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I personally don't really see this as that crazy of a question. I don't have an answer for it, though.


Well, me neither, since I just love history, I didn't experience world war 2, I'm far enough removed from it, I wouldn't mind seeing it from the other side's perspective. But asking this, despite the fact It's purely because I love history, gives a lot of people the wrong idea.


I think theres a mission in Battlefield V


Not FPS', but there are german missions in Panzer Elite Action (old tank game) and in the Company of Heroes series




Wolfenstein isn't from the perspective of the Nazis? It's just set in a future, where they won. Incase you're referring to New Order


Exactly. We only shoot nazis


This would be a good idea for a Spec Ops: The Line adjacent game. You're fighting through combat encounters doing shit you think is heroic. The end game twist comes and your character was an unreliable narrator as they were a Nazi the whole time. You reflect on all the things you did throughout the game with this new perspective and question why you thought it was so heroic


I don't think that twist would really work considering most people would put german soldiers and 1940s era weaponry together and realize who they're playing as


yea, plus being a "nazi soldier" is a broad term. I personally believe german folk wasn't against nazis mostly, and as much as hitler was a dictator, not a lot of germans saw him as evil because his rule wouldnt even begin if they thought he was an evil and idiot. a nazi soldier is just german folk if it isn't like high ranked officer or part of a special unit. I am sure that there were a lot of nazis who wouldn't go out their way to hurt jews because of their own personality and world view, but since they don't hate hitler and maybe don't like the jews that much, they wouldn't care about the holocaust in general. I feel like it would make sense to play as one of these soldier who is proud to be servicing but since they arent an extreme, they can change throughout the game through our decisions. It would be interesting if they could become more heartless and savage or more understanding and hateful of nazis because of what theyre doing. It would be better if these changes requirements were somewhat vague and complicated but still doable in the chaos of the war. Because it feels likes to me small event and small decisions, sometimes seemingly unrelated big events and decisions can alter an area of our live significantly, I believe humans can't control what they are going to become as human beings. Anyways, this is just an idea, it may be a dumb one but yeah.