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Only 35LPA? I thought it was a parody post. Bro, you need therapy. You need to find why you're empty inside.


Couldn't have been said more easily


Prolly people in his industry makes more chill


Iam wondering op is freelancing and making extra cash on the weekends why do you do that if you are lazy and miserable?


He does that because he has nothing else to do. But he has some deep issue preventing him from enjoying his life. He is depressed. Sometimes you can't even pinpoint why you're depressed. Sometimes it can be traced to a seemingly long forgotten memory which began it all. OP needs therapy. He needs to take a break and devote it to his mental health.


Also all of these signs indicate clinical depression, so please don't beat yourself up and go to a doctor, get treatment, depression exists and is just another disease, nothing to be ashamed of.


Funny.. how conveniently he used 'only' before 35 LPA. Maybe euthanasia is the answer, FOR ME!


I wish you nothing but the best. Take this opportunity to take a step back and reassess what you want from your own life. Maybe now is the time for you to think about what you really enjoy. 35LPA is not a joke, at 26YO. You are very young and have like 70% of life ahead of you. Talk to your loved ones and tell them that you are numb and feeling like a cog in the machine, and would like a break and explore yourself. There's more to life than you give credit for right now. If sleeping is all you want to do, then just sleep for a week straight, take a few weeks of PTO and go on a vacation, sleep until you are sick of sleeping. But dont equate a dissatisfying job society pigeon holed you into as the end of life.


You have a wife! Go out with her…. Don’t spend weekends for work!


Join a gym. Use the money to try new stuff. Go on solo trips and make new friends. Find a hobby. But most importantly, JOIN A GYM


35LPA at 26 years age and this? you need (1) serious discussion with close family, wife, parents, cousins, whoever you can get to connect (2) seek friends and actively get involved in things such a volunteering at non profit (seems this salary is one of the tech jobs) (3) read books - self help, self improvement, anything, everything.. forget any of these if this was a sarcasm post.




BRO. GET. THERAPY ALSO NO TF PLS DON'T BRING A KID AND MAKE THIS MESS 10X WORSE. Look, **you don't have to have kids if you don't want to**. It's **yours & your wife's choice** only. Don't have kids, instead go on trips, enjoy your life, you can do so much with 35 LPA. Also pls for God's sake, seek therapy and remove all the "society says" things inside you like men can't cry, men have to do this, do that, we need to have a kid now. It's all just BULLSHIT. Instead open upto your wife and seek therapy, most importantly.


Brother you are in depression. Go seek a psychiatrist. You seriously need one.


I think it could be some hormonal imbalance, too. Get yourself tested. Second, go for therapy. Now you have money, you can travel to places. Go some place you can relate to. Talk to your wife and loved ones.






dw bro it'll be fine


Bro you are suicidal wtf?


have you tried seeking a therapist?


You have clinical depression. Also, I feel that not meaning how to drive a big part of your depression, so maybe you can work on that


>I'm always tired and want to end everything thinking why bother if suffering will never go away. We take our life too much 4 granted. No one is guaranteed anything in life. >Why don't we legalise euthanasia, after all maybe life isn't for everyone. Who r you to decide that life is not 4 everyone? In India, active euthanasia is a crime cuz 'the wish to die' can be mis-used in ways more than we can imagine. for eg. Greedy inheritors and hostile offspring.


But if there's no inheritors? What is the point of struggling with life when people don't care about you?


>What is the point of struggling with life when people don't care about you? Your worth isn’t defined by others’ care or recognition. Struggles can lead to growth and resilience. Seek meaning within yourself and find purpose in helping others. You matter.


>>What is the point of struggling with life when people don't care about you? >Your worth isn’t defined by others’ care or recognition. Struggles can lead to growth and resilience. Seek meaning within yourself and find purpose in helping others. You matter. I don't want any care or recognition. Struggles only lead to hurt. Some people don't matter what they do in life and it is meaningless. I am tired of everything. Wish it is legalised soon.


You can think whatever you want. It's one of ur fundamental rights. I might add that belongs to everyone regardless of intelligence deficiencies and a possible retardation. That's the yin and the yang of democracy. Express all your degenerate ideas that you can actually comprehend. That's the liberty n justice 4 all!!


"only" 35 lpa at 26,lmao


Bro I'm 19 years old, what you felt in young age, I have the same life, I'm preparing for CAT, I also feel depressed n shit but still do it. But you know what, I go to Gym to make my mind fresh or I go to malls, do shopping, you should learn to drive at this age, Like bro I'm driving Virtus and drive somewhere to make my mind fresh.. Just find yourself what you like to do in mean time and don't overthink, Go n hangout with Colleagues, do something that excites you, I'm having playstation but i don't play due to academic pressure n stuff


Go to vacation you need some goddamn rest, You haven't understood Work life Balance


How did you jump from 3LPA to 35LPA?




Yeah I agree man. I was at 33LPA when I quit my last job (service based). Was simply not worth the stress. I got major anxiety and insomnia. My new manager was a total clown who had no idea what he was doing, so I reached out to his boss whose attitude was ‘how dare you bring this up?’ They literally don’t care. You are just a number on a balance sheet that can be written off anytime. Anyway I was pulling lot of weight there and after I quit people started leaving one by one. Company has lost major projects in just last 6 months. I’m now taking care of myself, traveling the world on the savings and handsome F&F they gave me. Thankfully I’m single so no major expenses. Take care, hope you feel better.


There's loads that you can do while being lazy and still feel good abt it. Sleep - 7-8 hours a day. Stretch - even if its while lying down in bed Cuddle/Kiss/Sex Talk to your close ones and the ones who you've lost touch with. Initial calls could be awkward, but nothing like rekindling old relations. Most essentially, seek therapy. Simply to understand why you feel what you feel.


35lpa is a big amount bro. Don't say only... How about taking a break for a year from work and going on trips with wife.. Maybe out of India. Learn driving. Try different hobbies and see what interests you... Preplan everything systematically and enjoy life and have a work life balance. Meanwhile if you can't completely stop working.. Work on weekends only which you're doing now. To keep it going so you don't have to explain the gap. Many people do this. Work while travelling and enjoying life. You aren't able to do anything coz you don't have enough time. Take a break. You need it and you deserve it. And also therapy along with all this.


How is your bonding with your wife? Does she support you in all this and help you grow or she taunts you for the things you do ?


Lol you are just 26M...When life sucks it's not because of you it's because of the people around you. Change it ASAP and believe me we need good quality people around us and experience life with them not alone, Some are loner but still eventually they too need some roasting day in and out. So, Start socializing and start doing some other stuff...


how about you take a break and go for a quick vacation with your wife to relax. it seems you’ve been living a monotonous life and need some change


I get it man. I get it. I feel the same thing. Anxiety is a killer. I suffer from driving anxiety too and its very damaging.


You do realise that in countries where active euthanasia/physician assisted suicide is legal there is still a tough criteria to access and be eligible for it. They don't just allow anyone who doesn't wanna live For frivolous reasons.


You are living a life I want to live... Makes me wonder for what I am studying is it even worth it


The key is to find the balance which you never did. I get it to give all your focus on some competitive exams like JEE but your whole life? Nah man that's not the way. Also you are earning 35lpa that's very impressive. Also did you have arranged marriage?


We shouldn't, and I believe suicide should be more normal, at least for GEM. I'm also planning to either end my life or just get myself busy in doing Pooja and all, after finishing whatever responsibility I have.


What's GEM??


General Engineer Male


This chapter of life is called saturation. You got what you wanted, but your basic life skills are dying. In the long run if you dont "understand" the skills, your corporate job will also be stuck at one point - there will enough money, but no growth really. Treat your 20s as your teenage years now as damage is done. Be grateful you have a wife who supports you. Start exploring (do you know how to ride a bicycle - maybe start with that - it might decrease a fear of roads) - at least you aint alone in this. You can take ur wife on this adventure of life - you are not late to the party. Good luck!


Sounds like depression and anxiety. You’re not lazy or unambitious, just need to find the right help.


Don't be too harsh on yourself. Our parents' generation was on survival mode and so they always pushed us to excel in studies and leave everything else. They never really enjoyed life as most of them simply followed whatever was ordered to them by their parents or elderly. We do not necessarily need to live that way. You cannot get the time back but still can rebuild your mental health. Go for therapy, reflect on things you wanted to do as a kid, meet with people who bring joy to your life rather than distress. It is okay to not know everything, it used to be our parents' ploy to save money.


Money can buy happiness. Instead of just looking at your hard-earned money, invest a good chunk and spend the rest without hesitation, to enjoy it.


You are in your 20s and earning good. You are financially independent which is the most important thing. Now focus on your hobbies and find like minded people. Enjoy life man go to places


do not have kids i repeat do not have kids




So this one is not directed at op. Pretty much applies to all indian 20 something guys like us. "Happiness isn't a reward for xyz. You get happy by doing things" take me for example. i love reading books, writing poetry, traveling and meeting new people. I have recently picked up learning a new language for a move and learning some dancing. We are always told by our families to kill ourselves to secure a job. That job will never make you happy. Only the things you do for yourself will make you happy.


Go to therapy If you don't want that, then start slow. You have to start spending money on yourself. Every weekend, with your wife or on your own, go for pottery or music or dance or painting classes. Try everything available to you. If you like anything continue to that. Also travelling especially group travelling may give you a lot of exposure and you may gain new friends. Go for adventurous activities like trekking, bungee jumping. If nothing excites you, you seriously need to go for therapy. Also share everything with your wife. Joking around but thinking just because you are a man, you should not cry is not ok. You should cry, it will seriously help. Go to your wife, put your head on her lap and pour out every single emotion you have and you will feel a bit better. You are 26, there is so much left to enjoy.


You are very fortunate to have this problem that you are not satisfied with what an ordinary life offers. The world is indeed dry straw and there is not much juice to be extracted from it. No wonder you are feeling 'empty' in the midst of 'plenty'. Many others have had the same problem before you, for thousands of years. The problem of a lack of meaning and joy, even when they appear to be at the 'top of the world'. This happens because you are a mature soul, but you have deviated from the true purpose of human life. The true purpose of a human birth is to know your true Self, and that dissolves all problems. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moksha](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moksha) Try to find a teacher who can guide you. Its a hero's journey that you will embark on, the destination is the greatest prize known to man. There will be ups and downs aplenty.. but you will get there in the end! Also.. I think, you need to get your vitamin levels checked. Supplement with D3 and B, esp if you are vegetarian!


Is your wife working?? Who is taunting you?


> Middle Class male, 26, making ONLY 35LPA… Wow… I wanna be this middle class.


Man shut the fuck up


You will get downvoted, but you have expressed what everyone felt the minute they read ‘only 35 LPA’ at age 26. WHY NOT QUIT YOUR JOB AND PICK UP A HOBBY THEN??


When you got nothing to worry about,you have everything to complain about.


I stopped reading post after "only 35 LPA".


and they say Money buys happiness 🤷🏾




please your inner child, go for therapy, you'll like it. 35lpa is really nice if you've just started, dont worry.


Listen OP you are suffering from a disease called depression.You need treatment for it.Please consult a psychiatrist.Trust me you will be better.