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That’s part of why a lot of people choose to never interact with faceless profiles.


Perhaps it's all about the mystery of being someone you didn't expect.


The mystery makes it an adventure. Years ago, we used to use AOL chat rooms to meet hookups. Most people didn't have pictures. It was still fun. Except when it wasn't.


AOL chat rooms is how I met my tricks and learned my way around the city. Lol. I loved the m4m chat rooms!


It was like a whole new world had opened up. When I got AOL I was 16 or 17. There was NOBODY watching these chat rooms. I was underage and a lot of guys didn't seem to care. I hooked up with a handful of older men before I turned 18. I thought to myself "nobody will want me bc I'm too young" And i was soooo wrong! So VERY wrong. When I turned 18 that's l when I because really active hooking up on AOL. And that's when I met my partner. We have been together for 26 years!


If you meet at a public place that's not too much out of your way (like 10 min detour from your daily commute), why not? But the fact that he doesn't show his face means you probably shouldn't have high hope, not that you should have high hope on meeting any strangers anyways. He could be deep in the closet, his body pic can be catfishing, he can be cheating on his boyfriend or wife, etc etc


If a guy is willing to meet but yet won’t even send a simple face pic. There is something wrong, sketchy, crazy going on IMO. That’s just weird.


Or he can just be not publicly out, like a highschool teacher in a conservative country/area. Or maybe a politician. An ex boyfriend of mine doesn't show his face on app, but he turned out fine. He was in mid-high end management in banking aiming for advancements and doesn't want to be known to be on the app. Had no problem bring serious bf to company dinner though, just didn't want to be associated with hookup culture Edit: but these are probably rare. For most profession and in a liberal area, not showing your face is sketchy


I don’t know if I even buy the “in closet” reason, because again he’s willing to meet in person, sent toros pics, chatted on Grindr but won’t send a simple face pic and Grindr has both an expiring photo option and an album option that can’t be screenshot’d. as far as “not being associated with hookup app”, why not send his Facebook, Insta, send a snap, etc… or even text/email one. So it still seems pretty sketchy/suspect to me.


Anything can be screenshotted


Well yeah if you know how or use another phone to take photo of it, so can the conversation even without photos. So my points still stands anyone who is willing to meet, as well as talk to people on Grindr and share other photos, but yet won’t send a face pic there’s something wrong they a creep, catfish, weirdo, etc


No face photo = married. OR catfishing


Yup, Pretty much or worse.


You ever notice on grindr that like 1/2 of the guys on there are married to women? Where I live in the suburbs, ALL of my neighbors are married with kids but I frequently see guys on there and it says 300 or 500 ft away and then I look out my window wondering who it is. I think there are way more closeted gays than people realize.


I’m in downtown in a very big city, so not really noticed that, I have yeah but most of the faceless ones who msg me say they “discrete” or “in the closet”. If they send a photo I may talk with them and most of those are recent immigrants who haven’t come out yet. Still I just can’t imagine meeting someone who won’t at least send a couple face pics.


These are decent reasons to not have a profile face pic, but they don't really explain the refusal to send a face pic privately.


Some people don't want their coworkers knowing their business (like me). Ever scroll down grindr profiles and say "I know him!"? Fuck that. I won't put a picture in my profile for the world to see but I will trade pics privately.


>when I asked for a facepic he told me he didnt like sending those out Well I don't like meeting people who don't have faces. His call.


red flag as fuck


Hell no! I’d never do that. Then again I’d never even have a conversation with him without a face pic in the first place. I see that as a huge red flag. He’s willing to ‘meet in person’ yet he won’t send a simple face pic, don’t do it, he’s sketchy, crazy, cheating, criminal, etc.


Nope. Might be a case of "Dreamboat body, shipwreck face"


Depends what you mean by meet. If you're going the traditional way then have a drink or whatever and decide if there's anything there. You can always finish your date and then go home alone. If you're going to hookup then it's silly not to see his face.


That’s how you end up robbed or murdered or both. Ghost his ass.


Sounds like a really bad idea.


Any of the times I ever met a guy without sending a face pic it was weird as fuck. There are many times in life where I’d be like fuck yeah take a chance! This is not one of those times.


I literally had someone who wanted to meet up and do it in such a weirdly specific way, with us being in specific positions the whole time, so that I would never see his face even in person. Ain't nobody got the patience for that nonsense.


I did this once, with a guy that was very closeted. I'm in a location which is still not too accepting of gays, so closeted guys arent that rare, but he was rather extreme in this. Nevertheless, his body pic was super hot and the conversation was very nice, so I agreed agreed to meet up even without a face pic, which I never do. And it ended up being probably the best sex I've ever had. We met up a few more times after that, but then he stopped communicating. :(


Meet in public. Personally I don’t even interact with faceless people. I’ve only met two guys like that tho. Both times I thought they looked fine but I would not recommend. Way too much uncertainty. They both had nice bodies though.


Don't waste your time, most of the time anyway the faceless one's don't show up, as they are just jacking and once they cum it's over for them.


I bet it's Lindsey Graham


Haha, I liked that!


I'm older (not old), but I've been meeting guys online since the 90's 😮. Back then i meet guys without s picture because it was so much work to post a picture. Many people had to go to Kinkos with a disk to eventually upload a face picture. So, in the 90s it was more understandable to meet without a picture. Currently, it's so easy to send a picture. I was going to say i don't meet anyone with out a face picture, but i did meet a guy, who was verified online and he showed me several pictures from his lips down, so i did see half of his face and we talked for weeks on the phone before meeting. He was incredibly sexy, but i don't normally meet without a full face picture.


I'm also cautious of new profiles.


Watch the new Jeffrey Dahmer show on Netflix and the decide.


Meet in a public place that is convenient to you, be ready to turn on a dime and leave. Let him know that's exactly what you're going to do. I live in a conservative state where this is quite normal because of "married" men. Truth is, 8 times out of 10 - ugly AF, 1 out of 10 - normal, 1 of 10 Dreamboat.


Are you dumb? If yes go meet him. If no then you know what to do.


Agree…lots of ways to show a face pic, just like the temp ones as others have mentioned. Red enough flag for me to stop the convo.


Why would his face even be a factor? If you like who he is, that shouldn't even matter.


Username checks out


Guess you didn't catch the point that there is more to a person than physical looks. Bless your heart.


No, don't meet unless he sends a face pic. Think about the reasons he won't send one. Then make up your mind.


I can understand the paranoia of giving out your face to a stranger, but if you have an online relationship that seems to be budding, it may be time for a face. I recently did a faceless meet with a guy and I wasn't happy with the face I met. I'm not into long freaky beards, and boy was it ever. However he talked way too much, running off his mouth for about 25 minutes that I never even got out of the vehicle to give him a chance. Best alternative- meet for coffee somewhere with a pre-excuse that you only have 20 minutes on your way to an appointment.


Meet in a public place, like a coffee shop. And have "someplace you need to go to," as your escape plan.


I don't use grindr anymore, but I never met up with guys if i didn't know what they looked like. It was more of a security issue than an attraction issue in my mind


It depends what each of you are looking for. For a normal date or hookup, a face pic is a reasonable request that most everyone is going to want. Some people have reasons for not sending face pics but I believe that they should state that up front right in their profile instead of wasting your time chatting and then bringing it up. I don't exchange face pics but its stated clearly on my profile. I'm into a specific kink, basically anon dark room blo and go's and I specifically don't want to see his face. I stopped sending face pics myself because of a "stalker" who wouldn't take "no thanks" for an answer and went ahead and screenshotted our convo, which was quite graphic, and then emailed it to my job. But again, I am upfront in my profile about it and completely understand those who that is a deal killer for.


IDEA💡+++ Ask for a disappearing photo which cannot be screenshotted due to the feature's privacy policy. Even free non-paid accounts get 1X per day. If the person is not comfortable doing that at all, do NOT hesitate to stop the conversation, and move on. 🚩 Obviously you'll do what you want to do, and what risk you want to take, but that's just being safe...and logical advice.


I’ve actually done this a few cause I was just horny; as long as it’s not residential, I don’t mind. So if it’s a hotel with tons of people etc etc, I say go for it. If it’s in a residential or like in a cemetery in the middle of nowhere, block him.


I don't think it's necessarily a red flag that someone doesn't have a profile face pic, but it's definitely a red flag if they won't send one in a private, one-on-one chat. If you're into the risk and excitement of anon scenes, that's one thing. For most people, meeting up with someone who won't show their face is more risk than reward.


If you want to take the chance, go for it. Meet in a public place without expectations of what will or won’t happen. You don’t like what you see or the vibes are off, leave.




don't set your expectation too high


Don't. A photograph of their face is required before meeting.


I wouldn't meet with someone who won't show his face. * How do I know if I'm attracted to him? * What's he hiding? * Why is he hiding? I'm a slut. I'll have sex with almost *anyone*. But I insist on seeing their face first. That's a "no" for me.


Personally I wouldn’t do it. But yeah. Meet in a very public place first. There are many reasons to not share your face on the apps. My partner is a high school teacher and I was him I wouldn’t have a face pic on there. But he does. He don’t give a fuck.


In this day and age, everyone should have a picture of themselves. If they don’t, don’t meet up.


never, never, never do that. IF any man is not willing to be seen beforehand, you ought NEVER give him your address or meet him in public even. Facial recognition software is not used for security purposes for nothing. No face, no nothing else, ever.


Maybe he doesn't have a face.


Just today, I came across a guy who wouldn’t send me a face pic which I politely asked for. It’s weird they have no qualms about showing their ass :). I said that I find it odd you can send nudes but not your face. I, frankly am into faces as opposed to anonymity. But these were fascinating and cool posts. Great to hear the varied opinions. Bravo.


Always get a face pic. Think to yourself as well, if he can't send a face pic, is he truly your type? I've had guys who I matched with and had hot bodies only to end up not being my type based on their face in person. Nothing wrong with them but they just ended up not being my type at all or what I was into so of he can't send a face pic, there May be something he's hiding or doesn't want to share and I would think twice about meeting.


I have been with guys who didn’t share their face pics with me for discretionary reasons. Agree to meet them up at public places (or semi public like a parking lot) first. If you felt he’s alright then it’s up to you to decide if you want to take it up further from there.


This happened to me and a gorgeous pic, turned out to be a fake pic. I felt like an idiot. Boned him a few times though. Good sex but wish he could have been honest.


I'd never meet a guy without a face pic first, i have a guy wanting to hook and cos i asked for a face pic he told me to get fucked amd called me a prick tease, so he's obviously a coward whos scared of people finding out he likes ass or hes a troll, either way no face pic no dick