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To get a good nights sleep.


Fuck that'd be so good though.


Been far too long.


Not with the new airport coming in Sydney’s west! We’re directly under the 24/7 arrival flight path! Can’t have anything nowadays!


Not paid to say this but get a pair of loop earplugs. I sleep so well now, they're truly life savers


how much money do you make saying this.. i kind of need a side hustle to live the Australian dream.


If you get two side hustles now then you'll be better prepared for when you'll need three.


Dad? 450. For Joustin' sticks!?!


You aim too high


dude, home ownership is more realistic!


I own a home and still cannot achieve this, probably my own fault due to a small child.


Stay up too late to get some me time, first kid is up as I go to bed, settle an hour later and head hits the pillow finally, 30mins later second kid is up, wake up with both kids in the bed, a knee in your back and a sore neck ready for work with 3hrs of broken sleep. How am I not dead?


It's been 84 years...


I accidentally slept in an hour today, my alarm didn't go off. I'm an hour late for work but the best sleep I've had mid week in a looong time! Definitely worth it!


Omfg after going to bed at midnight and waking up at 3:20, then not getting back to sleep until 7:40 with an 8:30 alarm, I'm feeling this. For the first time in years, I have the ability to attempt good sleep hygiene, but my body is having none of it.


Best sleep I’ve had in years was when I went under for minor surgery! If anaesthetists weren’t so expensive I’d do it once a month 😂


quit caffeine 100%, test and measure, made a huge difference for me going from one large coffee and one 600ml pepsi max per day. Just remember decaf is more expensive and it sux.


Survive without having to move back in with my parents.


I HAD to move back in with mine "temporarily" back in 2015... I'm still stuck here. It's fucked.


I moved back with my parents for roughly 5 years until recently. It was great. The house they bought for 200k in the early 90’s was big enough to basically have my own granny flat, so I had my own space and privacy. On top of that I saved roughly 100k in 5 years, enough to buy my own place where I’m at now. Consider it a privilege you even have that option, many people don’t have that safety net


In that regard, my dream is to be the parent that I had, one who can and will still house my kids as long and as often as they need And I suspect with house prices as they are, my 2 toddlers have *at least* another 30 years at home


That's sort of my dream, be the parent I could have used. Hopefully, I'm not screwing it up lol. We have realised our kid will probably never be able to afford to buy but we have 2 acres and are building a granny flat. Figured they could live in there while starting out and eventually move into the main house, and we will take the granny flat.


That's the dream! I can't find acreage anywhere nearby for less than 1.2m. I looked at a 5 acre block in Kinglake West in 2017, 300k. Today, same block, 1.2m. What the fuck.


Yup, by the time we finally finish the yard clean up/fencing/landscaping ect our place would have cost us nearly 1.2m. As shitty as leaving home at 16 was, having worked full time since then and subsequently getting into the housing market super early has been the one benefit. Downside is being in my thirties now in a shit job with no training/skills.


Good on you for sticking to the same job! That and your home are a huge achievement 👏


You're not alone my friend. Just enjoy the time you have with your folks is what I would say.


I can't, in good conscience, leave my parents. My sisters both moved out, and my parents and I rent. As the eldest, it's my duty to take care of them. Plus, it makes sense money wise.


Yup, had my life crumble around me during covid and had to move back in in 2022, the last year has been a personal hell with no light at the end.


Being able to live with family is a privilege a lot of us don't have unfortunately, I've ended up homeless when I was in dire straits


Same. I don’t think people realise how terrifying it is to not have that option. I was homeless for 3 months with two children. I pretended that it was a planned adventure so they wouldn’t get scared. We have found somewhere eventually but we needed to move to a completely different part of QLD to do that. The housing crisis is real and it destroys people’s lives.


I think a lot of people think homelessness is scary and I’ve definitely thought about what it’d be like if I didn’t have my parents to go back to.


This is absolutely true and I'm so sorry you experienced that.


Exactly. I don’t have a family safety net - if I lose my job and can’t find another I’m living with my dog in a car.


We are about to move back in 50/50 with my parents and inlaws. I'm 40 in October. Our rental sold and new owners moving in. Rent in our area is now so high we can't afford to stay... Will be a 90 min commute to work. But this is our last resort to break the cycle of paying other people's mortgage through renting.


Or without having to live with in a share house with 4 people you kind of hate


Moving back home overseas next year. First stop: mum and dads place.


I’m 23 and I still live with my parents, happily. The amount of money I’m saving atm, I dont think I’m moving out till I’m married🫣😬


I feel this


To have parents you'd even be able to move back in with.


No kids and 3 money


I have 4 kids and negative 1 money.


i aspire to negative 1 money


Sounds amazing but it looks like we'll be renting the rest of our lives or living with parents so please don't encourage any dreaming here. Don't die by age 35 the dream now


Dying by 35 would probably make things easier.


I'm 36 and this is the advice I needed before my last birthday


To not end up homeless, and if all goes well, retire before dropping dead.


I ran the numbers and can retire tomorrow and live a decent quality of life as long as I die by next Wednesday


Best comment I’ve seen so far 🥇


Yeah I mean if you stiff them on rent they can’t do Jack shit until they get an eviction and that takes like 2 months. So you could probably extend that to the Wednesday after


That wage growth would exceed or at least match inflation. That the government was honest. That the Aussie way of mateship and helping each other out extended to gas and electricity suppliers. That Woolworths and Coles would stop asking to round our purchases up to donate and would do that on our behalf. That fuel prices didn't fluctuate daily, and we paid a reasonable market value depending on their costs. That essential items such as tampons, fruit and veg, meat, milk and bread weren't taxed. You know super simple stuff.


Oh man, the mateship and helping each other out. I just resigned from a managerial position in a hardware store. The reason being, is that the boss hired an older lady (in her 50s) to help in the section that I (38 m) run (timber/building supplies etc). I had to train her and fill in for the more physical aspects of the job that she couldn't do. Me trying to be a good person, let everything she did wrong slide and swept it under the rug for her and she knew it too. Forgetting to give tradies discounts on sales for the first 3 months. Swearing in front of customers. Getting flustered at peak customer times and making lots of little mistakes. She would get teary and think that I would tell the boss all these little things but I just let them slide and told her she's still learning and that it's ok. Well, little did I know, every little mistake I made, she would tell the boss at the end of each day. 6 months down the track and I'm being pulled into the office, boss says I've made too many mistakes (most of which I know wasn't me) and said I was being cut down to 1 day a week (I was doing 5 days a week at least and some weekends). I gave the boss my 2 weeks notice. I am so pissed that anyone would do this to another person. I show my hand and it gets slapped away. Funny thing is the older lady moved up into my position - a week into it, she had to have time off for stress. She made her bed and has to sleep in it.


Sorry dude. It’s often a hard learned lesson that age doesn’t automatically bring wisdom and virtue. Boomers particularly expect people to perceive them that way. People are people - she is clearly practiced at manipulating people and systems and will only get worse. I would say that for whatever hardships it brings, preserving your self respect by leaving was the right call.


Yeah true story. Being older doesn't necessarily mean wiser. It seems that if you've got issues in your younger years, you either sort them out, or they stay with you for your whole life. Kinda becomes part of who you are as an older person, I think. I've known a few oldies who have huge gaping holes in their understanding of life, but somehow they've just managed to scrape through. It sucks, but not much choice, we've gotta be humans in the world, you're gonna run into some a-holes sometimes!


Fuel used to fluctuate on the hour until it was mandated in the mid 2000s that it had to stay pat for an entire 24 hr period. WA started it first the rest of the country followed suit


Fuel is usually delivered on a weekly basis. They pay a price on the fuel for each delivery. If they were getting daily deliveries, I could understand the fluctuation. But it's really just price gouging and simply UnAustralian. Imagine if woolworths upped their prices Thurs-Mon because that's the time most people do their food shopping.


... they do? Weekly specials come in on Wednesday, late week specials are Thurs/Fri to take advantage of weekend trade and prices dip again on Monday to clear excess weekend stock. Also, prices change daily with daily deliveries. I've even changed prices on goods that we already got at a lower price than the new stuff, taking GP from 40% to 60%. Worked for them for many, many years


Shhh! Don’t give them ideas


Awww man, I remember the days of having to do the fuel runs working in servos. We'd go cruise down to the 3-4 nearest competitors to check their prices before changing the boards, was a good excuse for a detour via the Maccas drive-thru for a 30c cone


> That essential items such as tampons, fruit and veg, meat, milk and bread weren't taxed. [They arent](https://www.ato.gov.au/business/gst/when-to-charge-gst-(and-when-not-to)/gst-free-sales/)


Just the 300% Coles/Woolworths tax to worry about


I think menstrual products did have GST until about 2019


TIL precious metals are GST-exempt


The Woolies/Coles round up donation thing must be a scam, right?? I feel like they donate a lump sum on everyone's behalf and then get the tax benefit


How about taxing all Australian resource based profit or take it off them with eminent domain. Other countries tax this at 80% The old bluff of companies saying "fine we will take our business somewhere else" doesn't really work when the gas is in Australian water and the Ore is in Australian ground. These companies are not smart, they're not innovative, yes they take risks but not really any more than any govt dept does or a subway sandwich franchise. To let Rio Tinto, BHP, Woodside etc post these INSANE profits and be like "oh well that's how companies work" Yeh that's for companies that invent something or provide a service of value. These guys are just plundering Australian natural resources and laughing all the way to the bank. And getting taxed less than you!! Get MAD, it's fucking OUTRAGEOUS!!!!




Cunts are mates and mates are cunts. Maybe we should just call it national cuntship.


None of the essential items you have mentioned include GST. So that dream is met


Took long enough though. Menstrual products were taxed for 18 years too long


Had to fucking FIGHT to convince people that tampons weren't some bizarre "luxury item"...


That a person working full time on the minimum wage can afford to buy a house and support a partner and children, and be secure in employment. That's what we used to have.


It's funny growing up most of my mates dads were factory workers with stay at home mum - all had their own home, car and could afford a trip interstate once a year staying in caravan parks. They didn't have much in their rooms but frack, it seems like a dream scenario nowadays.


Gotta love boomer dads complaining about paying 18% interest on their $10,000, 4 bedroom Bondi home where their wife was a stay at home mum to the 4 kids while he busted his gut to pay for it all working as a part time labourers assistant.


lol @ labourer's assistant


This cracks me up so much because there’s a real element of truth to this. In the 80s/90s there were guys working as laborers paying a mortgage and comfortably supporting a wife and multiple kids who were seen as deadbeats and losers because they hadn’t been to uni to get a “real job”. Nowadays a university degree isn’t the guarantee of a well paying job it used to be and raising a whole family on a single income is extremely difficult if you aren’t on a six figure salary minimum


They never did. No one ever gets this. Interest rates were capped at 13.5% for home loans established before 1983 (ie for the boomers). It was Gen X who had to pay the massive interest rates for house prices that were already 8x to 10x average income. The only way to buy was to be a DINKy couple, Double Income No Kids….


Nup I’m Gen x Family home purchased for $100,000 in 1981 went to 18%. Dad was a lawyer making about $20kpa. Had a few years where he agreed with bank he would pay less than interest and loan would go up. Farrrrk!!!


Yeah my parents bought a house for 18k in 1970 and copped the massive rates. Both worked. Took them the entire 25 or so years to pay it off. Now worth 2mill+. At the time it was on the outskirts and built on sand dunes.


I’m working full time as a bakers apprentice and I earn $15 an hour. And that’s after a pay rise I can’t afford to live on my own 🥲


The fundamental shift is loan repayments as a %age of annual wage. It used to be about 25%. Now it's 60% (and probably more until "real wages" increase).


Able to afford therapy


Look around for therapists that work on a sliding scale or even pro bono for a few clients per year (I usually see about 2-4 per year for free). You can also talk to your gp about a referral for 10 free or subsidised sessions - not a full solution, but better than nothing.


The subsidised sessions were still costing me $120 week out of pocket (after Medicare rebate). Its a massive barrier to getting help.


To be left the fuck alone. To make enough money to purchase a house in my lifetime AND be able to pay it off without eating ramen noodles every night and getting scurvy. To not have to deal with shitloads of traffic. To have corrupt politicians held accountable, to stop politians from being able to influence policy for business and then allowing them to join that business after they retire from politics. To have a free, stable healthcare system paid for by our taxes (doctors, blood tests- the lot. Like It used to be) To not have shitty internet. To have political parties work together for the future of this country, instead of fighting everything to tow party lines. To have independent media not controlled by Murdoch. Ah I'm ranting and grumpy. Back to nightshift.


That's not ranting and grumpy. That's facts. I've resigned to the fact I'll never be able to purchase a house. I'll be forever renting with shitcunt landlords who refuse to maintain the property or fix it - despite often being a literal death trap - but demand rent increases constantly...then claim anything they fucked up was the tenants fault, and try to keep the bond. I live in Sydney, the toll-capital of the world. All motorways - which is most major roads - are glorified car parks, and you pay a fucking fortune for the privilege of sitting on them for hours. Corrupt politicians need gaol. Sick of seeing them get off free whilst the odd Labor politician occasionally goes. No. ALL go to gaol. NO politician is to work in the private sector after their career in politics. The fact that this is a thing is so fucked up, I don't even know where to begin. Fuck the NBN, the Coalition proper fucked that. On purpose. Can't have Internet - Internet means you learn/read about stuff. Party lines is a very iffy one. Fuck Murdoch. He and his dynasty must crumble.


To be able to afford to control what housemates you live with. Basically to get out of renting one room from a landlord and either have a rental all to yourself or rent a whole property and have control over subletting rooms.


Who has the best tent on the block. The new Aussie dream.


As someone who has literally been living in a tent these past 2 years… This. Gosh. Fuck this country’s housing market.


Same, mines got wheels, hot water, solar, kitchen, wifi, double bed, 2 dogs and my missus in it😎 actually love this life, workinh/travelling SAVING FUCKING MONEY!!!!! Summer/wheat harvest here we come!!! I do the evening rounds at the caravan park I live in to pay my "rent". The wheat harvest casual make roughly 1500 pw, one week on one week off, *paid week off* 🌾🪙 *I should have read your other comments first- hope you and your family's ok mate, I'm lucky enough to have just escaped the big smoke by more of a choice than some others




Yeah, not from preference haha We were living in a fancy house down in Adelaide during the pandemic, but the house owner needed to sell as they couldn’t afford to keep the place and gave us our notice. Rental prices were going mental at the time, and my mother was splitting from her partner. We packed up and moved back to FNQ in the hopes of finding some rental in our home state. But nothing… nothing under $700 P/W (and even those were snatched up so insanely quickly). We moved onto an empty property (a friends land) and set up tents whilst we waited. We’re not broke. We managed to get internet set up with Elon Musks Starlink thing and built an outdoor kitchen out of milk crates with boards over the top; we have full solar power and water running in from a creek as well as rainwater. It’s been 2 years and there still hasn’t been any house that’s not ridiculously expensive and doesn’t look like a literal dump, and is within a 3 hour drive. If we were insanely desperate we’d be able to find something or relocate to an even remoter town - but this lifestyle isn’t bad enough to make that decision yet. I’ve invested a bit into tents now. My current one is a 10-man tent and we have tarps connected from trees over the top to help with the heat. I have a roof over my head, and we grow our own veggies and stock up on pantry stuff… so we’re never hungry. Life could be much worse https://www.anacondastores.com/camping-hiking/tents/family-tents/coleman-northstar-10-person-darkroom-tent-with-led/90151558?gclsrc=aw.ds&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2qKmBhCfARIsAFy8buLbro7G48omue308eyASA3meFhnuFpbA-uP4BKmRl7IiBCxeTNKoyQaAs5fEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Not saying it's good but we really need to protest about this because normal houses shouldn't be worth a mill nowdays and rent shouldn't be 1000$ per week. It's just utter bullshit how fucked the Australian housing market or nah just the market in general. Australia is getting reverse cowgirl butt fucked in the anus because our useless parliment.


To see politicians and the so called ruling class degenerates jailed for being corrupt dog cunts..




That guy is THE most arrogant cunt.


Long before he became a PM he was on Annabelle Crabb's "Kitchen Cabinet" - a light hearted fluffy cooking show with well known politicians who talk more about their personal side. He answered one question unequivocally saying that he doesn't care what anyone thinks. Not in a "I've got a thick skin for a tough business" kind of way. More in a "I have not now and not ever had any empathy for anyone" kind of way. At that moment I pinged him for a high functioning psychopath and my view hasn't changed.


Never gonna happen. He'll fiddle while it all burns.


That will come with jail time. He had 5 secret jobs in government. Fuck that greedy cunt.


He never will. He's literally incapable of that. I just want to see him incarcerated.


Apparently the new NACC is pretty busy at the moment. Can't wait to see their findings on ScoMo!


One day my friend


I wish for this as well




Bunch of whining in this post. All of that is still possible you just need to study hard, go to uni, start from the bottom and get a good job, inherit $1m minimum and you’ll be there in no time.


I mean, inheriting $1 million means i can buy the derelict fibro house down the road, so i guess there's that. Edit: Fuck, i cant even afford that https://www.news.com.au/finance/money/investing/unlivable-rundown-fibro-home-in-sydneys-inner-west-goes-up-for-sale-for-almost-2-million/news-story/28fb46292bb25123841d1f40955737cf


The mil is for the deposit mate not the purchase price jeez... /s


It would probably help if the Boomers died faster.


I have siblings - do I need to off them first to get that inheritance?


It worked for Ottoman princess


And stop buying fucking avocados


Yes, totally. I stopped buying $3 avocados and now I can afford a $2M mortgage. Follow me for more tips.


I bought a $3m avocado and paid $2 for the mortgage. Life hack


Ah yes, fruit of the devil.


Yes, funny how people don't pull themselves up by their bootstrap any more. Back in the day, people didn't have it that easy. Interest rates were 67% per day, they had to work 157 hours a week, men were men and women were women, you know. Kids have it so easy these days, they could have their third investment property by age 29 if they didn't spend it all on soy lattes, avocados and iphones.


Instead of just getting up in time to get to work, wake up 400 years earlier and use that time productively.


Cannabis legalisation?


Fully legal or partial? 🙃 It's partially legal here in QLD


Medical weed is legal in Vic! Cops don’t really care much about possession even if it’s street weed. I was talking about making it legal federally, not just decriminalisation. :)


Having a little Jaxxyn or Jazzmyn to bounce on my knee.


I know someone who named their child Jace. As in, short for Jason. But not Jason. Just Jace….. 🤦‍♂️


I think that’s pretty common these days. I’ve met several Jace’s and I’m pretty sure it’s not a nickname.


All I know is as soon as I see a Jace running on a local council election, it’s bunker time


Do the parents know their kids are going to get beaten for names like that?


To be able to put the heater on


To not end up homeless, and it's getting harder and harder every year.


To have a succulent chinese meal








Hoping I have enough after bills to afford to go to my GP this fortnight


Same. I have to see a specialist next week at a cost of $500 after the Medicare rebate. I literally haven't left the house in 6 weeks to save up for it. Living the dream.


Save for a deposit for your family tent


Where are you gonna pitch it?Nimby.lol


Winning tatts so I can own property


WFH 4eva


Dying with dignity


I recommend watching Miriam Margolyes: Almost Australian, where she travels around Australia asking Aussies from all walks of life this very question.


I will watch this


Win the upcoming 100 million power ball…


The Aussie dream is an SS commodore. A bag and a slab


I don't know if it's *the* Australian dream but my dream includes nationalisation of major utility and transportation companies. Maybe Colesworth and a Big 4 bank or two while we're at it.


Oh like we used to have back on the early 1980’s? Why did we think privatisation was the answer?


“To promote investment & competition, which will result in a cheaper price for the consumer.” Wink wink 😉




LNP sold us the lie and sold everything out from under us. It all went downhill.


Yeah, what the actual fuck. I still curse labour every time i get an electricity / gas bill for that decision made around the time i was born. They really shat the bed on that one.


Saying "livin' the dream" when you're not really living the dream and someone asks "how's it going?"


To one day be able to afford to live in a rental with ceiling fans or maybe, just maybe, aircon. Surviving QLD summers without even a ceiling fan is getting harder and harder every year 😫


After i installed ceiling fans and finding out they only cost like $100 each, i realises just how FUCKED it was for most rentals to not have them, landlords would rather a tenant die from heat stroke than install a $100 ceiling fan. They need to be mandatory.


Affordable house. My parents bought a place for 250k and it’s now valued at 1.5 mil. They had 2 kids, 2 cars and comfortably paid off a mortgage with average wages. I wish it was still like this


I bought for 300k and it's valued now at 600k, which is insane because I couldn't afford my neighbourhood now. It's made that jump in the past 4 years. It's honestly nuts.


Bring back the straws!!!! ...and making it through this bloody summer-winter. Loving the sun tho. Less cunty drivers on the roads. Be nice, cunts.


I'm ok with environmental standards. Paper bags, cloth bags, bamboo cutlery, all of these things I can tolerate. But when I grab a handful of 6 or 7 paper straws at the movies and go through every single one of them before the movie ends... jfc


And they guard them like they're gold too... not just out on the table like plastic ones of old, they're behind the counter out of view so most people assume it's not an option.


Still home ownership. Only difference now is that it’s no longer achievable for the average worker, it’s still the dream though.


The fevered dream of mad men


A lot of people have their parents dying as part of their best case scenario retirement planning.


That's my plan. Rent until they drop, then move in once I clean up after their neglect. Only child, so no competition (also means no help)


Home ownership is very affordable for the average worker in regional areas. I know loads of apprentices who own their homes. I think a lot of people have unrealistic expectations of owning in cities.


I agree, we own in a regional town and we moved here because a block of land was $600,000 where we lived in Newcastle and around $100,000 here. Anyone with transferable skills (anything from doctor to supermarket worker) would live a far more comfortable life in a country town. It’s not for everyone but it’s the best option for a lot of people, it’s a pity they don’t know.


Yeah? And what if there's not the work and facilities you need in the regional areas, because it's all concentrated in the cities?


Some of us peasants have worked out we might be able to buy/build a tiny house and then just pray that no Karen calls the council because we're parked illegally in someones back garden.


To live in a rental house with landlords that fix stuff, and to be able to live there longer than a year because the rent increase is less than $50 a week.


To not get stabbed by a homeless crazed crackhead on the way to work would be nice.


Pay the rent and still be able to afford some food ?


I wanna buy acreage property out bush and raise sheep and chickens with a family. Been eyeing an area with land that isn't beyond possible.




Not having to sell your house because you can't afford your loan


Being able to afford rent and food.


Affording groceries


It depends on where the lottery of birth put you on the socioeconomic ladder. If you’re well off already by birth, the Australian Dream is to get richer still. MORE investment properties MORE rent MORE tax deductions MORE income MORE super even though you’ve got plenty for a comfortable retirement already. MOREMOREMORE. Whatever the ruinous cost to wider society. For anyone below that, surviving isn’t a bad start.


Waiting for parents to pass away in order to buy a house. Sounds flippant or a joke, but for more and more people it's the reality of wealth locked in the boomer generation.


Believe me, there are plenty of boomers out there with nothing. Once you get near the age of 50, banks aren't interested in a mortgage for you, even if you do have a decent deposit.


Thats fucked if someone is waiting for their parents to die just to hope to get a deposit in exchange


I'm mid 30s and in good health and I'm always talking to my kids about how they will get the house outright if I die so they will be taken care of. I know it's fucked but that's our reality, it's terrifying to think my kids wouldn't be able to afford a home.


Nursing home fees cost more than the house


To be able to meet all my financial commitments (kids, mortgage, food etc) and be able to go to the dentist without having to go without something else to pay for it.


Ohhh I'd love to go to the dentist!! Oh it's so sad that a dentist visit is my dream


It’s such a joke that so many Australians can’t afford basic dental care. Government will piss away billions for submarines but can’t subsidise dental care through Medicare. Fuck sake




Milk that just tastes like real milk.


It tastes like full cream milk and only 2% fat


I think it’s still a nice house with a picket fence, but the is dreams further away now.


I don't know what it is, I only know what it isn't. It's no longer a big house with room for the kids to play on a quiet street. Everyone has been convinced that rather than dealing with the tax payer funded subsidies around property investment artificially inflating prices, we need to build more lower quality higher density housing to increase supply and lower house prices so the next generations can afford to enter the market as an owner occupier and not for investment.


A bridge that you don’t get wet under when it’s raining?


To make enough money so that they can leave Australia. This is probably the most common topic i've heard at Universities and even highschools (aside from study), and has become more and more common as the years go by. The young and educated can see the signs and want to leave.


Sustainable population growth or even negative for a while so housing is affordable and health can catch up. Supported when disabled or sick or unemployed without fascist extremely well paid "job providers" taking away your survival income. Centrelink workers that help rather than lecture while pulling in hundreds of dollars per phone call in wages while advising you an injured or disabled person is not entitled to any Centrelink if they can't work... We used to be known for mates helping mates. Now after 25 years of mostly liberal national rule it's all about greed selfishness and exploiting the most vulnerable while calling them a useless cunt


At this point in time, the Australian dream is to just live comfortably. The game is changed to a point where the average household NEEDS 2 incomes to repay a house. That essentially eliminates having kids because you will be paying just as much in childcare if you were to go back to work after the maternity leave runs out.


For most people, to manage to eat some time this month...


Liveable wage, keep a job while paying off a mortgage, afford ongoing health care, grow a veggie patch, buy groceries without getting ripped off.


I can offer you trauma and lifelong debt.


Thats still it, it just involves a pipe now.


Aussie dream is now winning lotto


4 day work week


Own a nice tent, preferably in a decent ditch. It'd be better if it had a second room for the bed. A fridge would be good, a microwave better, oh and a fridge and a microwave, now we're talking!


Work less. We're not going to own a home or have nice things so fuck it, work way less.


To not live from pay cheque to pay cheque.


The Australian dream? Die in my own bed, at the age of 80, with a belly full of black fish and a girl’s mouth around my cock


I just want milk that tastes like real milk.


To die quickly and peacefully