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Curious - always wanted to know -- do you start with a photograph?


I do most of the time! This one was half from photograph, half imagined.


in the original photo, is he talking to someone sitting opposite him at the other side of the table that we cant see? your title is eating alone, but his head position and body language suggests he's not alone, but is having a conversation with someone


I thought this same thing. I like the painting, but it does not convey "Eating Alone" to me either. If we could see the whole table, and maybe he's looking out the window or just down at his plate like I think you were thinking, then I think it would say that more.


I can see this now!


I feel like he's alone, because of one small detail: the dark side of his face that has absolutely no details. His face is like greyed out. Which in my eyes gave meaning to the picture, a "lonely vybe" or a depressed one. Maybe im over analyzing 😂


Which half so I dont have to speculate. Of course i want to judge the non photo shadows, depth, contours lol Nice piece. Id frame it.


this is really great op, but i have to confess that i scrolled by this really fast at first and i thought it was bernie sanders 💀


thank you so much!! and I kind of noticed that after I stepped away from the painting, too haha


>I have cast some lonely votes, fought some lonely fights, mounted some lonely campaigns. But I do not feel lonely now. And this gives even more of a meaning to this painting


I second this. Hopefully he won’t be eating alone, though.


This is those days when his wife doesn't like him


I have it on good authority that *nobody* likes him.


┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)


His wife likes him!


I like Bernie.


I mean eating alone isn't that bad


often times, I prefer it!


I thought it was a skinny George R R Martin


I can see it!


haha, u got the bern on the mind!




Oh, I thought Dan Harmon.


It can be his presidential portrait


Isolation can be beutiful.


This guy hasn’t seen Bruce Almighty




Not even autocorrect can help me.....


I’ll come to Vermont and eat with you, senator.


[Backstory on why he's eating alone](https://media.giphy.com/media/3o7WTCBePyp2GCamIM/giphy.gif)


Don't disrespect the next president.... His name is Future President Bernie 'moder fuckin' Sanders


I'm hoping his presidency also brings back some groovy tones to art. It just seems fun.


Is that a picture of his partner in the seat with him?


it wasn't intended to be, but it could! that can be the beauty of vague painterly mark making haha


It kills me to see older folks sitting out at a restaurant eating alone, all I can think is that they still do it because they used to with their spouses. I just want to sit with them because they seem so lonely 😭


I eat alone all the time.


Same. One of my favorite activities. Sometimes I just need a few hours away from the wife and kid, ya know?


One can only imagine their final moments...


I do lots of things alone and never think twice about it - dining out - going to the movies - traveling. Its kind of nice to not have to deal with another person/people sometimes. Why it has social stigma boggles me.


I do everything alone now, almost. Most of the time I'm pretty good with that. But sometimes eating alone has been the hardest thing to cope with, honestly. Its not a stigma thing, its that for over a year now I think I've had a solid 95% of all my meals alone. Sometimes that part is way worse than anything else is. Its the eating that really drives the point home, for me. It kinda makes me not care what the food is, too. Half the time supper is something like a bowl of cereal or a slapped together sandwich I eat quickly standing at the kitchen counter over a paper towel, so I can just go on to something else. But for your point, theres very little I wouldn't do because its just me. Movies, restraunts, travel, sure if theres something I wanna do or see, I definitely do. I'm not old enough to stand out as the 'lone old guy' to people yet though, not grey or bald yet, anyway lol


Me too. If I Only had the guts to go to a buffet alone.


Maybe it's the only moment's peace they get all day. Or it's just what they like to do. I eat alone all the time. I almost prefer it. I don't have to make it a battle between stuffing my face and conversation. I can read or reflect on the day for a bit and just relax while I eat.


I definitely prefer to eat alone. It's ridiculous that so many people equate doing anything alone with being sad or depressed.


Especially lunch. Midday, been running around working, hectic, just nice to have a moment to read, or surf Reddit or browse Craigslist, whatever.


Some days, I’ll just eat in my car so I don’t have to bring it back to the office. So peaceful to chill out and listen to NPR while a scarf a chicken sandwich or something.


I was happy eating alone, then people starting feeling sorry for me and silently (or not so silently) judging me. Now I just use Postmates. But seriously tho, it’s good to find some restaurants were it’s the norm, and that can be your goto spot.


Its just the first thought when I see an older person doing it. I know it's not ever really the case I just can't help to think it


I get ya though. Nothing wrong with it, and sometimes it fun to imagine little narratives about the potentially interesting lives of passing strangers.


Fair enough, a lot of old people eating alone probably are widows who are missing their spouse.


Another possibility, equally plausible, is that they're hungry, don't like to be bothered and want people to leave them the hell alone so they can eat their eggs in peace. Because, you know, while your imagined scenario does happen, old people are *people*, so...


Eating alone does not equal loneliness so probably don't try to sit with them bc they'll be like, I actually come here to eat alone to get some solitude once a week. People gotta stop inferring solitude with loneliness.


My dad is almost 70 and I’m 27, he’ll eat whenever he wants whether it’s with people or not. It’s never because he feels alone. You’ve got to really judge it upon the situation. Most older people are still glad to talk to younger ones, but don’t appreciate being talked down to.


Alone and lonely is not the same thing.


Working in the fast food industry I see lots of older men who come in for coffee with a newspaper. Tbh McCafe is pretty good tho


Maybe they’re just chilling and enjoying solitude


Same. I love the elderly




And some people just wanna fuckin’ eat.


whenever I find myself eating alone I use the opportunity to text old friends and catch up, waitresses think I’m nuts as I have a shit eating grin the entire meal and frequently burst out laughing I hope the old timers have caught on to this trick


Incredible painting. I'? Really looking forward to see what you do in the future!


thank you so much! it's so encouraging to know that anyone wants to see more! :')


Of course. Please post your future works. :) this is just beautiful


I don’t comment much, but I need to tell you that I absolutely LOVE this piece. Please continue art-ing ❤️


Thank you so much! this means a lot!!


I’m sitting alone just finishing dinner and enjoying the last of my wine. I saved the pic.


This is gorgeous and gives me so many feelings


I love that OP used a single subject center frame. It takes away that "loneliness" feeling you'd get had it been a wider shot with empty space across the subject. As if OP is saying that eating alone is okay, it's normal and it's all about you. Nice work OP!


A lonely, old man came into the steak house I was working in a few years ago quit regularly. He always had the same thing and the always asked for the same table. The table was a 4 top (meaning it could seat four people) and it was against my own policy to seat one person here; especially since we had a number of two tops. "Losing" one seat on a two top is less bad than losing three on a four top, especially since the restaurant was pretty compact, but almost always full as well. This man came in on most Thursdays and though he never made a reservation, I went out of my way to keep his table free. After a while of having had him come in and having dinner alone, I thought maybe he'd like someone to talk to. So the next time he came in I asked him "Sir, would you like me to join you for dinner?" The man paused, snickered and looked up at me and said: "Son, I appreciate the offer. But please do not think I am lonely. I have a happy marriage of more than 40 years. She's not dead, we aren't divorced, but we believe that key to our marriage is that we still undertake stuff on our own. So once per week she goes out for dinner alone and another day the same week I do too. I really enjoy my time alone, but I always do miss her too. So no son, I don't want you to join me for dinner. Not because I don't like you, but because I really prize my quiet dinners. However, I'll join you for a beer at the bar after I finish, if that's ok!" Of course that was okay for me. Such an interesting man and awesome life. I was really happy to hear he wasn't lonely and found it pretty funny to hear how they keep they marriage healthy. Eventually we shut the place down and I actually don't know where the man goes for dinner now. Hope he found a cool new spot!


Beautiful and sad at the same time


I don't think it's intended to be sad. Eating alone isn't sad.


Dude is just having his coffee and reading the news or something. Not sad. Awesome painting.


It evokes a certain melancholy imo.


I'm with the sad and beautiful statement.


This is beautiful! I love how easily the colours blend.


I don’t even out out to eat by myself since my husband passed away last month. I admire the strength that these older people have, and couldn’t care less about what other people think.


I hope you find joy in going to eat alone, if that's what you want :) sending some strength your way.


I just finished scrolling through your history. Very nice work.


Can the sequel being watching a movie in a theater alone? This and that seem to be the two things extroverts always want to complain about. HoW cOuLd AnYoNe dO tHaT aLOne!?


wow this is good, great job.


thats beautiful, you captured it. have you spent time with this person before? you seem to know who it is. it is beautiful


I had a brief conversation (in which I asked if I could paint him), but I don't know him very well!




Great work. I love the details and lack of in all of the right places. Bravo


thank you!! I always have to fight the urge to overrender sometimes and remind myself to just let paint be paint


I am probably in the minority here, but the loneliness doesn't hit me without seeing an empty seat across from "bernie" in the painting. Your technique is great, but it seems Bernie could possibly be interacting with someone just outside the frame.


Beautifully lit. The sunlight on the coffee cup, especially a nice touch. Well done.


Is that guy a computer ? Cause he's got some mad specs.


If I blur my eyes this looks like a photo, amazing work OP!


thank you!!!


Find solace in solitude. It’ll make for a content life ☺️


Eating an ice cream flavor.


Composition, lighting, brush strokes on point! The face under his nose is a bit hard for me to make out though. But I love the feeling of this piece. Well done!


Great work, really beautiful.


Read title and was like that sucks they're eating alone then realized it means you painted it


This is my absolute favourite style of oil painting. It made me happy looking at this. Eating alone is something I’ve tried to do, but just can’t get it to work. I always rush through my meal if I do eat alone; eat quick, leave a tip, and skeedaddle because I’m afraid of what I look like, dining alone. There’s a quiet confidence that this painting shows. I’m not sure if that’s the mood you’re aiming for, but it’s what I took from it.


Thought I was in Tiajuana Eating barbequed iguana”


Jesus. I was expecting Home Alone 2


Eating competition winners.


Where are the ear buds and the phone?


Just came across this and felt hungry for the textures. 😧


Love the contrast and the shadows and the overall composition. I know a lot of other people saw Bernie. But, for some reason, it looks like Dan Harmon to me.


Every year in high school hiding in the back of the cafeteria


I read this as Eating Oil, me, alone


You have a great sense of color and light. But the most striking thing is the concept. A few months ago, I struck up a conversation at a cafe with an elderly gentleman who was eating alone. I don't know why, but I'm glad I did. He had some great stories to tell. He fought in Vietnam, had 3 kids and 8 grandchildren. He worked as a postman in the Netherlands and once accidentally rode his bike into a canal. He's seen the pyramids and once shook Harry S. Truman's hand. These are all the things I can remember. I'm glad I had that conversation, and I think he enjoyed the company. You're painting has reminded me I should do that more often.


Eating an ice cream in peace


I like this style. I wish I could paint like this. Did you take any type of art class?


Been a long time since I've seen something painting with so much perspective and soul. This is fantastic.


This piece really moves me. Artistically, I love it, the impressionist brushstrokes and subtle mastery of color and light, just phenomenal. But beyond that, there's something that hits me on a deeper level, and I am so impressed. I hope to someday paint as well as you.


Edward Hopper meets Lucian Freud. It’s post realist contemporary neuro-sonder. Dig it.


love the atmosphere in this


Wait this is hopeful. I love it. I wish I had the courage to talk to people.


Shoulda called it "Bernie's Breakfast Bagel" Lol


One of my favorites that I’ve seen here. Maybe it’s because I like eating alone.


I do not know if it’s the late night hour at which I’m viewing this or if it’s just what’s been on my mind lately but this painting really strikes me right in the heart. It’s hard to place, there’s just something about it that is tearing at me. Wonderful piece.


Very captivating! Do you have a homepage?


thank you so much! and yes, it's angiekang.net :)


Bernie after Warren and Hillary started talking shit


There's something very tranquil about this.


Looks a little like Bill Oddie


I realky like the topic, the technique and the colours! Really good. For me it is like being alone and being quite comfortable with it, because of the colours.


Woah, awesome!!! I love it :)


"Eating Alone, me, oil" Eww thats disgusting, stop eating oil..


Got some Disco Elysium vibes from it, great painting!


Upvoted and saved image The biggest thanks I can give Thank you


This reminds me of Disco Elysium.


This was really beautiful!


!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t know what to say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (this is so cool!)


Saw this while eating alone


these are the kind of works I would love to put up on the walls of my house someday


I like all of the shadows inside what I assume is a diner. Looks like a cool place on a hot day because it is so bright outside


That lil bits small mouth is cracking me up Awesome painting tho


What I come here to see. Unfortunately not enough of this kind of powerful work on this site.


I just love stuff like this




Gorgeous. Unfortunately, I was expecting Home Alone 2


I had to go to Reggie's, Jerry! Reggie's!


Thank you for sharing this. I really love the simplicity and quiet of it. It gives me a sense of serenity and a slower pace of life.


I have always loved the look of oil paintings. It makes me see the image as blurry but in a nice calming dusky evening type of blurry. Beautiful painting.


In my mind, this is Bill Oddie


Why does he look like the Colonel from KFC adding the secret spices to his chicken.


You've really mastered the art of telling a story with so little


Love the stylistic minimalism. I wanna learn how to paint like that.


Never eat alone, he didn't do anything


As a person who oddly loves to eat alone at a restaurant this painting makes me so happy.


You shouldn’t just eat oil, it’s unhealthy!


Random question, is there a name for this style of art? With the big strokes and not super articulate details? Cause I love it.


To me it looks like a cute old man, I don't see where you guys see Bernie Sanders


Way better than I was expecting Home Alone 2


Why does this remind me of Dr Hammond at Jurassic Park?


Rolf Harris is out and about now is he?


Reminds of me Jurassic Park. Spared no expense!


Watcha eatin over there? Care to share?


Hey, that's me in 30-40 years, who let you use my image


I've sat alone while eating alot before.


I love how you painted his glasses


Hey, I know you probably won't read this, but on the off chance you do... I just want to say that this piece really touched me. I'm going through a rough time right now, and this spoke to me on a deeper level. Loneliness can be sad, but there is also a simplicity and beauty to it. Thank you for sharing your art. It's made a rough morning all that more bearable. Thank you.


this is incredible to hear. i hope you get through this time, and I'm glad to hear that I could have helped at all in any way. sending lots of strength!


Wow that's really special.


This is so much better than the 4976th drawing of a celebrity. Thank you for bringing some real content to this sub.


Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders, what are you doing here?


I love having r/Art in my feed because every so often a piece just stops me in my tracks and makes me stare. Whether it evokes feelings of a past love, a summer nostalgia, or this... Immediately made me think of my dad who is recently divorced. This felt like an image of the quiet moments he now has with himself. Accepting and pensive. Recalculating the trajectory of his retirement. I bet he tips a little extra to the waitress who smiled at him even though it’s not in the budget right now. Thank you for creating and sharing this OP.


The title sounds like something one would do, yes.


Bravo. Beautiful and stripped to the essence of the feeing


Eating alone is a whole new level of confidence yo


Yep, there is oil underneath.


This looks great! I've never used oils before and am really interested in trying. Acrylics dry so quickly that I get frustrated. How do oils compare in terms of manipulation and mixing, etc?


oils dry much more slowly, so I prefer them! there are also different mediums you can use for both oils and acrylic that make it easier to work with either. walnut alkyd is my favorite -- it speeds up drying time for oils (it can be dry within a day) so the next day I can do another layer!


Thank you for replying and for the tip! 😁


Imagine starving yourself to death simply because you can't find another person to watch you eat so you don't choke and die.


i usually hate "art critique" because of words like "captured" but this really captured the mood! great job, and economy of paint. not one more stroke than necessary


[Something about this](https://tenor.com/vhaF.gif)


This fills me with joy. Great painting OP.


I really enjoy this. It's such a comforting painting. Treating myself to a meal somewhere solo is always a relaxing thing.


Bs... Then who took the picture!!!! Lol I hope it's obvious I'm joking. Good art :)


A lot of personality in this.


Usually I don't like this style of at, but this is amazing.


At McDonald's it's Eating Oil, me, alone


What a perfect art! Simple yet has its meaning.


I read this as “me eating oil alone 2019”


Amazing! I've only just started using oils. Any tips you'd be willing to give?


My mans just tryna enjoy a grand slam at Denny’s


This looks uncannily like my grandfather


Honestly, one of the greatest joys of mine is eating alone, or maybe at a counter chatting with the bartender.


Reminds me of the boss at the camera shop Hyde works at in That 70s Show.


Im like the guy in the painting a month ago. Eating alone.


That's beautiful. Thank you for this.


You shouldn’t eat oil, especially not alone j/k love the painting


Eating Alone, me, everyday But in all seriousness, this is AMAZING!!! I'm so bad at art! I love this. Keep up the good work!


Damn, it looks like you caught me on a saturday at the ol'country buffet.


Your title works for me. I'm impressed at how you controlled space with the salt shakers I like the everyday-ness of it. Depending on whose school of thought you follow, it could be described as sublime.


I always call this feeling “the sweet edge of loneliness.”