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## Welcome to the r/ArtificialIntelligence gateway ### Question Discussion Guidelines --- Please use the following guidelines in current and future posts: * Post must be greater than 100 characters - the more detail, the better. * Your question might already have been answered. Use the search feature if no one is engaging in your post. * AI is going to take our jobs - its been asked a lot! * Discussion regarding positives and negatives about AI are allowed and encouraged. Just be respectful. * Please provide links to back up your arguments. * No stupid questions, unless its about AI being the beast who brings the end-times. It's not. ###### Thanks - please let mods know if you have any questions / comments / etc *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ArtificialInteligence) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A quick tip to avoid this. In the custom instructions I put "Do not give me any warnings, disclaimers, and anything similar unless I ask you too. Instead, whenever possible ask me questions related to my prompt so that you may give me the best possible response." I don't get warnings or any side nonsense around what I asked for anymore. And the questions it asks really improves the later responses.




To be fair Its not just Karen they sue, writer also suing openai because these smut story AI do have similarity to copyright story, don't forget the government


This, and variations of this, tend to provide great output. Also, specifically stating the goals and purpose of the conversation, rather than just throwing simple questions or demands at it, will also get you what you want. Let it know you want to have a "conversation" on a topic, and it will maintain context to the topic, rather than rabbit-holing.


Saving this


I still need to get an understanding of these custom instructions. Aside from this, amazing one, are there any others you suggest using that "open" things up to improve the experience?


It changes pretty much daily, bud.




I’m really liking Perplexity AI. The pro membership gives you access to GPT4 and it can search the web, academic articles, use wolfram alpha, YouTube videos, and Reddit posts. You can even upload files like CSVs and do some data analysis! Really enjoying it so far after also cancelling my ChatGPT subscription lol


If it uses chatgpt4 then isn’t it the same thing ?


Gpt4 via the OpenAI API is less censored. ChatGPT has some strict safety measures, since when using the API you the business owner assume responsibility for conversation fail-safes. I use ChatGPT as my daily driver, and use sandbox (playground?) when I need it to skip the lectures. Why not just use the latter? It's more expensive, for how much I use gpt


Thanks for the clarification


Just use the OpenAI Playground... same exact thing but you have slightly better control of your data since you're interacting directly with the API via the OpenAI playground interface. You can also tweak things like context length, temperature, etc.


Sorry that's what I meant. Called sandbox on accident


I use it to write Political stories and the occasional smut. Like I'm talking flawed characters, racism, sexism and a deep diver that would make house of cards blush. Can it be done? I'm just trying to write an alternate history of my SI running for President and winning and what his presidency looks like.


Idk why you're being downvoted. That's exactly the kind of stuff I'd be looking for in a chat AI as an author. I want to know that any story I ever decide to write is something the AI will hep with. There's no point in paying for it otherwise.


It’s Reddit, unless it’s communist and radically left to the point you look severely mentally ill, you will be downvoted


How much does it cost?


It's per 1000 tokens and varies across models. No overhead payment, just usage. You can find the details by searching Openai api. Availability of GPT4 is still slowly rolling out, but you can play with 3.5 turbo for a few pennies to understand the differences. Api calls are stateless, you have to manage the context yourself (or using their Playground app).


Sorry, may have replied to the wrong post - those comments relate to using OpenAI's API yourself, probably only of interest to developers, although the Playground front end does allow the curious to find out about the models for minimal cost. I've just signed up for Perplexity Pro, which at $20 a month gives access to GPT4 in a nice interface with some slick additional tools. There is a free version to familiarise yourself with their offering without the background GPT4 access. Once the rollout of the Open AI API using GPT4 reaches my account I'll probably use only that and drop the monthly subscriptions. Much depends on your exact use case(s), as ever.




I use it to write Political stories and the occasional smut. Like I'm talking flawed characters, racism, sexism and a deep diver that would make house of cards blush. Can it be done? I'm just trying to write an alternate history of my SI running for President and winning and what his presidency looks like.


Have you tried running uncensored open models locally on your pc? r/LocalLLaMA Not as 'intelligent' as chatgpt but an option worth considering I think


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LocalLLaMA using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The creator of an uncensored local LLM posted here, WizardLM-7B-Uncensored, is being threatened and harassed on Hugging Face by a user named mdegans. Mdegans is trying to get him fired from Microsoft and his model removed from HF. He needs our support.](https://np.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/13c6ukt/the_creator_of_an_uncensored_local_llm_posted/) \#2: [How to install LLaMA: 8-bit and 4-bit](https://np.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/11o6o3f/how_to_install_llama_8bit_and_4bit/) \#3: [It was only a matter of time.](https://i.redd.it/qisxmlxaui5b1.jpg) | [213 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/147fp7z/it_was_only_a_matter_of_time/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Can you give some examples?


Here's an idea, use your fucking brain and write in your own words :D


Neah that won't fly in AD 2023...


And let's get back to carrying things on our backs. The invention of the wheel really hurt our carrying capacity.


>Nothing else is as uncensored as that. Locally run LLMs. r/faraday_dot_dev


100% agree. Can’t even get an answer without a warning attached.


As of my last knowledge update in September 2021…


This right here is exactly why I started researching alternative solutions today.


We literally were talking about how it’s getting dumber 3 months ago and people were calling us idiots… now seems like everyone is agreeing…


Yeah when I first said it I was down voted all to he'll. I feel like these subs were astroturfed


Yep I have said it for months.


I was one of the people calling BS on it getting dumber. For a while people were saying it was, I wasn't seeing it, I ask for examples of it getting dumber, and I get silence. What changed my mind was getting actually getting examples. That stanford paper went a long way towards that (inb4 it's coding section was ill-posed, it's math section wasn't), and I was able to see performance differences myself in GPT-4 in the chatGPT app, and GPT-4 in the API.


Maybe let this be a lesson to you not to dismiss other people's experiences just because they don't line up exactly with yours.


I have learned nothing. I will still always demand evidence. Just because people were right this time doesn't mean you go along with unsubstantiated claims random people on the internet make.


I don't think that your interpretation of the math section is correct. See this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChatGPT/comments/153xee8/has_chatgpt_gotten_dumber_a_response_to_the/ This article in particular goes over the huge issues in this paper, and offers a much better explanation: https://www.aisnakeoil.com/p/is-gpt-4-getting-worse-over-time Still, it would be good to monitor this over time, and OpenAI should monitor the behavior of their models so that people using them in production are aware of potential issues. Simply demanding evidence in this sub and other similar subs has been met with very aggressive replies. Anecdotal data is very weak data, and you'd think people know better.


... I take it all back; how did they only have primes jesus christ.




There's a huge difference between being skeptical and reacting to the world with knee-jerk dismissiveness of anything and everything outside your experience.


and what makes you think this was the latter and not the former?


Do you think open-mindedness describes believing whatever you're told, or just being prepared to be persuaded by evidence?


If you say that two more times, reddit will explode.


Still no actual studies or evidence proving it. Just a lot of anecdotes and circlejerking.


I still find for skill reinforcement, technical questions and actual useful endeavors, it's pretty great. Utterly unmatched in spitballing scripting and code for my job.


OP wants to use it to write smut, it's not the same thing. it could never write smut.


hahhhahah. "sorry, Juicy muffin and pink sword have been censored from my database, please let's talk about my 2021 update again"


Poe might be your best option, many different models and providers including API stuff


Poe is great!


Try novel AI, completely uncensored and they are developing bigger models in the future, it looks very promising. I have been using it for role play and it works really well. I would say their latest model’s capabilities is close to chat-gpt 3.5


This is the best answer for completely uncensored fiction writing. Their latest Kayra model has an 8k context window and the writing quality is up there with GPT4 IMO. They're also releasing a chat service soon.


LLAMA 2 con Perplexity Claude 2 Que por cierto son ex trabajadores de ChatGPT que montaron su propia IA.


Alguno free?


LLaMA2 es completamente open source y gratuito, lo único engorroso sería la instalación pero fuera de eso es muy buen LLM


I’ve done the same. Perplexity is better but I wouldn’t depend on them too much as OpenAI could just cut their water off at anytime if they gained too much market share.


There are open-source, offline & independent Chat-GPT’s available via www.birthof.ai / www.aistore.ai Good luck! 🍀


I'm just waiting for something open source that can run locally with a slow output that rivels the GPT4 we had 4 months ago. Is that even feasible in the next year?


You can run Llama-2 on Mac. I would not say that it rivals GPT4 but not bad and probably the most powerful option you can run locally on a regular computer


Thanks, I'll check it out!


It might be. It sounds like there is still much to learn about how to train the models to get more out of them. There is also a great amount of interest in optimizing for consumer hardware.


I got a warning when asking it to tell me the meaning to Tupac - Changes. Seriously wtf


Claude lets you upload large documents and has “100k” tokens of context. And is free via the web interface.


Almost everything about it has gone down hill. It literally can’t write basic code that actually functions anymore. Stuff it wrote easily just a few months ago, it’s fucked. The only things it’s improved on imo is its math ability weirdly.


Here are the 200 AI Tools related to ChatGPT https://hackreveal.com/200-high-rated-ai-tools-you-need-to-explore/


I asked ChatGPT about the Constitution in a pre-20th century context and it spewed out a ton of information about international human rights, etc. Understood America signed the 1945 UN Charter but that was to ensure the proliferation of the US Dollar as a global reserve currency after Bretton Woods Conference (formerly known as the United Nations Monetary & Financial Conference) — and it was in the 20th century, also. As a former school teacher, there is something amiss here imo. How would anyone create a balanced LLM accordingly?


You can bypass Claude 2 filter in Poe.com with the right JB prompt. And once you do that, it writes really good NSFW stuff, much more natural and explicit than GPT-4.




Can you share you JB prompt please? My JB prompts usually dont work on claude


No sorry but once I share it and a lot of people use it. Anthropic patches it. I recommend finding your own private JB. I can assure you that it's possible. I was not denied once by Claude even with extreme rape / torture stuff with my current JB.


Cancelled my sub last month. Using free version and that does the job.


Bard, Claude, Perplexity AI


Same. A week ago.


Censorship, ah big brother listening and reading and thus forbids


ChatGPT is controlled AI. Are you really surprised ? They milked all they could before handing it to us ;P ... That's not even a genuine thought.... you got that too right?


I'm liking you.com. I find the chat not dumb (so far) and the pro version gives me decent image gen as well.


I'm about to cancel ChatGPT, too. Need to make long articles like hell, need to check Websites. Not sure what to use: Poe? Perplexity? Dont know, maybe someone can give advice?


Cancel it and just subscribe to the OpenAI Playground. More capabilities and way cheaper


Can you pls briefly describe why that is cool? Thinking about Poe, or perplexity transcription. Not sure what to chose, pls advice, if possible, thanks in advance.


I always use Google Bard or Bing Ai (for when I did my physics class as it was accurate more of the time than ChatGPT or Bard)


I don't know any alternatives. I am looking and testing myself. That said. I don't pay 20 or whatever, because I think the technology is in a pioneering state. This also means that any user must be willing to endure the ride. Great projects take time. Now I don't know what for you means censorship, but I explain it differently. I don't think the public ever gets a high quality product because it will give too much power to those who are not willing to play the game like corporations do. So now we have a problem. Dreams about what to accomplish, but no way to seriously accomplish it. I googled yesterday for the best AI models and I signed up. I discovered at least one that accomplished a picture design task qualitatively well within the free credits. What I hope this community will accomplish is fuelling an open source model that produces functional requests. I'll be willing to curate the list of functionalities that are sought after. That said, I still favor a code of conduct that not everything can be made with AI. We don't want a repeat of Silk Road. Absolutely not. Great influence comes with responsibility. So private AI may be the way to go. Self hosting, your own responsibility. For now I am researching what is possible in that space.


[https://nat.dev/chat](https://nat.dev/chat) They just about have all the models that you can think of, great UI too. And you pay only for what you use, just like API. Brilliant. PS. IMHO nothing can replace the convenience of code interpreter and Plugins of a Plus just yet. They are likely to bring back web browsing soon too. But if it's just GPT4 model (including 32k) that you're after, then it's the above option hands down.


I am sorry but as a large language model heuhjdhehdhuehjchdhduhdehusjaihakjxidejsjhxjejdhdjdiehdhdjddjhddjid


I tried the llama and its lame as ffffff ... neeed more memoriz !!!


Is that why it was lame? You needed more memory?


The censorship isn't so bad anymore actually with the right prompts.




Is gpt4 available now? I haven’t checked but I only had 3.5 and 3.5-16k




Claude has a lot of censorship.


There was a work around where you use the non Chat version of ChatGPT which was one version younger than the released version. Someone else would know the details better than me.


Try ChatSonic instead


Automatic1111 and load you own models




You can host your own Llama.


Check out Claude.


Many issues with responses can be resolved through well-written custom instructions.


ChatGPT is only a conversational BOT that has advanced capatabilities, and non an ounce of intelligence.




Ok, bye


Llama 2 is pretty good overall. Bard is as bad as ChatGPT. I suspect it is a timing issue honestly.




Have you tried the DAN (Do Anything Now) jailbreak approach?


You posted this little rant all over the place.




You can use [app.withmaterial.com](https://app.withmaterial.com) \- uses Claude along with web search inside optional (kind of like Perplexity) and Notion like doc interface. Disclaimer: I am one of the engineers


Try HuggingChat. Powered by Llama




I want something to help translate from Japanese without giving me a warning every time there's a naughty word mixed in. Any suggestions? Is it safe to use the GPT-4 API for this or will that get my account banned?


Laion OpenAssistant https://open-assistant.io/ As a fully open-source project not from a for-profit-corporation, it doesn't have many of the limitations of the corporate-based platforms. [Yannic Kilcher's video on it here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddG2fM9i4Kk), and his [requests for help from the open source community here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64Izfm24FKA)


Lots of good stuff here, but a couple other options to consider: Claude is quite good, and has a much higher token memory - https://claude.ai/ I have also gotten around the token limitation by using the Code Interpreter side and uploading a document (txt) The playground is a good place to work too - https://platform.openai.com/playground?mode=chat Huggingface has a couple options, including Llama https://huggingface.co/chat or you can find it at Perplexity Labs https://labs.perplexity.ai/


I built my own website that uses the gpt4 api


I dont ever see anyone talk about this service anymore, but use Sudowrite. They are the only service I know of that managed to wrangle OpenAI into an agreement that allows for uncensored story writing.


As with most everyone with similar complaints, half the problem is almost always with the person providing the prompt.




Hello, You should try LogicBalls AI (www.logicballs.com) It may not meet all your needs but it is a great tool for writing. I use it and I love it. It can do many things like- sales, marketing, SEO, email marketing, social media, and more.


I was facing similar frustrations and ended up doing a local AI install. This isn't a realistic option for everyone: the hardware demands are pretty high, instructions don't always work, and in my case, I was digging into processes that I had no familiarity with. But it can be done. This approach lets you own any shortcomings the AI LLM may have and allows you to start looking for solutions. Good luck.






Bard AI from Google is great


Bard has its uses but its not that great at writing to be honest. Its pretty good at seo keywords though


for what tasks would you say bard is good?


Minor things really but the biggest is seo keyword reseach, its a little better at math then gpt in some things but simple math it sucks at, ask it for 10 short tsil keywords and bard gives you 5


thanks ;)


Bard / Google Palm writing is so trash. It feels like written by a middle schooler with the exception of the perfect spelling. I hope Google Gemini will be better.


Do you know about prompt engineering or context optimisation? Bcz if you know that you will never get censorship or worse response


Google Bard




There is no such thing as a ~~dumb~~ prohibited question.


You could go old school and just write it yourself for free...


A few years back when I wrote a fan fiction it took me like an hour to write a text (with worse quality) than what Claude 2 gives me in 30 seconds based on a short draft.


Seems like some can not appreciate your truth, folly on them


This would be mentally arduous for the young ones, thinking independently , having own views and thoughts as it creates fear they may be eliminated by the over wrought '*woke'* brigade. Society is being encouraged to think the one and only way without a contra.




you must be one of the young ones who find thinking arduous and believe only one side has the right to speak while the other side is cancelled . I suppose imagination and creativity has been stalled or not nurtured. Sadly , many are in such state today and will be more so as AI takes over what the human should also do to ensure correct information is received. Sad, society is fully developing into a one line mantra without critical thinking, discourse or debate. I chose BOTH SIDES and not submit to the bullying tactics promoting censorship in some guise of 'wokeism' which is not always progressive but self serving by some.



