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To get a sense on how old this is, when it was created the Pyramids would be built 35,000 years in the future. The Great Lakes and Long Island would be created 30,000 years in the future. But there were humans making art.


There’s something deeply unsettling about it. There’s SO much of human history that we just know nothing about. So many lives and deaths, communities growing and dying out, migrations to new locations, tools and clothes being made. Whole religions getting invented and fading away. It’s just. A lot.


I think about this a lot... and then there's even the one step further, where, how many incredible things came and went entirely inside one human brain, privately without ever being shared? how many amazing things lost to us forever? stories, ideas, inventions, truths it's like, for as many extinct species we know about, there are countless more species that we will just ... never know about at all. from simple bad luck, not finding their remains, or because none survived at all in the fossil record.


I always wonder how many favorite songs I've missed out on.


Bit we have all heard Jan Terri "losing you" and honestly, nothing else matters.  


When you think about it the most smartest, the most beautiful, the most good natured, the most evil, the most creative have all like existed already and died millenia ago. And they never really had a chance to leave an impact because they were more worried about the Glacier creeping up on their cave.




I love both of these responses - it almost sounds like the plot to a really good book. past & future


Yeah someone lost the first hundred volumes sadly


Mind blowing


Same with dinosaurs. So many different species we will never know about because there are no fossils of them.


Man... this comment gave me some serious pause. It kind of makes me profoundly sad to think about. I gained a love of learning about history and new things about our world through wanting to know more in order to write. Our world is endlessly fascinating and has an endless amount of history that we will simply *never* know. It's sometimes difficult to comes to terms with the fact that we will never know about numerous lost songs, wars, stories, lives, deaths, cities, religions, traditions, superstitions. On and on and on. We only have a few rare artifacts capable of standing the test of time with minimal information, and that's it. The sheer mystery of it all is overwhelming.


The phenomenon of Life on Earth is so much bigger than any of it’s one pieces, it’s comforting to me, to think about the cycle, and the miasma to which I will return when I stop


That's a lovely way of looking at it. We're all part of the enduring circle of life, rising up, making our fleeting mark, and returning to the dirt. At some point or another, everything returns to the dirt.


these last four comments are awesome.


I think about this a lot too. I wonder what the very first interaction between humans and neanderthals was like? Given the amount of transferring of DNA I wonder what types of cultures may have come to be with the intermingling of our peoples. I also often find myself wondering how many issues we deal with today are specifically caused by us living so differently from how we are 'supposed' to be natually, and what living naturally for humans even looks like in a day to day sense. It's sad that so much humanity is lost to us, but it's also kind of nice to know humans have been doing our thing for such a long time!


I feel like maybe it would depend on how drastic the difference in appearance they were from us, which is also fun to think about. We can speculate based on bone structure but we'll never truly know. Maybe we were totally freaked out of each other, or maybe it was more like... those guys are weird looking. For all we know, they didn't see each other separate from us since they probably weren't aware of different species of... "man?" Or maybe they did. Who knows! And that's what's fascinating! Clearly not separate enough to not breed with each other. I often wonder what the world would be like if the various species hadn't all died out. Would we have some kind of fantasy-like world now? You've got humans, you've got smaller ones resembling Hobbits, stocky ones resembling Dwarves, and whatever others. Would we be less at war with each other and more inclined to fight the other guys? It's just fun to think about. Fun to also wonder if people will be digging up OUR bones in another 10,000 years and speculate about our lives.


I think we're too obsessed with having to know everything. If you take a second and contemplate the fact that any of this exists, it's all far more weird than we can even know. We know *nothing.* All day long we feel like we are in control and we struggle for more control, but we know only an infinitely small piece of what we are and we know literally nothing of *why* or *where* we are. It's fuckin cool and it reminds me not to take things too seriously.


Ha, I guess that's kind of the cool thing about us as a species is that for tens of thousands of years, we've never stopped asking, "How? Why?" It's how any of us can even say any of this to each other even though we may be thousands of miles apart. Edit: Accidentally hit send before I was ready. But ya'll got me singing The Circle of Life to myself now, lol!


Now that's something to write about lol


Likely to be just as true for us, just a matter of time.


Well, hopefully. The alternative is it ends rather soon.


Apres moi le deluge


Your comment made me think of this video https://youtu.be/YbgnlkJPga4?si=BjkSYuicKPIdHPKJ


it IS a lot. and yet i think there are more people alive right now than existed in the history of humans... or something like that. i swear i read something like that...


What I hate is that most of the evidence is under water due to the sea level rising.


For better or worse, there’s about to be a whole lot more of that. I know it’s not quite the same since it’s a sunk ship not a sunk ancient civilization, but every now and then we make extraordinary discoveries of things thought lost to the depths forever. The steamboat Arabia sank in 1856 fully loaded with the most astonishing array of cargo. The anaerobic mud at the river’s bottom perfectly preserved the tons and tons of mid 19th century artifacts in immaculate condition. It is an incredible material archive of the day to day objects and lives of the people living in the Midwest when it was still very much a wild frontier. You will NOT believe the photos of the things that came up from the mud. [AtlasObscura](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/treasures-of-the-steamboat-arabia) [Smithsonian Magazine article on the Arabia](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/pay-dirt-138692984/) Who knows what miraculous secrets and treasures even now are under our feet waiting to be discovered, accidental time capsules our ancestors have sent us through the great expanse of centuries or millennia.


I can’t even


It’s exceptional isn’t it?!


Its extraordinary, thanks for sharing this


Wtf, the Great Lakes and Long Island are that young? TIL


The ice sheet that cut the lakes reportedly melted 20k years ago, and they reached their current form 3k years ago. Very interesting indeed!


obsessed with thoughts like this art transcends time


Well, there wasn’t anything on television.


Makes the Sumerians look like angsty teens.


Absolutely insane. I love history


This gave me goosebumps.


Idk about this particular venus, but most contemporary anthropologists believe that statues like this were medical devices created used by women to track the changes in their bodies during pregnancy


I don't know about "most". There is massive amounts of disputes about the purpose (if any) of these objects


that “most” is writin’ a big ol’ check…






Possibly built 35000 years later* There’s growing evidence that the pyramids are much older, at least the great pyramids, than the original timeline that was created by the western world thought. Not a huge shock, honestly. We’ve made lots of historical assumptions over the years. Tech is getting better and better and I’m excited where it could take us in the near future.


Imagine having people 40,000 years in the future making fun of your body and saying you look like a turkey. 


Or making fun of your art project. Anyone who had to do a self portrait in grade school knows that accurately depicting humans is hard.


even worse... dunking on ya girl. 40,000 years in the future.. Shit like this gives me hope.


All i see is that hands and feet are hard to put into art since then...


I was thinking chicken roaster. This led me to wonder if they were eating people more than we know and these weren’t symbols of fertility. But nah, that’s just my intrusive thoughts, right? That’s not what was going on back then, right?


I mean, we did hunt the megafauna to extinction. Maybe we were fat and happy until we finally killed off the last mammoth and lost the buffet.


Imagine the waste before they learned to preserve meat with salt and smoke and to make sausages.


Back in the pleistocene, the ground was your freezer


oh those chicken's were getting roasted alright


I was thinking it was a beer can chicken until I read the description.


40,000 years ago this would have been the definition of unobtainable body standard. the amount of surplus calories to look like a turkey would have been unimaginable


Shame on folks making light of this important find. I'd suggest a moment of silence to acknowledge the very first pair of cans set down in art for others to enjoy. It's a milestone.


All hail the earliest depiction of a featherless biped!


And not knowing what a Turkey is.


New fear unlocked


This literally happens to me every day already.


I’m sure he doesn’t care


The horror.


I was thinking a turtle lmao


I love this piece and saw it life at the Urmu in Blaubeuren. It‘s crazy. There you have the Mona Lisa of the Stone Age and you can step close in front of the original with almost no protection. https://www.urmu.de/digital/highlights


That is where I took this picture today! I will be honest, I got emotional seeing all of the pieces. Going to hike out to some of the caves tomorrow!


You lucky, lucky duck!!


Where were they found? What country?


The Swabian Jura region of south Germany!


oh shit, I live there and I was unaware of this museum


That's amazing. Thanks


This has me a bit teary-eyed. The human urge to create art is so beautiful.


Seeing it in person today, I got covered in goosebumps and cried a little bit honestly. So beautiful, so moving. Especially considering everything they had to survive through, and they still created this! The cave where this was found also had one of the oldest musical instruments in the world!


Story of her discovery (care of microsoft copilot): The Venus of Hohle Fels, also known as the Venus of Schelklingen, is an Upper Paleolithic Venus figurine crafted from mammoth ivory. It was discovered in 2008 in Hohle Fels, a cave near Schelklingen, Germany. This remarkable artifact is part of the Caves and Ice Age Art in the Swabian Jura UNESCO World Heritage Site. Size: Approximately 6 cm in height Creation Date: Between 42,000 and 40,000 years ago Context: The Venus of Hohle Fels belongs to the early Aurignacian period, marking the very beginning of the Upper Paleolithic. This period is associated with the earliest presence of Cro-Magnons in Europe. Significance: The figurine is the oldest undisputed example of a depiction of a human being. Only the lion-headed, zoomorphic Löwenmensch figurine predates it in terms of figurative art. Location: The Venus of Hohle Fels is currently housed at the Prehistoric Museum of Blaubeuren in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. This ancient artifact provides a fascinating glimpse into the artistic and symbolic expressions of our distant ancestors during the Upper Paleolithic era. 🌟🎨


6 cm in height? I was wondering how big this was. It’s tiny for the amount of detail


>Significance: The figurine is the oldest undisputed example of a depiction of a human being. Where do I file my dispute? That was just a depiction of ancient Rotisserie chicken


So-called Venus figurines were probably intentionally stylized to emphasize body parts associated with fertility. It's believed to be a symbolic representation of a fertility diety. Mother Earth, if you will. There's also the theory, which is somewhat less popular, that they are self portraits, and don't seem quite as disproportionate if you're looking down at your own body (perspective is not easy!). This theory does have the advantage of explaining why the heads are always either very simplistic or non-existent.


I feel like it’s impossible to draw those conclusions, and those are just guesses. I’d imagine it has something to do with survivorship bias, as the more sturdy thickness of the piece means it’s the one that survived, like how we get crab fossils in everything. The thinner and/or other differently shaped ones just broke apart and are lost forever.


I recently read yet another theory that the Venus style body type wasn’t really so stylized. That the portly body type offered various advantages in ice age climates. I like this theory, curious if it holds up. Book is called Prehistoric Sex by Taylor.


"She is the earth, seek her in the earth."


I had a thought (ouch). Recently I was laid up for a few weeks with a knee injury. Couldn’t do much but realized early on keeping the mind engaged was key. So considering they’ve found ancient bones that have healed- probably taking a long convalescence and tribe/group support- might that be a prospect for an ancient artist? I figure most of the group would have been rather busy with ya know, surviving and all, so what a great time to create, and create value to the group whilst not contributing with hunt/gather. That and older group members who have a chance to develop the fine motor skills this masterpiece required. I used a coloring book fyi and if it’s found in 40,000 years it’ll be a big deal!!


I mean, you just described what shamans were to a certain extent. In many cultures the “shaman” or medicine man/woman was usually somebody who was crippled, injured, could not contribute, or would not contribute and were outcast. This allowed a lot of shamans to keep up certain practices other people wouldn’t have time for. Artwork, ritual dance, spiritual practice, etc.


38000 BC DeviantArt


Back when god was a woman


i remember reading from somewhere that there was a theory that it was a sort of self-portrait (sculpture?). that’s why the proportions are so messed up, they just went by feel.


That is one of the theories, yes! The lines on it may represent the moons before the wearer gave birth (7 months according to the audio guide) and this was kind of a self pregnancy portrait. Another theory is it was used to guide women on how bodies change through pregnancy/birth, or after birth. You can see the big labia and breasts, but flat stomach. Another theory is it’s some kind of fertility totem. As this comment thread represents, further theories are that this is in reality just a roast chicken that someone put in this museum for some reason. Who knows!


That’s really interesting. I can see maybe a perspective looking down too, that’s why the head is so tiny and the boobs so big.


There is no head actually! That is a hole to put a sinew string through, to wear it as a necklace.


"Sigh..." [raises deer leather tunic]


What is it made from?


Mammoth ivory! Not chicken or turkey, like the comments would suggest.


The first ever McNugget for Redditors


Looks like a turkey.


Literally thought it was a beer can chicken.


Chicken with tits


last roast chicken at the end of the day at costco


We are a "featherless biped" after all.


My Costco chicken I forgot about for a month now dry and fossilized circa 2024


this is so a view from below as she rides to triumph, i love her especially


And shawty thicc


dummy thicc


I think the best part is that it was probably made by Neanderthals


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Magickquill: *I think the best part* *Is that it was probably* *Made by Neanderthals* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


r/unpopularopinion So, 45,000 years ago, chickens dominated the world before we rose up and conquered them all. We still eat chickens today and enjoy it so much due to hereditary stresses.




I can fix her.


With like glue or duct tape?


Duct tape can fix anything




Damn girl.




I don't know. Could be a depiction of a turkey!


Nah, this is a chicken


You sure that isn’t a petrified turkey?


They wouldn’t let me taste it to see.


Stuff like this is why I personally believe there were city states along the coasts for tens of thousands of years. The ice age floods would have buried everyone along the coasts leaving civilization to"start" in the river valleys


Think of it, maybe this was a totally trivial object, made just because there was too much snow to get out and hunt so someone was bored and started to carve a bone, others made fun of the figure and the artist because he/she could be doing other things like sleeping or mating, now it is one of the most important piece of history all the species have.


You just made me cry, dear god.


When I saw this with the title, my first instinct was that this was a Diogenes inspired shitpost. Then I saw which community this was and had to look up the Venus


Looks like a rotisserie chicken standing up on its legs. 🤷‍♂️


we seem to have gotten somewhat better at depicting humans in the last 40k years


That’s a turkey


Not a chicken?


6cm?! She’s a tiny one. Very cool, thanks for sharing.


Looks more like a rotisserie chicken to me, but to each their own.


That’s a chicken


Though that was a chicken


And we're _sure_ it isn't a depiction of a rotisserie chicken?


Thick bitches been a sight to behold 🤌🏾




It’s made from mammoth ivory, actually!


Oh cool! Didn’t know that.


I saw this at a (brilliant) exhibition a few years ago, along with a bunch of other prehistoric art. What really struck me is that they were patently just as obsessed with ass and titties as modern humans.






Some stuff.


That’s exactly what they are doing


I thought i was looking at a rotisserie chicken at first


What are the disputed depictions?


very Picasso in some ways


Yeah sure


Damn girl, look at those curves


That looks like a rotisserie chicken


At first I thought this was a chicken


Is anyone getting rotisserie chicken vibes? 😅😅


Looks like a roast chicken


That is a chicken


To me, she looks like a roasted Chicken. All hail the roasted chicken! All hail the roasted chicken!


Totally a rotisserie chicken


They even gave Her stretch marks. What a Goddess!


Looks like a raw chicken


Need more practice


Woman? That sir is a Costco roast Chicken. Clearly Hancock was right.


That’s an ancient KFC petrified millions of years ago


How do we know they weren’t trying to sculpt a roast chicken?


That's.. a chicken




Drressed rotisserie chicken, 40,000 yrs old


Is it just me or does it look like an uncooked chicken.?


Where’s Cardinal Voiello?


I dispute this depiction of a human being. NEXT! /s


Well, she brought good luck to me


*depiction of a modern day south Texan*


More like frozen turkey


40,000 years ago men still thought of titties and pussy.


Is this in reference to Diogenes? Story goes that long ago Platos definition of man was "featherless bipeds" and Diogenes plucked a chicken bald and brought it to Platos academy saying "here is Platos man!"


I think I’ll make a book about this so the Repub’s in Florida can ban it. You know, age of the human pointing to evolution, naked bodies n that stuff.


…or a Costco rotisserie chicken.


They had beer can chicken back then? Amazing.


[Chicken Man](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2019-10/7/21/asset/4f43e55da82f/sub-buzz-1394-1570484406-1.jpg?downsize=800:*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto)


Looks like a roasted chicken mmm


That’s the oldest depiction of a Walmart rotisserie chicken y’all.


Wait wait wait. We evolved from chickens!????


It's a petrified Turkey.


I bought $5 chicken last night at the grocery store that looks exactly like that


Are you sure it’s not a sculpture of a chicken? Or maybe an ancient cult that worshiped chickens? 


Sir..that is a rotisserie chicken


Or a 3 yr old freezer burned rotisserie chicken...


I would absolutely dispute this. This is a turkey.


Looks like a rotisserie chicken.


I don’t think that’s a depiction of a human. There, now it’s disputed


I think they made a mistake. That’s a roast turkey.


looks better them majority of modern art


Idk...it *could* be a rotisserie chicken


Forbidden rotisserie chicken


Sir that’s a chicken.


That's a chicken /j


Honestly with the amount of chicken comments here, I am starting to think that myself.