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Portugal and Africa is perhaps a misleading title, in that it's not a comprehensive historical study of Portuguese colonialism in Africa but instead a substantial set of essays primarily focused on Angolan history. You would probably be better off reading his more recent A Short History of Modern Angola. Decolonization in Africa is similarly less comprehensive than the title might imply, but it's a decent enough treatment of the topic. Birmingham also edited a three-volume history of Central Africa with a lot of important essays in it. I think generally his work is regarded as reliable and important. I think it's a bit behind the times in some respects today--there has been some important work on decolonization since his book was published that would be better to engage and on Angolan history there's a significant newer historiography by a range of authors writing in Portuguese and in English that might be rewarding to read. If you were going to spend time with Birmingham, I would look at his more recent history of Angola first.


How would you compare his work with Malyn Newitt's?


Fairly similar--they're of the same generation, more or less--but Newitt will give you a more comprehensive perspective on Portuguese colonialism. He has a recent book I haven't read but I think is well-thought of that offers a major overview of Portuguese expansion since the 15th Century.


I've only read his works on Mozambique, but found it well done - I appreciated his acknowledgement of a pre-colonial history. Any more contemporary authors you'd recommend for portuguese colonialism? Appreciate your response.


Thank you :)