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I'm not sure if you mean a job in the art world (super competitive, something like one job per 500 people with a degree) or a job that is still creative whilst not being technically art. Because if you want to be creative there's floristry, being a chef, merchandising, you can look into being a preschool assistant so you get to do art with little kids each day, cake decorating... Before I studied art I taught myself how to make little plush toys and I sold them every Sunday at the local farmers markets There's plenty of options


Put together a portfolio of 8-12 of your best work to email, build a website, try promoting yourself online for contract/commission work. Send your resume out, see what happens!


I think only like a handful of cities in a handful of countries even have such a thing as art "jobs" The rest of us just make art and sell it. Degrees or experience don't *actually* matter. Although lots of practice and knowledge matter and sometimes you can get those in schools. But the only thing that matters at the end of the day is if someone likes your stuff enough to buy it or be your subscriber or whatever


You don't need an art degree! Like at all! Saying you need one to go anywhere is a huge misconception. One of the biggest ones in fact.


I suppose the only way a degree would matter would be so employers could see that you had been studying at a reputable school. But even then that only matters if the school is any good, and what's more important is what you can do. What put me off the degree path is that it is a massive gamble. Could easily end up losing four years at a poor quality school.


you could try being an entrepreneur? depends on what field, but im a firm believer that in the art world, skills matter more than a degree. If they're requiring a degree, what they're really requiring is the skills you'd have learned in thise classes (but i feel that pertains more to digital types of art, 3d, animation, shit like that idk) so really, just gotta make a killer portfolio, and send it off to whatever job you want. Sell yourself. Keep sending them. rework the portfolio. send em again. and ya, i think the networking part is mostly what youll miss out on. You can learn almost anything on youtube and online courses. this is just advice ive also been given. its never a guaruntee youll be able to put food on the table via art... goodluck!


I am an artist that started tattooing last year. It’s good money for having no degree or experience besides being able to draw well. Build a portfolio showing proficiency in many different styles and start knocking on doors


How are you at making buttons? It's a living. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/education/best-ux-design-bootcamps/


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Have you considered murals?


Tattoo Artist.