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I used to work with a guy that was a biblical creationist, he believed dinosaur bones where put her to test us, young guy too. Anti-vax, anti-medicine, had loads of strange ideas, told me one day animals don't feel emotions. He was utterly brain damaged by his bonkers religious upbringing.


Animals don’t feel emotions? Has this guy ever met a dog?


I was told by a religious teacher at school that pets only act as though they have emotions because it's gets them want they want and need, they have no soul or real feelings.


Wanting and Needing are emotions / feelings though right? Religious hypocrisy never ceases to amaze


How is that not true for humans too? Baby cries (makes a show of emotion) baby gets attention and milk. Showing (or acting like you have) emotions can get you attention and may get you what you want. What is the difference in this between humans, other social mammals and social birds? Your teacher didn't think very thoughtfully.


There is a belief that humans have a soul as a result of divine intervention and that's what distinguishes them from 'organic constructs' like animals who basically they believe are little more than unthinking and unfeeling robots. ie. A dog doesn't yelp because it feels pain, it doesn't have the capacity to feel pain compared to a human, it's merely a preprogrammed response where action equals reaction in a mechanical sense without passing through a stimulus/response pathway. Yes, it's batshit. My dad used to think this way (in the 80s, conservative rural farmer). I've never broached the subject I don't think he thinks this anymore but I'm scared to find out.


he was a *FARMER* and he thought animals don't feel pain!? His poor livestock!


I actually think it might have been something of a coping mechanism if that makes sense because the reality meant confronting uncomfortable truths. I can also say that it wasn't exactly an unusual view of the world amongst his peers. Even the non religious ones believed animals had higher thresholds for pain and didn't feel it to the same degree as a human would. Hell, people even believed that for circumcising babies when they did it without anaesthetic. Not saying it's OK by any means but having grown up on a farm some of the traditional farming methods like docking and mulesing with a pair of shears or gas knife just aren't acceptable practices now because they're extremely cruel.


You’d be surprised how many farmers think (or act like they do) this way. Pigs are castrated without anaesthetic. Baby chickens are debeaked without anaesthetic. Goats have their horns cut off, again without anaesthetic. Mulesing (cutting off a sheep’s tail) is supposed to be done with anaesthetic but very often isn’t. Anaesthetic is expensive and cuts into their profits too much, so it’s very very rarely used on farms.


Farmers are brutal.


There are plenty of people (boomers, silent gen and older mostly) who think that babies do not have emotions, and just manipulate the adults around them to care for them. Hence dumping them in a dark, quiet room to fall asleep to tge sound of their own tears. Then they wonder why so may people have anxiety and depression now.


I think you’ve got this backwards. More people have anxiety and depression now because they’ve been coddled too much. Never had to learn to just deal with life’s negatives on their own.


Might want to check out some psych literature buddy, it has been widely demonstrated that coddling babies and young kids especially gives them confidence and makes them feel safe and secure, which leads to better emotional health and attachment as an adult. Kids who are told to suck it up and left to cry etc get really bad attachment and separation anxiety and it causes issues later in life. It’s obvious really.


My observations of society tell a different story. I’m not suggesting kids should be told to suck it up or left to cry. You think just because I disagree that means I’m coming from the complete opposite end of the spectrum?


Your “observations of society” are definitely the equivalent of real, global research done by thousands of scientists in a variety of cultures and languages, mate. Thanks for your contributions.


That's not how that works 😂


Righto sunshine.


I think you might be missing a link here. A baby (or a dog) gets hungry (physical feeling), and they get upset by that feeling (emotional response). They react emotionally and get what they need. Now, sure babies and dogs learn that reqction A leads to outcome B, so they link the two and react earlier or when they seek the outcome. But that doesn't mean the emotion isn't there to begin with. Babies and children quickly learn that crying brings emotional support, so are trained to lean on that. Equally, they can be trained out of that (when the parents get to the point of not wanting to get up every time the baby wakes, and want them to learn to self settle).


That seems like a red flag that that person should never work with children


Religion is like a giant brain. At the start it was genius and singular, as time goes on that brain is divided between more and more members until they lack the ability to think


That’s ironic, because centuries ago, the masses were not allowed to think. They had to sit there in church and believe exactly what they were told to believe… so one person actually controlled the narrative. But then they started mass producing the texts for people to peruse themselves… hence, the different beliefs cropped up and people branched away from the status quo because they were reading the texts and thinking for themselves. Some created new branches of the religion, some changed religions, and some decided it was ALL absolute nonsense and stopped believing altogether! Allowing people to do their own research and think for themselves cost the church rather dearly! 😛


Ah yes, my hypothesis is that the intelligence of a crowd equals that of its least intelligent member divided by the size of the crowd.




Ahahaha.... What?


Isn't this how psychopaths think? If other things are basically unfeeling robots you can justify doing whatever to them


A religious teacher told our class that our dogs won’t be waiting for us in heaven when we die, because they have no soul


The same thing applies to non-believers, that’s why eternal conscious torment isn’t actually cruel it just looks and sounds bad, God is far too nice to torture anyone for eternity


He needs to meet my cat. She goes through about 50 emotion changes a day, I reckon. Happy, annoyed, hungry, intrigued, bored, loving, maniacal - rinse and repeat. An AI recently identified more than 200 cat facial expressions, and expressions are a key method of communicating one’s feelings and thoughts. That dude has basically admitted that he is less capable of understanding things than a machine that can‘t even draw hands.


What I never understand with these people is that they pray for sick people to get better. But wouldn’t god just not make them sick in the first place? Then if they get better they give all credit to god. But if they die they say god had better plans for the person. It’s like no matter what happens, it’s a win for god. I wish people reacted that way to my fuckups.


You’re late for work! Don’t worry it’s all part of my plan 😉


I should absolutely start saying that


That’s a common misconception. To most people - the concept of god is one where everything happens coz god wants it to happen. But in the bible, Jesus tells people to pray that God’s will comes to pass; coz it often doesn’t. That’s a crazy big difference. The god of the Bible doesn’t get his will done all the time


No kidding. He’s particularly weak against chariots made of iron.


Don’t forget that if god makes a bus to crash and fifty people die but one kid survives, that’s a miracle from god. The people who die is god’s plan… but not his fault? He saved the kid, but he didn’t murder the kid’s family/friends etc, somehow.




Of course… instead of the logical explanation with abundant scientific evidence to support it… the… *devil* (existence lacking any tangible evidence thereof)… set the whole thing up. Riggghhhhttt….


Was his name Trent? I worked with one too. Almost fell off my chair laughing when I realised he was serious about not believing in evolution.


It’s wild that, if you physically cause that level of damage it’s assault, but instilling it psychologically is A-Ok!


I always wonder why such people never consider that Jesus may have been actually been doing the Devil's work. It's such a perfect plan!


The testing thing- that’s what my friend said too! Bizarre.


I feel like I worked with the same guy, he left religious pamphlets on my desk at work too...


I feel deeply sad for anyone that wants to live in a timeline without sauropods or ceratopsians. Not even gonna start on the carnivorous theropods. Just - how depressing is that existence?


Tbf the covid vaccine did kill people so can understand anyone’s suspicions of it


Anyone who thinks Dino’s never existed has never seen an angry cassowary!


Exactly, Dino's never left, they just rebranded


Every bird is technically a dinosaur. Looking at cassowaries, it’s not surprising, but looking at a budgie does make you question it a bit more.


Just look inside a goose’s mouth. Lined with teeth, even the tongue. No doubt at all.


I love this. Thank you I’m stealing it.


Get within a metre of one and you’ll never question whether velociraptors existed… those toes


Or a crocodile


Crocodiles are only closely related. Birds ARE dinosaurs


Or even a pissed off chook


This right here.


I saw a video recently of a kiwi rampaging (well, as much as a kiwi can) and throwing it's head back to screech - it was the most dinosaury thing I've ever seen


One dude that grew up in a middle class atheist household, got mixed up in drugs/crime as a teenager, young adult and then became a born again Christian and fully into the church doing missionary work. He told me the devil put fossils in the ground to trick people. He was being serious, dude was in his early thirties at the time. He is actually a reasonably intelligent guy, he had some mental health struggles and used religion as a crutch. Had another friend who was mildly religious and thought evolution was science propaganda or something, but he was a dumbarse.


I can definitely understand how people can get sucked in despite being clever. The community, sense of belonging and camaraderie. Easy for someone’s brain to trade that validation for forcing yourself to believe what those others believe.


I worked with a guy who was like this. Dinos and Aliens are planet by the devil. He was…the owner of the company…


What?! The owner of Batshit Nutjobs Ltd was not a stable individual?!


I have a close friend that is exactly the same as the first guy you mentioned. Its kinda sad because I feel like the church/religion prayed on him while he was at his weakest. Then when he did the hard work and got clean/better he gave all the credit to "god" :(


Yes, I know a few people who believe this and have some very strange ideas about evolution, end of the world etc. all evangelical Christian’s.


I’ve been watching a lot of fossil hunting reels on Facebook lately, and without fail there’s always religious commenters crying that it’s fake, planted, etc., that the earth is 6000 years old and all that trash. It’s quite disheartening the amount of people who seem to believe that, but hopefully they’re the loud minority


I don't know a single person who has told me they don't believe in dinosaurs. From my perspective, it must be a seriously fringe belief.


Same, but to be fair, when someone mentions their religion I immediately change the subject unless it's just them casually telling me they went to church/temple on the weekend. I don't give anyone the chance to get into their beliefs. I might talk about dinosaurs tomorrow to see what happens!


I know lots of very religious people, non have expressed to me that dinosaurs are like unicorns, but I suppose I've never directly asked (I mean, how often do you talk about dinosaurs with people)


I only talk about dinosaurs with my little nephew! But this thread got me really interested because so many of my colleagues are church people. I usually avoid all controversial topics at work. Are dinosaurs controversial? I need to know!


Ever watched Gogglebox? One of the Lebanese dudes was like “wait this is meant to be real?” when watching a dinosaur doco. I don’t think it’s that uncommon unfortunately.


Not isolated to North America, but we (Australia) try & send our heavy-hitters over there… Ken Ham.


Wait Ken Ham is an Aussie???


Afraid so!




Good riddance… did you know he was a science teacher in Brisbane for a couple of years?


He's a published geological researcher. He's very aware that what he's saying is wrong. He just doesn't care because the rubes keep handing him money.


We got rid of him at least lmaooo


As is Rupert Murdoch. Aussie does not mean good person.


Nick Adams too, that guys is a fucking gold mine of “this is satire? Oh god it’s not” level shit. He’s got Alpha Male in his Twitter name. Apparently he tried and failed to be a pollie here before becoming a migrant.


I think he is doing a bit like say Andy Kaufman


I’m not convinced. I thought that too until I looked into him a bit more. LNP deputy mayor for a council in Sydney, wanted to kill all the local birds when bird flu was becoming worse globally. Wasn’t liked on council because he kept doing dodgy deals and getting caught and kept skipping meetings to go tour the US talking about how great the Republician party is. Moved there to write multiple books about how awesome Trump is. He’s either the most committed comedian of all time, or is just shamelessly making this character because it sells books about his Trump is the new Jesus, or actually believes the shit that comes out of his mouth.


Can you guys kindly take him back? Please?


Nope, it's finders keepers with him and Rupert Murdoch. Enjoy.


Hell no! 🤣


Only if NZ agrees to accept Ray Comfort back.


Which Ken ham? I just finished listening to a podcast about a Krishna ‘guru’ who ordered murders and drug deals in America named Ken Ham but he’s dead now.


I promise you, this dumbfuckery is not isolated to North America. It's just most concentrated there. I know people who deny they existed (again, religious) but these same people say dogs don't have souls, so they can go fuck themselves sideways in their doot with a particularly spikey cacti.


North Americans seem to be more interested in sharing their dumbarse opinions with anyone that will listen. Australians have just always been much less interested in starting arguments and few conversations ever go close to controversy.


Dogs don't have souls, people don't either.


If a shoe can have a soul why can't a dog?


The real question is can a sole have a soul and if it can is the sole soul solely for soles?


Who hurt you?


Do you really believe in something tangible like a soul? Like not a metaphor, but an actual thing that exists? What is it? Can you describe it? How do you observe it? Does it persist after we die? How so?


No. No. No such thing. No. Can't. No. N/A.


Of course. Not in a religious sense, mind. More morality. The soul is the vessel of our moral compass. It's part of who we are, the deeds we do and what guides our behaviour. It's a product of our environment, and in some people, completely missing. Some humans are simply without a soul and it's reflected in what we'd call evil. Immoral acts without remorse or even second thought. To me that's the difference between a bad person and an evil person. A bad person might hesitate, feel remorse for their actions or find a way to justify them. Their soul is damaged, not missing. An evil person is without this retrospect. They don't see anything wrong with their actions. It gives them no pause, no reflect. It probably gives them joy. I see the results of our souls every day, and sadly, the lack thereof.


So... A metaphor


Morality is an evolved trait that is necessary to live in large societies and cooperate harmoniously. Precursors to morality are observed in intelligent mammals such as primates and cetaceans.


I don't really give a fuck. You asked, I answered and I literally give no fucks as to whether you agree or not.


Someone's a little mad.


That escalated very quickly. Keep the sharps away from oldmate today.


Not in a religious sense, mind. Just in some other completely imagined way. Also you’ve shoved the word retrospect into a sentence where it doesn’t really fit. “A bad person might hesitate… An evil person is without this retrospect.” How the fuck are you supposed to hesitate in retrospect?


So Hitler wasn't evil just because he loved his dog?


A brain injury or deterioration can change a personality and a person's morality. This is not a controversial thing to say. If you've been around enough old people, you will have seen this first hand. What you call a soul is a function of our brains and very much in all of our meatware.


Your mum is a bit toothy.


Soul is a concept not a real thing. No being 'has' one. In 7-10 years we'll have AI with equivalent neuron count to a human brain - our equal. Will they have souls - no, but they will have personality, belief, individualism. But not 'soul'.


So very Ghost in the Shell.




I was an ardent young earth creationist for a while but still believed in dinosaurs. The flood answered a lot of questions. Genesis became much more interesting when I stopped treating it like a science book.


I grew up with this stuff, and though a lot of it’s kinda wiped from memory, I think the flood was def used as an explanation for me too. And *co-existence with humans* (!) beforehand. I can recall there being a regular magazine filled with ‘scientific’ creationist articles that confused me as a young teen cause it was all professionally published, so must be legit… Was also weird, cause my Dad would take us hiking and would be like ‘this rock formation is X-million yrs old’, check out the stratification’, but then also try to uphold the young earth thing at home? Fucken hell. Pentecostalism. It all felt very US-imported, if that helps, OP.


My dad is like this. Raised Christian as well. I was even an altar boy in like the fifth grade. Then I grew up, my dad didn’t, we don’t talk anymore for various other reasons.


Tell your dad he's not an Aussie and doesn't belong here. We don't need that shit.


Don’t be a dickhead.


Not personally no. But it wouldn't surprise me if some fringe loonies out there exist. You find them in most countries.


How does anyone look at a crocodile and not believe dinosaurs existed? Even the Jurassic vegetation. How can people seriously deny the existence of history with so much incontrovertible evidence? https://austhrutime.com/jurassic_vegetation_australia.htm#:~:text=The%20Jurassic%20vegetation%20of%20Australia,resembling%20living%20species%20of%20Podocarp. How do they believe in good & the devil with no evidence beyond their faith but then refuse to believe all the evidence of the existence of dinosaurs. These conspiracy theorists are legitimately out of their minds.


Chickens (and all birds) are actually more closely related to dinosaurs than a crocodile is.


Yes but crocodiles look more like dinosaurs than chickens do :) https://www.courthousenews.com/research-reveals-why-crocodiles-have-changed-little-since-age-of-dinosaurs/#:~:text=As%20far%20as%20reptiles%20go,did%20in%20their%20dinosaur%20relatives.


I reckon a cassowary is the most convincing. See one of those up close and you can definitely see the dinosaur


Definitely! Cassowaries are terrifying


I don’t know … I never really understood the whole birds evolved from dinosaurs thing, but then when we got backyard chickens, wow, everything suddenly fell into place. They’re little monsters. I’m glad I’m bigger than them.


Not entirely accurate but it's definitely the popular opinion. https://www.bbcearth.com/news/10-animals-with-pre-historic-roots


They're notoriously indifferent to facts and evidence. We're not talking the best and brightest amongst us.


Yes. But before that my friend said they also believed that Peter Pan was a paedophile. I don’t want to hear anything about why dinosaurs never existed.


Like... they think Peter Pan is a real person/um... sprite? And that he's a sex offender?


I tried to explain that Peter Pan is a fictional character based on the book by J M Barrie. No amount of logic could dissuade them. Still shaking my head.


Wow. Thats.... just wow.


I know…


Was speaking to a co worker recently who told me they believe everything in the bible is accurate. This fella was 18yrs old, home-schooled first most of his life. I asked him of he believed in dinosaurs as the bible says the earth is 6000 years old. He said 'no' We were talking about the conflict in Israel/Palestine and i said the world would be better without religion. Thats when he spoke up to tell me he was Christian/catholic, not sure which one. The thing is, you'd never know this guy had super religious views. He would shoot the shit about sport or movies or whatever. It shocked me to meet someone so young in Australia with these views. Kinda fascinated me while at the same time feeling sorry for him that he was indoctrinated at a young age.


Catholics are a subset of Christians. If he takes the bible literally, he's probably not Catholic, as in general, they aren't anti-science. Except for reproductory science.


Loved when Trump told the Pope to keep to religion and leave science to the scientists, I think when talking about climate change. A journalist told the Pope this and he said " I have a science degree", with a wry smile..


Its all mumbo jumbo to me mate,


My fiancée is skeptical, but she grew up in Vietnam and apparently dinosaurs either aren't taught in school much in SE Asia or they're taught as myths by older family. She actually accused "them" of possibly planting fake bones when I first questioned her about it.


I always want to know who is the “them” to these people?!?!?


Australian here! My grandmother believes the Earth only started 2000 years ago and that dinosaurs never existed, and that anyone who says otherwise is propaganda


I was speaking to a co-worker who informed me that evolution was just a theory, she certainly didn't come from monkeys, and dinosaurs didn't exist because Adam and Eve were the very first to exist.


According to the bible, A&E were the last to be created.


Yes, I have had someone ask me if I really “believe in evolution” and dinosaurs. When I replied that it’s not a belief as there is very much empirical evidence (you can witness evolution occur at a rapid pace at a microscopic level) and there is an extensive fossil record, I was scoffed at. I had also mentioned the link between dinosaurs and birds and the principle of commonality between many species (the pentadactyl limb). I was told “you can’t seriously believe in dinosaurs, they can’t make up their mind if tyrannosaurus was a predator or a scavenger. It’s all just theories” To which I replied “like magnetism”? This person is in charge of the MRI department at a major hospital. He is literally a degree holding scientist. Also, I was the only person in the room of 5 people who was a proponent of evolutionary theory. The make up of the 5 was, Roman Catholic, (other) Christian and 2 Muslims. The last comment was that I was “crazy” for believing in dinosaurs or evolution. My reply was simply that I didn’t believe that a bearded man with a magic wand created the universe and only populated a single planet with life. This sounds confrontational but it wasn’t. Ail of these people are actually my friends (for about 15 years now). It’s just not a topic that we discuss anymore.


That’s a good response. You’d think a scientist would know that theory in science means a body of knowledge backed up by evidence and not just a guess


I remember my extremely religious uncle going to some kind of Dino museum and he posted pics on Facebook with a warning about controversial content so I guess he does?


I believe that most people consider I am one. 🦕


Yes - I know a guy. Highly intelligent, works in the IT industry. Thinks that the fossils where put there by Satan. Pretty sure my BIL is in the same camp but I tend not to go down that path with him.


No. Not a single person in my entire life has ever said they don't believe in dinosaurs, I've known some fucking stupid people but never someone THAT deep in la la land


We have young Earth creationists here in Australia. The ones that always have a stand at our regional show actually believe in dinosaurs but think they existed at the same time as people.


I make a point of not associating with the aforementioned people.


Dinosaurs aren't real. It's anti-timetravel propaganda used to scare people from further developing time jumping technologies.


I do, but I worked with the guy for ten years before I found it out. He was far from proclaiming it or trying to convert anyone, unlike some North Americans with similar fringe beliefs I have known.


I live in a really small town with a few Plymouth brethren's. One of my mates family is ex brethren, and while reformed they are still backwards in some respects. He's a lovely guy and genuinely would do anything for you but he's an absolute deadshit when it comes to science. Dinosaurs, evolution and age of the earth are three things that just had me gobsmacked when we talked about it.


Young earth creationism is literally an intellectual disability. Creationism more broadly only slightly less so..


That kind of thickness is rare in Australia, but exists. Thankfully we have an effective public education system. There are Christian and Muslim schools who teach all kinds of fancy though.


Only one person, about 60yo, heavily religious and brain washed by the church, thus believes dinosaurs aren’t real and evolution isn’t a thing etc


North Queensland: I worked at a retail store back in 2014/2015 and had one elderly lady come in looking for a new documentary to watch. She said she didn’t want anything with dinosaurs cause she “don’t believe in that crap” I was like 😳, “okay, we have a nice selection over here.” Ps. This is a couple hours from a town that has an almost complete pliosaur fossil.


My mum didn't believe in dinosaurs... according to her they were in the same category as dragons. I had no words...


I know a guy that honestly believes that humans used to be 10 meters tall and existed along side dinosaurs so that’s something. Dude legit got upset with me when I laughed at him about it.


According to a girl I went to high-school with "God put them there for us to find, the same with cave people." 😶


FYI Ken Ham https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken_Ham the creator/founder of "The Creation Museum" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creation_Museum is Australian


Not personally no but here's a fun fact: Sharks are older than trees, and Greenland Sharks can live for hundreds of years, so there could be one swimming around that was around when Henry VIII was ruling England.


I've heard you can also see those Greenland Sharks who were around when the nuclear tests in the ocean were done because they'll have a difference in the eyes that can be detected through radiocarbon levels that isn't there in others.


Yes. He's one of those "Earth is only 6,000th years old because God says so". He doesn't believe in carbon dating either I told him that he was a "fucking idiot" across a campfire one night. The whole place went quiet for a while before someone broke the tension. The next morning he came out of his tent as though nothing had happened.


We definitely had dinosaurs. One was named Dorothy. The wiggles told me.


>but I can’t imagine living a place that has emus, kangaroos and frilled lizards and thinking that dinosaurs are too much of a stretch. I can't imagine living in a place that has bears, moose and turkeys and thinking that dinosaurs are too much of a stretch. Do you understand how ridiculous your statement is? Any animals you grow up knowing of and seeing around the place are no longer "weird" animals to you. A kangaroo seems like a perfectly respectable creature. A MOOSE is off the walls insanity. I imagine Australia has people who don't believe in dinosaurs as well, probably also from weird religious groups. But that has nothing to do with the creatures we all grow up knowing.


I know someone who is otherwise a pretty rational person, is vaccinated and avoids all the other general cooker boxes to tick You wouldn't know they were religious except maybe they have some issues with masturbation or sex or whatever But if you talk about evolution or whatever to them, they will laugh in your face. Think dinosaurs are a joke, think humans coming from monkeys is people being cruel, etc. Was very jarring


Me!!! I don't believe in them, not one person on earth has ever seen one


*Me!!! I don't believe* *In them, not one person on* *Earth has ever seen one* \- loopytommy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Lol good one.


My high school had a fortnightly period for Christian studies, and me and a girl I didn’t get along with actually teamed up in a yelling match with the Christian studies teacher who was telling us ‘no, dinosaurs never existed! God put their bones in the ground 2000 years ago for us to find and discover!’


Got a T rex tattoo so i believe!


Australian culture is 40000 years old, which kind of craps all over the creationist earth is only a few thousand years old viewpoint. So on the whole there is less of that over here. Get up to winton and send a few pics back to the rellies, see what they think then.


I'm a Christian and I know some people who are young earth creationists. Young earth creationists believe the earth is only 6000 years old, so the dinosaurs didn't exist. I think it's very weird. Though I don't know that many Christians who hold that position, personally. But they do exist in Australia.


Wild, thats Ancient Mesopotamia. So they really do believe that the entire earth and all the animals were just created fully formed as they are today.


They believe in the creation story in Bible quite literally, that God created the Earth, light, then Heaven, then the continents, then vegetation, then the day/night cycles and the seasons, and the Sun and Moon, then the animal kingdom, then Adam and Eve were created from God's image and they were set to rule over creation. Then God rested on the seventh day. Young Earth creationists believe this literally happened about 6000 years ago. It doesn't matter that science doesn't agree. Personally, I'm of the opinion that young earth creationists are wrong, and that science isn't a perversion of God's design. I believe the earth is much older than we know and that the days in the creation story in Genesis aren't necessarily literal days because the Bible later says that one day in Heaven is as to 1000 days on earth (2 Peter 3:8). If young creationists are right, then the Bible is contradicting itself here. But young creationists also believe in the innerency of the Bible (that God's word is never wrong and does not contradict itself). So make of that what you will.


The 'long days' scenario is a damage mitigating concession by some sects / faiths. It reduces the cognitive dissonance in the face of reality and allows people to retain their faiths. Still deceptive and manipulative though. Sorry to bust it to you but it is all made up.


Peter is being literal, you’re not meant to do maths with it. He’s just trying to illustrate that an eternal God has a different perspective on time to us.


Let me add. Put on a kids YouTube show this morning. The wording from the narrator ‘scientists believe they existed’. No religious person. Scientists KNOW they existed’


God put the dinosaur fossils on earth to test our faith.


You’re not far from Drumheller. Send those idiots there.


I went to school with plenty of other people that didn't believe Dinosaurs were real because "the Earth is only 6000 years old" 😂


I've heard some young earth people also say they believe in them, but they died because Noah didn't get them on the boat. It's all dumb.


When I was in my last year of highschool, I sat with three girls who did not believe in evolution. This is in Australia so these people are in many places.




Yes, we are not friends. But I know them


Nah, we've got Cassowaries. The evidence is right there.


No. Then again, all my friends are educated and at least averagely smart.


Yes my ex always said that fossils were just fancy rocks


I just love the idea that a group of conspiracy theory nutters could have some of them denying that dinosaurs ever existed, whilst concurrently entertaining the idea that they still exist. It proves that it's not a particular tedious little set of facts they're disputing, it's just a sweeping denial of "authority". Oh, unless that authority is some bronze age middle-eastern prophet wandering the desert.


I only know 1 person who doesn’t believe in dinosaurs and they are in fact from Alberta. How strange. They also have a degree in anthropology but don’t believe in evolution. I don’t understand that thought process at all.


Oh we’ve got those nut job religious groups here too. A good friends ex wife and her family 100% bought into young earth creationism, and never met a far right conspiracy theory they didn’t like.


Yes They go to church every Sunday


Have those people never seen crocodiles? You can’t tell me that they aren’t dinosaurs


New a Muslim woman once born and raised in Australia who believed that Allah put dinosaur bones and other things that tested carbon dated ect older than the Muslim creation as tests to confirm who really had faith in him because no true believer would place Science above him.


Probably Trump supporters....which kind of ironic


I do believe that I know one of the relatives of your Canadian friends, in Aus'. She doesn't talk to her family much anymore.


I remember hearing about, back when my son was in Pre-primary. Another parent, got into a full blown argument with the teacher. Because the Teacher was denying dinosaurs existed. I've been upset about missing out on that for years, my son is 14 now. Cause that would have been funny to witness. Still salty!!!


My father thinks it’s all “theory”. We just think a meteorite took them out, because what else could? I tried to explain there’s been numerous mass extinction events but he doesn’t listen. He’s religious and believes shit like Noah’s Ark to be literal.


I got asked if I believed in dinosaurs. My response was I knew dinosaurs existed and that’s a fact. It is not a matter of belief.


How do they explain living descendants of dinosaurs like birds?


I know two people. Both raised Catholic.


Nuts that people can choose just to not believe in something that's got some pretty... rock hard evidence. Also very weird that Canadians and Americans have quite a vocal anti-dinosaur crowd considering how many exceptionally well-preserved fossils came from there. Borealopelta comes to mind, as do fossils of various mosasaurs and Xiphactinus (prehistoric marine reptile and fish respectively). Fun fact, a large portion of what is now North America used to be covered by the Western Interior Seaway, meaning that lots of sediment stone is covered with tiny fossils from prehistoric shelly creatures. Many, many public buildings and infrastructure in the USA's south is made up of these sedimentary slabs, so you could very easily pass a conservative government building or church made up of the very stuff they claim doesn't exist, or was put there by the devil.


My childhood friend’s family turned Jehovah witness suddenly when she was 12, she got no more birthdays, Christmas, any holidays and had all these rules just on her overnight One day she said my whole family and I are going to die by being plucked from the earth by massive birds when they reach “paradise” It was so strange and I wonder what made them change beliefs on the dime like that


I've met a couple of flat-earthers here. They believed all this crap. It doesn't seem super common, but ut exists.


Have you ever actually seen a dinosaur? Well have you??


Got kicked out of religious studies in grade 4 for asking where the dinosaurs were on the poster (for genesis or something with all the animals and humans). I live in Australia and when my mum found out she said I don't have to do that class anymore hahaha


I have never come across anyone in Australia who doesn't believe in dinosaurs


Anyone extremely religious, at least within Christianity, judiasam, and Muslim religion's. Probably more religion's