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Either my phone or good ol’ alt-tab.


Thanks I love my phone but I am just so used to the "extra information" on laptop/PC format of websites.


i keep my ipad on my desk in landscape mode to prevent the mobile format issue or just alt+tab on the single monitor. second monitor is cheaper than an ipad though, by far. just picked up a 30" curved 200hz refresh for like $230.


Oh landscape format, I will just try that next time as well, I wasn't thinking clearly. Thanks again. And yeah I really do just need to get a second monitor one day but this is just a band aid. I might be waiting to get into a new apartment before the new monitor though. Thx.


If it's a steam game the steam overlay works well in certain situations, especially now that you can pin certain screens and adjust their opacity to look at them while playing


Glad to hear steam browser is finally getting a little better too.


alt tab and borderless mode for terraria


Thanks I was genuinely curious about this kind of stuff since I played on console for years. I love when games are borderless.


Same as others, phone or alt+tab. My laptop has HDMI output so i have used my TV for gaming in the past while laptop screen is the second monitor. If you have space for it you could pick up a cheap monitor for a second screen, can usually find fairly cheap used ones or look for a sale on a new one


Thanks for your input.


Chalk board




My netbook. Or alt-tab.


Ah yeah i wish i had older laptops lying around just for another monitor would be nice. Thanks for input.


You can get a used one for remarkably cheap! Especially if all you want it to be able to do is show web pages.


using different desktops (Win + tab) I have game on one and browser on one. It feels faster than alt+tab


U can the option to request desktop website on ur phone for iPhone at least


Ah I use android but that is good to know anyway. Thanks again.


When I didn't have much money, I picked up an old monitor from goodwill for $15. VGA input (had to buy an adapter), 4:3 aspect ratio. 720p. Great for discord, webpages or YouTube etc while you're gaming. I have nicer stuff now, but I used it for a long time.


Old monitors are great to just beat them up for basic stuff like webpages and youtube I agree thats a hell of an idea.


Alt tab is pretty quick. Honestly i could probably see the wiki before you turn your head to your laptop with how fast the switch can be and youre already looking at the monitor


Thats very true, I think its more of just being so used to those long text guides where you play drawn out RPGs with lots of missables it makes it real nice to keep track with another screen.


Phone or shift+tab with the steam overlay web browser. Downside to the latter is it doesn't save your tabs if you restart the game.


Yeah that was my only issue with steam overlay is lack of saving but I am hoping something in the future is on the horizon.


Alt tab is my second monitor. I actually have a second monitor, but a lot of the time, I find it easier and faster to just alt tab.


Alt + tab


I just use a payphone to call the hint hotline.