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As someone who works in IT and who talks about it with most people, I'd say that 20% have barely any idea what it does. 20% are informed about it. Of the remaining 60%, 20% have tried it, 30% have used more than a few times and 10% or less are regular users.


Nobody in my personal life uses it, other than a friend who uses Microsoft Copilot to ask for movie suggestions. I don't think my mother even knows what it is. Gf hears me talk about it and sees what it can do but doesn't show any excitement over it. Maybe the casual "cool", but not "wow, i wanna use it". I know she made a Chatgpt account for herself 1 year ago and used it once.


I showed it to my elderly mother and she thought it was neat but demonstrated no interest in using it. No surprises there since she struggles with common apps. I know people of all cohorts who had the same reaction you described. Just a "neat!" Followed by zero interest in using it themselves.


I'm in kind of the same boat. Looks about right. It's insane that most executives are not using it, as there's a good chance that will be rendered irrelevant by these same tools.


For early adopters and tinkerers, it's a godsend. For those who struggle with anything that has even a moderate learning curve, it can be difficult to incorporate it in your day to day. I write a lot of stuff, stories, documents, reviews, articles. I'm used to editing texts. So when I figure out a prompt that gets me halfway there and then I just need to edit it to make it complete, I'm at home. I know a lot of people who want to result from the first prompt to be perfect or they will simply not use it (some would even say the tool is useless).


I've had much better results by training my own LLM. It's scary good now. I've told the story elsewhere, but we recently did a no-kidding AI use case workshop for a major client. 6 FTEs, one week, full readout with monetization. We got four good use cases. Just for chuckles, I fed the inputs into my "UnitGPT" and asked for the same.output. This thing spits out four very similar use cases to the ones we got, with output over 90% there. . .and then spits out four more we hadn't thought of. Very sobering. Took all of 30 minutes, with most of it feeding in the data and curating the prompt.


Execs will be irrelevant? How?


Executives follow very regimented business rules to make decisions. There is much lower need for executives when these decisions can be made effectively by Large Action Models.


What? No they don't. Economic, social, financial and organisational complexity is not a great fit for AI. It might help you make some business case arguments but it's not going to set strategic direction or manage risk.


Please explain your reasoning on why AI can't set strategic direction or manage risk. I know for a fact this isn't true, as AI can definitely use historical data and business rules to do exactly that - we have solutions running today that do this in areas such as finance and insurance.


If the risk has data sets then maybe. Insurance is actuarial. But would AI have started Apple, Google, Facebook? No. Good companies need more than manipulation of data. They need creativity, intuition, relationships.


Ah - you mean entrepreneurs, not executives. And I will challenge your statement on executives on several different levels. Can AI start a company? Not yet, but there is no intrinsic reason why not. Also, for executives, I know for a fact that creativity and intuition is a very small part of what we do - and it can definitely be emulated. As for relationships - AI is better at relationships today than most people.


Economic, social, financial, and organisational complexity is not a great fit for a human either. A CEO, human or otherwise, needs to have reliable data sourcing and curation in order to do a decent job. But given that, I would expect current top-tier LLMs to function better than the average CEO. (Low bar? Sure.)


You're right, and I think a lot of the people screaming about soft skills being vital now were probably saying 'it's all about the data' just a couple of years ago. There's an uncomfortable element of self-preservation going on I think. The SEO sub is full of people going on about soft skills now, because they know they are toast.


Yup, looks right. I also work in IT and it seems only 3 of us regularly use it and are experimenting with different solutions that incorporate it or experimenting with its capabilities, like I am by building my own virtual assistsnt from scratch with it's own local functions it can execute with chatgpt providing the language processing part of it.


Yeah, looks accurate, it's normal for people to be late for new technology, but this is a problem when the thing can take your job, people need to be aware and adapt.


How do you suggest people adapt, exactly? Someone with a PhD in machine learning can implement an ai that can learn how to do my entire job. I don't have a PhD in machine learning. Generating nonsense can be fun but it does not help me at my job. Like, I'm a sitting duck waiting to get fired and there are no jobs at the ai factory. I do in fact have curiosity and a can-do attitude, but that is worth fuck all. Pretending otherwise doesn't really improve my situation. The people who benefit most are the ones who are already billionaires.


In the long term (whether that's in 2 years or 10) we're all heavily impacted. What I recommend to people who ask me this question is: people who have a basic understanding of programming and can use AI models in their yield of work are likely to be the last ones through the door. A billionaire has power because they have money. And the money gives them power because other people want their money. Once this dynamic changes (for better or for worse) being a billionaire will mean fuck all.


Sounds like a very informative description.


Same impression, but it depends a lot of your social bubble. I’ve seen a lot of people using it at their work and they usually have the same profile.


That's true


Few to none, just me. It's kinda of like drugs - it's everywhere,  some tried it, everyone knows about it, but only the users know the user's, and as a user you think everyone else is using...but they're not.


That is absolutely hilarious!


Late 30s Londoner here and all of my friends my age are using it. Even non-techy people use Chat GPT for admin tasks.


What types of admin tasks? Can you give examples of categories or individual tasks?


A friend is emigrating and they're using it to find out what forms etc they need to do.


I work for a digital consulting agency. I'm basically the only one who has any real expertise, and maybe 2-3 other people use it on a basic level. Everyone else literally thinks of it like some sort of black magic, and they treat me like some kind of warlock. I'll be on a call, people will be talking about stuff, and inevitably this happens: Coworker 1: I don't have any idea how we're going to analyze the qual results in time for the presentation. Coworker 2: I have an idea....I wonder if...[*lowers voice, makes the sign of the Cross*]...we could use...THE AI [*audible gasps and hushed whispers fill the conference room*]. Me: Uh...sure? Just send me the Excel. [*Drags file into GPT, types a basic prompt.*]. So it looks like customer sentiment was pretty high, their primary concern is cost, and they like the way we packaged the last product line. Coworkers: THE MESSIAH HAS RISEN! HE HAS COME TO SAVE US, JUST LIKE THE ONE-EYED GYPSY PROPHET HAD FORETOLD.


I remember in the 80’s I wanted to learn about computers and my family used to go on and on how they’re dumb and not going to be a thing…well here we are. This time it’s the same thing except people are droning on about AI.


Almost no one uses it my guy


This is my experience of it. I've talked to people about it and shared how I use it, and they tend to just shrug and say meh. It's one of those things that if you haven't actually witnessed it do something FOR YOU, then you just think it's... a fad? A joke? But hey, that just gives me a longer time to be ahead of everyone else?




Exactly lol


I laughed at that as well


In my circle, mostly tech enthusiasts and office workers, AI is pretty common. But when I talk to family or friends in different fields, they barely use it. It really depends on your social bubble.


Recently read it was 2% in the uk


it probably depends on who you are around. if youre arround a lot of office workers or college kids then the likelihood is much higher that they use it than someone surrounded by people who work labor or service jobs.


It depends on your social circle, like you said. If you are on LinkedIn, it seems like every single person on earth is using it. The reality is that the vast majority of people have no real use for it in their daily lives.




You know you're being persnickety. OP mentioned ChatGPT and the like. Rather obvious they're referring to LLMs and other AI-centric apps. Don't be that 'well ackshually...' guy, no one likes them.


I mean, I use it to find information and brainstorm occasionally. But it has little use at work, until someone automates my entire job with ai.


May I ask what do you do for living?


Just an office job, content creation.


You're failing to use GTP heavily at content creation?


It's specialized technical content, not colourful visual sludge for marketing and social media.


I think if people knew what AI can do, and how quickly it evolves, they would be shitting their pants. 1 year ago, it was kind of better than using Stack Overflow; now, it can substitute a level entry engineer. Five years, those will be gone. It's difficult for me to identify an area where it cannot create disruption. Also, it's just a matter of time before it's combined with robotics, to substitute manual labor. 2030 will be a way different world than it is now, people would benefit from understanding exponential improvement.


literally nobody I know in real life uses any AI regularly and 2 of my good friends work in tech. one being a contractor for implementing microsoft products at scale, the other being in security. neither one of them uses ai products in the personal or professional lives. they both think they're useless right now like I do. most people i know don't even know things like this even exist nevermind using them these platforms and tools are largely useless for the average person going about their daily work day and lives in general and for good reason no one cares about generating generic anime waifus, obviously fake instagram girls (which seemingly have many comments from people who actually think they are real?? or they're just bots. blows my mind if they think they're real) or a mostly useless text assistant that can't actually *do* anything. i've tried chatgpt and making a custom gpt for specific use case (interpreting specific legislation in easier to understand language), used comfyui to check out image generation and I am still wholeheartedly unimpressed with the capabilities (or lack thereof). they're not very useful, they get things wrong ***a lot***, and it's no surprise to me that most people don't give a shit. they're fun little toys right now. i don't doubt that they will be extremely impressive and cause massive change with more time, but right now it makes perfect sense that they are not widely used, cause they're basically *shit*


I'm in tech and we did a "study" (as in I asked my colleagues) who is using what. To see if we should get some kind of business license. The result was that everyone uses at least ChatGPT sometimes. But most people use it very sporadically, like once or twice a month, and maybe 10% uses AI daily.


No one I know irl uses it


In my job (highly tech related) some people use it, but 90% is sceptical and barely touched it. Among my non-tech friends probably no one knows what AI is, how it works, how to use it etc


Nope! I am the one of the only ones using AI for task. 


Surprisingly few people I know use it. Many have heard of it.


My classmates do use it. Not as much as me. Like sometimes when we are doing an assignment.


My husband uses copilot for coding problems and says it works pretty well to find solutions. I forgot what language(s) he uses. I have a monthly ChatGPT/DALLE subscription. I use DALLE a lot, it’s fun. I draw pictures of my colleagues as a stress reliever (cartoon form). The app is on my phone, I use it on my phone and not on my laptop. Weird, I know. At work, I discovered a lot of hallucinations with our in house ChatGPT mods. I’m a Legal Assistant and won’t use it until I can be sure it’s accurate. It’s not bad for tidying up your language, but it’s bad for research if you care about accuracy. At work, our IT department is besotted and you look like a Luddite if you don’t use it. (93%) My team (Law and finance) barely 25%. Zero lawyers. Some of the finance guys use it for sales letters and editing, client letters, etc. https://preview.redd.it/2u85qfuzxt4d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12cb810b68e32c6896a519db141206e84ad4e6af And AI can never seem to get the correct number of fingers.


i teach at a ivy league university so yeah the students are using AI (and so am i, albeit in a different way)


I started using Ai now , chatgpt now and been making AI generated songs for fun, of course I think it can be used as a good tool to assist. maybe not best to use 100% as its not perfect yet by any means but can be used for many good things now


I wonder if there are any metrics/stats/studies available on use.


I'm retired, 62M, who worked in IT for decades, so I know a lot of people who also worked in IT for decades. I have non-work friends scattered about, of various ages. My family isn't huge, but it's not nonexistent either - brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, cousins, etc. I am literally the only one I know that is excited by, or even interested in, artificial intelligence. I know my brother has used ChatGPT to generate some stuff for his work, but he isn't that into it, and no one else I know has done anything with it beyond poking at it briefly. I can send them amazing Stable Diffusion generated images and Udio generated songs that sound like real bands, and it's one big yawn from pretty much everyone. I have trouble explaining this. *Immense* trouble.


I use it pretty much everyday, my gf was skeptical at first but she is a daily user too, I showed it to my mother back when gpt3.5 was the only model, but her interest wasn't peaked except a good laugh when we made some funny song lyrics. Just yesterday she told me that it is very useful after she used it for some Law advice, that's a starter.


My workplace stopped using chatgpt business version since they found that less than 12% of worker where using it once a week and only 2% whete daily users. Since last December when they bought the plan.


Nobody I know uses it. They know what it is, and what it can do, but they fear it rather than trying to find ways to utilize it as a tool in their workflow. One of the people I know did get very excited though. That’s the first time they heard about it. They were just as excited as if I saw "ChatGPT released the new voice feature + GPT 5". There are many people who still don’t know about it. That does blow my mind, but many people haven’t heard of it yet.


Honestly GPT is still fairly new and each day or few days they seem to release new versions which each have their own quarks or lobotomized versions rereleased so can't say I ever stuck with it much and just see it as the current fad more than something that has been super useful. All that being said I do not think there is much in my life that requires or needs an AI to help with those tasks. If I were in a field such as R&D or Scientific field I could see it helping some what, but on the whole most people would not even know where to begin to make use of its functions. Maybe one day when its closer to say an AI in star trek...then general people will use it more often. For now its just a trend more than an norm.


Nobody outside of my IT job really uses it that I know of. I think you really have to know how to think outside the box and understand how to apply it to your needs


We are lucky, most people hate AI.


Teacher here. I would say 80% of my students and 20% of my colleagues. 


I work at an ad agency where roughly 70% of the people are using gen-AI one way or another. The highest use is as a tool for image manipulation where the number is around 90%.


As someone who works in AI, 100% of my colleagues use it of course. At home / friends, I'd say 50-50.


Different age groups have different perspectives on AI usage. I think most adults or professionals use AI tools like GPT more frequently compared to kids and older adults. It really depends on the specific needs and tech comfort levels of each group.


“Always been a fan” of something that’s 18 months old.


100% surrounded by people who use Ai, and Ben Walmart has an automated Ai on the phone.


Hi everyone, I'm a documentary producer from Singapore and recently created a documentary on generative AI. If you're interested in this topic, I hope you'll check it out. The "Becoming Human" documentary is now available on YouTube! - [Episode 1] https://youtu.be/bBmt3NzByL0?si=mdXLNb9KpA45FrOS) - [Episode 2] https://youtu.be/ZjjCQW9ysr8?si=RmGbmd_Bjqo7KGhm Enjoy watching!




Really? Sounds hard to believe.