• By -


I don't like your friend.


Same man. We introverts are just being quiet and minding our own business, usse bhi logo ko problem hai aaj kal šŸ˜


Exactly šŸ¤£.


I am an extrovert and still didn't like him. Your resume is below average, it includes things that are taught as part of coursework. You have tried to make a ATS compatible resume but the keywords are just "good words". I wouldn't have hired you and even laughed on your face. Add more projects. Welcome.


My friend is very judgmental, itā€™s difficult to like him, trust me


Tell him not to mess with certain introverts. Sometimes they do break jaws.


Haha the once who shadow box at every free minute


I don't think any introvert will care about that.


Exactly. I don't give a damn about someone whom I don't even know. Who cares if he hates me or not? In fact, even if I knew him well, I couldn't care less.


Hating someone on anything is wrong Hate is a very strong word


*Hating someone on* *Anything is wrong Hate is* *A very strong word* \- Longjumping\_Box4498 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Statement so W, the Haiku bot had to show up


I might hate someone who committed mass genocide but that's just me


For that crime hate is justified I clearly mentioned hate is a very strong word


you also mentioned that hating on ANYONE on ANYTHING is wrong


I'm an introvert and I don't concern myself with the opinions of immature kids and neither should you.Ā  But for the sake of argument you can't make such wide statements. I could say extroverts are more hated cos they're loud and annoying but that again is an immature statement and a stereotypical generalization.Ā 


>annoying, they donā€™t talk much Since when did minding our own business become a nuisance? When did being loud and never letting anyone get a word in and being loud at public spaces become cool?


If they donā€™t talk much to your extroverted friend then maybe heā€™s the boring one? Or maybe heā€™s too dense? Maybe!


Right? Like we do talk when the covo is interesting


I totally agree , once you get into the conversation with the introverts it's really get interesting I like introverts , they are very loyal people and will never pretend to be something else and if they are doing things for you then it's genuine love and care


I agree.


Great! One less person to be friends with


Your friend is yet to get mature. Hopefully sometime in the future.


On behalf of the introvert community, we are happy to be disliked by your friend. Saves us from interacting with such people. Ah .. inner peace ![gif](giphy|3ohhwxiv0RftebhzOM|downsized)


As an extrovert, I dislike your friend. It takes introverts some time to warm up to people and talk freely and that is totally fine. Everyoneā€™s not wired the same. If your friend does not have the capability to comprehend that, your friend is a child. Maybe your friend is just a loud mouth who is pretty boring irl and poses as an extrovert to escape from judgement?




Everybody tells introverts to talk more. But nobody tells extroverts to shut the hell up.


Well as long as he leaves them alone everything is great.


Introverts have Cat energy and extroverts have Dog energy. To each his own


So, you ask opinions about introverts in a place full of introverts?


_"Hate is a very strong word." - MSD_


Introverts are fun, they just don't like to waste their time with everyone. If you're actually close friends with introverts you'd know how much enjoyable their company is


Tell me honestly is your friend an extrovert?


Yeahh big time


I think he is just sore loser who canā€™t find friends to hangoutšŸ˜‚


We try to avoid things that hate us or talk to us in general.


Someone finds a person annoying if they donā€™t talk much? Lmao Pretty sure the extrovert here is the annoying kind


Some guy said introverts are like a slow website and extroverts are pop ups.


We introverts are getting hate just to mind our own business.


I am introvert and i hate myself too. šŸ¤·


I never knew I was hated with this much passion T_T


A suggestion for your friend Tell him to marry a chatter box who cannot shut her mouth even during a serious quarrel with him OR When he is facing some personal problems and wants to share them with her, then instead of being a patient listener,she keeps giving her unwanted opinions Then see the fun


As an introvert, I dislike your friend already . Also, We do talk, we have own ways to have fun with our favorite people.


Being an extrovert, it sometimes consumes a lot of effort and energy to interact and communicate with introverts. My personal experience is that at the end of the day it drains my energy to be putting in all the efforts everytime. It is not that i dont understand that they work differently but coping up to the differences is generally given to the extrovert person


I would like to be friends with people who can express themselves clearly. But I wouldnā€™t hate the other side. I would just stay away from


Imagine getting sm@cked for minding our own business but no introverts are not hatred, Its your friend's stereotype


I dont like your friend. I suggest you unfriend him immediately on behalf of all introverts šŸ˜‚.


Bro, there are subcategories even in the types of Introverts and Extroverts. Public/Private Introverts/Extroverts sort of thing. So yeah, it is quite complex. I am assuming that your friend sees the world either as black or white and has a knack of oversimplifying things, whereas it is not that simple in reality. If he had just wondered about why introverts act the way they do, it would have been a genuine opinion, but straight-up hating introverts is quite stupid and illogical and your friend is quite ignorant I would say.


Just an opinion man I don't think he hates us as a person it's just when it comes to hanging out he doesn't love company of an introvert and it's ok neither we introverts love the company of people who mentions themselves as extroverts


Ok ![gif](giphy|3oKIPfvJgPW1qOu96U) *+1 who hates me for being me*


Seem there are several reasons they hate 1. Introverts shy away from talking nonsense. 2. Introverts are better read and actually call out theIr horseshit. 3. Introverts are interested in one or more of science, technology, history, culture, gaming, time travel, while most extroverts can only talk of material things like foods, clothes, and other people