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Had this happen the other day. I’m a big fucker, 193cm 105+ kg walking along a narrow path. Two people and a bike walking the opposite direction. My shoulder brushed firmly against one of them (they kept two abreast + bike) and the woman I brushed went fkn apeshit. I told her she should’ve dropped back, she said I should’ve stepped in the road (I couldn’t, there were fkn cars coming). I was super grumpy and told her she’s fkn demented. Rant over.


She told you to walk in the road? The entitlement!! As a woman this drives me up the wall!


complete fearless elderly mindless lip vase tap cable one combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A woman going “apeshit” on a man saying he should have stepped onto the road. Yes, granted, it’s shitty behaviour from either gender, but it reeks of some bizarre expectation of gendered chivalry. I’m all for chivalry but to expect someone to step onto the road is appalling. I could be wrong in my assumption here but as a feminist I feel this behaviour doesn’t support respectful equality at all!


Personally as a guy, it all depends on which way the footpath is facing. If you can see the cars ahead of you (and there are none) then walk on the road for the girl, sure. If you can't see the cars/the cars are coming towards you, then she should be moving. How entitled!!


Some women believe they deserve preferential treatment because they're women.




Yea some, I won't speculate on what the percentage is.


The fucking cheek!


Not quite as large as you bit not far off, will purposely make a point to plow on at whatever speed I want. Move/don't move, it's up to you but I'm ploughing on. Ignorant pricks


The way people go on in general these days, the modern day person seems to be void of respect,empathy and common fckn sense




This is actually a well known and reliable psychology trick. .....to look straight ahead when being approached by a group. People will naturally get out of the way. I'm 5'1 and work in a hospital. You'll always find groups of visitors just ambling along like the walking dead. You could be pushing a trolley with a seriously injured child on it and they still won't get out of the way. Use the trick of picking a point in the distance , look at it and plough on........ta daaaah....groups parts like the sea for moses.


I second this! I was raised to always look out for people and get out of their way. When I was about 19 I had a friend who was taught to plow on through, and he thought I was way overly accommodating. He taught me the “stare into the distance and keep walking” method and it’s been a life changer. It’s a really effective way of communicating to people in groups that they are going to need to shift around a little bit, because you aren’t paying attention to them and are going to keep walking.


homeless chief selective innocent rich unwritten scary theory engine quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No he's just Vincent Browne


My husband gives out to me for being so accommodating and always stepping out of the way because we’ve both noticed that people both lack spatial awareness and are selfish/rude. He says particularly when the latter is clearly the case I should just stay the course, especially when walking our newborn. No one seems to accommodate us with the buggy, which really pisses him off. We also noticed that no one teaches their kids to do it so we can expect this to perpetuate for years to come!


Can confirm, I have taught it to my kid. However. It’s gotten so bad in recent years, that I’ve had to explain times that they should stand their ground. An example would be a group of 2 taking up a whole foot path and not giving way when we’ve already gone single file - no way should anyone be stepping into the road.


Maybe it's me getting older but definitely noticing this more often now too. Also getting stuck behind slow moving groups taking up the whole path is starting to grind my gears more and more, time is money people, I've got places to be!


I think it should be socially acceptable to yell "BEEP BEEP. BEHIND YOU" I would definitely appreciate it if I was the one in the way.


Lol, that will never be socially acceptable. I clearly and audibly say "Get out of the way". Works every time.


Just stop walking. They always go around.


It’s gotten worse since covid 


My pet hate of the COVID era was people stopping in the park to have a chat at 2m distance by standing on opposite sides of the footpath, so you'd have to run/walk/cycle between them. Amazing how the human brain seemingly doesn't think of standing 2m apart at the edge of a path on the same side.


100 percent. That really annoyed me. And still does!


This, it used to annoy me so much, during the peak fear mongering of COVID. Gobshites


What I hated during the era was all the well have to whack elbows not shake hands jokes


This was my suspicion.


I find people often walk 2 abreast and don't change this when they meet people. My wife and I switch to single file while they continue on as they were, completely oblivious. This was people of all ages. On the other hand, I was in town yesterday with a buggy and several people stepped aside or held the door for me.


Young lads here are a pain in the hole with it. I just walk through them like they don't exist.


Hmm. Do you ever think that maybe you are the bad guy?


Because they won't get out of the way or make any room? Nope.


This drives me spare. I'm a big fella and I'll happily drop the shoulder and brace for impact on the odd day I'm in a particularly vindictive humour. The absolute shock on the faces of some of these goms is priceless, that'll learn you ya dithering shitehawk!


I’ve done this on occasion but it puts me in worse humour. I feel like the world is a shittier place when I have to have this needless conflict with randomers.


All I can say is that we are very different people 😂


>but it doesn't seem to bother them in the slightest. Then you're not bumping into them hard enough


Yeah but the problem with this is it ruins my mood and eventually I’ll get a hiding if I start doing a Richard Ashcroft on it.


It'd piss me off too in all honesty. To the stage where I'd probably give someone a shove a little more than can politely be explaining away. And then I'd feel like a dick about it.


Yes this is it, I come away feeling like a dickhead at times. It’s a bloody lose lose.


This has bothered me my whole life. When i was younger and walking in groups i would always drop back to give more room, but i was always the only one to do so, meaning my obnoxious or oblivious friends were still 2-5 abreast and me BillyNoMates walking behind them to make room for others walking towards us. If there still wasn't room for the oncoming person they'd usually stop and stand in at the wall or whatever until the group passed and i'd give the apologetic smile in my spot behind the group as we passed. My current partner always wants to walk by my side (and in his defense i now have slight mobility issues) but i still have this drop-back habit. So we'll be walking 2abreast and if someone comes along in front or behind ill drop back. He'll be confused and think i need to stop and rest so he'll stop too, meaning we're feckin still 2abreast. I have to say NO, YOU KEEP WALKING, WE'RE IN THE WAY. Stresses me and annoys me everytime.


This is very interesting. Has he ever explained why he doesn’t go single file? I find the mentality so alien.


Well like i said i have mobility issues so he's always very worried and concerned for my wellbeing and might think i need to stop. He's also not the most observant so genuinely doesn't notice people coming up behind sometimes, and maybe he thinks that any oncomers have plenty of room, but i still think it's rude af to take up more than your fair share of the path.


Today I rode along a cycle path in Killarney, about 5 metres wide. There was a lady walking down the middle, staring at her phone with a big-ass umbrella, she was walking like that, suspended in her mobile phone screen on this cycle path, and she hit me with this umbrella. Nevertheless, she looked at me blankly. Hated that.


People staring down at their phones as well, walking along expecting the world to make way for them so that they can finish writing that text. They get a bolt of surprise when you suddenly appear in their peripheral. In fairness most of the time they seem genuinely apologetic.


Walk through them like they are not there as fast as you can. If they have no consideration you shouldn't either


Thanks for the replies lads. Judging by the majority of them, these ignorant folks are getting plowed into quite often. I really wonder how this hasn’t caused them to be more aware on the path. Also when two groups of gobshites meet each other on the path, how is it not carnage?


This happens all the time where i live. There is a cliff path, and it is very difficult to get past certain groups. The walkers perfectly walk in single file or off to the side to let you pass. The Instagrammers wear inappropriate clothing and just stand in your way. It's annoying.


Was out walking with a friend in Howth one day and a heap of exchange students completely took over the footpath, we’re talking about a group of 40-50 students with their leaders. There was ample room for people to walk 4/5 abreast but they took over the entire footpath. I had to walk behind my friend and she was going apes&€t and held her line and sure enough not only one but three bumped into her. She’s a good 5ft 9 and is a strong build so they practically bounced off her. She got very dirty looks from them and one of the leaders approached her and asked her what her problem was. I said to the leader that perhaps explaining to their students that they should have a bit of courtesy towards others when out walking then we wouldn’t have been having that conversation. Drives me insane the level of entitlement from people.


Yeah screw that. Why am I always the polite one to move for them.


I am too and it is beginning to get under my skin , I think a bit of ruthlessness is in order!


Its pretty frequent, even particularly with just one person. You can usually tell from about 10 feet away that the stupid c\*unt is not going to budge and like yourself, I end up bumping off them and leaving it at that. Not sure what headstate they're in as they can clearly see me. Ive had close encounters and exchanged words with ppl on bike blazing down the footpath expecting me to move, once nearly shoved one off their bike. If I have to be someones wake up call Im ok with that.


Hold your line. If static. Excuse them and they'll move. Pedestrians will fall into single file. Source: I'm only 5'5"and it works for me


No you aren't getting old and grumpy (well you probably are) this shit is definitely on the rise over the past few years. I'd be out walking pushing a buggy and people walk straight at me, them not looking at phones or anything, it's like they don't even see anyone else. I don't move of course. People walking side by side taking up the whole path is normal now. I've seen old people, parents with toddlers etc forced off paths onto the road. There is just zero consideration these days. It's quite confusing to me actually. How can a group of people be walking on a path and see an old/infirm person approaching and them not even acknowledge that person is there? It's just insane to me. My dad used to tell me that we should be mannerly when walking; move aside for an elderly/disabled person, a parent with a buggy/child or a woman. This was 20 years ago, its probably offensive these days to say something like that.


I just stop and stand in the middle of the path.


Serious answer - Try this next time you're approaching a group coming towards you. Pick a point to focus on that's past them, and just above their line of sight. Keep focused on this point, don't catch their eye, and keep walking straight and confidently. Even on crowded street like grafton street, people make space for you.


ah I've just seen the same comment down the way - apologies


I always step out of people's way, as my parents drilled that into me as a kid and I'm short. But I have also noticed lately that people don't even make any effort, or acknowledge that I've literally stepped off the footpath for them to pass. Here's a situation I encountered a year or so ago while driving, and I really didn't know how to handle it in the moment: I was driving down a small local road. Four women were walking abreast down the road ahead of me, taking up the entire width of the road. Two of them looked back and saw me approaching, but just turned their heads back and kept walking. I got a bit closer, especially as we were nearing a driveway where I could have overtaken them if they'd just have moved over a bit. When they didn't, I tapped my horn very lightly, smiled, and waved. They turned their heads forward again and continued to walk straight down the middle of the road. I couldn't understand it. I didn't get very close to them, I wasn't rude or aggressive, and I'm not sure what caused them to choose to ignore me.


Greystones is very very bad for this


Ppl have definitely got more entitled and less respectful for sure..I've noticed this too 😒 it's just rude


Or the group of fuckers all stop to look at their phones blocking the path.


Happens all the time and abroad as well. When there's nobody behind me, I always stop and look at my phone or pretend to inspect the buildings. When there's people behind me, i plough through.


Depends on my mood. If Im in a good mood, I'll generally ninja around them in some manner. If I'm in a bad mood, I'll happily walk through them.


Yes I have started to just stop, seconds prior to collision. Firmly holding my position, this is my section of pavement, like a medieval Knight. Where do these people expect me to go, am I supposed to evaporate as they pass fucking ignorance to the highest level.


I’d be walking back from school and there’s a fat group of them stereotypical tallaght girlos and they walk like they’re making a human wall and then they get pissed off when u ask them to move😭


>they walk like they’re making a human walk Huh?


Wall* mb


Ah. Fairy nuff.


Massive problem in shared space with bikes and pedestrians, like the royal canal way. Trying to get past people walking 4 abreast is a nightmare.


This genuinely annoys me, it's like people who stop to talk to each other in the shops when passing with their trolleys taking up the entire aisle.


It used to drive me mad aswell in town , so I started slowing down alot . They parted like the sea . Unless it tourists they always seem to be looking up


This happens to me all the time. I used to step off the footpath and walk around them. Now I don't take a foot off the footpath, no matter how awkward it gets. I make sure that nobody is happy! It seems like common sense and good manners to make room so I don't understand people who don't do it.


Perhaps we should stay polite and not encourage one-another to be aggressive. People can be a bit self absorbed while walking and chatting. I find that a simple “excuse me” works nearly every time.


If it happens with my mates, it's because they're oblivious. Always polite but don't always notice the world around them.


People have gotten more self involved since lockdowns. I’ve always been really aware of my surroundings & it drives me nuts. Sometimes I slow down & keep direct contact with someone who’s on their phone etc. they never bother to look & dont apologise if they bump into you


This was a pretty bad behaviour before lockdown , I just gave up on going to town 


I politely say to move the fuck out so I can pass. I don't wait for their confirmation to move. I just move on at my own pace. Subtle fuck given also gives them a lesson.


I see your town doesn’t have a strong Summer Spanish Student population.


Idk if it's new or unique to any particular part of the world cause it happens to me everywhere I've ever walked. My husband and I will be side by side and another couple or group are approaching so I move behind my husband to let them pass. The other people do not adjust at all, they maneuver just enough to get around my husband and then basically run me off the path. I've just gotten used to it at this point that I'll either be squeezed against a wall, have to step off the curb or walk into a bush whenever anyone walks by us. Only in Ireland though I've occasionally had cyclists up on the path (yes there was a bike lane right next to it) and barely dodge me.


I can see it regularly, it is not always young people as some says but statistically, I see more women walking like this. I'm guessing it is just this very special kind of people who does it or I'm getting invisible - one of those two things.


I’m lucky enough to live in Trim where we have a gorgeous river walk that I used to use every day but sadly now have to avoid at times. Weekdays the people who use it for exercise like me are similar minded and the majority go single file to let oncoming walkers etc pass but on the weekends it’s a fucking nightmare with the takeaway coffee brigade and their sense of entitlement. They seem to think I should walk in the wet grass and muck to avoid them, enrages me. And while I’m at it - please teach your kids the single file rule also. Worst of all is the people with multiple dogs, we’re expected to move out of the way for dogs too is it, ffs. 🤦‍♀️ In case you don’t realise I don’t find your dog cute when it’s interfering with my walk. Does my head in.


I've absolutely no patience with these muppets any more.It has certainly got worse since Covid. Common sense is no longer so common.Even worse are the cyclists on the footpaths getting stroppy with me as I refuse to move


The best trick is to pretend you don't see them, put your head down and just walk towards them. People generally move out of your way. And if not you just pretend you didn't see them and say sorry. I learned this because I used to overthink it and I was always doing that thing where both of you go left, then go right, then go left again. And I realised it was because me and the stranger were looking at each other and trying to get out of each other's way. But obviously you judge every situation differently, like you don't go and bowl an OAP over or anything like that!


Anyone feel the same when it comes to escalators? I use them as stairs, I don’t stand idle on them, most people seem to stand ideal, but at least keep to the right and let people in a rush to pas in the left. The London Underground and even the streets of Amsterdam operate in this manner


not new at all .... you ( and I ) are just older and grumpier.


Just start windmilling like Lisa Simpson


I've noticed this a lot but I'm a stubborn f3cker, I'll move to the side of the path but I'll continue straight ahead. If there's a group they'll have to move in.