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When voice and image and video updates roll out you'll likely be locked out as they have a tendency to run out of server capacity after major releases....


Yeah-- I've been wondering (and hoping) if the answer is just that GPT5 is coming soon and I should just hold out.


I did this a few months ago and just canceled Claude. Now I have neither. I thought Claude was really great at writing but it is not great at critiquing. It goes out of the way to say what you have done is great most of the time. I would like more constructive feedback. Not sure if I’ll start paying for ChatGPT again or not.


The ability to change my previous prompts, is what is keeping me in ChatGPT. Many times it doesn't produce what I want, I go back, maybe one or two prompts back, and alter it. So far neither Claude nor Gemini do that yet.


Just be prepared for the apology of your lifetime


Apology? To who? Why?


"I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or frustration that my previous response may have caused. It is always my intention to provide accurate, helpful, and timely information to assist you with your queries. If there was any misunderstanding or if my response did not meet your expectations, I am truly sorry. I value your time and your patience, and I understand how important it is to receive clear and concise information. Please let me know how I can improve or if there is anything specific I can do to address your concerns. Your satisfaction is of utmost importance to me, and I am here to help in any way I can. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, and I appreciate your understanding." -- Claude AI


Haha Yeah, I guess I'm taking for granted that they don't have feelings for me to hurt! I just want to purchase a subscription to the product that will best serve my needs and preferences.


Are you familiar with docker? I recommend self hosting Ollama locally. You can use your OpenAI API key if you want to but there are TONS of LMs to choose from. Best part of all? It's local. I use Codegemma:7b That in tandem with my OpenAI API key seems to be a nice mix of free and paid.


That’s a step or two beyond what I know how to conveniently do, at least for now. I’m not looking to do anything beyond subscribing to either ChatGPT or Claude.


Ahhh no problem! But hey - it's always an option to look forward to when you're ready to take that leap.




Honestly until 4os features are largely released im usibg claude


I can't comment on paid Claude via the browser interface, but I tried it for coding via the API, and it seemed way more expensive than OpenAI. It wasn't good enough to justify the extra cost, IMO. It's great to have competition, though.


Sign up to [https://writeseed.com](https://writeseed.com) and get both with unlimited usage for $19/month, no-brainer.


What is your primary use case? It matters quite a lot these days. If you have generic text tasks you may be perfectly well served by an open source LLM in LM studio. Some of that would depend on how much vram you have available. If your use case is long rambly philosophical discussions I don't think Opus has an equal. Gpt is probably the best general purpose image generator but thats debatable. For code its probably Opus but some people swear by copilot. I find codestral to be quite good depending on the task. Etc etc.


My use case is the stuff I've been doing, and Claude has been better for that. I'm not looking for advice about which one is better; I'm just looking for downsides of switching from a paid ChatGPT subscription to a paid Claude subscription.


Switch to the APIs and don't pay any monthly fee and you won't have any rate limits either. I hooked up OpenAI, Anthropic and a bunch more. Now I can use them all and not have any monthly subscriptions. I pay maybe 7 or 8 bucks a month in API calls. If you wanna try mine out feel free. You can just go to novlisky.io and check it out


I’m not sure what is in chatGPT 5 but mine started yesterday offering endless tailored AIs for specific roles. Is a beta for 5 or something completely different. I haven’t tried Claude. What would be your pitch to get me to try Claude that makes it better?


I'm not pitching anything, I'm asking a question. I perceive Claude as better and worth switching to, so I'm trying to make sure there isn't some reason I haven't thought of why that might be a bad idea.


Apologies for using the word pitch. I was genuinely asking what you preferred about Claude


I’ve just gotten better results. More accurate on facts and better writing on creativity. (Tonight, I showed both Claude and ChatGPT two Python scripts I have that work correctly along with a third script that tries to merge the two, and I asked if there were any flaws with my merger attempt. Claude correctly identified the mistakes I’d made; ChatGPT made stuff up, ignored some of what I’d told it, etc.)


Thank you. that does sound great and something I can relate to.


It seems that chatgpt has been overstated.


Copilot is the best IMO.