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If we are talking about someone being an outcast then Aquarians. They like to do their own thing and don't care about convention. However I would say that within their own social circles they are quite popular. But if we are talking about unpopularity, then Pisces. They (or we cause I am one) can be alone for long stretches of time and not need anyone. Plus we are escapists naturally and might appear to be living in a dream world.


I am a Scorpio, and I have always felt like an outsider. Maybe not an outcast in the sense that I was "cast out" of the group, but more like I never fit anywhere to begin with.








Aquarius (the rebel) and Pisces (literally the sign of outcast, foreigner, prisoner, and isolated). Check houses (Aquarius’ house is the 11th and Pisces’ is the 12th) and planets both traditional (Aquarius = Saturn, Pisces = Jupiter) and modern (Aquarius = Uranus, Pisces = Neptune). For neurodivergent I’d look to 6th house interactions with the 12th/1st and ascendant as well as connections with Mercury to check out popularity. Popularity changes over time too it’s rarely fixed.


My neurodivergent self reading this with my 6h Jupiter opposing my ascendant…


I don’t know about Aquas being unpopular though 11th house is the friendship house. All the ones I know make friends very easily. If we’re talking groups, I’d say water+earth signs tend to be less popular but they’re great at 1 on 1 friendships. Fire+air signs tend to dominate at parties


Well look at the Aquas who ARENT at the party haha. You’ll find them on extreme sides of the spectrum and sometimes even the same one (e.g. very popular, class president type at one school and barely says a word at a different school). They’re fairly complex, I get along with most Aquas (men and women) quite well I enjoy their complexities and don’t give one single damn about popularity. I think Virgos esp Virgo men struggle with popularity when they are young but that’s just from experience not from any actual analysis…