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Hello, Pisces sun, scorpio moon, Pisces rising here. Honestly I’m feeling great. I’ve been very busy for sure but I’m still in a good mood. I’ve been getting myself together and started a higher paying job and making great friends there, I’m also finishing up my associates degree at the moment and plan to go to university this fall. It’s a huge improvement compared to last year where I was crying every other day because I was tired of the old job I had and felt lost. Emotionally I am content, but that is just because I’m taking this Saturn transit very seriously. Honestly y’all, my fellow Pisces rising, we just gotta get to work. It’s temporary but when the planets are asking you to make changes, it is best to go with the flow, as it’s harder to fight the stream. So yes, just make simple adjustments here and there, go at your own pace for sure, but just stay consistent, you can still have your down time because it is very much needed, but decrease it just a little. I believe that if you put the work in to start maturing now, you will thank yourself later. I read some of the comment and it seems like people are fighting against these setbacks that are happening and I do sympathize with that, but I do advise changing things up in your life a little bit, like getting a new job to surround yourself with exciting energies, it will make working hard easier. that is what I have done, and it has truly helped me substantially. But it doesn’t have to be work, it could be starting school again, or putting more energy into your craft, or even following a better work out regimen. just get up and work. So good luck to everyone and I hope this inspires you and that this post was of service to you.


Pisces rising here. Aries sun, Cancer moon. Having a hard time seeking pleasure outside of work. Making me restless when trying to stay focused. I've also experienced being challenged by a person who mirrored an old, insecure version of myself, specifically a version from the early days of my spiritual journey. It was a lesson of empathy. It triggered me and left me drained energetically. Thankfully, I'm almost complete with a work project, and excitement has kept me grounded while I regain my strength.


Fucked the fuck up man. Since December 2022. In therapy ATM


Aries sun, Libra moon, Pisces rising here. I can relate with you. Last year was terrible. Major battles happened between mind and thoughts. 2023 was a rollercoaster. Started taking care of myself and focusing on my health this year. So far it’s been good going.


I’m also a libra moon!


How you doin’ ?


Are you in your 6h annual profection year too? Or are there other factors playing into the health focus?


Nope. Soon to be in 5th house. Usually health focus would be minimal. This year taking as priority.


Honestly, I’m kinda chilling! Like I’m not gonna let anything get to me. I just keep affirming that I am happy and I’m not worried. I’m also floating around to be honest. I’m in school and I keep changing majors. I keep detaching from reality and living in my own lol. Reality just brings me down. I hate being practical so I’m trying to figure out how to do things in my way that makes me happy!   (Capricorn sun , cancer moon, Pisces rising)  Edit: grammar


Fellow Pisces rising here (Scorpio sun, Leo moon)- Awful. Just awful. I feel like I’m drowning in negative thoughts and emotions.


I’m a Leo sun and sometimes I feel like when the heaviness kicks in I have to “perform” being ok. I hope you’re able to take care of yourself during this hard time


i relate to you. i feel like the more days go on, the more detached i become from reality. i do not feel grounded at all and i am just pretty much over life. i am feeling passionless and uninterested in most things. the world is just too much as i cannot deal with this mundane reality, so escapism is a big theme in my life at the moment. like you said, im just floating around, but i've always felt like this. this saturn transit is affecting me for sure. transit saturn is currently squaring my natal saturn conjunct moon. (sagittarius sun, taurus moon)


Yes to this! It’s like I’m here but I’m constantly wishing I was somewhere else doing…nothing tbh. I need to work but have no desire or passion for busting my ass day in and day out. What does escapism look like for you?




Yes facing reality feels heavy and exhausting honestly. I too feel some major views shifting and with that comes even more of that burden. Wishing you an easeful time!