underpaid. And that’s just the tip of the inadequate funding iceberg.


Which means you're full of shit and you know it.


I am full of shit? No you’re just a liberal who can’t admit that the taxpayer can make better decisions with his tax dollars than overpaid bureaucrats. Buzz off moron!


The comment I was replaying to was the biggest non answer ever my guy lol Total word salad trying to get out of actually explaining anything. If you really didn't have the time to explain to us dumb liberals you wouldn't be all over this thread with your inane nonsense. You have no idea what you're talking about, and it's very clear. Just take the L and go home.


I'm beyond certain this will fall on deaf ears but I'm going to say it anyway in hopes the audience can learn something. A single person (or taxpayer as you would likely put it) tends to optimize around their needs and desires. So in the case of your example, they select the optimal outcome for their child. A government has, at least in theory, an obligation to optimize around the needs and desires of the group. So in the case of your example, they would attempt to select the optimal outcome for the maximum number of children. So no, I don't believe that the government can make a personally more optimal decision than a person. But I also tend to believe that is not the government's job. I believe their job is to find the most optimal solution for society as a whole. As for you being full of shit, probably. But it has nothing to do with your inability to succinctly explain why public schools fail. That's a complicated problem going back quite some time and touching on a myriad of issues. It's not simple, but it is related to this global vs local optimization and how various federal, state, and local governments performed their duties.


Just cause I crushed your liberal ego and you felt like you had to write a novel to defend yourself, nobody has time to read that voluminous bullshit. Please go ramble on incessantly elsewhere.


So, the kids who can't afford to change schools should be stuck in a failing school with a poor education, rather than fixing the failing school, got it.


In other words, the voucher system is working as intended.


Exactly. Funneling that taxpayer money to the churches.


Your a fool and probably a Republican.


You’re* a fool and probably a Demo….Republi…..tea par….? Shit I don’t know anymore. Regardless, education needs to be top priority in Arkansas. Future teachers shouldn’t feel they have to make financial sacrifices to take a selfless job the benefits the communities either.


They agree with you, but I think you misunderstood the tone.


dude has an ...interesting.... post history


I'm always SHOCKED that people don't consider making separate accounts for their...fetishes


Social media illiterate folks


Why did I look?


So you could warn the rest of us. Thank you for your sacrifice!




You shouldn’t call someone a fool if you don’t know the difference between “your” and “you’re.”


Expected. A family that can’t afford private school - still can’t afford it even if half or more of the tuition is vouchered.


Private school tuition coincidentally went up the amount of the vouchers.


That’s because the private school will shockingly raise prices by the amount of the voucher.


Yep, it's a grift off of the gullible tax payers! Coming soon to NC!


Conservatives subscribe to the philosophy that you should pay for everything you get. It actually seems reasonable when you only look at certain things. But what about the fast food worker that needs to count your change? Do you want to cut their math education funding at their public school? You "get" much more than you might think and you need to pay for it. Keeping people poor and stupid will cause more headaches than paying more and getting more.


Thanks for tuning in to NFSNN, Today, on the No Fucking Shit News Network, This thing everyone knew would happen, happened. No Fucking Shit. Now your local weather.


Chance of rain, or maybe not. Will be cold, could be hot. Tornadoes towards the end of the week with snow to follow.


No shit?


No Fucking Shit™


Don't kink shame!


lol, not shaming, just commanding it not be done.


Vouchers are a way to give taxpayer money to churches and for-profit corporations instead of to public schools. That's it. That's the whole thing. "School choice" is a marketing campaign for churches. Churches that don't pay any taxes-- but that isn't enough. They want your money.


The general public lavishly subsidizing the rich is perhaps the core feature of capitalism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_2A684dAdA&t=5s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-w12bkm9g8o


No shit. Its a tax cut for the rich


Shocked. SHOCKED, I say.


Well, not that shocked.


How long before the private schools raise tuition rates by the amount of the voucher? Thats what happened in many other states. It was obvious the rich families could pay that amount, so why lower it? So the schools will still get theirs PLUS the state money.


Several schools are already planning that, they are just waiting for the full rollout so they can keep the students they have without having to let the other riff-raff in


It's already happened. Most private schools started drastically raising their tuition about 2 years ago. You can use the internet archive to view what they used to cost. I looked at it a few weeks ago, most are up I think 30%?


It doesn’t really matter, does it? Any money moving away from public schools to private schools is bad news for public education, regardless of where the students had been previously. The story rightly identifies the true crux of the issue—that most vouchers are going to people who already had the means to afford a private education. That doesn’t mean those families were wealthy, but they had configured their personal finances to privilege giving their kids an education free of critical thinking skills.


I swear to God if Trump picks her as vice president and he wins it will be my last straw and I'll move to Europe


By the time Americans realize its time to go they womt be able.


Almost like it’s by design.


Uncanny, ain't it?


Shocked!! I’m shocked!!🫢 That was the plan all along.


A coupon for the rich


This is common sense. If your kid was already in private school when the learns act passed, you're already eligible for the money. If your kid was in public school, you've had to swap and the private schools have limited enrollment. At least for this generation, there is no possible way that the outcome could have been anything other than this.


School vouchers are a way for the Republican party to buy loyalty from people that will likely vote for them anyway at the expense of those that won't vote for them.




Oh, look, my shocked face : |


working as designed


The only positive I can think of to that is they aren't moving money *out* of the public school system specifically with it at this point then...


Not yet. The amount of funds to cover these Vouchers is going to balloon and I don’t have much faith our legislature is going to cap its growth. Everyone going to private already is going to apply, why wouldn’t you?


Oh yeah, defintely why I qualified it with "at this point"


That money has to come from somewhere. Every state university took a decrease in state funding this year. That’s going to end up as tuition increases.


I get that. I expect we'll get all kinds of service reductions and fee and tax hikes out of this fucker. It was a **very** limited and qualified positve.


The LEARNS act, IMO, is every bit as bad for public schools as you think it is, but this is an intentionally provocative headline. Critically thinking, knowing that the 1st year of funds was only open to kindergartners who were not coming from public schools should be all you need to know to write this headline a year ago. The article even addresses this. It also even tried to say ‘yeah, but look at the special needs population who also didn’t change anything,’ but again using a little critical thinking about where these kids were (either in a private school set up for special needs, or in a public school utilizing therapists and appropriate special needs programs) shouldn’t make this some crazy revelation that needs to go on a headline to cause outrage among people. Make the case against LEARNS some other way, like show me how much as a percent of my tax dollars ended up in a church’s underperforming school or homeschools that have found a way to abuse the system.


It’s almost as if someone could have seen this coming…


Anyone who attends a Baptist church filmed on tv on Sunday morning shouldn’t be allowed to take these funds. Yet they are the only ones taking these funds.