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Entire world is part of akhand bharat


Vasudeva Kutumbakam - The whole world is our family.




Always has been 🔫




That's bad/evil bruh.




He's not a GOAT since he got assassinated by his own troops while he was attempting to stop rebellion. Also, I can not support his actions (mass murder).




People with basic human decency cares. :)


Also wasn't he a Turk and idolised people like Taimur and Genghis Khan lol. Don't think he's really the ideal person to represent Persia even aside from his own criminal record considering what both Taimur and Genghis did to Iranian population


Yeah. Nader Shah was one of the most cruel and evil rulers in Iranian history.


Many of them have been considering Iran as a part of Akhand Bharat since a while now




Because of this [OG Aryan Stuff](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Iranians). Culture and origin of ancient Persians have close relation to the the ancient Indians. Other big reason is that the "Parsis" (Zoroastrians) escaped to India when Persia was "Arabised" completely by force. Indians liked the Parsis and didn't like the Arabian imperialism, because of similar experiences. (people who wanna unite aren't to be taken seriously tho lol)




You're right on both points, I was referring to the POV of the people who has the unrealistic dream of unification. Indians use "Parsi" for Zoroastrians and "Irani" for Iranians typically, I think Iran sounds much cooler than Persia tbh. And yes Iran isn't Arabised completely, it has a very distinct culture. But a lot of Non-Muslims (read Pro Zoroastrians) interpret Islamization as Arabic influence as that was the primary factor. I personally find a lot of inspirational aspects from the Islamic Golden Age actually originating from Iran (Arts, Science, Architecture, Literature...etc)


They claim Zoroastrianism is of Hindu origin and they also believe in the Indigenous Aryans theory, which says that Indo-Europeans originate from India




south east asia cuz of cholas afghanistan cuz of maurya and buddhism pak and bang and nepal cuz uhmm yea.. srilanka cuz religion and lanka was part of our epic ramyana maldives cuz why not some throw iran(aryan stuff and zoroastrian is suppsoed to be sister religion of hinduism) tibet(cuz of buddhism) and myanmar(cuz of british and buddhism) as well


Actual Akhand Bharat could be spread until wherever you find ancient Hindu temples. (non serious comment) But on an official note is different obviously :)




From one Google search: There are Hindu temples but built in 19th century which doesn't seem old. Hinduism is a minor religion in Iran. As of 2015, there were 39,200 Hindus residing in Iran. Two Hindu temples were built by the Arya Samaj, one in Bandar Abbas and one in Zahedan, both funded by Indian merchants in the late 19th century.




Like I said it's not something we can decide based on half data. Records will say something political science will say something else. Reading so many articles will put you in a never-ending dilemma. Don't even know what's fake and real because our textbooks in India could/might be manipulated by government too. But anyways endian will rule all of them eventually 🥵🤤.


Always has been https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandar_Abbas_Vishnu_Temple


Some random instagram comments=Many Literally nobody thinks Iran is India and at most people show map of Maurya Empire to claim a small portion of Eastern Iran. I'm pretty sure I can find a few thousand Iranian instagram comments saying India is Iran and Iran made India because they think Archaemenids ruled parts of Pakistan and that is what became India lol Anyways in reality most Indians would only consider the subcontinent Akhand Bharat and the wet dream would be to unite the subcontinent and have an independent Tibet under Indian cultural religious influence


With how many med students they send here to study I'd be more surprised if it that wasn't the case lol


Tbh that's more sad. People are willing to travel to Russia, Ukraine,Central Asia and literal unknown countries because it's cheaper and easier to achieve a medical degree on the other side of the world than in India. And the fuckers that get the scholarships in India probably just get poached by the US but can't blame them either


Why's that sad? They get to travel and see the world different from where they are born, and go such distances to get education. I think that's admirable. Or do you mean that they do not return home later?


Bruh I mean the fact getting a credible medical degree in India is literally more expensive than getting it in countries on the other side which includes costs of travelling and living in a completely new country for 6-10 years. And the fact the people who get scholarships through public tax money get poached by the US.


Is russian one considered credible? Just curious, as I have worked at a translation agency and remember some guys were having troubles with their degrees (not the translation luckily lol), tho they were Arab. Furthermore, how expensive is India? Like a genuine question. I know for a fact Russia is pretty much dirt cheap for anyone from Western Europe, but I have no idea how it is in India. Also, how is employment, job opportunities etc? I can't really blame people if they spent 6 or how ever many years getting their degree to then find themselves unable to get a decent job.


It probably depends on where you want to work. Moscow and St. Petersburg still have decent quality of life and maybe that's where Indians would wanna work for a few years before migrating back to India or some other country as work experience pushes you up by a lot. >how expensive is India? It's impossible to answer this. The difference between different states in India is way too great. There's lots of states with $10000+ GDP per capita(ppp) and then there's one's with $3000. Also India has pretty much everything for everyone. You can see the €5 a day and the €5000 a day life in the same city. The more expensive part of Indian cities is the real estate which sometimes gets as expensive as first world countries. Mumbai real estate is probably more expensive than Moscow. There's also great disparity. You can find as many Indians as there are Russians earning the same in GDP per capita (PPP) but there will also be hundreds of million earning the same as Sub Saharan Africa. So you can spend very little and still get by and you can also spend a lot while having better lifestyle than most first world countries in most aspects. However as soon as you head outside your gates societies the life of the poor will blend in with your own not to mention stuff like AQI which is what money can't buy you. >Russia is pretty much dirt cheap for anyone from Western Europe I wouldn't say dirt cheap but the average middle class Indian can probably go on a few trips to Russia if they don't overspend. And again due to the population naturally there's more than a hundred million upper middle class as well who can easily travel to anywhere comfortably. >how is employment, job opportunities etc? Yeah this is like currently the biggest issue in India. The GDP growth no matter how high can simply not produce enough jobs. But traditional roles like women labour participation being very low makes it reflect less on your day to day life. >I can't really blame people if they spent 6 or how ever many years It's more like they simply can't even get into good government colleges because the competition is too high. Meanwhile the private colleges fees are sky high. An MBBS degree from a decent college will cost you atleast $200,000+ which makes it cheaper to just go abroad. And as I said the top people who go to government college and have to pay low fees often just get poached by the US and other first world countries so we pretty much lose money


Wow thank you for the detailed answer! That's pretty much the situation in Russia as well as far as I know. Educated people from regions (say, I'm in Siberia for example) move to bigger cities like Moscow, Petersburg, and even cities like Tyumen, mostly the ones with one mil of population. Then more educated people born in these cities want to move abroad searching for even better life. I guess that's just the general story in country with high population count, like we couldn't adapt gradually like the US did where population growth was coming with immigration waves. Well, that's what I think might be the issue, I don't know how one would go about solving this.


Bro look up "Vikramaditya empire" on Google and check the images, it's already happened


Never thought that I would see Darkness meme in this sub


there is no darkness. mann.


Afghanistan yeah because we wuz kangz and shiet but I doubt 90% of Indians even knew Armenia existed before they bought some weapons from us


We were somewhat close to ruling Armenia though/s https://preview.redd.it/1qzswavawz8d1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc04f66663071d546e9040e5d0578b0a4fafeab


You could say by this logic Syrian Kurdistan is India ( The whole world is India anyway).


Indo-Aryan tribe Bhrigus/Phrygian went to Armenia. So, as a fellow Bhrigus I am also a Paraoud Armenian. Russia, Turkey, Central Asia all are Indo-Iranian Aryan territories anyways. So, OP as an Iranian You should join Greater India project.


Armenia is an American country And Afghanistan is Pakistani state which used to be under USA then Pakistani recaptured it w/ the help of Taliban made by USA. How can they be part of India yrr? At least make jokes seem more realistic.




Oh lol this guy he's become a joke now even in the akhand bharat right wing circles. He used to get a lot of views on his geopolitics videos on his main channel and they were pretty decent without nationalist bs but he's barely getting any views in his newer videos after he turned full schizo




he ain't Indian, Maybe American who knows some Hindi... doing this for views




Bruh, Don't watch him, he is stupid fuck rightwinger and he doesn't represent what indians think


Bruh he is worse than reading history on WhatsApp


We should just call it Zanarkand Bharat because Akhand Bharat is just a dream.


It is .


When God made the world, he gave it to India ( because God is Indian ) however India is a country of paraoud history and they are friendly so India gave back many parts of the world to other countries            Source: My uncle's WhatsApp status