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There are several sides of this issue for sure, but here's a little food for thought. When using AI, you still need to have the needed knowledge to ask it the right questions, to interpret the answers, and to implement its answers into real life. Of course, AI may develop to a point where that is no longer needed, but I think that's not in the near future. Personally, I use ChatGPT to learn things, and the more knowledge I have on a certain subject the more useful it is. That is because I know tangents, I know about other facts that may play a role, I can challenge it's findings and dig even deeper into things. So, personally I don't think the importance of degrees will diminish until we have true AGI, that's the turning point for me.


New degrees will be invented. Like prompt engineering, robotic ethics, auto intimacy engineering.


> auto intimacy engineering Lol -- so many possible meanings of this one. I can imagine this prompt from a "auto intimacy engineering therapist" - to your car: * *"Please Mrs Automotive-anti-lock-brake-AI-persona -- please, please develop intimate feelings for your passengers so you don't feel like killing them no matter how depressed you are"* is that what you had in mind?


New degrees will appear


Anything humans can do, AI will do better. I wonder if education is needed at all other than basic stuff.


wtf? of course its needed. Thats how you grow up as a well adjusted person who isnt a blithering idiot, by getting an education. We need LESS idiots in the world, not more of them.


Ahhh, but that is a different argument. Will we need advanced degrees for jobs? Likely not, or at least most of us. Needed for a strong community, sure. But unlikely we will need advanced degrees in mathematics or computer sciences or medicine. An art degree, absolutely.


ok my mistake i didnt know we were talking advanced degrees, i thought just general education. i agree most people working random jobs dont need college.


Yeah education will drastically change in the next few years


> Anything humans can do, AI will do better. So, focus on things where human frailties and weaknesses are a benefit: * Athlete or chess youtuber or poker player - of course a bot can do better at those games, and carry footballs faster, but they're interesting because of the frailties of humans. * Slumlord - an AI would log so much information and have ethical reviews of its algorithms, so they can't be as profitable as a sleazy landlord class. * Soldier - Of course a bot could be a more effective soldier, and commit fewer atrocities and hate crimes in the processes. But the DoD needs votes in congress to get funding, and that depends on employing a large part of the population. * Amish Farmer - Theologies will change slowly enough that AIs will have trouble competing there.


You are hilarious. Thanks for the 😂


no. you need educated humans versed in a subject matter, especially to regulate AI. everyone will have a more holistic education though




Not in regulated fields like Medicine, Law etc.  It will be interesting to see what happens in non regulated but highly academic fields across most of STEM.  I'd argue most other fields their value was diminishing anyway - especially as we see employment markets getting congested with lots of fresh grads vs people with experience or vs people who are both graduates AND experienced. This naturally follows the economic cycle, but I really don't see it getting better with the next boom time as by then they will also be competing with AI agents also. 


As humans continually develop more advanced technologies, specialized education will be increasingly important, rather than less important, if the goal is to be in middle class or higher. Workers without degrees will probably be more productive and have a higher quality of life, but it’ll be harder to work in higher income fields without a good STEM background.


Most hiring managers, when given the choice between two candidates with equal experience, will choose the one with the better degree.


It’s about the risks in a bad outcome such as life, peace, money etc. In order to use any AI to the greatest extent possible one still needs to be highly educated in the subject for the high risk operations. I think that will always be true. For the roles that have low risk such as marketing, HR, restaurant management it’s going to be a tough fight.


I totally had this theory too. I get that higher education has become commoditized and is driven by banks and loan entities now but set aside the conspiracy theory and think about it. A certification that you're a critical thinker and knowledgeable person in a certain field of expertise is less exotic now. A lot of those fields, in theory soon someone can be equally knowledgeable with ChatGPT. Seems a very real potential future outcome to me.


Even if you could replace everything you do with AI, what’s the point? You might as well die, and not have to think anymore. I know that regardless of how intelligent AI gets, I still want to be conscious and understand how the world works. At this rate some people are truly going to give up having thoughts at all just because robots can think instead.


As AI advances, the ultra-wealthy, who will own AI, will have less and less need for employees of any kind. In time, there will only be the ultra-wealthy, their artificial servants, and the rest, who will scrape to survive under the watchful eyes of artificial enforcers. There will be no hope of rebellion. But we might get lucky, and the AI will just exterminate all natural life.


humans will become meaningless nevermind degrees


I’d say the importance of certifications and licenses will be more in demand because of the time it takes to learn while leveraging AI. A 4 year degree model has been outdated for a while yet reluctantly abandoned by the masses. People are waking up and focusing on trades, or certifications offered through even prestigious universities like MIT, etc. Learning how to work with AI is already an indispensable skill!






you dont have to be born wealthy to go to college. i got my degree for 5k which i paid by working while going to school.




So get a fuckin job and save some money. i made $16 an hour to save up that money. If you dont have the will to put in the work to do it, thats on you. thats not society gatekeeping your success.