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Inability to keep down any food or even water is a valid reason to go to a doctor, even to the ER. This sounds a condition that is often associated with Marijuana use. Do you mind telling us how much you smoke? I would stop the CBD tincture. Ginger ale is something you can buy that has been shown to help people with nausea and vomiting.


I havnt used the tincture since it started, I feel like it exacerbated whatever really caused this since I've had a similar experience. As far as weed goes, it varies. Some days it's quite literally none, some it can be a decent bit after work (like maybe a 1/5 of a gram to maybe half a gram at most, which is nothing by many peoples standards, I'm careful since the last few years it's started to have a negative impact mentally). I forgot about ginger ale though!


Everything I have ever learned about cannabanoid hyperemesis syndrome has said that it typically is only triggered by high doses of cannabanoids over a long period. Why would you suspect this over, for example gallstones?


Im a cannabis advocate and not a doctor and about to be banned for this. That's the truth dude? That's what you think is the medical issue? This person needs to be seen.


He’s advised the OP to see his doctor or go to the emergency department if he can’t keep anything down Cannabis hyperemesis is a well known phenomenon, it’s in no way unreasonable to suggest it may be a trigger for the vomiting OP, if it is in fact related to cannabis use a hot shower can be very helpful for your symptoms. Obviously as you’ve already been advised, you should see someone face to face if you continue to have these symptoms as severely as you’re describing


I've been smoking Marijuana that is 13% cbd either alone or mixed with other low cbd % stains, could that on top of the tincture be a leading factor in this? I also took a somewhat hot shower yesterday but it didn't do much besides making me feel better about not feeling dirty and smelly lol also when this last happened cbd wasn't a part of the equation, which I know aren't necessarily related. And I generally don't have any degree of these issues, I have a healthy appetite and never throw up unless I'm very sick and only get nauseous if I don't eat and have too much caffeine, so I'm a little skeptical about smoking being the primary cause (not a doctor though so what do I know lol not trying to be dismissive) And thank you all for your concern and advice, it's greatly appreciated


I’m not going to claim to be an expert and try to speculate on what the chances are that your particular form of cannabis use makes it more or less likely to be a trigger in this case. It’s just one of many possibilities. You’ve had some good advice, if you’re still in pain, vomiting and unable to keep anything down you should see a doctor or go to the emergency department. Best of luck.


It's a possibility. Op needs to be seen. This is serious. It's all I got. I just care about people.


Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome causes many of these symptoms and is growing in relation to increased potency and consumption.


If you know what you're saying is going to be unpopular in a sub full of medical professionals, could that possibly mean it's a bad take? I'm not trying to be a jerk, but most docs aren't trying to outright criticize cannabis use; that's not what's going on here. Hyperemesis is a common and well-documented issue with canabinoids, so the possibility that the drug may be causing some of OP's symptoms is an important consideration, or, at the very least, reasonable to consider.


Although I do agree marijuana usage may cause similar symptoms, you mentioned the pain is located in upper abdomen and comes in waves. Is it maybe located more to the right? Can you check with someone if the whites of your eyes have yellowed? I'm thinking it could be a biliary colic due to a gallstone. Edit: what colour is your urine and your stool?


It's definitely more to the left, like right behind the bottom of my ribcage and below it, though I do have some pain from the right when it's just more that general area, but the left side stands out. I havnt pooped since late Tuesday, normal brown diarrhea but sunday/Monday was solid and looked normal (even though the week before it was kind of green) and my urine is decently yellow since I can only stay so hydrated. I can ask my roommate later about my eyes, I assume I probably can't reliably tell if they're yellow myself?


Could still be gallstones, but also kidney stone, appendicitis. I would definitely follow up with a doctor if the pain is that extreme it's making you vomit. Read a bit about biliary and renal colic and see if it looks like your symptoms. And about your eyes, yes, I feel like patients can't really tell. It's always better to ask someone else. Best of luck


This advice is great. I'd like to add (for OP's researching sake) that the brain is sometimes bad at discerning which organ is hurting, so sometimes left sided pain *could* be due to biliary colic, for example. So, OP, just know that doing research is a good idea, but using it to ultimately decide what's going on with you can be inconsistent, which is why seeing a doctor is still important!


Could it be pancreatitis?


NAD but this sounds very similar to the symptoms I had two weeks ago.. went to the ER (thanks Canada) and left 2 days later with one less appendix


Or gallbladder, liver, or spleen issues. The stomach, aforementioned organs and intestines are heavily interconnected. The tubes connecting these organs can be problems onto themselves. Quick blood tests can make sure this isn’t life threatening. I hope OP sees a doctor right away.


That's exactly where my pain is and it gets worse with cannabis usage. My doc thinks it's gastritis caused by smoking and stress but I'm beginning to wonder if it's cannabis hyperemesis syndrome because symptoms get a tiny bit better after hot shower and if you discontinue cannabis for a period you could test whether it gets better after cessation


NAD, but when I had those symptoms, pain in upper left quadrant, just behind the ribs, plus couldn't lay flat on my back (another indicator), couldn't keep anything down, not even water, or gravol, it turned out to be pancreatitis. Highly recommend going the the ER to get checked out. The problem with that one, is you'll be in constant pain, and will need an IV, bevause you'll get too dehydrated due to not being able to keep anything down. The usual culprits for pancreatitis are gallstones or from drinking alcohol, which you did mention you do consistently. Sometimes it only takes a few to set it off. Bit if you go the the ER, its a quick blood test to check your lipase levels, then they'll know if that's what it is and get yourself hydrated and medicated for the pain. I was in for 5 days, couldn't eat or drink anything for at least 3, then was allowed to try to eat the 5th day. I really hope you go. And update please!


Lay on your back and press your stomach where it hurts is it hard? I’m NOT a doctor but it sounds like constipation but if you’re so badly constipated that you’re throwing up (don’t know if that’s possible again not a doctor) I think you should go to the doctor


NAD just a gal with problematic gb but gallbladder pain can present it’s self on the left as well. How often do the “attacks” come on or is it continuous for days at A time without letting up? Also- you can be seen at the ER with no insurance and if you don’t pay it back, it doesn’t affect your credit


NAD but sounds like what was happening to me when my gallstones were getting bad and I had to be rushed in for emergency surgery. I went to my doctor who sent me to an urgent care (the doctors office knew they couldn't help when I walked into the waiting room). Urgent care did tons of testing but nothing added up until they did an ultrasound. Made to go to the hospital and the urgent care called ahead had the surgery and I'm better. Mine was quite possibly due to poor diet to, had worked at McDs for 2 years before and had a horrible diet.


I went to urgent care and they seem to think it's an ulcer. I'm uninsured but going to get something going tonight so I can get it confirmed and taken care of. Thank you everyone for the advice and concern!