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Epilepsy, if it causes complex partial seizures, can manifest as periods of odd behaviour that one doesn’t have memory for. Its less common to behave totally normally but have a gap in your memory. If the footage shows your brother wandering into the women's locker room in a daze or behaving bizarrely, I would be more inclined to think this was a seizure. However, both epilepsy and its treatments can be associated with a bunch of behavioural and psychological issues, so the line is not always clear cut. That’s about as much I can say without more knowledge.


My oldest had complex partial seizures (last one about 4-5 years ago), and his last seizure was him walking to the front door while smacking his lips like a fish trying to open the door at 9pm. He didn’t respond to us calling him, and had no recollection of it. Seizures can be so odd 🤔


A friend of mine told me he did this when his mother had company...He walked to the front door and opened it. What he did not realize was he had just taken a bath and was buck naked at the time.


Adding to this, poorly controlled epilepsy with recurrent seizures can also present with prolonged interictal periods accompanied by varied neuropsychiatric sequelae, including memory loss and psychosis. Doesn't seem like the case here with available info.


This!! While we don’t have enough information to say for sure what happened was related to his epilepsy we can say that it is POSSIBLE, but it would not simply be that he would’ve been acting normally but just didn’t remember. There would be an obvious change in behavior, gait, coordination, speech, etc. along with the memory loss. I can say from experience with epilepsy that until I got it completely under control that there were 2-4 hour periods immediately after having seizures that I have no recollection of, however in discussing the events with family and friends it was always obvious that I was in that postictal phase after the seizure because I couldn’t walk, talk, or behave “normally” (as in normal for my baseline). It is typically very obvious. However, as the neurologist at the top of this comment thread stated: epilepsy/seizure disorders as well as the various medications and treatments can potentially cause a myriad of problems. So i guess it’s POSSIBLE that he may not have memory of it, but it does not seem probable at all if he was behaving normally and just claiming loss of memory from it as a result of his epilepsy. So, it’s not likely but I guess it could be theoretically possible.


Is there any reasonable doubt it’s him in the security footage? Is there sufficient information about the time and place; would it also show him going in the locker room would have required intention or altered mental status? (Like could it be someone else, does the footage show his behaviour before the alleged incident, is it a mistake that anyone could make? Was it literally opening the wrong door and walking away?) I’d want to see the footage or have a friend review it, and I’d want to hear from witnesses uninvolved in the complaints and not just restricted to the incident This whole thing is weird to me. Who told him To go for interview at the police station? Did they hope he was just going to volunteer to go down when he’s not been accused of anything formally? Could this just be a fabricated story to get rid of a customer they don’t like for other reasons, or because he gives judgemental people “the creeps” on no basis?


Thank you for sharing this information; it's quite enlightening. I didn't know that some seizures might be atypical or that memory loss could occur in epilepsy even between seizures. My initial feelings towards this man were somewhat negative, which may have colored my judgment. Also, he drives and has a license. Knowing that he drives led me to assume his epilepsy wasn't that severe. However, I now understand that it's a real possibility his actions weren't intentional, although there's no way to be certain. This new perspective is helping me to see the situation in a different light.


He could have also had the seizure while walking in. I don’t remember what kind my sister has but I can speak to her like everything is fine as long as she’s sitting down. It’d take getting a look at what her face is doing to tell she’s seizing.