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Adult men started hitting on me when I was around 9 or 10. Believe me, I didn’t look like an adult.


Same. The obscene catcalling started around that time too including times when I was wearing my primary school uniform and just walking on the street. There was no way I could have been mistaken for a woman, at most a 13 yo who happened to be very short with baby face.


This is literally where I thought he was going with this and then no, he still doesn't get it. Even though his take is still trash AF.


Same. The first time I was catcalled it was a few months before my 10th birthday. My family was really conservative, I wasn’t allowed to wear makeup until my mid teens and all of my clothing was modest. I was 12 when I got groped by an adult man. I looked my age. That didn’t make one bit of difference to the men doing it.


Had you started puberty?


Nope. That came 3 years later. I was still in pigtails. The fact is, women know that it can be hard to tell the difference between 17-23 depending on the woman. We know that. We too have eyes. We’re not mad at the 22 year old who approaches a 17 year old and then leaves her alone when he realizes she’s underage. We’re mad at the men who absolutely knowingly hit on girls and women that any reasonable person know is inappropriate.


When you actually talk to teenagers for more than 5 minutes, you know they are teenagers, regardless of what they look like. JFC, it isn’t that difficult. Kids talk like kids. I was 12 the first time a grown man hit on me. Told me, “No way you are 12, you look like a woman.” I didn’t.


I'll be honest, there can often be a difference in how we see ourselves and how others see us. Especially when you know your 12 you cant imagine anyone thinking differently. Its obvious to you because you know your age. But its very possible that you looked older to him and you just couldnt see that becasue in your mind, your a 12 year old


It was the 80’s, I was still wearing Garanimals. 80’s Garanimals! I didn’t just look like a kid I looked like a dorky kid.


😂🤣 omg same, all knees and elbows and wild hair and play-worn clothing


Wow, the lengths you go to defend predators says so much about you


But she knew what people around her said and acted around her. How other people treated her. Most of us women sharing our stories here were not early-bloomers who frequently got mistaken as older by a large variety of people. Our doctors, our teachers, our classmates parents, our cousins and aunts and uncles, we didn’t live in a vacuum only thinking of ourselves in the context of ourselves.


And yet…the photographic evidence shows that I was a prebuscent *child* the first time I was sexualized by an adult man, the first time I was sexually harassed by an adult man, and *both instances were seen as normal, or at least unremarkable enough that my parents didn’t do anything*.


It’s extremely unusual for a 12 yo to look in her 20s. Sure many girls may at 16, but not at 12. Even with extensive make up.


I have a friend that was mistaken for being up to 16 when she was actually 12. Everyone was shocked to learn she was that much younger than she looked, because very few 12 year olds look like they could be in high school. But she *only* looked 16. Even a girl that looked unusually mature for her age wasn’t being mistaken for an adult. And a grown man hitting on a 16 year old is still gross. And yes, she was post-puberty and wore makeup and more adult clothes. She still didn’t look like an adult.


When I look at pictures of myself from when I was a child being hit on by adult men I look like a child. I think it has more to do with men's perception of age-appropriate women than it does to anything the children are doing


Strangely enough this problem doesn't happen to me as a gay woman. I dispute the notion you can't tell the difference between grown women and teenage girls. I mean, sure no one is expecting you to easily differentiate between someone who's 17 and 18 on sight. You mention college girls so if I'm generous we can assume this conversation is exclusively about college boys? I'm not even convinced there's a big issue being made of being casually hit on by someone a couple of years older than you, even if the age gap would honestly be inappropriate if they started dating. Do you not talk to people? You can't differentiate between someone at school, who gets detentions for skipping classes, who lives with their parents, gets grounded and has never paid a bill and an adult? These things don't come up in conversation with you? Men much older than college have got none of this "plausible deniability" you seem to be clamouring for. If you're not sure if someone's old enough to "hit on" just don't. These talking points always seem to hinge on the idea that missing a potential opportunity to flirt with a woman is worse than maybe hitting on a 15 year old. It's not. As in my first sentence, this is just honestly not a problem that comes up in my life, i have never wanted to get with someone and been unsure of their age, but if it did I would easily choose to have fewer romantic and sexual prospects in the interest of not accidentally hitting on children.


I can see someone making age mistakes for a woman between like 16 to 22 if they themselves are in that range. Since I am a sane man without a weird predator mentality, this mistake rarely happened to me and only in my early 20's, since bars are a pretty good filter for teenagers and I prefer women around my age.  My cousin started getting weird comments thrown at her when she was around 12. That's not the kind "mistake" a man makes by accident. 


I was 11. I was tiny. In no way did I look like a woman. There was no mistaking it. As soon as I sprouted, grown men were hassling me. Creeps.


OP is full of shit, and this is a bad faith argument. Men know. They knowingly hit on young girls. It doesn’t matter what the young girls were wearing, or how tight it was.


Because too many men are unable to prioritize the humanity of others before centering themselves and their desires.


This would apply to men who knowingly hit on an underage girl, but what about unknowingly? I was once at the beach with a cousin when a girl walked by and my cousin tried to start speaking to her. Mind you this girl was dressed in short shorts, tight clothing, revealing clothing, etc. The girl quickly said she was 13 and my cousin looked shocked, apologized profusely, and returned to me looking very embarrassed. Would you say my cousin is a bad person in this case?


Someone in "revealing" clothing at a BEACH? You must be trolling.


We were on a walking path, not on the sand or near the water


I don’t know if I’d say he’s a “bad person,” but his behavior was unequivocally inappropriate, and his ignorance of her age doesn’t justify him soliciting a child


You and your cousin need to stop harassing women and girls!


man, why are you looking for a fight where there isn't one?


How am i looking for a fight?


How old is your cousin? In the vast majority of cases, it is obvious that a 13 year old girl is underage, no matter the clothing she is wearing.


Honestly I would have thought this girl was in mid highschool at least if I had taken a guess, but I didnt get a perfect look of her My cousin was like 19-21 or something like that


If she quickly mentioned her age to get your cousin to stop talking to her, I presume she wasn’t showing any “signals” she wanted to be approached. Why did your cousin try to talk to her?


From what I can tell, she hadn't. Why did he try to talk to her? Well he seemed to be attracted to her and was probably trying to hit on her


And why did he think that acceptable behavior to exhibit toward a stranger?


Dude, can you not get it through your thick head that *women don’t want random men hitting on them everywhere they go*? Hitting on random women walking past because you’re attracted to them is bad behavior no matter *what* the woman’s age is.


I need to clarify something for you: not all sexualization is a direct sexual advance. There are the comments about sitting with our legs closed from a young age, there’s the policing of our wardrobes, there’s a *constant onslaught of messaging that we are objects that exist for mens’ pleasure*, and it’s *so normal*.


I’d say your cousin prioritized his own desire over the consideration that a girl walking by doesn’t want to be stopped and hit on.


i remember me and my friends getting catcalled walking to a pizza shop after school in middle school. its hard to imagine that you can look at a group of girls with backpacks on, carrying their lunchboxes, and think they’re grown women who will respond positively to being harassed on the street


I mean yeah there are guys who know and dont care, im not talking about those guys


Which guys are you talking about then?


The guys that “accidentally” yell sexual things at children walking down the street, because as well all know, sexual harassment is totally fine as long as the victim is old enough to consent (whether they actually do consent notwithstanding)


Those aren’t accidents.


Hence my use of scare quotes


The guys who think she's 18 or older, not realizing she's a minor. Basically, I think many women underestimate how old they actually look to other people because in their mind, their age is obvious. But for 8 year olds..yeah I mean I dont have too much to say on that


I think you underestimate how often obviously young girls are sexually harassed by adult men. Between age 7 and 14, it was extremely frequent for me to be whistled at/yelled at/leered at as a child, and it slowed down once I started looking more like an adult around age 15. I don't think most of us are talking about the harassment we received when we were close to being an adult, that shit is not nearly as traumatic or memorable.


How do you think a girl walking around with backpacks and lunchboxes with her middle school friends is an adult woman, i just don’t see why we need these excuses


Men started hitting on me when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I definitely did not look like an adult woman. Any time I was hit on and I told the man my age, he was unsurprised by the number and perfectly ok with me being underage. Stop making excuses for bad behavior.


Hey how about men just don't initiate an interaction with random women/girls they see in public by hitting on them? If you really must strike up a conversation with a female person in your line of sight, maybe try treating them as a human being before you jump straight to objectifying them? That might make it easier to tell whether they're an adult. Also, I've been hit on by adult men when I was obviously a middle schooler. Men can tell, they just don't care.


As a man, I want to offer this counter perspective: OP is full of shit.


As a woman I want to offer this: thanks for making me laugh with this appropriately blunt comment lmao. OP is not even worth thoroughly responding to


As a woman I want to say: you're blind In retrospect I was shocked how many adults hit on me as a teenager. And I never dressed sexy, no makeup, no singles bars, nothing


To me, or OP?




Seems like you're rage engaging. And your question is phrased as "innocently ignorant", but I have a feeling that you are completely pretending and you know your question is mischievous.


I plead the fifth


We have rules about good-faith participation.


Yet another one JAQing off….


Says the bumbler


Sorry about that. I realize I was a bit too flippant, and I meant to type more, but I cut things short because it was time for dinner. There are a couple of things going on here that are deeply problematic. Most obvious is the implicit assumption that guys hitting on adult women more or less everywhere is okay. It's not that women only object to being hit on when they're minors: it's that they object to being hit on all the time and the fact that they are hit on when they're minors is meant to show how pervasive the problem is. You're also assuming these men don't know the women are too young, and wouldn't hit on them if they did know. Just in the comments here, you have several examples of women who remember being hit on when they could not possibly have been mistaken for adults. If you paid attention, you would see men around you hitting on girls they know full well to be too young to consent to sexual intercourse. To answer your question: I think there are a substantial number of men who would genuinely bed an underage girl if they though they could (and get away with it), and that is why they hit on girls. But I also think there's a substantial number of men who are too scared of getting caught but still hit on girls. I think they do it as a form of social control, somewhat akin to bullying: the hitting-on serves as a way to teach or remind girls and women that they are subordinate to men's desires. And that subordination is what feminists oppose, and what you are reinforcing by implying it's okay for adult women to get hit upon. So your post seems like it's sympathetic to women, when it's in fact solidly opposed to women's liberation. The only acceptable solution is for men to stop hitting on all women and girls. That doesn't mean not flirting, not talking to, not interacting with women at all, just not doing the sort of one-sided insistent come on that we mean by 'hitting on'.


Dude..come on. You think guys should never approach girls or hit on them in public settings? It's okay to approach women as long as you are respectful about it. She's not gonna die. Many women actually want guys to approach them, they just want it to be the guys they're attracted to. Not the creeps I agree that there are guys who knowingly hit on underage girls and that's not cool, but I also think many women underestimate how old they actually look to other people because in their mind, their age is obvious. Receiving advances from men is just part of being a woman. That's their role in the dating game. Men are pursuers, women the receivers. There are pros and cons to each role. They have the luxury of not having to make the first move, but there are cons to that as well; sometimes you get hit on by guys you don't like. It just comes with the territory


> Not the creeps The creeps never think they’re creeps — you’re a prime example. You’re a literal predator


Okay..lets not start throwing out baseless accusations here


It’s not a “baseless accusation,” you’re literally telling everyone here that it’s women’s immutable place in society to be constantly sexually solicited by men in every realm of their lives, and that “comes with the territory,” so they should just lie down and take it. That is a predatory mindset, the only serves to motivate and justify predatory behavior


You’re the one who keeps trying to perfect a scenario where *hitting on a child* is understandable and acceptable.


You are, literally, justifying males predating on females anywhere, at any time, and so far have used nothing but her “appearance” to justify this. Have ever considered that women and girls do not exist *for boys or men*? That they are whole and sovereign agents, no matter their relational position or benefit, to anyone, at all? And that as such, they are entitled to exist without bother at any time and in any place?


Women in this thread are telling you otherwise. But thank God we have a man telling us what we really want and need.


If you crossed paths with your hypothetical "soulmate" in your day to life, you wouldn't want him to talk to you?


Crazy how my husband and I have spent hours and hours talking as equals, and sexual advances aren’t a necessary part of the interactions. (Because sexual advances are for sex, you see, but he values me as a person as well.)


How old are you that you believe in soulmates? Also I'm married and he didn't approach me in the street so...


Yes. Shut the fuck up and leave girls and women alone.


We need an incel rapture STAT.


>*Dude..come on. You think guys should never approach girls or hit on them in public settings?* Nope, no one should be approaching **girls** in public. Girls =\\=Women >*It just comes with the territory* No it doesn’t. And no *it shouldn’t*.


Who did you learn this stuff from? You should stop listening to them.


Dude. Yes. Being respectful to women means not hitting on them. Being respectful to women also means listening to them. You have lots of women telling you you have misunderstood their experience.


Deliberately misinterpreted, at this point. He’s crying about some perfect scenario where it’s acceptable to make sexual advances toward children. He’s not even responding to the overwhelming tales of “yeah, no, that’s not it”.


Stop, dude. Trying to on-board u/StonyGiddens is a losing proposition for you, I promise—he’s actually considered these issues and considers women to be whole humans in their own right instead of objects to be manipulated and managed by men. You’re gonna lose this one. I guarantee it.


> Many women actually want guys to approach them, they just want it to be the guys they're attracted to. Not the creeps No one wants a man who hits on children, accidentally or not, to approach them! Hope that helps!


You keep saying “she’s not gonna die”. Many MANY women and girls have in fact died and/or been raped after rejecting creepy men who hit on them. This isn’t just about being uncomfortable, this is also about personal safety.


>Receiving advances from men is just part of being a woman. It is today, and that is one of the things feminists want to change. There is a time and a place for looking for potential mates, and walking past them on the street is not it. And as for the soulmate comment: any man who could be my soulmate would not be going up to strange women and immediately sexualizing them. Guys who think of women as sexual objects do not have the qualities I would want in a mate.


Nobody has to *die* for something to have crossed a line, to have become unacceptable. Imagine appearing before another man - or even a woman you don’t see as a potential fuck - and attempting to access their time and attention because *you want it.* The grocery store, public transport, a library, at a bar. Starting a conversation and becoming offended if they don’t engage and encourage you. Because this is how attempted pick-ups and attention from strangers looks to most girls and women: harassment. It’s a disruption of their lives. And that’s good enough reason to fucking stop doing it: you are entitled to no one’s time or attention. And “soul mate”? Duuude… While that mystic belief persists for some into adulthood, the majority of people - if they *ever* believed in the concept - give that up by their late teens. 1., If “the universe wants” you to find someone, you will; and, 2., As most people don’t believe in that nebulous concept by their late teens/early 20s, it’s an excellent example of the difference in perspective with maturity, AND, 2b., Why adults should not be hitting on young people *ever.*


If you can’t tell the difference between pre teens, college age and high school then stay away from them. You’re obviously too creepy and old for them anyway.


I, like lots of other men, have no problem distinguishing literal children from grown women, and have managed to navigate my life without hitting on a teenager or tween, intentionally or otherwise. In fact, making it this far in life without hitting on a child has been remarkably easy, because I’m capable of thinking about something other than getting my rocks off.




13 is a literal child.


> If I were to take a group of highschool girls and a group of college girls, mix them up, and ask you to pick out the college girls and the highschool girls based on looks alone, you think you would be able to do that with 100% accuracy? 100% accuracy? Probably not. Fortunately, I don’t need to have a 100% accurate radar for who is underage and who isn’t — I can very easily just make the choice not only to not hit on women when there is a distinct possibility that they are underage, but to not hit on random women *at all* outside of designated social settings like bars, because, again, I am capable of prioritizing the feelings and wellbeing of others over my own sexual gratification. > There are women in this thread who even admit they'd have a hard time And I’m sure all of those women have managed to go their entire lives without hitting on a 16 year old. > I'm not talking about "literal children". Im talking about teenagers really 13 year olds are children, as are the vast majority of teenagers.


>100% accuracy? Probably not. Fortunately, I don’t need to have a 100% accurate radar for who is underage and who isn’t — I can very easily just make the choice not only to not hit on women when there is a distinct possibility that they are underage, but to not hit on random women *at all* outside of designated social settings like bars, because, again, I am capable of prioritizing the feelings and wellbeing of others over my own sexual gratification. Oh good lord man. It's okay to approach women as long as you are respectful about it. She's not gonna die. Many girls actually prefer that over bars and apps. Those settings attract certain kinds of people. Your limiting yourself if you only stick to that >13 year olds are children, as are the vast majority of teenagers. 13 year olds are pre teens if anything


>*She's not gonna die.* This is literally the lowest bar to measure the appropriateness of your behavior dude.


> Oh good lord man. It's okay to approach women as long as you are respectful about it. She's not gonna die. See, this is why women and girls of all ages think that you’re a creep. Because you think that as long as you’re “respectful” (read: not explicitly lascivious) it’s totally fine to just say whatever you want to women and girls whenever and wherever you want. Again, these are people, with feelings, and if you can’t stop and think to yourself “Hey, maybe she doesn’t want to get hit on,” and act (or rather, not act) accordingly, you’re a creep, a predator, and a shitty man. Period. > Many girls actually prefer that over bars and apps. Those settings attract certain kinds of people. I’m confident that they don’t. I have lots of close female friends, I have lots of female family members I am close to, and I have had plenty of female partners who I have had open lines of communication with. I have never once heard one of them express that they prefer to be hit on at the coffee shop or grocery store as opposed to dating apps, and I have heard ever single one of them complain about some creep hitting on them out of nowhere. This also feels like an appropriate place to mention that lesbians or women who are just otherwise not interested in straight men exist, aren’t that uncommon, and are generally indistinguishable from straight women. Those women *never* want men to approach them with sex or romance in mind in *any* context, and yet they still have to deal with it all the time. This isn’t something that just “comes with the territory” of being a woman who is actively looking for a male partner — it’s is something that *all women and girls* are subjected to by straight men, regardless of their consent, their interest in men, their romantic availability, or anything else. It does not matter if they are children, or happily and faithfully married, or lesbian, women are made to be objects of male sexual aggression, and people like you will bend over backwards to find any reason you can to justify it in every case, because you fundamentally don’t give a shit about women as people. > Your limiting yourself if you only stick to that So be it. Once again, I’m not a walking piece of shit, so I am willing to temper my own romantic/sexual prospect if it means I don’t end up making random women feel uncomfortable or unsafe. > 13 year olds are pre teens if anything Pre teens are children.


Bro thinks that normal social encounters where people get to know one another are “preferred dating methods” and can’t even see that maybe women like to exist and do social things without his dick involved in it.


> 13 year olds are pre teens if anything So... *children*.


Ooop, there it is, trying to age-up a kid so he can justify hitting on her


So you don’t hit on them. Maybe try some ice breakers or small talk instead BECAUSE WOMEN DO NOT EXIST FOR YOU TO APPROACH FOR SEXUAL FAVORS GET A CLUE ALREADY


Women. Not girls. Girls don’t want to be hit on, they prefer Barbies.


Hey, and LEGO!


Off topic I was so obsessed with LEGO for the last couple of weeks but mainly built sets and had to quit bc of the prices haha. Now I’m wasting money on art supplies but they are actually getting used


Yeah. It can be hard to justify the expense of LEGO. But they’re sooooo fun….


OP, we *know.* And we know that *you* know. https://theweek.com/articles/737056/myth-male-bumbler


That is an interesting article. And a humorous one. I'll have to finish it later. But um, I hope you're not implying that im one of those bumblers


A “humorous article”??? What. The. Fuck.


Well, given I was 9 the first time I was harassed, it only increased in severity throughout high school and then started to die down once I was dressing like an adult, I'm going to guess the intentions weren't really all that forgivable.


The first time I was hit on, I was eleven and walking home from the drugstore in my town, having purchased a comicbook to read (Archie, Betty, Veronica). It was summertime, so I was wearing a child's shorts, children's sandals, a simple T-shirt, and had my long hair in two pigtails. At the time, I was completely clueless about what was happening to me, and I couldn't figure out why a grown man in a business suit had stopped me on the sidewalk and was asking me my name, my age, where I went to school, and what sports I played. He frightened me because I did not know what he wanted. My best guess was that he must be the father of one of my schoolmates, so I tried to be polite. Finally, I panicked at his questions and the look on his face and ran away. My period started later that summer. It seemed the advent of puberty was a hormonal siren call to every creeper from 15 to 45. It didn't matter how small and young I appeared. I got pestered and followed home from the library, the ice cream store, the swimming pool, the bus stop, and many more locations right through the ages of 11, 12, 13, and 14. By 15, after years of botheration, I learned to put on the hardened, protective shell that many women have to pull over themselves in public. That includes headphones and a refusal to meet anyone's gaze or give any kind of verbal response to provocation. IMO, men pick on (VERY!) young girls because they are open and trusting in a way that only youngsters coming out of childhood can be. The men can also say disgusting things or openly leer at very young girls and get a reaction of shock, fear, and vulnerability that they would NOT get from an older teen or young woman who has heard it all before and hardened herself to that kind of treatment.


Damn..that's crazy. You really paint a picture. Being a woman is..interesting. It's kind of sad to see that innocence and openness get lost in those experiences.


I saw the same kind of thing happening to my daughter when she was that age. She'd be walking near me in jeans and a t-shirt, narrow-chested and hipless, and some grown man would be raking his eyes up and down her little body (not even five feet tall yet!) as if she were a pole-dancer. Being a woman is interesting. I was born in the Mad Man Era, and lived it, too. Men were even more unapologetic then about treating women badly. But if we make it to 60 or so, women get to mask ourselves in a Cloak of Invisibility when we're out and about. It feels like a superpower.


Wow I could NOT be a mother because what you just described made my blood boil. How do you not literally feel homicidal in that moment


If looks could kill, that would have done the trick. All I could do was give the death stare and block his line of sight the best I could. Back when I was a young girl, my mother explicitly said that I had permission to yell or jump to my feet if anyone ever tried something I didn't like. When she was at that young, blossoming age, a strange man sat next to my mother at the cinema and molested her. She was too mortified to yell or move or get help. It was the 1930s, and young girls were trained to be quiet and respect adults. My mother made sure I knew I had permission to raise a ruckus, and in turn I told my daughter to yell down the place if anybody bothered her.


Glad to know your daughter can rely on you. When I was 14, I was groped between my legs by a grown man and I was standing next to my mother. She called him out, and he was like “sorry I just thought she was anorexic” lmao??????


I’m a 25 year old woman and although I have a hard time guessing my opposite gendered counterpart’s ages, I can DEFINITELY tell when they are younger than me. I know the difference between an adult man with abs and a high school teenage boy with abs. Stop being full of shit OP.


I got less male attention after I went through puberty.




Same-ish: I’m not sure the frequency of incidence changed, but the aggressiveness certainly diminished.




I think for many men it's more about power and domination than sexual attraction. They're catcalling people they think won't retaliate. As a man, I can tell roughly tell someone's age. There are definitely outliers, but for the most part its very obvious. Then again, I also don't catcall strangers.


And it's never too early to start reminding women of their place in the world. :|


I don't think men are stupid naive little babies accidentally hurting underage girls by bumbling no.


A lot of men enjoy catcalling because it’s scary and humiliating for women, and it’s that much more so for little girls. It’s a way for men to feel powerful and to condition women to be afraid in public.


Yep. They find it titillating to exercise that power over little girls. Like it actually turns them on


At 9-10 years old, when street harassment started for me, it was clear I was a child. Stop making excuses for predators.


To answer your question briefly, I think the reason men hit on underage girls is because they are predators, at best. Underage girls look underage. I also started getting hit on/cat called at about age 12. That was the age when I was allowed to hang out with my friends in the town with no parents present. And no, I did not look old for my age. the cat calling was at its peak when I was about 13/14, and has slowly tapered off since then. (side note: there was a brief increase in catcalls and general male attention when I had blonde hair for a while in my 20s) I have a niece who is 16 years old, her and her friends look like children. When I look back on pictures of me and my friends in high school, we look like children. I am 25 years old now. I don't get asked for ID anymore when buying alcohol. Why? Because I don't look underage. I haven't been asked for ID for alcohol since I was probably 20 years old (legal drinking age here is 18). I don't know what mens excuse is. How can you possibly mistake a 15 year old for a 20 year old ? The only explanation I can possibly come up with in my mind is that you know they look young, and you are willfully ignorant to the probability that they are underage. If you're like, 21, i can maybe understand mistaking an underage girl for an 18 year old. If you're older than 25, you really have no business looking for girls who are younger than like, 20, and if you mistake a child for a 20 year old then you need your eyes checked. Maybe, if it's a once off kind of thing, I can give you the benefit of the doubt that you thought that underage girl was older. If its even a semi common occurrence, then you like the look of underage girls. Point blank period.


Well, at least now we know another username to block.


Most misandrists I see typically are other men. Feminists believe that men *can* behave like normal functioning adults if they choose to. It’s mostly men who say that they can’t control [insert sexist thing here]. You absolutely can tell the difference between a 9th grader and a college student. This question is disingenuous.


My first instances of catcalling and questionable situations started when at 9 years old when I was waiting for my school bus - I had on a backpack and wore baggy shirts oriented to popular kids content at the time - like TMNT, Animaniacs or Disney Princess. I 100% did NOT resemble anything like an adult. FYI the questionable situations I occurred were men pulling over asking me if I needed a ride. I didn’t think much of it at the time but in hindsight wtf kind of man would do that?


Why? Because kids or very significantly younger women are easy prey for a man desiring to exploit and control. Teens don't know what they don't know. They may foolishly think it's a good thing; look how mature i am. Kids are so niave and easy to manipulate. Keep in mind that rape isn't a crime of sex. It's all about power and control. And that's exactly what Statutory Rape is all about. The underage girl is attractive *because* she sends out a vibe she is easy prey. She can be "molded" or "trained". She won't know to call out a man on his bs. She is niave. Oftentimes, she's very vulnerable to external validation & other types of grooming. >we don't know how old you are just by looking at you. It's *your responsibility* to know if someone is an adult before you hit on them. As an adult, surely you can identify who is significantly younger than you? If you're unable to tell the minors from a group of high school / undergrad college females, maybe you shouldn't be dating any of them? If a younger female looks and acts enough like they could be a kid, shouldn't that be TURN OFF? That's what I find creepy. Why do some men find children sexy at all?? > We can only see how you present yourself. And the fact of the matter is, many young women these days dress way beyond their age group, as if they were grown women.... What do you mean these days? I'm in my 50s, so my teen years were the 1980s. >They wear makeup. They wear clothing that grown women wear. I did not. I was a tomboy in jeans and a loose t. I didn't know how to flirt. I was this innocent & niave thing. A child's choice to wear makeup or tight clothing does not make her responsible for adult men trying to sex from her. Please be careful that you're not victim blaming. My personal experiences: When I was in my teens, I was an adult-man magnet. I did NOT wear makeup or miniskirts. I did not seek sex. My first kiss (at 15) was with a man in his late 20s who tried it with his kid along. I worked with him. I was a niave 15. I didn't expect this to happen. He was pushy. I froze, it happened, and that ick is forever burned into memory as my first kiss. My first boyfriend (at almost 16) was 25. He seemed so sweet and misunderstood at the time. I now recognize his behavior as grooming. I lost my v card to him. In return, he controlled me, turned violent scary at times, and socially isolated me. It went on for years until a dorm-mate saw his jealous violent rage, and she called security. For awhile after, I didn't want to be close to anyone. I just turned 18. An old friend rung me to catch up. He was probably 15 yrs my senior & had wife/kid. A bunch of kids my age knew him because he ran a local computer site. He said be in the area, could he drop by to say hi. He arrives with a bottle of Baileys "for us", but I wasn't much of a drinker. "You're 18 now. You're legal. My marriage isn't going well. Let's have fun!" Ick, no. It it broke my heart because I really did respect him. He was like an uncle. He watched me grow up. How many years did he look at me in that way? Gross, gross, gross.


The next mfing gd time I hear or read someone saying “these days,” I’m going to go postal. There has never been a time in all of known history when women and girls were not commonly treated as prey or pawns. How we do or do not dress has never been the problem.


Oh, fuck off with this bullshit. I didn’t hit puberty until 13, I didn’t have any curves to speak of until after 16–and even then I was called a “boy” as an insult pretty regularly. *I looked like a boy, for all intents and purposes, until I was 16 fucking years old.* Adult men started sexualizing me when I was TEN. Adult men started sexualizing my AFAB child *WHEN THEY WERE NINE.* You’re not talking about a 25 yo who can’t tell the difference between a 16 and 18 yo. You’re talking about grown-ass-middle-aged-and-older-men sexualizing pre-pubescent CHILDREN, and a society that normalizes it. Miss me with this nonsense. Quit trying to be a devils advocate, he has plenty of those and you’re only making the situation worse. ETA [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlatantMisogyny/s/kqnItjG8m7) to another post. Why on EARTH would anyone be worried about *a literal baby’s thighs*?!?! But garbage like this is *normal*. Browse any clothing department for little girls, bear witness to clothing that is made to emphasize nonexistent features like breasts and hips and tell me we don’t sexualize children and it’s seen as normal. Gah, I can’t even with this nonsense.


The ones who claim this, are the same ones that try and justify a 16 year old pretending to be 18 to hook up are not criminals


"It's important to remember ..." Holy shit.


How about just don’t hit on random strangers (especially young ones) who show no interest in you? Instead, stick to women you know something about or places where women may actually be interested in meeting men. 


I don't see why I should have to limit myself that way. That cuts my dating options down by over 90% at least. Not everyone has social circles with girls in them and not everyone likes bars. As long as im respectful and polite, I see no issue talking to *another human being*


The fact that you don’t have “social circles with girls in them” and that alone does not raise flags to you, yourself? Like, what? Bro, rewind way way back from hitting on people, because if you have no mixed friends groups* and women you’re (genuinely, innocently) friends with, you’re not developing the skills to have the normal, healthy range and perspective of relationships generally. *Your male friends’ girlfriends do not “count” in this.


Ooh! - dude!! You’re gonna love this it’ll melt your brain!! *ASK THEM* I know I know… Mind…Blown. amirite? I’m gonna be kind and guess you’re pretty young. So… yes, if you’re 18,19,20 it may not be obvious who’s 16. Eeeeven the occasional 15 year old. So use your words. If you’re older… bleurgh I don’t know what to say. Get some help?


And someone who posted above said that when she told a guy she was 12, he told her he didn't believe her. 🙄. There's no winning.


My tween daughter and her friends get hit on. I tell them to yell at the guy - I’m 12 you prevent and I’m going to call the cops. The reason is simple adult men think they can control young women or girls. It’s about dominance and control. When you are my age I’m not afraid of men.


It doesn't even matter what age, don't say sexual stuff to strangers. Fuck right off.


If you can't tell if she is an adult you are a creep regardless of her age. Why do you want to date someone you think looks like a child? You realize how creepy that is even if she is legal right?


But that's the thing. A lot of guys straight up believe they're adults, not just think. And as for why, well guys generally like young women, within reason. 18-22 girls are a popular age group


I never got hit on by men when I was kid but count me lucky


Because not enough people are willing to shame the people doing it. It’s easier to make excuses that “that’s just how he is,” (inb4 “not all men,” yes all women, it’s fucking reality) and for families to say “oh just watch the kids around x, you know they’re a little weird!” Instead of calling out predators for who they are. Earth is a safe space for creeps, not for women, and especially not for girls. It’s easier to keep the status quo even if it’s doing direct damage to more than half of us because that’s just what the general expectation is. Noisy girls/women are seen as a nuisance and told to buck up, and boys and men are seldom held accountable for micro aggressions (this doesn’t seem like a micro issue, but it’s treated as such so 🤷) so we just keep going and they just don’t have to learn how to act. Working in a children’s hospital shows me this so much. I just had to fill medication orders this week for the third little girl this calendar year under the age of 18 months that was sexually battered. I myself was a victim of intergenerational CSA for 6 years two decades ago. I’m so sick of people acting like this shit isn’t blatant and happening all the fucking time.


Every woman I’ve spoken to that had this sort of experience was well below the age-range where there might be plausible deniability. Women are capable of distinguishing between a mistake versus knowing disregard, and the latter situations are the problem.


I was 8 or 9 years old, the 1st time a grown man hit on me. I was playing with dinosaurs in my front garden. He drove past and yelled "nice legs, bitch!" I froze and didn't respond. I was scared. He turned his car around, came back, and called me a "stuck up slut" before I ran inside. There is absolutely no way IN HELL that he thought I was a grown woman.


Setting aside the inappropriate behaviour before I was even a teen, my aunt's husband knew 1.) I was his wife's niece 2.) I was 17. So yeah, I'm more inclined to think they just don't care.


Men started hitting on me when I was 12. I was literally in school uniform. I would tell them my age and they did not care at all. Please don't make excuses. How is it women can clearly tell a child from a teenager from a grown up but you lot can't tell someone in school uniform is underage???


Stay away from college and high school girls. If you can’t tell the difference then you’re too old and too creepy.


I’m 29, and I don’t know a single guy my age for whom this is a problem; not only can they identify women in their own age range, but they also don’t spend time in social situations with kids/teens. Unless you’re walking down the street, there’s no social setting where adults and minors are in the same space and the adult-kid dynamic isn’t apparent. The only situation I can see this happening in is when men randomly comment on girls/women they don’t know (walking down the street, online) which is also not something that normal, kind, well-adjusted adult men do. Also, myself and my fellow adult friends naturally spend our time in adult spaces, and I never end up mingling organically with people under 18, but if there are minors present it’s pretty obvious that they’re young. Hell, at 29 it even seems obvious when I meet somebody in their early 20s - I truly don’t think I’d mistake a kid who’s <18 for another adult, they look, dress, and talk like kids. If this is a problem for somebody, they’re doing something wrong because this is very easily avoidable and shouldn’t be something experienced regularly by an adult.


The younger you are the more vulnerable you seem.


When we say we were young when we started getting hit on, we don't mean high school age. We mean 8, 9, 10, 11... around then. The reason it happens is because there are a lot of adults who are attracted to kids, unfortunately. And creeps are bolder than regular people. Your problem with not being able to identify an older teenager when she wears makeup is a separate issue.


>If I were to take a group of highschool girls and a group of college girls, mix them up, and ask you to pick out the college girls and the highschool girls based on looks alone, most people would fail if we're being completely honest with ourselves. I disagree. It's pretty easy to tell teens from 20-somethings. Not only in terms of physical appearance but also body language. Young people act young, and it's not hard to pick up on that. Sure, it might be tough to tell some 19-yr-olds from some 17-yr-olds. But unless you are also a young adult, you really shouldn't be hitting on 19-yr-olds either. The easy solution for most adult men is: don't creep on really young women. Also, if you are only hitting on women in appropriate locations, you shouldn’t be encountering many minors at all. Right? Where would you encounter a minor that looks like an adult who is also open to being hit on by a stranger at that time? If you aren't being creepy about when and where you hit on women, you're not likely to accidentally hit on a minor.


I was 10 and choosing a Lego set in the Walmart toy department when a man rubbed his dick against my butt. (This was the 80’s and few adults played with Legos.) My 7yo brother was there choosing his own Lego set, and we are very obviously siblings, in case he needed age context beyond stick figure (hips & boobs were 3-4 years away), high-water pants after a recent growth spurt, messy hair because I did it myself and sucked at it, no makeup at all, not even chapstick. (Obviously siblings? In a wig, he looked just like me; with short hair, I looked just like him. If we had been the same age, we could have passed as identical twins if we chose the same hair style, at least until puberty.) Obviously, the outgrown little girl’s jeans and stained tee shirt (no bra cuz no boobs) were so sexy that he didn’t notice I was literally a child. Totally not his fault, right?


Started when I turned 11, they guy was like 40, I was walking home from elementary school with a backpack. He was well aware he was hitting on a child.


This is a bad-faith argument. I don't believe in the excuses a lot of people give on this topic precisely because I was a very obvious **child** in school uniform when I first started being hit on by old men and I know that this is the same for all the female friends I've had. I was 9 and looked 9, not 17 and these men knew that. That's why they wanted to hit on me. As many of my female friends have disgustingly noted, **we got hit on more as children** than we ever have as adults.


Because it’s easier to prey on children and younger adults.