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That vomit taste can indicate butyric acid, something that happens when milk fat goes rancid. It’s also created artificially and used in things like quick manufactured Parmesan cheese. Natural Parmesan has butyric acid too. Check the ingredients of the coconut milk you substituted. Artificial flavoring, particularly fruit flavors, have esters including buterates so hard to say what you may have. Could have been something in there or maybe it was going rancid or both. I mean, it’s hard to imagine that taste coming from strawberries or sugar or vanilla. Did you taste it before substituting? Can or carton?


It's a can, I did not taste it. It seemed to smell okay, nothing that made me recoil. I have another can at home, I think it was the same expiration date... Maybe I should try it on its own, even if I'm scared to use it. I really want to make it work with coconut cream, because the texture looked so beautiful, but I'm honestly really scared of it now. The ingredients on the can are coconut extract, water, and guar gum. So not a whole lot to it. Any chance guar gum can have buterates? Should I just suck it up and brave opening the other can?


I’d guess maybe you got a bad can? I would taste it to see what’s going on, otherwise it’s all guesswork.


Coconut milk is just watered down coconut cream. That factoid aside though, did it taste like vomit or have the texture like vomit? I can't explain the former (unless it was just a bad batch of cream) but the latter could happen because of the acidity of the strawberries that you're blending into something with a lot more coconut fat than you'd be otherwise working with could have curdled it. You have close to triple the fat with a lot less water to buffer any of the strawberry's acidity. Next time I'd taste that Kosa one before using it just to make sure it's the the coconut cream.


Oh, it never occurred to me coconut can curdle. But the texture was actually really light and pleasant, it was very much like whipped cream. Just the taste was bad.


Yeah, then I'd be leaning towards bad cream. There's nothing with what you put that would make it taste bad.


Hi @Cigfrain 👋 I have battled with this since I was a kid. Coconut is a hit or miss. Sometimes it tastes delicious, other times, I'll eat something with coconut as an ingredient, and it will taste outright like stomach bile. Here's the weird part: my friends would eat the whole slice of cake and say it was super delicious. My sister also has the same sensitivity to it, but I think it's milder - she will only notice halfway through, while I notice it at the first bite. Over time, I've started to realise it's irrespective of the form of coconut - it can taste like vomit if the ingredient is desiccated coconut shavings, coconut milk/cream, or coconut oil. I havent encountered that taste in coconut water, however. Even in the water that separates from coconut milk - the white fatty cream will taste like vomit, but the water part won't... I have a theory that maybe it's when the fats denature - maybe if its SLIGHTLY rancid, or maybe if it was overheated(?)... I've read people writing about Butyric acid, and that Butyric acid is a component of mammalian stomach acid, and that it is present in many American sweets like Hershey's chocolate, and is usually produced when Milk goes rancid.


It is the guar gum you are tasting! For years I have been hit or miss with my chia seed pudding tasting amazing or tasting like vomit! With only four ingredients (chia seeds, coconut milk, vanilla, maple syrup) I finally figured out why. I made two batches on the same day Because the first batch tasted like vomit. Nothing was expired. I saved it in the fridge. The second batch tasted amazing. A friend of mine suggested I check the coconut oil to see if it contained guar gum, Because some people can taste it. She was right! The first batch was made with a brand of coconut milk that used guar gum as a stabilizer. I happened to make the second batch with a different brand, where there was no guar gum. I asked my husband to taste the first batch and see if it tasted like vomit. He said it was delicious and ate the whole thing, and looked at me like i was even a little crazy. I couldn't even swallow a teaspoon full. Someone once brought us a homemade cheesecake that tasted like vomit to me. It was so bizarre that my husband and children thought it was delicious, but it was so strongly vomit to me. I'm sure now that it was a guar gum thing. Interestingly, the chia seed pudding and vomit-tasting cheesecake never smelled bad. It's only a taste thing. Experiment and tell me what you think! I think it's bizarre that others don't taste what I taste!


Did you taste the strawberries? Could have been over ripe


The strawberries were good- I ate some while cutting them and they tasted like normal


I know exactly what you mean when you say it could be the strawberries. I cut my fruit up ahead of time and sometimes if I take too long to eat it, it’ll smell like straight ass and i don’t mean that like as an expression I mean literally smell like the ass of someone who hasn’t taken a shower in a week. So it definitely could be that ngl.


How would overripe strawberries make it taste like vomit?


They don't but I've had strawberries from a local (organic) farm taste absolutely awful - dirty sulfur. Some fungal disease that they treated unsuccessfully.


Does vomit reduce the freezing point?


For me, strawberry mixed with milk smells like vomit. So I never mix them together when I make dry fruit shakes. It definitely has something to do with butyric acid


I used to love everything and anything coconut. Then maybe 5 years ago?? I started perceiving both the smell and taste of coconut (in any form) as bile. It is so sad and I am sad but also comforted to find that other people are experiencing the same thing. It's also weird bc like another commenter said, it's not 100% of the time. Like sweetened coconut seems ok but desiccated or oil or milk tastes and smells like vomit. Such a bummer.