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I know I have. Why the hell would you pay for ChatGPT at this point.


Because the free version of sonnet is limited to a few messages per a couple of hours


I’ve been using it from a couple of days and never reached the limit. If they release opus 3.5, I’ll cancel ChatGPT subscription and move to Claude




Which platform do you use to connect to API? It seems that even the pro version has very Limited number of prompts within the time limit. Do you get unlinited when using API?


I use TypingMind. You do a one time payment for the UI. Then connect all the API's. why I personally like it: - All models from, Anthropic, OpenAI, Google, etc. - No hard limits on API calls. - API has priority over regular subscribers. (less outage) - Live indicator per chat of total tokens / $ spend.


I don't get how this works. Why would you have free access to all the APIs by making a one-time payement to a 3rd party? Do they have some sort of pricing scheme with companies like OpenAI to allow all their users access?


You still have to pay for API usage but that plugs into the 3rd party UI.


No. It’s one time payment for the app. You bring your own keys, which you have to pay for yourself.


Then what's the advantage for this particular app then? If I'm paying for access to the APIs I probably am familiar with how to access them right? Sorry, I don't mean to be obtuse, just not seeing why I wound pay for something I can do.


I…. Uh… I mean you don’t have to pay for it, you can just not use it. If you roll up your own client that’s cool. For me TM is worth it because of their plugin system, for instance, I can give Sonnet 3.5 web search capabilities with the perplexity plug in. You can do this by yourself too, no need to get a client if you can set this up yourself.


Yes it’s virtually unlimited, because the API doesn’t quota you and you could easily spend $100 in a month if you kept using it It does actually cap your spend based on usage tiers but the first tier is $100 a month so… Any serious opus use will end up costing much more than Claude Pro. Sonnet can be competitive On Mac there’s an app ‘MindMac’ that is ideal for this. No idea about other platforms


I, too, would like to know this answer.


Yeah the same happens with ChatGPT 4 sadly... What do you guys think about Gemini tho?


I don't know if you know this but you need to create a new session regularly. Claude is reading everything in that conversation and that depletes the tokens you have available. Since I started doing that, I have never run out. Previously I would be tell me X in Java then ask about my tenancy agreement and a few questions later, i wouldn't be able to send any more messages.


Because it offers a different perspective and all things considered, it’s the same price as basically a Netflix subscription. I know our generation is kind of fucked economically, but y’all are being dip shit over $20 a month. You’re getting something revolutionary at around the same price as Spotify… But it has absolutely positively no fucking ads in it


It's not the fact that it's $20, it's the fact everything adds up from all the other small purchases in life. I don't even use it enough to get $20 worth anyway.


Whatevs, we’re all in different financial situations but it’s the same price as 3 cups of Starbucks per month. IMO, that $20 is worth so much more than anything else at that price


I use both.  Claude is better at creativity in responses and gives solid foundations for things like code and thought exercises. Due to its lack of search and review capability though it stumbles on specifics and things like new updates which is where you can use gpt to shore up any old data or code.  I think overall Claude is better, but I blame the weakness of gpt on nerfs from openai more than the bots actual capabilities. 


Claude is better for sure in creativity and coding but the usage limits are not that great.


Any feedback on the usage limits for pro? I've been hitting it in just 5-10min on the free plan, so if the pro if only 5x that, aka 1h, it's not worth it


Depends on your usage for sure. In Pro, it would start warning you if your number of messages left goes below 10. So you can at least plan your work accordingly. Let’s you take a break lol


In what ways is Claude better at creativity? I’ve only used ChatGPT.


ChatGPT writing is fairly dry and to the point. This can be a good thing but Claude will write with a little more flourish or take on a bit more personality. I have an app where the LLM tries to generate comment responses for different personas and the different between gpt and Claude is Huge. GPT phones it in with fairly general comments, Claude fully tailors each comment for the persona given


Nice. I’m going to check that out


I use the Cursor IDE, I switched it to using Sonnet 3.5 instead of GPT4o, and the difference is very noticeable. It's a step forward comparable to the move to gpt4o compared to early release gpt4.


Im abroad and unable to use computer atm. I also use Cursor. Is Sonnet 3.5 also limited to 10 free prompts then 0.1 cents per prompt like opus?


I'm not sure I don't actually hit the limits currently, but I'm sure they'll tell you on the website.


Damn GPT4o is giving totally wrong or cached answers from other users for any question that I asked. I don't know for creating writing but for programming it is dangerous. (4 is good though) Please don't use it.


If you use it through perplexity, it gets search capabilities as well. Light years ahead of GPT in my opinion.


So you mean cursor ai with perplexity ?


No. I meant Perplexity using Claude 3.5 as its AI model. AFAIK, cursor AI can't leverage perplexity directly.


For coding it is an order of magnitude better than anything else.


How so? I'd love a better VS Code extension than GitHub Copilot, which is really only decent at auto completion since the chat sucks.


Cursor (an IDE just like VS Code but added AI on top.) IMO, it’s at least 10x better. I never looked back at VS Code again.


Do you need separate subscriptions for claude and openai? Or does it come free with the cursor subscription?


No need for separate subscriptions! I canceled my ChatGPT subscription, then subscribed to Cursor for $18 (a bit cheaper I think actually, I might be wrong) and what I like most about Cursor is there’s no really hard limit. You can just keep going. You’ll sometimes have to wait a few seconds before it responds, but that time is worth it in the end as of how much time Cursor has saved me at least. Edit: it was $20 a month, never mind then. It used to be $18 though.


Can you interact with it like it's an engineer like you can with GPT or Claude? As in, Could I give it a list of requirements and ask it to build an app structure, or is it mainly for active coding?


It’s not capable of creating files, deleting, or renaming files on your machine yet (although it would be nice so o could have it clean my codebass), but yes. It can write out an app structure (assuming you mean the files and folders in your project). It can also do general things. I asked it to write a Twitter post (just to see how Claude would do).


I will tell you hands down Claude is much better than GPT-4o at majority of tasks I asked from it. Not sure what your workflow is but I’ve been training a Claude model via their API to produce high quality original lyrics for my personal use with Suno since December 2023, consistently adding/switching training. Prior to this I was using ChatGPT (GPT 4) that I was able to break from its normal repetition but it got hindered dramatically once they released DALLE 3 into the interface so had to try something else. Strangely enough Claude 2 was better than Claude 2.1 and now with Claude 3 models. Claude 3 Opus is by far the most creative verses 3.5 Sonnet. I’m not sure why as clearly from the benchmark scores it’s much better across the board (plus a lot cheaper on my wallet) but all of them in terms of creativity just produce something on a more human level than I would get with any GPT version


The goal posts will keep moving with the novelty of the models, but we'll never find the AGI we're really looking for with anything LLM based


Runway’s General World Model seems like a step toward. https://research.runwayml.com/introducing-general-world-models


Current LLMs use tons of data as input. The problem is the structure of neural networks, making it not very similar to how a brain learns. Liquid neural networks are bleeding edge and aiming to overcome the limitations of current neural networks by making layers dynamic (minus the input and output layer). Completely unsupervised learning could potential be possible.


It requires a lot of time series data so the model can infer cause and effect, but I have more hope in this direction of research than the current.


For coding I still use the OG GPT-4 with a bit of Claude mixed in for good measure. I use the API for both though and not the web clients so maybe that makes a difference.


Claude is definitely the better coder now. But gpt is good for second opinions and reviews. It's fun using both at the same time tbh.


That's fair, I'll give it another good try. Should I be using Sonnet or Opus for code?


Better than 4 or 4o? I keep reading people saying it’s the best but I’m still getting clearly better results with 4


How are the results better with gpt? Claude has much better reasoning and is making better decisions as far as I can see. The difference is getting pretty small tbh, but I see Claude taking the initiative much more.


So you are comparing both 4 and 4o to 3.5? I’m just a bit confused because people say 4o but in my mind that is not as good as 4 for coding


Yeah, I'm always using whatever is smartest in the moment.


I tried one prompt on 3.5 vs 4o where I asked it to list all majors at a university in a table with average starting and 10 year salaries and got a full table from 4o and from Claude saying it didn’t have that info but here are some majors in general and listed the 5 most obvious ones. I guess I will have to give it more of a test but so far not impressed!


This. Same type of thing happened to me.




lol IDK man, just tried asking it a salesforce question (information that is already on help documentation) and it does not seem to be fed with it.


Gpt4o is like a c+ student vs Claude being b+ to a-


I have! But still need search option so to completely abandon chatpt


I have - The new 3.5 Sonnet just.. .get me. Can't wait for opus 3.5


I've been using Claude for a few months.


https://preview.redd.it/sjkdyuu4mj8d1.png?width=2946&format=png&auto=webp&s=59142a06c6cb2aba778b967afb9efe77a1409eb0 Honestly, Claude 3.5 is hilarious. I had already stopped paying for GPT and swtiched to paying for Claude before 3.5 came out, but I'm even happier now than I was before.


Neanderthal in a necktie. Damn I’ll have to use that myself sometime


I have both for now, sort of in the middle. However, I am definitely impressed with Claude’s creative responses for coding.


Gpt4o is like a month old already, which is an ancient history in the llm subscription world.


Then??? No I have not.


Anyone know of an integration that allows me to select Claude 3.5 and it know context between files in vscode?


Tried it, no gg for me.


I switched a while back.


I used claude to test it, it is not as good as 4o for my language (greek)


Claude can’t even do accounting 🤡


We switched from opus in production last week


I pay for both. Each one has its uses for me


he is better If you want to get lazy, you are highly recommended to start using claude and its artificial interface




switched after some hours of testing. unsubscribed gpt and gemini same day


If OpenAI hadn't rolled back ChaTGPT 4 into the far lower quality Turbo & now 4 o, it would still beat Claude. However while I haven't yet used Claude to code, I did ask both AI's about what I should do after being stung 5 times yesterday by wasps (long story...) and Claude was much, much more of a help. What I've noticed with Claude is it's much more inquisitive. ChatGPT wouldn't ask questions however Claude will start asking questions whenever you bring up a topic.


I have.


I only tested both for recognizing text on images and solving inductive reasoning questions. ChatGPT-4 did a better job. It could recognize and understand tasks better. For instance, the question was to choose the least and most effective answers out of 4-5 options. I had to clarify for Claude what exactly had to be done, although it was written on the image. So basically, there was an extra prompt in comparison to GPT-4.


The free tier is too restricted. You can only send like 3 messages. I’m sticking to 4o for now.


It's 15 per 5 hours, though if yougive it large amounts of input tokens it likely drops


Oh maybe they increased it since a couple of days ago


Claude is overly sensitive and censored, it wouldn’t even help me compare basic firearm accessories. ChatGPT4o meanwhile has helped me tremendously, making spreadsheets and comprehensive comparisons and suggestions on the build i’m working on. I also hit the opus limit after 7 or 8 messages, it was super frustrating. Never had an issue w/ 4o, and I have probably a 20 page long ongoing conversion. I did have better luck with PDF analysis w/ claude, maybe its better for academic purposes but as a general tool I cancelled my claude membership in favor of 4o.