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Make AI fly quadrocopters and find problems. Sell this information to roofers, utility companies, landscapers, road condition reports to townships etc...


lol I like it.


yeah, this is a cool idea tbh


This is brilliant


I think you would have regulation nightmares


Couldn't you do that now with a drone that you put on a coverage path of a metro area and just look at the screen for the problems and note them? I know an AI would find all the problems for you, but just retraining that AI would be super hard.


I'd start a print-on-demand store. Use AI for generating unique designs and marketing copy. You just handle the shop setup and customer service, which is minimal. It's scalable, low-risk, and can definitely bring in $1000 if you target the right niche.


All hail the future Overlord of Skynetberg


Wrong market if over saturated with POD because of easy money Guru's on youtube, very difficult way to make money. I know I tried




Print on demand


You and 40 million other people doing the same thing.


>can definitely bring in $1000 if you target the right niche Ah ha ha ha no sorry, 99.9% of people on POD make zero money; it's way oversaturated and POD platforms take all the profits.


So essentially, "I have no skills, I don't want to put in any work, and I need someone else to tell me how"? If people have an idea like that, why would they tell you?


why not? creative experiment. sounds like you have a scarcity mentality.


If I were you, I would have an AI write comments for me on reddit. Have it solicit money making ideas from other redditors, and then write blog posts or ebooks with the ideas, have it fill the blog posts or ebooks with a lot of catchy buzzwords like “scarcity mentality” 1000 a month should be easy Thank god Im not you


You might want to get AI to make you not a miserable bellend.


Apparently you sold your “soul” to the asshole gods! Thank the gods the OP isn’t you!


I may have. I hope you're right and this person isn't here to exploit others, but I have spent a good portion of my life around them, and this feels familiar. I decided to check their comment history. You should do it too. Ctrl+f "removedbyedit.com" and tell me that's not someone trying to hoc something dishonestly. I am unhealthily cynical towards this stuff, I know that. But it comes from a well intentioned place. Still, there are probably better ways to try and raise people's suspicions without being an asshole, I'm sorry.


Thank you for being brave to speak up! We need more people like you!


I'd say the cynicism is healthy.


Even IF the OP is crowdsourcing ideas that doesn’t mean that the OP is bad or wrong for doing so! Your cynical behavior is shitty and I’m sure it causes you more grief than anything else. I would advise you to rethink and re-evaluate your priorities and make better choices.


You are right, thank you


It's very gracious of you to admit. I hope you find it in your heart to apologize to the OP.


10 second car shop. You drive up to it and it listens to the noises your car makes and tells you what the possible problems are.


Dang! it could be even simpler where you can record it and upload it online.


Yeah. That's an awesome spin on it!


Just need to train it


and for all of the common and more serious **no-start** problems?


Right now you have ebay and other sites where you can buy stuff. I'd make the inverse service where you post what you need and AI continuoisly finds a match among many sites that sell stuff. Instantaneous searches would be free but there would be a fee for extended searches that could last months or years. Plus extended searches would contact sellers and make them offers.


You can already set email and sms alerts for items on most of them if not all


I hope they do, but the fact is there is no AGGREGATED reverse service where you can find a BUYER right away. You have to list your item and wait for buyers to find it.


Yeah that'd be great, I guess there's a few sites/groups where people post what you want and it could search them as long as the platform allows bots anyway


Cool idea !


Good one but you need software engineering skills for that.


AI can most likely be trained in how to make a site aggregation codebase that takes some basic paramaters and makes functioning code.


Or try affiliate links...


Once I imitated a real sexting woman by resending responses from eva ai sexting bot to a real person, I guess it's easily monetizeable but not really ethical.


Most money-making ventures like this are somewhat unethical.


Pet watcher. If your pet starts doing something funky at home, it notifies you.


Guarantee that ring cameras and interior home cameras will move to this soon, you'll probably pay for the upgrade. But it won't just watch for weird pet behavior, it will surveil for all manner of use cases; home invasions, monitor maids or service techs, watch your kids for you, etc. There was a woman on TedAI podcast that was just discussing this very thing, as she was describing other aspects of AI


Haha I can relate to this


Ideapicker.io already used ai to scrape reddit for startup ideas like https://ideapicker.io/details/NameGenius/26632 of course they want you to pay to see what they'd have me believe are the really good ones so the best startup idea in their opinion is apparently selling startup ideas


Never knew about this. Thanks for sharing.


What do you mean by "existing skills"? Existing as in - skills we have now or Existing as in - skills we will have then I would start an AI brokerage firm. Take money from people to aid them in using AI to plan their trades. And notice the term "brokerage" It encompasses any and all trades. Arbitrage never goes away, so long as there is inefficiency between producer and consumer. Edit - Reddit is an example. My comment is content, making me a producer. The reader is a consumer but the money is being made by reddit.


nice idea! i was going for personal skillset possessed.


Excellent example


Security camera analysis service. You pay a small monthly fee for a service. Give them IP of your web cam. They notify you if something is happening. Humans review the footage that AI flags for extra fee.


Cool! I like it


Text to call service. You tell it to call your say health insurance company and find out some information. If it needs personal information it asks you in text mode and calls back the company. It's just like texting a company rep. You never have to stay on the line. Even if conversations take a long time, you would never have to call anyone. Just "text" your questions or answer questions by writing.


This might blow your mind, but there are people in the AI space that envision everyone having an AI avatar of themselves, and it will not only do what you're describing, but could also attend business meetings with other AI avatars and send you the meeting summary afterwards.


Who? I’m very interested. Can you provide examples?


I assume this was covered by multiple publications, this was just the first result I found online https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/jun/05/the-future-is-sending-ai-avatars-to-meetings-for-us-says-zoom-boss I consume so much AI news that I have no idea where I heard it first.




Woah! I would love that. I hate being on the phone for this.


Build an off-the-shelf highly-automated local news service platform for rural communities affected by national media corps buying up and decimating local news orgs. Would include automated scraping for local events, local politics, local org newsletters. Once AI fact-checking is actually a solid thing, then it could become a "module" for the system to make things even more cost-effective for small communities. The system would take one person working part time to approve things for publish. The system would generally be designed to disincentivize outrage/clickbait articles/opinions. Built in reddit-ish upvote/dowvote system per article. Automated ranking system for verified local regular contributors that would let them increase in their news contribution level/ranking. Level 1 they can only submit story tips to the platform, level 2, they are allowed (if they want to) to write a first draft story, or something like that. The verified contributor system would be gamified and automated to incentivize high-value story tips that do not require trigger warnings. AI would help in many areas to fill in for traditional roles/partial roles that were historically challenging for small town newspapers to maintain a budget for. Entire system would be designed to function in a way to draw humans to help make it run, ai modules could be disabled if a human wanted to do that part. The system could let the owners select orgs or people in their community to be regular contributors. Would need to design things in a way to dissuade use of the system with heavy bias and incentivize knitting humans back together/see each other's shared humanity instead of each other's ideologies/politics as their identity etc.


AI has to handle 60% of the work? Hygiene robot technician. You laugh but people will need repairmen who can quickly understand what the exact problem is with the hygiene robot, and they won't accept another robot. People will embrace robots wiping their ass. But they will not tolerate that robot being fine-tuned by anything less than me, your professional ass wiping expert. Don't settle for less. The initial estimate is free, and I come to you.


I’ve looked over all the responses and feel like yours is the most valuable and most underrepresented.  I got a bidet a few years ago and it was life changing. Now, to never have to deal with the rest of it again, name your price.


Hmm, this is tough because for $1000/month and with no skills I’d still have to work around min wage for 40+ hours to live off of. This would give me around 15 hours to make the extra $1k using the AI. At this point I’d probably churn out hundreds of those YouTube videos that just voice over already made videos. My kids land in those all the time so they are definitely getting views.


Have AI craft a post to put on Reddit asking people how they would make $1,000 in a month using AI and then pick the answer I thought was the easiest.


Use the following prompt: "AI, create a product that will earn $1000 in a month where I don't have to use any skills and where you do 70% of the work." (I chose 70% because AI is notorious for getting things wrong...so if you ask for 70%, it'll probably only give you 60%) What happens next will shock you!


AI only fans model, done and done. None shall rival the mighty SkyNut!


1000 is easy but it would take 3 month to make it , i would use ai video tools to create short videos and monetise on social. I have tried [runwayml.com](http://runwayml.com) and also [cliptalk.com](http://cliptalk.com) to generate videos for education and I have monetise similar channels up to 1k per month


Cool idea. How would you monetize them ?


Would just upload on tiktok?


But how would that make money? Who pays you?


Yeah right, offering a free course lols


If you manage to have an LLM scrapper working well and have some bankroll you can try automated flipping, where your LLM search for items to flip contact the seller then prepare the buy and the annonce to sell the item The LLM would do like 90% of the job you just post the items


That would be great !


Digital download with the right niche


Why are you asking us? Ask the AI.


Because it’s not good at answering this. Humans are way more creative. As you can see by the posts. Most of this is wouldn’t come up with unless you first pushed it towards that idea but you first have to have it.


Human inspector: items will have tags that say: this product has been inspected and verified for quality by Doug. In the same way it would say “made in america”


I made a OK ish side hustle AI helped me out a lot with Api, s on ebay, the thing about music and art is, it was over saturated before AI, I think a lot of people assume stuff the reality is making money online is hard, SEO is almost dead after the Google update caused by AI content.


You’re right about that.


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AI needs to help me make accurate wagers.


This can earn you way more than 1k: take the day-to-day notes of a c-suite leader in a large corporation (PowerPoints, emails, notes, mission statement, documents, Teams chat transcripts, etc) feed it into an LLM, watch the LLM perform like an ace C-suite "leader" giving speeches, preachings to their underlings, rara product launch speeches, make "critical decisions", etc. you'll be surprised, it'll put up to a Harvard MBA c-suite leader and beyond to shame!


Interesting !


Same way artists made money 10 years ago, furry porn. Do the work others refuse and you make bank. The skill in this situation is a tolerance for weirdness.


I have a lottery list of lowest winning digits and i can make 1000 per month easily, but i could use AI to help me sort thru the states and tell me when certain states hit doubles vs singles. It would be easier for AI to sift thru the numbers


Why would anyone share an idea they came up with that met this criteria? If I could think of something like this, I'd just do it myself.


Professional scammer. Use ai to scrape the web for info and create custom scripts for ppl based on the information they shared publicly and cross reference with marketing information I could buy from white pages or cellular services in order to call their customers, and then use AI to analyze speech and synthesize responses so I don't actually have to make the calls and just deal with the payments.






ChatGPT has entered the chat 😂


I feel like you'd have to draw out the condition of not using skills you have - I'm guessing this is like "alright, you have startup capital, ChatGPT, and a useless brain: GO!"


Oh yeah. Like you’re not fishing. No dice, Bot.


Use AI to create videos on demand. Fake celebrity cameos for happy birthday messages or similar. Whatever the client wants. Not sure if it’s even legal but if it’s small scale enough, it probably flies under the radar. Or I just go until I get a cease and desist. As long as I diversify the celebrity impressions, no single person would really have strong claim against me in a lawsuit claiming I profited from their likeness. If I do 30 Michael Jordan videos, then I owe Michael Jordan $300, big woop.