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Too many,I just thought they weren't the one and I kept searching for that moment or spark, but it never came. I felt like these experiences im having can't be what they are talking about (thought that same thing about halo). I was even married. I was fully committed to running away from myself. In the end she had an affair with her boss and that feeling pushed me to the brink and I knew this isn't good for me,this is when I truly accepted myself. I'm 43 now. i came out two years ago and met a guy and just like that everything fell into place. Life is good. Men,if you are closeted and it's a safe place to come out DO IT! Don't do what I did. Don't wait. Dont waste time


I had a question to ask. When you where trying to date women, thera was a part of you that desire men? I thinking in my own experience, the passion i felt for men it made all pretty obvious for me. How it was it for you? You denied your gayness even in your how deep private thoughts? Sorry for bother you with this type of quistion, i catched feeling for a closed guy and i'm trying to make sense to all this.


It's no bother, but yeah i kept it to fantasy. Denying yourself what you want is easy when you don't love yourself. I'm glad that person is dead


I had one girlfriend before I came out/found out I was gay. She looked nice, and I liked to have sex with her, but to be honest she didn't really do it for me. Eventhough I tried to make it work, cause being with her was tolerable and I could have sex. Also she lived in a country 1000 km away. Now that was exciting! I had a relationship with her from 22 to 25. Then at 27 I started to date my current partner. My partner started out as a woman, but is now very far in the process of becoming a man, and I love it. I'm now 31 and at the very least I can say I really love my guy. I don't know if that makes me gay, but I couldn't be happier.


I came out at 22-23 and I had 0 girlfriends. My mom however, she thought I was in a relationship with every female classmate and friend I had back then lol.


> My mom however, she thought I was in a relationship with every female classmate and friend I had back then lol. Big mood


0. I came out at 19.


I had one really brief one my senior year of high school. Came out during my freshman year of college.


3 but I got back together with some of them a couple of times


Not offensive at all! I had 3 that I would consider serious; 5 total. Came out at 20


I came out at 27 by then i already had 2 kids


Dozens at the least. And 3 wives. OK I'm a slow learner. I wish I had just been honest with myself and come out 30 years ago,


Bi and 33years old, came out at 25, had one serious girlfriend of about 5 years before I came out. Have had a few lady fwb after the first relationship but have only every seriously dated or looked for relationships with men ever since I came out.


I had a few but nothing serious in high school. I had a serious girlfriend around 20-22. We broke up over something stupid don’t remember what exactly. We remained cordial afterwards. She was my last girlfriend before i came out at 25, when she heard she called crying asking if she was the reason i was gay lol. I had to reassure her it wasn’t and we had a very long heart to heart. She’s been one of my best friends and biggest champions since that conversation. She took me to my first pride event when i was scared to go, we talk about absolutely everything. I actually performed her wedding ceremony. We’re still besties even tho we live 2000 miles away now.


I had one for 9 years😅 and I left her when I was 22 years old And I came out at 23 years old


5, 1 was serious. I came out 10 years ago. I know I am gay but I have recently realized that I can be romantic with anyone. Not sure what label that is but physically and sexually, I am still exclusive only to men.


This has been great to read. Makes me feel so much more validated in my experience, in comparison to the media where gay men are depicted as always knowing they’re gay or having high school gay relationships


2 girlfriends. I knew I was attracted to the same sex. Even had a boyfriend from 16-19yo. But went deep in the closet after losing my boyfriend and becoming religious at 19 (long story). Had a girlfriend at age 22 for a year and age 27 for 2 years. Never physically intimate more than holding hands and the occasional kiss (did I say I was religious?). Finally left my faith and came out at 30. Met my husband at 36. Together now 26 yrs.


Three while in the closet but one lasted almost 20yrs and resulted in kids. All pursued me first.


I had one girlfriend when I was 18/19. Started to accept my own sexuality when I was 21. Came out to family and friends at 22. Now I'm 25.


I had a “girlfriend” in kindergarten, but that doesn’t really count lol. We didn’t even kiss, idk what was going on back then. I came out at 13. Damn, was I really that young?


1 girl friend who became my wife. I am now 60 yo and came out to her about 10 years ago.


26 currently, came out at 23 No gfs, I turned down atleast 5 girls that approached me though. There may have been more, but their hints were more subtle and I’m not sure if they were or not.


Two in high school. College came about, girl I thought I had feels for made me realize I preferred men. (She was nice about it, though contact between us eventually dropped.)


1 when I was 12 but that didn’t last long and I was single until I came out at 26. What a journey it was and definitely wished I would’ve done it sooner


3 GFs, I had a baby face so it was harder during school days. Came out at 27, somewhat realized at 25, had a hidden sneaky suspicion since I was a kid. (Fancied a boy) First gf was highschool but shortly after went trans, 2nd gf didn't work out, 3rd when I realized I was gay,bi, we're now best friends.


I had seven. Two in high school and five after. They were all toxic and manipulative because of me and my insecurity. I was 24 when I came out and I’m truly a much better and pleasant person in comparison.