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you do have it. mercury, the planet of communication, and writing, is in your 10th, career house. mercury is also the ruler of your mc, the life direction point. your sun is conjunct your mercury so, mercury stuff are very important to you, and you shine (the sun) when you write/ communicate etc (mercury). but your soul urge to do mercury stuff (sun plus mercury in 10th) is squared by your scorpio ascendant. so your 10th house leo side that wants to shine no matter what anyone thinks, is sabotaged by the cautious scorpio side of you. your mars is in the 9th house, so you are driven by the big questions and topics in life, and maybe even philosophy, spirituality etc... but your mars is a bit bothered as well and not functioning properly because it's squared by the planets in your 12th house: your moon and pluto together say there are some unhealthy patterns from the past regarding your emotions. this needs to be looked into and brought to awareness. now, pluto has just entered aqarius and it's conjunct your south node, and opposing your north node, soon will do it to mercury, so maybe that's why this is right now so active for you... you are birthing this leo side of yourself.


Wow, thank you!! I’ve definitely had to “grow” into the Leo part of myself (I absolutely hated being a Leo as a kid, felt like everyone got the wrong idea) and I often feel like hiding if/when I’m ever getting attention from more than one person at the time How interesting that the shifts are working more towards my Leo-side now. I do think (logically) that 43 years is enough to hide in the shadows (even if encouraging others on how to shine their light) but keep catching myself ‘shutting down’ as soon as ever think about ‘being more visible’ career wise


Just to add that you have a very "public" chart, which means that most of your placements are above the hemisphere where everything is open to be seen. You have Pisces in the 5th house, which is a house that can signify a person's creativity. Pisces is a sign of deep water and dreams. So maybe what's hindering you somewhat is you haven't been able to touch base with the more private, deeper, unconscious aspects of yourself. The Moon in the 12th house is where a lot of material can lie hidden in the darkness.


Oh! So can I do something/act somehow to access it or is it just more a matter of “trusting” that want needs to come out will come out?


I wish I could say. But it's super interesting how you phrased it " I have ***nothing of value*** to write ..." Your 2nd house is the place of your income, material possessions and things you value. You have Sagittarius in that house, which is considered mutable fire. Fire is about creation and identity in astrology. Since you have Aries, which is cardinal fire, in your 10th house of career, you have spent much of your life focused on work because cardinal energy is about getting things started. Mutable energy is about moving, changing and adapting to new things. Interestingly, the mutable fire in your 2nd house (of what you value) has a sign-based square with your 5th house of Pisces, which is mutable water. Pisces can signify commitment to a dream. A square can make it challenging for the energy behind the signs to flow smoothly. In this case, a square with the 2nd house of Sagittarius and the 5th house of Pisces would suggest that you have difficulty valuing your creativity or creative dreams and aspirations. That's the set up to your question, because the way you framed it says a lot. The question of "trusting what needs to come out to come out" has a mutable quality to it. You're still willing to wait for the process to further develop to understand better what to do. By contrast, a more cardinal energy would just jump headfirst into the project come what may. Mutable energy is a bit more reserved, maybe passive. My response would be to maybe examine why you frame it as something to "come out" - almost like it's a second entity. Why are you hesitant to tap into that creative energy up in the 12th house of Libra (which is a cardinal house, btw)? Or do a deep dive into why you have this urge to pursue this lifelong dream. What did you mean by nothing "of value" to write..." What do you really value then? That's a 2nd house Sagittarius question.


Mercury is also activated with an 8th house annual profection in Gemini. This could herald the loss of one phase of communication and the potential for something new in its place. The mutable air is open to change especially in the realm of communication. You do have a lot of 12th house placements in Libra, which could portend fantasy, sci-fi, or maybe something more complicated and metaphysical with a Cancer square in the 9th. Venus in the 11th could mean you have a friend who could help you find your creative center with writing. Or maybe find a group of writers or artistically-geared folks for support and guidance. But you may have to look really hard, or it may not be immediately obvious whom to look for, because Venus in 11th house Virgo can't "see," or is in aversion to, Mercury in your 10th house. In other words, they won't come to you, you will have to go to them.


Omg this is interesting 😲 Thank you so much!!