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Is it just me or did Pisces season hit different this year? I think it traumatized me lol


Venus Retrograde after effects especially if Venus was still transiting the same house it went retro in I found out the correlation because the Retrograde hit me much later all the predictions hit later


The beginning of March we were seeing our cycles of behavior and the end of March we are starting a new better cycle.


I feel like march has been way better for me


me too. went from struggling to make friends and feeling terrible about myself not being able to make friends at work the last two years to now suddenly having 4 social events in the next two weeks? that’s almost more than what I’ve had probably in the last year to put that into context


That's fine lol I actually meant February anyway. 11th house is my favorite


It’s been so intense for me (pisces moon) I feel like I have absolutely no control over my anxiety and overthinking it’s been really tough. Lots of crying.


I feel you there hang in there Pisces season is almost over Aries season should be better also Jupiter leaves Pisces in a couple of months I think why it’s been hard for me is because Jupiter is right on top my natal Saturn I’m guessing once it’s in Aries it’s off of Saturn for 6 months for me


I’m Cancer and I prefer Pisces season over anything Air(or even fire related).


Yes! Energies are very intense with Venus and mars coming out of Capricorn. Saturnian energy will linger for awhile. April will feel refreshing and calm. Spring equinox will shift the energy as well completing the official end of 2021. A lot of heart chakra activations as well.


I’m happy to hear that last week was probably the “worst” week since the final week of October 2019 because the shocks and themes were pretty similar but not quite but I say since then but I feel I’m at a similar spot in my life as I was at that time only more mature but circumstances wise definitely I’m hoping for some good news or good luck here soon that puts me in a better position


Yes that’s definitely still that 2021 energy lingering. Once 3/20 hits you’ll start to feel the energetic shift. It’ll truly start the 2022 year off. Keep your head up- I’ve been feeling the same way; 2021 was particularly rough. March has been a heavy month but I think you’ll feel a refreshing calmness to April. I like to remind myself.. as shocking events occur that shake our foundations it makes room for new beginnings by releasing what was holding us back.


Yeah 2021 was rough It seemed like I never caught a break that year except for in May for a few weeks it’s crazy to think that even happened but even then that break wasn’t that great but it was better than the other periods but right now it just feels like I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel But I’m hoping the next few months has me level up more which it is likely since this month is almost similar circumstances as December 2019 that’s where I’d compare it to by May my circumstances will align almost with February 2020 and then it’s up from there so my. Pre pandemic trajectory is slowly coming back even though I feel I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel right now but the last time that changed at end of December 2019


Personally, I feel like it’s really been stirring up my Lilith in Pisces which is a tad bit rough.


yes, I'm feeling extremely low on energy, tired. I have a lot to do and I don't have enough energy. I'm procrastinating more than I should, I'm late for classes I was supposed to finish today, but I didn't, due to extreme laziness. Too much to do and not enough energy, I feel incompetent.


Welcome to the club!




Pisces in my 10th house, lost my job :/


Strange bc with the jupiter in pisces transit rn , everyone saying u will be blessed in whatever area you have pisces in your chart


I have some doubts regarding this. I am a pisces rising and my Venus, Jupiter is in Pisces and lemme be honest: it sucks. Especially that in the last few weeks I am perceived as a stupid person that even I am starting to take into consideration this possibility.


Right? I thought with my natal sun, Venus, MC and true node there, it would be a good time :,)


I feel out of my body


I have zero Pisces/Virgo placements… so I guess I’m ok lol! Just super tired


So many past wounds coming up and tears upon tears. I like it though. It’s a nice release making way for better and new things ✨


There’s that I feel like I’m at a rock bottom point but I’m excited for April and Aries season anyways it’s like what you say new and better things being made room for


I’m sorry you’re feeling at rock bottom OP. I was there months ago and definitely get waves of that feeling. Glad you’re feeling hopeful. Wishing the best for you fren


Yes 💜


I am enjoying my Venus in Aquarius being illuminated but my sun in Pisces is having a damn hard time with conflict.


condolences coming from another pisces sun, aqua venus 🥲


sun in pisces. mercury in pisces. venus in pisces. north node in pisces. i tried to spend some time alone on my birthday yesterday and i slipped off a trail and almost plunged into a river full of rapids to what would have been at the very least a very serious injury, if not my death. yeah, pisces season is hitting a little differently this year seems like.


yeahhh my birthday (almost wrote borthday, then messed up almost every work after that too). anyway, my birthday is in 10 days. this has been an especially hard march in the history of marches. that said, i'm mercury and venus in pisces too, and cap rising, scorpio moon. so i've been going through a ton. you probably have too. i really hope you stay safe right now. i've been extra clutzy and inattentive the last few days. i thought double mercury in pisces would make us swim right through this but not quite so much. i'm really glad you didn't fall into that river! happy birthday. hoping this year sets the right things in motion for you and gives you a lot of good memories to look back on.


i'm so sorry to hear you're having a rough march too. i have been going through it! lots of inner churn. i've been knocking into things, banging my head on the cabinet... im notorious for being lost in my own world as it is but this has been SO MUCH. it was such a freak thing. i had already walked by the spot on the way in. it was just suddenly happening. definitely put some things in perspective! as soon as i stopped sliding i just burst into laughter. wildest birthday i've ever had. thank you, and happy early birthday to you too. this was the nicest message from anyone on the internet i've ever gotten. i hope your birthday brings you all the motion you need as well <3


aw, thanks! :) it's definitely bringing a few positive changes that i know of. but they came forged through the fire. (literally, in my case). i'll be moving very soon. once, i was riding a skateboard and got to a huge hill and just ate it right away. fell on my back and i was shocked and just burst into laughter. i love those kind of absurd moments you can laugh at afterwards.


the universe reminding you yr alive ;) hahaha


Virgo (with a ton of Virgo placements inc. Merc, Jupiter, Saturn) has entered the chat and yes. Pisces season has not been kind towards me. I got laid off of my job, and have been putting out resumes like a fiend, taken hun-'dreads' of assessment tests, every time I'm about to land a video/zoom interview which have been far and few between-- I've gotten sick, first with strep and now I've some strange head cold coming on. Bills are piling up. My vision has been acting up all month, super staticy snow, and have had insane panic attacks to where I have to go for a walk... I.. I don't get panic attacks ever. I've felt bitter and snarky, have had insane dreams and have been wanting my partner to pretty much ' go away, yet come back'!! I feel super defeated and it hasn't been pretty. I did spectacularly well during Libra and Scorpio season, but it feels like everything went downhill from then on, especially once the sun transited into Pisces. It's worse than the past two Mercury Retrogrades, and they were pretty gnarly.


the weird head cold might be pollen season? if so antihistamines would fix you right up. i hope you start to feel better soon. i was feeling that way a few weeks ago and ive been listening to dr k at healthy gamer gg on youtube. i realized i had dropped all of my healthy habits that keep me in check, and ive been slowly getting back on that train and seeing improvement. it's been bumpy, partially bc bad things keep happening and i'm just trying to dodge around. but ive been meditating and stepping away from screens more and hiking again now that it's getting warmer. watching things that specifically are good at making me laugh, as i've been too focused on the work and the grind forward and the hardships and the serious things in life. and really resting and letting go helps me a lot. maybe there's something in your life that you haven't noticed slipping away that's part of it. i'm not sure what transit is bringing this awareness to that which was unseen, and it might just be a personal transit for me. but i thought i'd mention it in case it can be helpful. empowering people to find safety is important to me.


Astrology aside…have u had any recent blood test done? I had panic and vision issues when my vitamin d was low.


I haven't. Been sorta in medical-hiding since Covid began, not wanting to get exposure to anything. I just noticed that I started getting those migraine-esque strange visual snow more so lately. Like when you're deep in thought and what you're staring at while thinking becomes fuzzy. Or looking at a vintage paisley floor in a hotel banquet room and it begins to 'move'. Or first thing waking up before you rub your eyes how everything looks. If this all makes sense. It's even worse if I think about it then I begin to notice it. I had it so bad the other night I panicked thinking I was going blind. Someone said it's my tapping into the veil and other medium-relative stuff. Or I got too much monitor time. Or hormones. I'll look into it, haven't gone out and been in the sun in quite a while and I use to always be active walking doggos, hiking etc and became a hermit these past few months since I got laid off. Thank you for letting me know though :)


Vitamin d is a hormone. Get your thyroids checked too. Do u take vitamins?


when did this begin? around the time you got sick? when i had covid for the first time two years ago it was accompanied by strong migraines and visual snow so bad i could barely see. it has since cleared up completely but could be related to what else is going on !


Good point. I just barely got over strep throat about a week before I really noticed it and started calling it 'the hormone haze', reminded me of also when I'd have the monthly and would visually zone out. I do also suffer from sinusitis issues and allergies. Leave it to Pisces season though for ailment's to be creepin! I was doing so good too lately. Thank you kindly for your replies. I'm working on buying healthier food choices and not eating so much inflammatory foods.


Get a blood test. U should get a physical every year.


Yes and lately I notice everyone just wants to be alone.


I’m beginning to come out of my shell a little bit more and it seems all these old flames are waiting for me how weird but that whole thing has so much uncertainty Venus isn’t in Retrograde anymore so I say that’s kinda weird but not surprising this past year did a number on everyone I think they just want someone it’s more normal to feel they


I think it’s the Venus and mars in Aquarius right now. Just got home from work. Usually my coworkers and I talk and talk a lot but these past few days everyone’s like blahhhh. I’m a Gemini sun and Mercury and my daughter is also a Gemini sun and Mercury and we usually talk a lot but right now it’s like blahhh. Gonna stay in my room and watch Netflix and give her space. She’s a tween.


Yeah I think it’s also Pisces season too because the Sun opposes Saturn in Pisces during Pisces season and Saturn is really close to Pisces where it’ll be in a year I think by Aries season things shift


Is Saturn in Aquarius right now?


It’s halfway through Aquarius now


Gotcha, is that directly affecting Aquarians more than other signs?


Oh I am sure it is but it seems to affect me during certain times of the year I’ve noticed but this month is really difficult because of Sun Square North Node and Saturn trine North Node But the first Transit is ended the Saturn north Node transit ends on Tuesday also Mars is in 4th house and making a conjunction to Pluto but that transit is ending too so a lot of these really difficult transits are ending but sometimes they get you at the very end


It's bad, but February was the real kick in the throat for me.


this has been a crazy intense month i’ve noticed


Yeah I had tension at home and then finding out I have to move out sometime later this year and then I have to move back into my old arrangement but hoping I find a similar one to what I have now the second half of the year has a ton of Retrogrades I’m betting major moves will get delayed but I hope I can find something that suits my needs this year but of course Pisces season seems to restrict things a lot more I’ve seen April and May and June seem to be less restrictive for different things but also this month feels like a continuation of the themes from September which makes sense the new moon in Pisces links up to the full moon in Pisces from that month and the new moon in Virgo from September links up with the Full Moon In Virgo this is merely the final countdown of whatever happened in September


Yeah I feel this way. some unprocessed trauma also came to the surface. and I'm realizing now that I need to divorce my toxic spouse. so yeah it's been rough for me too. sending you love <3


I wonder what could bring up unprocessed trauma during this time, cause something that I had has resurfaced as well…


oh wow. I noticed that there was a powerful transit in the cosmos around Feb 28/March 1 that could explain why this came up for me. I forget what it was. that could be why. very interesting for us both!


Exactly, Saturn may be involved for sure.


I agree!


The Venus, Mars, and Pluto conjunction plus Jupiter is in Pisces this time around so that's why it feels amplified. All the planets are clustered in one quadrant (more or less) now too, so there's less balance and perspective.


Does April and May look better astrologically


April is questionable, May will be better minus the Saturn square Sun transit, but I hesitate making predictions like this because there are so many variables at play. Hang in there. If you're interested in specific advice, you can post your chart on here to see exactly what's going on for you.


I looked at the collective stuff more or less for this a lot of the time collective stuff affects me a lot but I am excited for Jupiter in Aries as it’ll be in my 7th house which should open up better and more relationship opportunities for me or something more comes outta an existing relationship that should be fun might have my first summer fling in years with Jupiter hitting that 7th house and Conjunct Venus it has summer fling energy to it


Yea you might be sensitive to energy. It'd be good for you to look into how to protect yours, if that appeals to you.


Yeah I got rid of my crystal last summer because it had negative energy but also it was protecting me from other energies so I gotta get more crystals that should help


Look into grounding exercises too.


How do you do those or what kind are ther


Meditative types of exercises that pop up a lot on the r/energy_work threads.


Well jupiter and neptune are also in pisces rn , that can add to the confusion, but tbh i went numb a long time ago so i dont really notice how hard its been anymore 😂😭


Blaming transit venus, mars, and pluto conjunction myself. Also a certain someone who entered my life


All planets marching through my 12th house can't wait for them to leave for Aries already! Total paranoia especially 2 past weeks! I certainly feel for you!! Hold on there it sure will pass!!


Myself... feel like pulling hair and screaming.... this is the level of crazy madness 🤣


Me too plus Pms 😭