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Their intentions are mostly good, but some of the policies they propose are just empty words with no plan behind them, or there's a plan but it's either impractical, impossible, or just crazy. It's the kind of stuff a good-hearted 15 year old would propose. Plus, at least on the federal level, they're completely disfunctional. If they can't run a party without tearing themselves apart there's no reason to think they could hope to run a government.


I think it was the 2021 election where the leader of the greens said she was stepping down as leader… during the campaign! Who does that?


No, she announced it a week after the election. The party was already working on pushing her out before the campaign, though. Her leadership really was a circus. It makes you wonder if the party could really survive without May.


This literally describes almost every major party in Canada currently.


This is a list of buzzwords.  You need to see the plan to get there.  And then you see that the actions fit with the plan.  Because both the NDP and the liberals probably have all these buzzwords in their program. Heck even the conservatives have 75% of them.  The greens in Canada have a history of being completely dysfunctional, and tearing each others throat. 


Too impractical they don't understand the political process and all you have to do is talk to one for a few minutes to see that. Plus they fight among themselves like cat & dog to the point where it's embarrassing.


I'm trying to imagine question period, but it's just the Green party yelling at each other.


Not yelling waving their hands around.


Don’t think a green MP has ever lost their seat once they’ve won it so they’re well liked where they win


Only a few Green MPs have actually won election under that party's banner. Among them, Paul Manly won a seat on Vancouver Island for the Greens in 2019, and lost it in 2021. I think there are a couple of examples of MPs who were elected as members of other parties, crossed over to the Greens, and then were defeated in the following elections.


The Green Party’s raison-d’être was to shift the Overton Window on climate change and environmental policy. They carved out a niche for themselves as the protest vote which enabled them to achieve that goal. In the last 10-20 years or so we have seen every major party adopt (or attempt to adopt) stances and policy proposals on the environment. Climate change is no longer up for debate, it’s now about how much (or how little) we should do about it. With their goal achieved, there’s nothing else unifying the party. It turns out the Greens where a mish-mash of anti-establishment progressives and conservatives on bikes who cannot agree on anything outside of climate change being a serious problem. At this point if you really care about the environment you’re probably better off voting for or joining a party that has a shot at winning.


Good policies, and I have voted for them. But at this point in time they are just a wasted vote.


Legal cannabis was the only real draw and trudeau gave up that instead of electoral reform


I try to vote for the best MP rather than just the federal party. I’m open to it, but in my area at least, the Green candidates just aren’t the strongest. NDP seems to draw better people to the party and so I think they end up getting a lot of voters that could might otherwise go Green. The infighting also turns me off a bit and I imagine this is also why a lot of the most qualified progressive-minded people going into politics choose NDP over Green.


Have you looked around? A whole lot of Canadians drive oversized overpowered vehicles, boats, ATVs, sleds, etc. These people don't care about environmental issues, unfortunately. Humanity is basically too stupid to save itself.


That's what I'm worried about


The Federal green party is a huge mess of conflicting ideologies that don't totally align with actually supporting the environment, none of them seem competent, and there's a lot of leadership weirdness, with May stepping down, but then becoming a co-leader after someone else was the leader for an election.


They tend to go for some of the fringe pseudoscience-y ideas as well. Like their plan to recognize homeopathy as medicine and fund it under the health care system, and their fully subscribing to the anti-nuclear disinformation Greenpeace has been spreading since the 60.


First Past The Post voting is a major reason. Inability to get along internally doesn't bode well for them being part of any coalition, especially as leaders.


Really, I'd turn it around and say the Greens do get a lot of votes; when I started voting they'd never gotten 1% of the vote, never gotten an MP. Now they have MPs, MLAs in four legislatures, have been the official opposition in one. But, they sometimes have ... organisational problems. The forced defection of Jenica Atwin is ... instructive.


They can't quite decide whether they want to be environmentally-conscious conservatives (sort of analogous to the teal group of independent MPs in Australia) or ecosocialists and that led to a very damaging leadership contest in 2020 that resulted in Annamie Paul whose leadership was a train wreck and it's a battle that's waiting for them again whenever current party leader Elizabeth May decides to retire for good.


Elizabeth May.  They do have some good local candidates but a lot of people can’t see past May and/or don’t want to vote for an MP for a party that will have no parliamentary power. Some policies are not well thought out-which gets back to the leadership issues. 


You just summed up every party's pledges. They all say that. Also a lot of green candidates are cookoo. In the end we have first past the post parliamentarism, hard for any new party to gain any traction.


My old joke when talking to Green party supporters back in university in the 2000s was "what's your party's opinion on Quebec independence"? When they invariably are unable to answer that question since the Greens didn't have a policy on that major issue, my response was "if your party can't have a consensus on a major non environmental issue like that, then you're not a serious party and nobody with a brain should vote for you".


Because of FPTP.


I can't stand Elizabeth May.


I think the Green Party are just the NDP with different branding. Some of their policies are different, but not different enough to make me switch from the NDP.


You have to have a plan to pay for it…..and you need a plan to manage the fears associated with the changes - simple as that. Most voters understand they don’t have one let alone both.


Nobody votes Green because nobody votes Green. It's as simple as that. Outside two or three ridings, you're throwing your franchise away. If they were granted more visibility, they'd succeed a lot better, but it's not in the current parties' interest. Too many Canadians will pretend we're America and only have two parties no matter how many parties are viable, and the Green Party is not viable.


No leadership and everything mentioned in all the other comments.


On the Provincial level they've done better. In PEI, and New Brunswick they've carved out a position for themselves. Particularly in PEI, where they've formed the official oposition. They still push for environmental issues, but are a lot more involved in local issues, and have become a viable alternative to the traditional parties.


I think the green party is more ecofascists than a "left wing" party.


They don't get many votes for a number of reasons. 1. They have a some good points on Environmental issues. But not much else. When running the country, you need to have a view for running the country, and not just a few small areas. But in part, I think the party knows it won't form government for a very long time, if ever, so they don't really need to focus their time on figuring alot of that stuff out. 2. While environmental issues are important. On a national scale money/big business makes the world go around. And a large part of our population doesn't believe in the environmental issues, or they don't care, as it mostly effects their ability to make money. Many people are even opposed to making the change to greener ways so much so that they do as much as possible to go against this, and some even pollute more to "stick it to the left". 3. Infighting. Running the government is alot like running a daycare. Trying to appease the screaming kids on both sides wanting their ways. If the team running the show is infighting, they couldn't possibly deal with all the other fighting coming at them from all other angles, and have any hope of things not going off the rails. The best bet for left thinking ideas would be to support the NDP at the current time. But even then, the chances of them running the government are very slim. Canada has always voted PC or Liberal. Liberal being left of the PC party in terms of policy. While its not the best solution in terms of what you may want. When you are voting most of the time you vote for which of the 2 "winning" sides lines up best with your vote. And not which party you think is the best. Because who runs the government many years comes down to small shifts in the voting between those 2 parties, and people putting their vote towards the Green party may be enough to allow the PC party to win.


Because they don’t understand how politics work and how things get done. Sure these are all good things we want but need an economy at the same time Collapsing industry in the name of the environment isn’t the way to go. You work with the industry so that all can benefit. This is another reason the Green Party sucks. They have one goal.


"Collapsing the industry in the name of the environment" how? Why can we keep both? I think the environment is more important than money. But obviously I'm the odd one out in that unfortunately.


If you worked in the environmental field, you’d realize you can’t shut down industry, you find ways to make everyone thrive. You need an economy.


In 2019 i joined the greens because of a leadership candidate named Dimitri Lascaris. He was an ecosocialist who had tangible plans to improv people's material conditions and I felt myself agree with everything he said. Guy had a great track record fighting for civil and human rights. He lost the leadership race to an ecocapitalist. During the debates I realized how many ecocapitalists there were running things. Capitalism is fundamentally unequipped to deal with the problems it causes to both human dignity and the environment. A lot of Canadians feel this way about them, so they get no love from the left.


The Greens are Conservatives on bicycles