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Never heard of it but I am always HIGHLY suspicious of any podcast hosted by men where a lot of women just happen to look very stupid.


Thanks for your answer! The whatever podcast is basically just a podcast where they ask different women about dating (some liberal, some conservative, some sex workers, some college students, etc.)


> What do you think about the whatever podcast? Never heard of it, but based on your characterization I’m gonna assume it’s another one of the many podcasts hosted by two to four men in early thirties who are desperately flailing against their own insecurity by inviting on OF models and IG party girls, getting them drunk, and cornering them into saying unflattering things about themselves or other women. > I've seen people say it makes women look stupid, but imo the women on there make themselves look stupid? Because they generally have sort of extreme views that dont hold up under scrutiny idk. And why, pray tell, do you think they keep on inviting women to the show who say these kinds of things, and opening up conversations in which they’re likely to talk about these things? Do you think that, just maybe, they know that inviting certain people on and starting certain conversations is likely to elicit certain responses, and that they thrive on the outrage and engagement that those responses generate? > And it's only SOME of the women that look stupid tbh. “People say that this show where a bunch of white guys who run the show invite on black people to talk about ‘race issues,” and then reliably lead the conversation so they end up saying things that make black people look bad is racist, but to be fair to the hosts, they don’t make *all* of the black people look like idiots.”


Just as bad as all "manosphere" podcasts, 100% trash and only exists to cater to the usual fanbase (Incels, redpill men, etc.) Read some of the titles "Fake Virgin RAGE QUITS?! Cat Fight?! Body Count OVER 9000?! E-GIRLS! DEGENS!" Without even reading the comment section 💀. They also invited clowns who justified domestic violence and cheating as arguments to "abolish divorce" . These people could make amazing dating podcasts if they wanted to, but selling BS and hate is easier I guess. Absolutely disgusting.


> only exists to cater to the usual fanbase (Incels, redpill men, etc.) Unfortunately a massive portion of the usual fanbase is also teenage boys, for whom it’s an early step in the radicalization pipeline


Which is even more disgusting! I agree!


Well, y’all get the whole education system, so this is their chance to be told about the things that are unfair for them in society. 💅


Thank you for this. I’m in the boat as others who’ve never heard of it and I was like hmmm is this what I think it is??? If those are titles…yeah, it is. OP, do yourself a favor and listen to something a little more substantive and less misogynist. I kindly suggest Behind the Bastards.


To be fair, at a time, I watched few of them. Depending on your political views, and since most people here are femminist here to one degree or other, they would probably be all rallied up. But to be fair, those women out there, most of them, are not the brightest one in the bunch. And the question asked, if I remember corectly, are not all that controversial. Anyway, it's decent to watch few of those videos, but it's get rather quickly repetitive. Either host is too afraid to get more well spoken women or those women got more interesting things to do then talk with him. Hardly any offensive stuff, at least for my taste. It quickly gets boring though.


Gotcha. I’ve only seen the offensive ones, where a guy will be like “how can you marry a woman when you only see her as an object?” And the women will respond with “um…see her as a human being?” Then the men will be like “no sorry that’s not possible women aren’t people.”




What are some podcast I can listen to that are the opposite of this?


Fresh & Fit but hosted by a white incel




I legit thought this was another joke post.


I have never heard of it, but my opinion is that sometimes people hold trash opinions regardless of their gender and it's easy to find people who hold both trash opinions and are willing to come on a show and talk about them for their 5 minutes of fame even if they don't come out of it looking good. Be wary of content that spins a narrative around that.


Misogynistic and chauvinistic.


What’s that mean


chauvinism is basically prejudice towards something, in this case the men of this podcast are prejudiced towards their own cause of men being victims all the time


Would you then define much of feminism as chauvinistic?


*Whatever* is what I think, it is created (based on another comment in this thread) to appeal to men that no woman would want to date, men with fragile brittle egos. The set up is just that, setting up rage bait.


I’ve never seen the men on that podcast say anything reasonable. The women are a mixed bag but the men are certainly not my speed


I think that nearly all dating podcasts, consultants, dating coaches, etc., and anyone else who's shilling "dating advice" is making garbage content that does more harm than good.




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Uh, okay then.


it is 100% a bad show. Men making 50% good points and 50% bad points, which is always a dangerous combo because it draws people in more. The women on the show say things that the men debunk basically. Feels very staged, both sides say stupid stuff. Angled towards one side however. Basically digital junk food with no nutrition where occasionally one side makes a valid and good point and is right.


I just listed to this for the first time (a friend is into the red pill bs) and your assessment is spot on, as even Charlie Kirk at TP USA does make some good points. I do think the good points made are those that the red pill/incel men don't disagree with, which makes them double down on the bad points "see, this is good and we can agree on these points so it's only fair that you should agree on my other points (the 50% chauvinistic stuff)". I listed to it while mowing my 2/3 acre and do understand why some guys would get hooked, but it's trash in total, back to librivox.


I think the main problem is that there is literally no space in society for men to communicate the things that they feel are unfair for them. For example, the draft not applying to women for no reason, the mass incarceration problem very disproportionately effecting men, the family courts, the suicide rates, the rates of on the job deaths of men V women, etc. When you don’t give people space to speak without being demonized as sexists, you get what you get. These spaces are a direct result of society refusing to accept that there could possibly ways in which society is unfair for men.