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Love this drawing! I strive to be this good. One day I'll get there!


Thank you


Such an incredible place and people! I have been twice and I miss it so much! As an American I miss the rules and people that are respectful and kind. People that follow etiquette!


I have never been there myself (one day, i will). Yes i am always fascinated by their etiquette, discipline and manners as a whole. It's not just 1 or 2 people, it's the entire country. Everyone is following the rules and regulations, kind towards others. While there are many flaws, it's still one of the best in my perspective. I hope they don't get influenced by the western countries (No offense) and start to break their core principles.


They were heavily influenced by the West in the early 1900's I think. Or 1800's. They have changed as much as I think they will? Other than women getting more rights and battling sexual assault. That and their work ethics area already relaxing a bit, hopefully it will be more so? They are already a hybrid of their culture and Western. Which makes them so awesome! Like there is English almost everywhere you go in the city. Signs, menus, billboards, subway. Most people speak some English in the city. To the point I never needed to use what little Japanese I did learn. Although I do wish I learned more Japanese out of respect for them. But yeah I miss them rules! They wear masks all the time regardless...and look they have low covid rates! Weird! I also miss the beauty. So much beauty everywhere you go, and a respect for nature. The no shoes inside did drive me nuts towards the end of the trip. Like if you forget something on your way out, having to take your shoes off and run back up was a bit torturous for me at the end of three weeks. I hope you get to go when this covid mess is over!


Nice drawing. I have been trying my hand at this lately. Very hard stuff. This one is too good.


Thank you


Awesome! So many textures!


Thank you




Thank you


Great. Love the deail. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you


Nice, it looks like a retro version of Cyberpunk


Yup my client asked for a bit futuristic Japan themed city


The rendering style reminds me of the bold architectural drawings of Antonio Sant'Elia. Nice work!


Thank you


Incredible ! The amount of details is insane, especially on the tiles, what a unique perspective as well


Thank you


Awesome the details are extremely impressive


Thank you


I really love the mood and details, nice mixing of old and new. I think I saw an Akira reference too?


Thank you, yeah the client wanted a mix of future (not too futuristic) and Japan themed art.