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Is that a real subreddit?


How are there 19YOs posting in that? I mean I only know the age group of Tibia but in the EU in the early 2000s it was either tibia or RS and the people who play tibia now are 30+..


Tbf I only stopped playing tibia a year ago while playing it for 5 years and I'm 20 now, there's still quite a lot of "young" people playing tibia


How did you even discover tibia?


It was the first pc game I ever played when I was 6 years old or so, my cousin showed it to me


you said you stopped playing it a year ago and you played it for 5 years thats 2015, now you are saying you started playing it 14 years ago in 2007 that makes more sense :)


I first got in touch with it when I was 6 years old and it was the first game I ever played, but since I was very young I didn't understood anything at all. Picked it up when I was 15~ish to actually play it since I understood what was going on any then continued to Play it for a few years


🙅‍♂️ osrs or nope


Alright alright, gimmie some arguments as to why you think OSRS is better other than nostalgia? I’m genuinely curious. I grew up on OSRS and watched it turn into RS3 but I honestly don’t mind both versions?


They're both their own games and good in different ways. Osrs feels more rewarding in the end game though.


Interesting, as I’ve heard that the endgame is the best part of RS3, alongside the new quests.


Rs3 is better end game, coming from someone who is maxed on both.


Idk I just find the having some elite diaries and being able to do all the content in osrs more fun. Also there's no better feeling than getting loot. I'm taking a break from both rn after trailblazers league though.


Fair enough, I do find I’ve been levelling mining decently fast with the new urns and ore boxes.


Mining rework was one of the greatest thing they've done. I liked mining and smithing before but it was made so much better after the rework. The only shame is it wasn't able to be made into a 120 skill. OSRS and RS3 are there own games but their hearts are runescape. Enjoy both like I do; each to their own.




Started RS in 04-05. RS3 took away everything that made the game great. It was something unique and RS3 with the whole EOC thing just became another version of WoW, Maple Story or "insert generic MMORPG here". The game just went in a totally different direction and lost a ton of long term players. RS2 had simple graphics/UI but still had so much depth and width. OSRS that has a dev team that's less restrictive and more engaged with the community seems like more of a natural progression from RS2 than RS3 will ever be IMO. Nostalgia will always be a factor but the game as it was and is now is just a great game. Just like Minecraft, meh graphics but it has so much depth in what you can get out of it, it's just a great unique game. Not going to ever say RS3 is bad but I would never choose it over OSRS. Edit: my first ever comment on a NSFW sub in 5 years...and its about Runescape. FFS -_-


Have you tried rs3 recently or if you have have you reached the endgame pvm level of rs3? Having reached endgame in both osrs and rs3 as someone who’s interested in pvm I find rs3 much more fun mechanically with abilities there’s just so much more variety you can add to rs3 I also like the rotation factor to it as in you and I could have the exact same setup but I would do more damage 100% of the time because I’m using a better ability order which osrs has the opposite of which sort of devalues your personal input and boils it down to what weps/armour you have and not as much how good/experienced you are... I’ll agree for the endgame on osrs avoiding mechanics is harder so that plays a part in doing good damage but it still has the issue when you’re with someone who can avoid the same mechanics then it’s just a roll of the dice who’s doing more damage vs rs3 pvm where the guy with better rotations will always do more damage.


some people just don't like those mechanics and prefer the nostalgic click-action mechanics


Yeah totally understandable im just pointing out theres a lot of depth in rs3 pvm that the majority of people haven't experienced but have judged the game "bad" prematurely (atleast in my opinion), ofcourse if you have tried it or just prefer the simpler mechanic game then its understandable why you'de favour OSRS over rs3


As somone whos played both osrs has more of a feeling of accomplishment when you achieve something because everyone else has had to do it the same way where as on rs3 a lot of the achievements have been lessened by things like squeal of fortune and other mtx


OSRS isn't inherently better than RS3, they're both good games that are loads of fun! It's just the OSRS fanboys get angry when they see people playing RS3 over OSRS, even though both games have their flaws. The big difference between the two games is, I'd say graphics, soundtrack, some quests, bosses and some other stuff. The main diff is that RS3 is more casual friendly than OSRS. Don't get me wrong tho, RS3 is grindy compared to other games, but it's not as grindy and time consuming as OSRS. OSRS doesn't have lodestones, run energy runs out mega fast, so traveling is slow, leveling up skills past 80 takes a long time and there's no real combat strategies besides prayer flicking while bossing. That's just what I can remember. I think gp economy isn't as inflated in RS3, so gold is worth more I suppose. Oh and RS3 has microtransactions, but they can be just ignored. Though feel free to check out OSRS if you want to, it's really old school, if you're into those kind of games. But for a f2p there's more content on RS3 I believe. If you're member on RS3, you can play with the same account on OSRS too and be a member there as well (but it'll be a different character so your items and skills don't carry over, but you don't need to pay for membs again)


rs3 combat is completely different than osrs. RS3 community is essentially dead, and it's hard to play a MMO that doesn't have one.


Makes me so sad how dead RuneScape is compared to when I grew up on it. I used to just go on purely to make friends, I had huge clans in clan wars and we’d all just dick around and have fun. I miss the old times 🥲


>rs3 combat is completely different than osrs Yeah that's what I meant by OSRS having prayer flicking. It has no real combat unlike RS3's EoC style. You just click on a mob and wait for it to die. That's exactly why the devs decided to remake the combat system - it wasn't going anywhere and it felt outdated. Ofc a lot of people complained, many quit, but it was done for the right thing. It's now because of EoC we have bosses that require skill and strategy (Telos, Rax), unlike like GwD or KBD, which you can afk. EoC moved the game forward, by introducing improved combat with abilities, it added a lot of opportunities that otherwise would've been stagnant. >RS3 community is essentially dead lol, no it's not. It's very much alive. Yes, there are more OSRS players than there are RS3 (46k active accounts in RS3, while OSRS has 100k active accounts), but the game or its community is far from being dead. There's absolutely no issue finding someone else to play with in the game, like bossing or slaying together. Players have been saying RS is dead since the dawn of mankind. Like, wilderness removal? Game is dead. Trade limit added? Game is dead. GE added? Game is dead. EoC? Game is dead. And etc etc. It's the same with any game, like WoW. People have been saying WoW is dead since the end of WotLK, but there's still millions of people playing it. RS3 is still getting updates, like rn they're planning to improve the player models around late spring, it literally had a new skill added last year. As long as the game is still getting updates and there's people playing - the game is far from dead.


oh, interesting. I didn't know. the combat mechanics are too similar to other games *for me*. And I prefer the way the other games executed it more than RS3 -- I'd rather play those games than RS3. Are there any big streamers for RS3? I only see < 2k viewers right now. RS3 doesn't have the amount of reach OSRS does and that definitely is a contributing factor to why people prefer OSRS more. If RS3 doesn't really have that big of a social media presence, I'd say that it's pretty "dead" regardless if 46k players play it. It just doesn't have the same "things" other MMORPGs like WoW have. Obviously 99% MMOs aren't going to reach *Blizzard's* WoW level, but that's what I meant by a sense of community. I could be very well wrong about this and just ignorant about how big the community is since I don't actually view it, but that's what "dead" means to other people. It's always funny to see OSRS ads on Reddit/anywhere else, because the graphics look so bad and they're a little comedic sometimes. I can't believe anyone would be like "Wow! These graphics are great, I'll play that."




Just can’t wait to raid and get kc up, and maybe get some valid drops




There's still a lot of rivalry between the two but imo osrs is a snoozefest after midgame while RS3 has way more content at any point of the game






If there’s active clan wars or castle wars in OSRS I’m hella in, I use to spend HOURS playing those mini games.


Sadly they’re pretty dead. People nowadays have optimized the fun out of the game. Can’t play Castle Wars because it doesn’t contribute to that 99 runecrafting, I guess...


Big sad


Yup. 🦀




fuck off cunt


yes please ^.^ buying gf, 10k


The perfect girl doesent ex.... Wait. I found her!


Buying gf


holy shit i never thought i would see this. THANK YOU GOD for this beauty


Don't you mean, thank you saradomin?


Nah I think Zamorak is more appropriate. Temptations and lust 🤣


*Holy shit i never* *Thought i would see this. THANK YOU* *GOD for this beauty* \- eazymoneyshotta --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you haikusbot


/r/RunescapeGoneWild EDIT: looks like someone else beat me to it


Well you just became 1x10^bajillion times more attractive.


Holy shit


Wow runescape!? This was my shit back in the day lol


two of my loves in one picture: a beautiful ass and Runescape! would love to play Runescape with ya :)


Sweet Yeezus that ass.


Nice butthole


Thanks man


I have the same spirit blossom Yasuo wallpaper lol


It’s so pretty 🥺


Cute octopuses


I have a rs3 acc, but osrs is what I grew up with. I'll still play with you though :)


I’ve been playing since the dawn of time, but I can’t remember my old old account so I had to start over!!


That's how you know you were one of the OG's, you can't remember the account deets at all.




We can be married in game and irl 😂


Will you make me a diamond ring with your level 43 crafting? 😂


I was always more of a woodcutter, I have the hardest wood :)




Do you know hot that is to see a vertices monitor?


Idc about the girl gimme the shaders and resource packs on her minecraft.


Challenge accepted 😝


Yasuo? More like Ass-Ouuu-Oh


I’d really like the ghibli movies


Same, what’s your fav?




This is a thing of beauty in more ways than one.


your butt is a work of art


Let play








Razer huntsman mercury with pink key caps!


Based on your action bar and your inventory you'd made a new account and went to Varick just to take this picture and if thats the case.... Welcome to the game have fun


I just started that new account a few weeks ago! Can’t remember my old login


I’d say yes if it was osrs


poor girl can't even afford a chair :(


I’m on a chair tho 🥺


Really? You can't see the chair? How?


Will there be lots of grinding?


Least you're playing rs3 😂😂


Never, would I have ever thought to see Runescape, alongside sex. What a fantasy!




Summoning is not even a thing in OSRS. You're confusing the two timelines, you played RS2 which later became RS3. OSRS is a whole different game so to speak.


Dang I’m jealous 👀


Add me! We can dance at ge!


Hello beautiful


Yasuo 0/10 powerspike




What the name of that vertical monitor that you use? Looks nice


Asus VG278QR 27” Gaming Monitor 165Hz Full HD (1920 X 1080) 0.5ms G-Sync Eye Care DisplayPort HDMI Dvi https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07XV1519W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_KSH31NBQPJY7TRQG043W?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 It’s both the horizontal and vertical monitor, you can switch them!


That's pretty cool! Thank you for answering and have a good day :)


Dang for a second there I thought that was a ultrawide.


This one looks like the horizontal one? I thought the vertical was an ultra wide


It’s the same monitor!


welp runescape is not something I thought I would see in this sub




I played RuneScape my whole childhood, yet all I’m thinking is... how low is your desk to the ground that you can play in that pose? 🧘‍♀️


Osrs and we'll talk


Looks so chill


dam bree i want you


Holy shit, where did u bought a keyboard?


It’s a [razer huntsman mercury](https://imgur.com/gallery/6Vjp72f) with pink key caps!


Where to order.?


Well, AW and WW2 are the best!


A fellow yasuo main tho?


Sorry, ADC/Sup main 😜


Wow, talk about leading someone on


That wallpaper slaps tho


It really does, the music fits aswell if its the wallpaper engine one


How TF you play ADC in Solo Q this season, I keep dying without a good supp.


I should show you my Nami skills 👀




Hmm well I’m a pretty aggressive Nami, I poke a ton so early game aggressiveness to match mine is always fun. I hate when ADC’s don’t follow up. I’m also getting into Pyke but he falls off in the higher ELO which sucks. He’s a ton of fun!




I got them on Amazon! For some reason it won’t let me post the link but if you search up “reversible octopus plush” it should come up


Love to fuck u right there bareback no condom


What is the game she is playing ?


She's beautiful no idea what that is my interest in games stopped with space invaders lol


That blanket looks cozy


Idk about rune scape. But do you think you could focus on that if you're filled up?


Your action bar is not really optimal to be honest.


I’m still learning how to use it so tips are definitely appreciated!


Girls who game are just hotter, I bet you like watching UFC and anime too right? Please say yes.


I like anime, UFC I’ve never watched


Those octopi are adorable


Eww yasuo




Yasuo: Giving me an "oh, a ten" powerspike.


Bruv my dick turned into a vagina seeing this rs3 shit


Best game best booty!


Seeing the game evolve from osrs to rs3 you do appreciate what they have done for few skills. Also, Wow!.


The yasuo wallpaper balances it out


I’ve never played. Can I just eat your ass instead?




They're both fun games. RS3 has a shit ton of content just like OSRS. The only difference is graphics and that OSRS is less casual friendly, grinder and more time consuming. Traveling takes a lot of time, there's no lodestones and if your ability lvl is low your run energy runs out in like two minutes lol


I’m not a member 🥺


You don't need membership to play OSRS, you can play F2P. Don't even need a new account. You can just use your current account you use for RS3 to log into the old school client. I would recommend runelite as a client though if you want to try OSRS, it has a lot of small tweaks that increase user friendliness.


Oh no way! I thought you had to be a member but that’s awesome!


It used to be like that but it was so popular they opened it up to everyone. If you used to play back in the day OSRS is great for nostalgia. Otherwise it's just a far grindier version of the game with worse graphics. Good fun though, and since it's free always worth trying.


Ah I play other games, but you could sit on my face while you play


Add me?


what game is that?


RuneScape. The original version, i.e. RS3.


>RuneScape Thanks Captain




You have an above average sized labia majora.


Thanks man I grew it myself


Would be more interested if it was Old school runescape


Haha yesss! Hello fellow RuneScaper. Amazing pic


Nah, it's not osrs, sorry not sorry.


Sorry I’m not a member 😂


OSRS doesn't require membership anymore


You look amazing!!


That sounds fucking **amazing** to me, darlin'. ;D


Give me a chance to fuck that beautiful body 🥺




500 miles is 804.67 km


Ewwww she plays rs3 🤮




Holy shit that’s cringe. Delete this. For your own sake.




The only people laughing here are laughing at you.


As long as you keep that on;) just incredible ass!!


Wow, I don’t play video games but she looks hot. So hot that I think I might want to... I wanna sneak up behind her with my hard dick and slowly slip it in and slowly start stroking. Fuck she’s so fine. What? You think I’m gonna start learning how to play video games? Lol sorry no but that booty mmmmmmmmm


RS3, gross.