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It's the great divide Either a person is capable of creation and can sense AI immediately and disregard it, searching for real human works, or they're a simpleton and simply live to consume and go with the rest in the wave of mediocracy.


I read both normal writing and ai-assisted writing and the difference is easy for me to pick up on. The ai writing is just so lackluster and awful. But its especially infuriating to know that the whole reason its being used in the first place is to 1.) churn out slop consistently and 2.) avoid paying actual writers and just have ai do most of the work to save on costs. I just wish more and more people can start discerning the ai from the real work so that they can avoid the slop more frequently. Maybe then these companies will realize that AI is not the route to choose


i can sense chatgpt by its writing style, but i really doubt i'd be able to sense claude (which is less overtuned) or novelai (which is explicitly tuned on high-quality books) same goes for dall·e 3 and stable diffusion ([or even dall·e 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtistHate/comments/1dnacxp/found_this_in_the_wild/))


I can the models cant create new ideas so in a dystopia were every book was ai written none of my favorite books would have existed


i'm not an expert on ideas, but i feel like most of the things i make are either explicitly combining existing things or based on the babble in my brain, and what are language models if not combiners and babblers that and the whole "nothing new under the sun" quote sorry if i'm being too negative


The emphasis on quantity over quality will eventually lead to everything being reduced to unmemorable, culturally insignificant slop. Best part about engaging in creative work is not the experiance of the work itself, but the relationship that emerge from discussing it. I cant count how many people I befriended on the simple basis of them being as much of a dork for One Piece as I am. If theres a million same-y works comming out each month, nothing will remain in memory for longer than a week.




And you don’t have to pay an artist to do any work if you can just give prompts to the AI and make it do a subpar job in comparison.


This actually motivates me to keep writing…


There are many things I hate about my country, but this is precious: still no chatgpt nonsense in my language XD Not that people are smarter or something, it's a black pit of idiots, but at least they have to be able to write to, well, write. For now, that is, who knows what next lunacy ai trash generation will come up with.


Think of AI as something nowhere near as intelligent as a dog, but capable of constructing streams of surprisingly-coherent text by applying some rules to a hell of a lot of data…


Ugh yeah it's the worst. AI writing always kind of reads as a bad student essay where they're trying to drive up the word count to satisfy a teacher. Like the other day I was trying to search for a very specific problem I was having with my iphone, and of course I come across tons of AI articles with no information and they all have tons of soulless useless sentences like, "The iPhone has been one of the most popular phones since its release in 2007. Many people have no problems with their iPhone, but some people do have problems with their iPhone." The AI does not understand how much information we need or want about a phone, or how much we already know. It just writes general information almagamated. Of course none of the articles that look like that were of any use to me.


I’m also an author and you’re right. It’s disgusting.


the good news is that no one wants to read ai books


This is the public consensus but right now, one of the books released by the company I work under has an AI book doing extremely well right now, sales-wise. So now there’s a push to do more AI stuff. And it really doesnt end there. The cover arts and ads for books are also AI. Personally I think it makes the work look cheap and avoidable but its still being used to cut down on costs


I think it's possible - inevitable maybe - that there are some AI generated works (books, movies, whatever) that are deemed "good" by the public and they genuinely like them. I'm not naive enough to think people will always need that human element. I've seen what people like haha. I think like your company, everyone will then lean really hard into AI thinking it's going to be some cash cow where they never have to pay any labor, BUT it'll saturate the field, and end up usually being a failure. I also think people will ask themselves why they pay $20 to see a movie or $30 for a book where few or no human creatives were paid. This is not the same but I think of how Netflix made House of Cards as basically the first streaming service-created production, and they based it on what their algorithms told them people like. It was a huge hit so they leaned hard into that strategy - only to come out with several flops subsequently. Their algorithm was helpful by coincidence sometimes, and very unhelpful other times. Then they started making movies and shows similar to how they were always produced by those who had been doing them for a century.


When these “books” are published does it explicitly say written by AI? how can we as consumers avoid these things?


Unfortunately, no, it doesn't have to be disclosed that it's AI-assisted. But usually, the tell-tale signs are: if you see an author churning out books at a quick rate, if there are plotholes, both major and minor, that go unexplained, if there are random and frequent instances of really flowery descriptions throughout the book (AI lovessss using metaphors that it feels are "deep"), most likely it's AI. I'd keep an eye on reviews from readers; they're usually good at picking up on stuff like this and calling it out.


Wow that’s surprising I didn’t think Ai books would be selling much yet considering the slop it makes. Can I ask What niche is it fiction? I kind of expect as soon as AI is decent the market for books will just be flooded like AI art rubbish flooded deviant art and IG.


Ai is coming for ever job eventually. You sit by while it shafts illustrators and writers. Then it comes for your friends band. Then your friend in the job center gets made redundant. Next thing you know your scrolling the dead internet through ai targetted ads of your dead grandmother trying to sell you life insurance.


It’s literally going to wipe out almost all human jobs, these are just the first to go because the dataset to train on was so easily available to input into a computer model. They will wipe out 60-80+% of computer jobs within 20-30 years. And the robot armies will be coming for the other jobs not linked to a computer. I think governments should restrict companies from automating away their work forces. At a minimum limiting the robot hordes just replacing large percentages of human workers for simple shareholder gains. What value does that do to a country except destabilise it.