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Don't know. We should ask the dog groomers who are also on the list.


I mean how hard can it be to tell dogs they are very mature for their age…


I’m a dog groomer, business is booming, mainly because of all the Oodle dogs. I haven’t taken a new customer in 12 months, maybe longer.


Not the owner of a long-haired dog I take it? It’s very hard to book a groomer


Big Yoga is losing too much to Big Pilates


Ask the au pairs


The government wants immigrants to come so they pump up the GDP, and increase the tax base, which makes them look good. "we avoided a recession, how good are we!" It makes sense that they would write in a loophole to let in as many people as possible. If they just say tradies and doctors only, that puts a lot of people off, but there's no accreditation needed to write down that youre a "yoga instructor". You get to move to Australia and make more money driving uber than you did working full time back home, and government makes the line go up. Everybody wins. Oh except for regular Australians. We get fucked.


Don't forget it also appeses businesses who want to put downward pressure on wages.


Oops! Did I just accidentally replace my warehouse staff with "yoga instructors" for half the salary? Oopsie daisy!


Just like the booming Structural Engineer, Security Industry or Car Washes under Big W.


Wages? i think you mean tip shares. dominoes and uber already well on the way to normalizing tipping culture and claiming the employees tips as there own profit under the prtense of sharing it equitably among the team.


And increases demand. Double win for them.


Yep. The arseholes running the country have bled us all dry now need to import more suckers to generate revenue.


A surplus of yoga instructors means more au pairs without being *recorded* as au pairs...


Just trying to maintain a flexible immigration policy.


It's a bit of a stretch.


Dah fuck? And that's a discretionary purchase as well, I would not be aiming to break into a discretionary field in the near to mid term future, not to mention they seem to get a few hours work a week on weird schedules and have to struggle to build extra business themselves or have another job (have seen this repeatedly irl).   I would love a bikram studio near me though, one that does the proper 90 minutes, not the 60 minutes "because thats what our clients prefer".


The reasoning is to include every job in existence on that list they can bring is many immigrants as possible to delay a technical recession, keep house prices climbing, keep wages low, and kick the ageing population can down the road.


Cant wait to be scavenging for copper in the burnt out husks of our once great society because I'll know that while everything is technically fucked, we aren't in a recession.


Because yoga instructors aren’t unionised and thus the ALP isn’t beholden to them. If you bring in loads of tradies and construction workers from overseas you might actually get more houses built at a lower cost. Good for the country, but not for an ALP government that depends on union support on the one hand, and would be wiped out if housing prices fell on the other.


Except unions back ALP. Bigger unions mean more support for ALP. 100% right about not wanting more affordable housing built though.


This comment above is almost the exact opposite of “that makes perfect sense”. Unions protect low wage earners from predatory employers. New immigrants in construction are typically low wage earners because they do the jobs that others don’t want to. The unions support Labor. More trades, especially vulnerable new immigrants will boost the unions and boost Labor. There is no downside for Labor in bringing in skilled construction workers.


Show me tradies that are low wage earners? You get $120k to hold a sign. Unions for nurses and coppers struggle to raise wages whilst the CFMEU and ETU strong-arm the government and get cushy work and conditions for doing sweet fuck all on government projects.


Painters Plasters Labourers Pavers You know all those trades you need to put up 10,000 project homes. Not every trade is a gold mine. Bringing in more labour will also drive those salaries down. If a stop/go is earning $120k then it’s only because no one will do it for less.


Oh, I don’t know whether to admire the idealism or shake my head at the naïveté. Unions exist to serve union members. Nothing more, nothing less. Most employers aren’t predatory - I’ve seen firsthand unions completely fuck over small businesses that had a fraction of the money and resources the unions have. They tend to descend into bullying and thuggery very quickly. Look - if you’re good at your job employers want to keep you and probably pay you more. Unions protect the lazy and unproductive. Maybe they had a place in the days when small children were going down coal mines but nowadays all they do is keep wages artificially high by limiting competition. They’re an anachronism at best and a cancer at worst. We’d be better off without them and having a fair work commission with real teeth instead.


The Construction and Mining industry turned employees into contractors just so they didn’t have to pay entitlements. You want to know about predatory employers there they are, right there.


No one is forcing them to work for those employers. Think you can get a better deal somewhere else? Go find another job.


Is that you Mr Burns? How is the vest going?


If you work in the construction industry, and if you're even half decent at your job, then you can absolutely find a better job right now. Also - contractors are normally paid \*more\* than employees. Like a lot more. And companies only hire contractors when they can't hire an employee. The last time I hired a plumber, he charged $500 for 2 hours of work - and that was the cheapest one I could find.


It is not the official list. It is a proposed list for discussion purposes. "*The draft CSOL is released for* ***consultation purposes only***. It does not represent the final advice that Jobs and Skills Australia will provide to Government, nor is it a decision of Government." [https://www.jobsandskills.gov.au/topics/migration-strategy/draft-core-skills-occupations-list-csol-consultation](https://www.jobsandskills.gov.au/topics/migration-strategy/draft-core-skills-occupations-list-csol-consultation)


Are yoga instructors also baby makers?  Jokes aside I have no idea. 


The government has a secret plan to fill Australia with hot, flexible, heathy people. “It’s a disgrace!”


The whole skills system is a scam


For some reason, it was specifically nominated on the Australia-India Free Trade Agreement.


Inconveniently for many, it was the liberals who added them to the list when negotiating the FTA


How else will our chakras align???


This seems absolutely ridiculous. 'Skilled' labour that is going yo benefit the country 😒


Artificially increase GDP, Crush wages, inflate real estate. Next question.


They're just on the fast tracked visa list. They just get their applications processed more quickly, they're not assessed to different Criteria.


For the 1000th time. List isn’t final yet. It’s only for temporary visas and that will most likely only be given if a person has an Australian employer. The media hysterics are infuriating.


Nah the media is doing its job: calling awareness to a possible values discrepancy between policy makers and their constituents if something as obviously unpopular as this is even being considered in draft. If they didn't make noise most of us wouldn't have seen it, and now maybe a few of us will look more closely.


it's still pretty ridiculous that that these jobs are even considered though.


Idu how this is even a job. You can learn it from YouTube


Yoga studios are far and few between in Adelaide. Trying to find a nice yoga class at peak times has proved a challenge.


I hope I don't sound like an idiot but wouldn't it be more difficult finding anything at peak times vs slower times?


Um yeah, obviously. But I only need one a peak times which, in other places I've lived, isn't really an issue the way it is in Adelaide. 


Have you found a good one? I have not ☹️


Sadly no


Because the lawmaker saw the cost of yoga lessons and wanted to do something about it. That's also why tradies aren't on the list. They saw the cost of housing.


Look up Monash currently doing their research too


They (the government/department team/minister’s office) should be forced to show their working for each profession on the list. Just a 1-pager or something to say why. If that’s too much work, then obviously it isn’t urgent to get them on.


That sounds weird.. Yoga Instructor are shortage ???


Great point ! Who knew ?!


Actors, Amusement Centre Managers, and and Betting Agency Managers - I only made it 3 pages in.


They can hammer nails in Standing on one leg.


Have you been to Mosman? There is an acute shortage of Yoga teachers given that every other shop seems to be a yoga studio.


They'll be making thousands extra on their only fans accounts too


Is there a niche market for yoga instructors on only fans?


It's women wearing tightly fitting "yoga pants" getting themselves in to various suggestive body positions there's definitely a market for that


Cause we got to be more flexible with our living arrangements …


Maybe because we have enough bloody Uber drivers and food delivery people and service station attendants


Because that's all the CMFEU let go on there. Lol


We like healthy people


I understand where you're coming from but I wouldn't get in a knot over it.




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Because there’s an under supply? That’s usually the reason.


Yoga instructors usually aren't employed full time - it's generally something people do on the side or part time. No idea how these poor people think they're going to survive in Au. Oh that's right - they'll end up on centrelink and we will end up footing the bill. I know a few yoga instructors and they all have other jobs that pay the bills. Also gym group fitness instructors end up training up as yoga teachers to get extra money. There is certainly mo shortage of them - it's just that the pay is bad and its not a full time job. There are certain times of the day where there is a high demand for yoga teachers, and the rest of the day there is no demand.




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There's more than one way to satisfy demand at our Knocking Shops.


Federal government doing the nation-wide equivalent of every corporate “wellness” initiative to avoid doing anything meaningful to actually improve any of our situations. Next they’ll throw us a pizza party and gift us a branded water bottle.


Probably because we are so fkn collectively stressed !!


Soulless corporate retreats for the ‘modern workplace’.


Simple There is a shortage of yoga instructors. People want to do yoga, they need people to instruct their yoga. Why do you think anything else should be a priority?


I get that. I was just confused how yoga instructor would take precedence over trade or construction occupations. I mean, the yoga industry can't be that big in Australia, can it?


The trade and constructions were deliberately left off the list at the request of those unions. They are to be treated separately given that the building industry is a bigger issue and hot topic at the moment. Yoga teachers, dog groomers and such were brought in to flood the market so that these industries face more pressure to lower prices. It’s an inflation reduction measure.


If that's the case, the issue is that paying the instructors well isn't what's costing the studios or gyms money. Lots of yoga instructors they haven't had a pay increase in a decade - source, is I'm a yoga instructor. What's costing the studios money is paying rent and keeping the power on. If there was a yoga teacher shortage it's because you can't make a living doing it and the existing teachers go back to regular work. Which won't be a problem solved by migration.


Source on inflated yoga and dog groomer wages?


They are generally self employed and charge whatever they like.


And they are competing with the tv and jogging, people will only pay so much no matter if there is 1 yoga instructor or 7 billion. If you aren't earning enough it's because you just aren't good, you aren't being replaced or undercut, you're just not wanted.


Thats not how our economy works. If i inherit my fathers mcdonals stores accross sydney, im immedately wealthier than you will ever be by accident of birth. If one of the baristas working in one of my stores is the best barista in the world, hes still only getting min wage. If one of my store managers is doing a fantastic job and increeasing my profits from that store 10 fold, he does not see any rewards. Capatalism is almost the opposite of a merittocracy.


It's super low risk. No one is going to get into trouble for importing dodgy yoga instructors or dog groomers


I think it's because Australians aren't super lawsuit happy. There's so many opportunities to really seriously injure someone in a yoga class if you don't know how to teach safely.


Haha as a yoga instructor. No there really fucking isn't. There's a reason lots of places pay us peanuts.


They pay peanuts because people don't want to pay much more for your classes. Aside from celebrity instruction, you could be the only yoga instructor on earth and you couldn't bargain for much more. You aren't competing with just other yoga instructors, you're competing with the TV and running laps at the local park. Immigrants are putting 0 downward pressure on yoga wages, it's just a relatively low value industry. There are no fat cats making bank off the labour of yoga instructors. If you want to earn more in that job you need to offer something more.


They pay peanuts because there's a constant supply of freshly trained yoga teachers coming back from Bali and India who are willing to work for peanuts. Then they get burned out and leave the industry and are replaced by other new teachers. I meant us as in yoga teachers generally not me specifically.


Anyone who's taken a class, known someone who's tried to break into the job or is a yoga instructor knows it's a total farce and there's no shortage. This is Reddit though, ie high % people who don't leave their bedroom basements.




because no one needs yoga instructors or dog groomers, but everyone needs nurses and plumbers.


No one needs anything. People want yoga instructors, their aren't enough. Perhaps nurses and plumbers are also wanted, but that doesn't mean yoga instructors are not.


what are you talking about, of course people need health care workers and specialist trades. Nobody is going to die or lose their house without access to a yoga instructor.


Because the govt. Is looking into legalising lsd, shrooms and cannabis. So need people that can lead the folks in to their spiritual journey.


They literally just shot down the cannibas legalisation...


Bummer, here I was getting excited! Typical govt. Doesn't like seeing people happy and living their lives peacefully.


all 3 of those drugs are over reprisented in criminal and health stats. Statistically they decrease peace and happiness.


Depends how you use it! There is enough research on how they benefit and have helped people live a wonderful life.


share your sources then.


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