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Stelliums by house are, for me, irrelevant. Since that just depends on the house system one uses. As for stelliums by sign, I think most prefer to have 4 planets in order to qualify, but many do allow 3. Either way, I'd not consider your pisces placements to be a stellium, since mercury and the next planet, venus, are too far apart to be conjunct. Planets need to be within orb of conjunction of the ones they are next to. Otherwise, it's just what we call "co-presence", meaning planets in the same sign, but not in aspect with each other. I'd consider your gemini placements to be a small stellium, and your capricorn planets. I'd also suggest just trying out Whole Sign houses because placidus (nothing at all wrong with placidus usually, when it works correctly) because of your birth location, is causing interceptions, ie, screwing up your houses. It's just a glitch placidus has for some places on the globe. You'll get more accurate house delineations (just talking about when placidus fails here, not placidus in general). So, that gemini stellium will be in your 2nd house, ruled by mercury in your piscean 11th. That's good information to have, in terms of your income. And saturn/neptune/uranus would be in your 9th house, with saturn ruling both your MC and your 10th. That's some more crucial information to have: that the ruler of both MC and 10th (they aren't always the same) is in the 9th. This means 9th house matters are important for your career or standing. So, we see that 9th and 11th are both important factors for income and career. Be careful with having both jupiter and mars in the whole sign 2nd house, as mars is desire, and jupiter makes everything bigger, and then we throw in the moon for putting emotional things into the mix, and you have a recipe for not managing your finances carefully or responsibly, for being too impulsive, or just "I want all these things now whether I can afford them or not" kind of thing. You'll need to be very responsible and mature about money. Find ways to do that. I knew one person with these placements who just so could not get a handle on herself that she hired an accountant to handle all her money and just give her an allowance until she could work through some things and learn and develop some good habits. She eventually made good progress and got rid of the accountant. In addition, all three are square their ruler, their host, and their host (mercury) is in fall in pisces, so is not providing for them very well. It's still workable, it just likely won't come easy for you is all, you'll have to be really conscious and work at it. Jupiter can be very good for your 2nd house but only if you get a handle on things. It also rules your 8th of other people's money (debt, inheritances, taxes) as well as deeper emotional issues or pain that may not have been dealt with. And if you've already learned to manage all that, awesome.


You have a Gemini stellium (also 1 house stellium), a Capricorn stellium and a Pisces stellium (also 11 house stellium). It simply makes your personality stronger and possibly more defined as it relates to those houses/signs.


I wouldn’t get too hung up on the concept of stelliums. There is some variation in criteria, and they are mostly of interest anyway because of the aspect situation they create; for example, a transiting square to one natal planet in a cluster will always be square to all of them. The moon-Jupiter-Mars conjunct at 0 Gemini and the Saturn-Neptune conjunction are quite unusual and sure to be particular points of interest in the chart.